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Mobile version of War Thunder for Android. War Thunder - air battles for Android Download war thunder storm of war for android

War thunder for android appeared quite recently, but has already managed to win the love of many players. Of course, there are difficulties, in particular, in order to download war Thunder for Android and start playing, you will need at least 3.5 GB of memory on your smartphone. Must also be installed operating system Android 4.4 and above, so you won't be able to play on older devices. However, if your smartphone supports the game, we recommend downloading war thunder to your phone and enjoy the battle.

Features of the game on the phone

Many players are worried that the smartphone will be difficult to manage. In fact, you quickly get used to and understand the intricacies of aircraft control. Why did we mention aviation in particular? Because so far the developers have not provided other machines. Yes, in the mobile version you can only enjoy flights and air battles.

First of all, this is due to the large volume of the game. After all, even with the presence of only air vehicles, the weight is almost 4 GB. But at the same time, more than 450 models will be available to you, just like in the computer version of the game. The features of the game are as follows:

  • presented a large number of planes of the Second World War;
  • if the player has an account on the computer, he can connect it to the gadget;
  • graphics quality is on top;
  • realism and plausibility allow you to enjoy the game moment;
  • comfortable control will make it possible to perform even complex maneuvers and perform combat missions;
  • several interesting maps are presented, although they are limited in size, but nevertheless the textures are drawn with high quality;
  • statistics and all the necessary data are visible;
  • it is very easy to download war thunder for android for free both from the official site and from other resources;
  • high internet speed is not required, you can play even with mobile internet.

The game was able to win the love of fans and acquire new users. In the future, the developers will probably prepare a version with tanks and ships. Perhaps, to lighten the weight of the game, they will be separate.

You can download war thunder for Android both on the official website and on various platforms. Enjoy the graphics, storyline and gameplay.

War Thunder for Android is a cross-platform military simulation client application from the Russian developer Gaijin Entertainment. The game is only being tested on this platform, so there are some restrictions: only air battles are available.

War Thunder features

The developers pay great attention to historical accuracy, so the game features models of real-life aircraft of the 30-50s of the last century. Aircraft are divided into classes and lines of six countries that took part in the Second World War. The total number of aircraft models is more than 400. In the future, there is an increase in the model range and the introduction of new lines.

More than 50 maps are available for skirmishes, many of which recreate the battlefields of World War II. Playing cards for aircraft are extensive and reach the size of 15 thousand square meters. km.

War Thunder lacks the usual health points. The damage received depends on the type of weapon and ammunition, the point of impact, their number, and other factors. It is quite possible to shoot down an enemy aircraft with a well-aimed shot at a key point. In a crash, not only equipment, but also the crew can suffer.

Game modes

  • Session battles. From 5 to 16 aircraft take part in the battle. It is necessary to complete the task: for example, to capture an enemy airfield or protect your own base. Even if the goal is not reached, the battle ends if one of the teams destroys all the equipment.
  • Missions. They can be single and cooperative. Opponents are bots - military equipment controlled by artificial intelligence. To complete the mission, you must fulfill the conditions.
  • Events. In this type of battle, players take part in a certain event that took place during World War II. The choice of technique is limited by historical plausibility.
  • Storm. A team of players, which can include aircraft of any nation, defends the base from enemy air raids controlled by AI. The player can use any technique that he sent to the battlefield.

Depending on the complexity of the controls, each game mode can be arcade, realistic or simulation. Joint battles are available, in which aircraft interact with ground military equipment controlled by other players.

The game War Thunder for Android is an excellent simulator that will delight all fans of air battles. The fact is that games with tank battles have gained such great popularity that developers are concentrating their attention on tanks, but almost everyone has forgotten about aircraft. Very in vain, because no less exciting battles are unfolding in the sky than on the ground.

At your disposal will be not one or two aircraft, but almost all the most famous models that were created in the period from 1928 to 1948. At the same time, if you have chosen, say, an older technique, then you will not have to fight against an aircraft from 1945. The game automatically assigns you to the right group, and there is no shortage of opponents, because many people play this game at the same time.

In a word, everyone will find something interesting for themselves. The gameplay of War Thunder is mainly based on real players confronting each other, but the game also has a place for interesting missions that diversify the battles.
This game has fairly simple controls, but at the same time, the creators did a great job of keeping the flight realistic. This applies to both the flight itself and appearance battles. You fly over various terrains - mountains, fields, rivers.

Explosions, fires, falls are also very realistic. Very happy high quality graphics, clear and Nice picture, impressive effects, degree of detail.
If you have been looking for a game in which you could show your skills as a pilot for a long time, then we strongly recommend that you try War Thunder.

Many combat aircraft and tanks, as well as anti-aircraft installations will be available to the user to conduct battles. Such a game has gained wide popularity immediately after its release among many users.

Gameplay Features

The game is a cross-platform strategy that is adapted for mobile devices and tablets on the Android platform. The military genre of this game is quite popular among many users.

It is worth noting that on this moment the game is in beta testing, so users have the opportunity to enjoy the gameplay for free. True, in the beta version of the game only battles on fighters and aircraft are available.

What is a game

The graphical component of the game on devices is quite curtailed compared to the computer version of the game. The controls have also been simplified for the convenience of gaming on mobile devices or tablets, which appeals to many users.

It should also be noted that the multiplayer mode has remained unchanged, and the game has team and individual battles. The power of the device used, in fact, does not play a big and decisive role.

The main thing is that the device can play video and have access to the Internet. Of course, it is preferable to use a Wi-Fi network, since a regular cellular network may not be enough in speed, and the game will start to slow down and crash.