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Products containing antioxidants in large quantities table. Antioxidants

Women who want to always look young, in addition to caring for their skin, it is recommended to use natural antioxidants that are present in the simplest products.

What are antioxidants and how do they work?

On our planet, almost always, destruction processes take place with the participation of oxygen through oxidation. We get sick, gradually grow old, and this, very roughly, can be called the process of oxidation. Painful conditions occur in the body with the formation of free radicals.

Their excess leads to lipid peroxidation - the basis of cell membranes - and, as a result, to disruption of the functions of cell membranes of the body, to health disorders and premature aging. The body has a system of antioxidant defense, which is divided into primary (antioxidants-enzymes) and secondary (antioxidants-vitamins).

This system works with us from birth, all our lives, gradually weakening over the years. Therefore, there is a need for its nourishment and support.

How Antioxidants Work

Selenium is extremely unevenly distributed in the earth's crust - almost the entire territory of Russia is selenium deficient.

Antioxidants in food: table

To find out in more detail which foods are antioxidants and how many antioxidant units they contain, you should read this table:

Top 10 best products- antioxidants that are beneficial to health (antioxidant units per 100 grams): table

All of the above antioxidants stimulate the immune system, which is important for those who want to stay young for a long time: as you know, it is because of diseases that the body ages much faster.

Due to the positive effect of antioxidants on the human body, it is possible to “slow down” aging and prevent many diseases, therefore it is recommended to use products containing them already with childhood absolutely everyone.

Antioxidants in plants and herbs

Bioflavonoids are plant-derived substances similar in structure to human estrogens (sometimes referred to as phytoestrogens). Different plants contain their own composition of flavonoids, which largely determine medicinal properties extract.

Medicinal plants and herbs antioxidants

For example, the unique properties of grape seed extract are due to the presence of proanthocyanidins (bioflavonoids with very powerful antioxidant activity), blueberries contain anthocyanins (blue bioflavonoids), etc.

Bioflavonoids are blue and green plant pigments that form antioxidant cocktails in which various antioxidants restore each other and exhibit synergistic action. Aqueous herbal extracts almost always contain bioflavonoids of some sort.

Antioxidants in cosmetics

In cosmetics, the antioxidant Superoxide dismutase (SOD) of animal, microbial and plant origin is used.

Where is Superoxide dismutase found: plants whose extracts exhibit SOD-like activity - sea buckthorn, witch hazel, ginkgo biloba, horse chestnut, green tea and some others.

  • Seasonality (winter-spring period),
  • Disease,
  • advanced age,
  • hard physical labor,
  • Sports.

In these situations, it is advisable to choose a food supplement that is made from natural raw materials (herbs, fruits, etc.) or take balanced vitamin and mineral complexes.

Antioxidants are substances that slow down the oxidation process in organic compounds. We are interested in them in a medical context, i.e. as substances that (according to the hypothesis of the adverse effect of free radicals) help the body at the cellular level. The table lists the names of antioxidants and foods that can contain them in adequate amounts.

Antioxidants in foods - table

Foods High in Antioxidants
Component Where it is contained (products) Potential benefits


beta carotene Carrots, various fruits Able to neutralize free radicals, protects cells as an antioxidant
Lutein, Zeaxanthin Kale, spinach, corn, eggs, citrus fruits Helps Maintain Healthy Vision
Lycopene Tomatoes, tomato products Helps maintain men's health, in particular the normal functioning of the prostate, reduces the risk of developing diseases of the cardiovascular system, chronic diseases

Water soluble vitamins

Ascorbic acid (vitamin C) Rose hips, Barbados cherry, blackcurrant (especially leaves), broccoli, papaya, strawberry, orange, lemon, spinach, kale Protects against unstable radicals in the aqueous components of the cell and extracellular fluid.
Can regenerate other antioxidants such as vitamin A and vitamin E. As a regenerating factor, it can neutralize hydrogen peroxide and other reactive oxygen species


Anthocyanins Berries, cherries, red grapes, acai berries, pomegranate Supports Antioxidant Protection of Cells, Supports Brain Function
Flavonoids - catechins, epicatechins, procyanidins Tea, cocoa, chocolate, apples, grapes Supports heart function
Flavanones Citrus Able to neutralize free radicals, support antioxidant protection of cells
Flavanols Onions, apples, tea, broccoli
Proanthocyanidins Cranberries, cocoa, apples, strawberries, grapes, wine, peanuts, cinnamon Helps support urinary tract and heart health
Quercetin Citrus, evening primrose, onion, green tea, sunflower, apple, cranberry, garlic Have anti-inflammatory and properties
Rutin Onion, garlic, celery, asparagus, citrus fruits, green tea


Sulforaphane Cauliflower, broccoli, cabbage, horseradish Enhances detoxification for unwanted compounds and supports cellular antioxidant defenses

carboxylic acids

Alpha Tocopherol (Vitamin E) Vegetable and seed oils, whole grains, green leafy vegetables Protection of cell membranes
caffeic, ferulic acid Apples, pears, citrus fruits, some vegetables Supports antioxidant protection of cells. Helps maintain healthy vision and heart health

Sulfides / Thiols

Diallyl disulfide, allyl methyl trisulfide Garlic, onion, leek, green onion Helps support heart health and healthy immune function
Dithioltion Cruciferous vegetables such as broccoli, cabbage, bok choy, collard greens Immune Support

Oxidation processes are constantly taking place in the human body. It is they who cause the appearance of free radicals, which are talked about so much in last years. These are unstable molecules with unpaired electrons that “hunt” for other molecules and “take away” electrons from them. If there are too many free radicals, the chemical balance of the body is disturbed, which leads to the appearance of diseases. Foods containing antioxidants help to normalize the state of the body.

The eternal struggle: antioxidants against free radicals

It is commonly believed that free radicals are the worst enemies of our body. Their "involvement" in the appearance of cancerous tumors and heart disease has been proven. An excess of unstable molecules weakens the immune system, accelerates aging. Yet a small amount of free radicals is necessary. The body uses them as a weapon against pathogenic bacteria.

The problem is not the free radicals themselves, but their excess. To prevent it, you should include foods high in antioxidants in the diet, which normalize the chemical balance.

Moreover, attempts to replace them with synthetic analogues rarely give satisfactory results, because the molecules of substances of artificial origin are not identical to natural ones.

Antioxidants bind free radicals by stabilizing them with oxygen atoms. The body synthesizes them on its own and receives them from the outside in the form of foods rich in vitamins, minerals, and phytonutrients. Vegetables, fruits, berries contain the largest amount of antioxidants, so their use is important not only in terms of harmony, but also for good health and long youth.

The degree of antioxidant protection is determined by the ORAC index. The higher the score, the better the products fight free radicals. The most powerful antioxidant foods are wild-picked fruits and berries. Varietal plants are inferior to them, but also effective.

Some condiments have record high ORAC values, so it is also very desirable to include them in the menu.

Check out our list of antioxidant foods to spruce up your menu. It is not difficult.

TOP 12 Best Antioxidant Foods

The complete table of antioxidant-rich foods includes over 500 items. We propose to pay attention to the 12 most affordable of them. Choose the best antioxidant foods to add to your diet today.

    Prunes. Plums are useful fresh and dried, so they can be enjoyed regardless of the season. Berries improve the functioning of the digestive system, help cleanse the body.

    Cocoa. Cocoa beans contain flavanol, a powerful antioxidant. It is preserved during heat treatment, so a cup of cocoa in winter will not only warm you, but also prolong your youth. An additional plus of the drink: it lowers blood pressure and improves blood supply to the brain.

    Ginger. Ginger root is available in almost any supermarket. It strengthens the immune system, fights infections, neutralizes free radicals, cleanses the body of toxins.

    Raisin. In terms of its antioxidant properties, raisins are inferior to prunes, but they resist bacteria well, help with anemia, diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, heart and kidneys.

    Natural coffe. A cup of aromatic drink will invigorate, cheer you up and delay aging. All this does not apply instant coffee its impact is questionable.

    Walnuts. Any nuts are good. It is an invaluable source of protein, vitamins and minerals. Walnuts lead in the amount of antioxidants.

    Red beans. All types of beans have a positive effect on the body, but red beans are beyond competition. It contains a sea of ​​vitamins of groups B, K, C, PP, E, A, carotene. If you want to improve the condition of your skin and hair, be sure to include beans in your diet.

    White tea. Other types of tea are also useful, but they are inferior to white on the ORAC index. There is a caveat: any tea should be drunk immediately after brewing, otherwise some of the active substances are destroyed.

    Natural red wine. The drink contains the powerful antioxidant resveratrol and has other beneficial features: lowers cholesterol, fights bacteria, improves the functioning of the digestive tract.

    Olive oil. All vegetable oils contain vitamin E, a natural antioxidant, but olive oil contains the most. Better choose unrefined oil first pressing.

    Garlic. We all know about the benefits of garlic since childhood. It not only protects against the flu, but also neutralizes free radicals. He, too, should not be forgotten.

    Cabbage. This product can be eaten several times a day and not repeated meals. Include in the menu all types of cabbage - broccoli, white and red cabbage, Brussels sprouts, cauliflower, Savoy. A more affordable product is hard to imagine.

You can add your favorite foods high in antioxidants to this list and create a healthy, varied menu based on it.

The main thing about the sources of antioxidants in the daily diet

Oxidation processes occur in the body all the time, so food rich in antioxidants should be on the table every day, regardless of the season. In order not to forget about this, compose your menu by following simple rules:

    Try to choose those products that you are used to since childhood, although variety also sometimes does not hurt.

    Add healthy spices to ready meals - cloves, black pepper, cinnamon, turmeric.

    If there is a need to adjust the menu, when choosing new products, pay attention to the ORAC index.

Powerful antioxidants in the diet are a delicious prevention of terrible diseases. Take the opportunity to improve your menu!

Antioxidant products are combined into a single ORAC table “Oxygen radical adsorbance capacity”. The table shows the ability of each product to bind and neutralize free radicals. Antioxidants in foods are attracting the attention of scientists and consumers. A single index of protection against free radicals has been developed.

The ORAC index made it possible to compare products according to a certain protective function. Natural antioxidants are substances of natural origin. First of all, they are necessary for the plants themselves to protect against diseases and viruses. Plants produce these substances in order to survive in the face of adverse factors.

Antioxidant foods slow down the aging process

Antioxidants enter the human body with food, and today with food supplements. They continue to act to protect healthy cells and resist the oxidation process. Antioxidants can not only fight some diseases, but also slow down the aging process.

The theory of aging associated with free radicals has not been conclusively proven. Although the use of antioxidant products slows down the oxidative processes in the body. Phytonutrients protect cells from free radical damage.

Our body itself produces a certain amount of radicals to protect against certain diseases. When the number of radicals increases, they destroy the cells of the body. Free radicals are molecules that have an unpaired "free" electron. They are unstable and easily enter into chemical reactions, disrupting the structure of other molecules.

A chain reaction of cell damage begins. Antioxidants help stop this destructive process. Many free radicals are formed with intense ultraviolet irradiation, with various diseases, stress, smoking.

It is estimated that when passive smoking, inhaling cigarette smoke, about 300 billion free radicals are produced in the body. Each cell is attacked approximately 10,000 times a day. Under these conditions, the body needs additional protection.

What does the ORAC Antioxidant Defense Index show?

The antioxidant protection index shows how great the ability of a substance to bind free radicals. This does not take into account the amount of product taken, but the ability to neutralize. The index is measured in thousands of units. Plants collected in places of "wild" growth have the greatest activity. Vegetables and fruits grown on farms and farms have less antioxidant protection.

How is the index of antioxidant activity determined?

The ORAC unit was originally developed at the National Institute on Aging (USA) over two decades ago. It is currently not possible to measure the activity of phytonutrients inside the human body. Therefore, experiments are carried out in a test tube.

The product to be tested for antioxidant activity is ground into tiny particles. In laboratory conditions, phytonutrients with antioxidant activity are isolated. Free radicals are added to them and complex chemical activity is observed.

As a result of the experiment, conclusions are drawn about the ability of a particular product to bind radicals. Currently, there is no indication of antioxidant protection on packages of dietary supplements or other products. This issue is being discussed in some European countries. Such information would help the consumer to draw the right conclusions about the benefits of a particular product.

This is a question of the future. Today you can download the ORAC table on the Internet. Information about antioxidant products will help you adjust your diet and get more nutrients. The database contains approximately 500 products and the table is regularly updated. Scientists, not without reason, conclude that the closer to the beginning the product is located, the stronger its antioxidant properties.

Seaweed ranks first among antioxidant products

Red seaweeds top the list of antioxidant foods. They contain a powerful antioxidant, astaxanthin. The antioxidant capacity of astaxanthin is 6000 times greater than vitamin C, 800 times greater than coenzyme Q10, 550 times greater than vitamin E. As with any antioxidant, it is not possible to measure the effect in the human body.

In addition to algae, astaxanthin was found in the body of marine animals, red fish, caviar, crustacean shells. Marine life does not produce astaxanthin on its own, but receives it with food. This antioxidant is of plant origin.

However, when we eat a serving of salmon, we get some astaxanthin. Astaxanthin is more a rare event in nature than vitamin C. In fact, there are only a few natural sources of astaxanthin. The most accessible of them is wild salmon.

To obtain required amount, you will have to eat 4 huge portions of salmon a day. Therefore, many nutritionists recommend taking astaxanthin as food additive. ORAC astaxanthin from red seaweed 2822200 (µmol per 100g)

Spices lead among antioxidant foods

The top positions of the list are firmly occupied by spices. The first place among them belongs to the carnation. Cloves are fragrant dried flower buds. They collect cloves in Indonesia, India, Madagascar, Pakistan, etc.

Cloves are followed by amla (or Indian gooseberry), oregano, rosemary and the list goes on. There are also skeptics. After all, the index of antioxidant activity is calculated per 100 gr. product. It is impossible to use such an amount of spices. The bioavailability of the product is also not taken into account.

One thing is laboratory research, another is real consumption, when it is impossible to measure the indicator in the human body. Nevertheless, spices and spices are powerful biologically active beneficial antioxidant products that must be used in food, albeit in small quantities. Let's look at the list:

  • Astaxanthin (from microalgae) 2822200
  • Clove Spice 290283
  • Indian gooseberry (Amla), dried 261500
  • Sorghum bran 240000
  • Dried oregano 175295
  • Dried rosemary 165280
  • Peppermint leaves, dried 160820
  • Dried thyme 157380
  • Chaga Mushroom Extract 146700
  • Baobab powder, dried 140000
  • Cinnamon Powder 131420
  • Turmeric Powder 127068
  • Vanilla 122400
  • Sage 119929
  • Rosehip 96150
  • Dried marjoram 92310
  • Dried parsley 73670
  • Nutmeg 69640
  • Cumin 50372
  • Curry powder 48504

We will not give the entire table in a short article. You can easily download it from the Internet. Here are some products that are easy to find and available to everyone. You already know the ORAC index and will pay special attention to them. The leading positions are occupied by berries, pomegranate and pomegranate juice, nuts, vegetables, leafy greens.

  • Cocoa powder without sugar 55653
  • Lingonberry 20300
  • Red chilli 19631
  • Chokeberry 16062
  • Ginger root 14840
  • Golden raisins 10450
  • Hazelnut 9645
  • Dried pears 9496
  • Prunes 8059
  • Black currant 7957
  • Pistachios 7675
  • Lentils 7282
  • Dried apples 6681
  • Plums 6100
  • Garlic 5708
  • Raspberry 5065
  • Grenades 4479
  • Almond 4454
  • Fresh dill 4392
  • Red apples with skin 4275
  • Red wine 3607
  • Golden apples with skin 2670
  • Red cabbage 2496
  • Oat flakes 2183
  • Broccoli 2160
  • Oranges 2103
  • Savoy cabbage 2050
  • Raw beets 1776
  • Lemon 1346
  • Green tea 1253
  • Kiwi 1210
  • Black tea 1128
  • Green salad 1017
  • Bow 913
  • Cabbage 856
  • Red bell pepper 821
  • Flax seeds 800
  • Bananas 795
  • Tomatoes 546
  • Pumpkin 483
  • Carrot 436
  • White boiled rice 30

This is not the whole table. The index is not a constant value and may vary depending on the variety, growing conditions, preparation method. The index of antioxidant activity is calculated for 100 gr. product. Is there a consumption limit?

How much antioxidant foods should you eat?

For a healthy person, there is a norm for the consumption of antioxidant products. It ranges from 5 to 7 thousand ORAC units daily. This amount fits into a balanced daily diet. This is an average. Is it a lot or a little? In fact, it is not difficult to obtain such an amount.

Pomegranate, raisins, a handful of dried fruits, a glass of rosehip broth, a cup of real cocoa will replenish your diet with antioxidant products. Be sure to eat vegetables and fruits. A simple rule of 4 fruits a day will completely cover the need for antioxidants.

Pay attention to apples in fresh and dried form. Forest and garden berries, both fresh and frozen, are especially rich in antioxidants. Foods rich in antioxidants are available to everyone. Armed with knowledge, it is important to make the right choice in favor of a healthy diet.

In this material, we will tell you how to maintain healthy, elastic, velvety skin with the help of rescuers - natural antioxidants.

Compilation The 10 most powerful natural antioxidants and their effect on the condition, structure, and health of the skin

1. Vitamin C

Truly outstanding antioxidant properties vitamin C- it stimulates the function of cells that synthesize the main protein of the skin - collagen, ensures the normal permeability of capillary membranes, improves their elasticity and strength.

In addition, "ascorbic acid" prevents the destruction of other antioxidants in the body - retinol, vitamin E, selenium, protects the skin from ultraviolet radiation.

A large amount of vitamin C is found in currants, citrus fruits, strawberries, kiwi, viburnum, garden greens, sweet peppers, broccoli, potatoes, spinach.

2. Vitamin E

A - tocopherol, or - vitamin E, he is the "vitamin of youth." It has a unique ability to protect cell membranes. It is found in large quantities in cold-pressed vegetable oils, especially those obtained from wheat germ, nuts, liver, pike perch, salmon, squid, dried apricots, prunes.

Carotenoids: β-carotene, retinol, lycopene, etc.. Provides effective protection of the skin from the sun's rays. Accelerate epithelialization, eliminate the feeling of dryness and prevent skin exfoliation.

Vitamin A and carotene enhance the production of collagen, and accordingly, they can significantly delay the appearance of the first deep wrinkles in time, and make the network of fine wrinkles almost invisible.

The greatest amount of carotenoids is present in the pigments of plants that have an orange and red color; they are rich in oils of sea buckthorn, rose hips, carrots, palm oil; high content lycopene differ tomatoes.


Or - plant polyphenols, have the strongest antioxidant activity and are similar in structure to human estrogens, they are also called phytoestrogens.

It is known that in women after 30, the production of sex hormones gradually decreases: estrogen, progesterone, etc., and this immediately affects appearance skin: it becomes dry, thinner, covered with a network of wrinkles.

Many people solve this problem by using creams that contain hormones, but, alas, they have a number of serious contraindications. The use of creams with phytoestrogens (stearins, isoflavones, flavones, lignans) is an excellent solution in this case, when “both the wolves are full and the sheep are safe”: the skin looks hydrated and well-groomed without adverse consequences for it.

Lots of phytoestrogens soy, red clover, alfalfa, wild yam, dwarf palm, hops, grapes.

Polyphenols also support the endocrine balance of the body, have a powerful capillary-strengthening effect, reduce hypoxia and increase the level of oxygen saturation of the skin, due to which metabolic processes are activated in it.

Foods rich in polyphenols include red wine, grapes, apples, onions, green and black teas, olive oil, and aqueous herbal extracts.


E This is a special group of flavonoids, which has a pronounced radioprotective effect.

Thanks to catechins, vitamin C is better absorbed and accumulated in the body, the elasticity and firmness of capillaries increases, thereby protecting the skin from the appearance of "stars" and vascular network on it.

Catechins are found in large quantities in all types of tea.


An enzyme that works on the front line of the cell's "defense line" - inside its "energy depots" - mitochondria.

Especially effectively SOD-containing cosmetics solve the problem of wrinkle prevention, since SOD does not allow "cross-linking" of protein collagen molecules.

Superoxide dismutase is produced in our body, it is also present in almost all animal and plant products.

Plants whose extracts have SOD-like activity are widely used in cosmetology: witch hazel, sea buckthorn ginkgo biloba, tea leaf, horse chestnut, etc.

7. Coenzyme Q

Molecule of the "code of youth" of the skin. Participates in the process of energy production directly in the mitochondria, and it is them that actively protects against oxidative attacks.

Coenzyme, as an obligatory component, is part of anti-aging masks, serums, creams.

Red palm oil, beef, herring, peanuts, pistachios, sesame have a large amount of Coenzyme Q.


It is a complex of unsaturated fatty acids. Perfectly proved to be in the composition of cosmetics for the care of inflamed, thinned, aging skin.

Vitamin F strengthens cell membranes, restores the hydrolipid mantle of the skin, and, accordingly, makes it more elastic.

Most vitamin F is found in cold-pressed oils: olive, soybean, linseed, corn, sunflower; its high content is distinguished by sea fish, nuts, avocados, oatmeal.