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Edema during pregnancy 2nd trimester what. Swelling of the legs during pregnancy: causes and treatment

Puffiness (concentration of excess fluid in the body) is one of the most common pathological conditions of a woman during pregnancy. Swelling of the legs and arms are the result of an increase in the load on the kidneys, a decrease in mobility, especially in the later stages.

During pregnancy, sodium accumulates in the tissues of a woman, which inhibits the withdrawal of fluid. As a result, visually visible swelling of the hands, arms and especially the legs occurs. Such swelling can also occur in other parts of the body.

Signs of puffiness

If excess fluid is poorly excreted, then, first of all, swelling is noticeable on the face. Then visually appear on the fingers, hands, feet. This is especially true during pregnancy in the last stages. In the early stages, puffiness may appear and not significantly, which is not even noticeable.

How to understand that there is puffiness:

Causes of edema in the 1st trimester

The appearance of edema in the first trimester is common, but not frequent. If edema in the later stages is characteristic of all mothers, then early term they can be a signal for concern.

  1. Edema may be the result of improper functioning of an organ or an entire system, an exacerbation of a chronic disease. It can be problems with the kidneys, liver, heart and blood vessels.
  2. The cause of swelling is improper regulation of cellular nutrition, impaired blood circulation.
  3. Water retention due to the accumulation of sodium in the cells of the body.

Puffiness provokes oxygen starvation of cells. It can be visually noticeable when swelling of the arms, legs, face is visible. Hidden, visually, a woman does not change, but the danger does not decrease.

Latent edema is diagnosed by weighing, monitoring the daily volume of urine. The specialist prescribes a number of additional examinations.

Puffiness for the fetus at this time is not dangerous, but an infection is dangerous, for example, pyelonephritis in the kidneys can affect the development of the child.

Causes of swelling in the 2nd trimester

Fluid retention and swelling in the second trimester has its own specific causes:

  1. The growing uterus presses on the large vessels that are responsible for the circulation of the lower extremities.
  2. The level of progesterone in the woman's blood rises.
  3. Improper diet - consumption of salty, fried or smoked foods. Abnormal fluid intake.
  4. Edema caused by pathologies. They can be the result of impaired functioning of the kidneys and liver, increased blood pressure, the appearance of protein in the urine. The neglect of such conditions will negatively affect the mother and fetus, and even pose a threat.

Causes of edema in the 3rd trimester

The last trimester is the most exciting for the expectant mother and more difficult than the previous ones. Edema during pregnancy in the later stages is a completely natural state.

They appear for the following reasons:

The danger of edema for a child

Puffiness, of course, affects the baby and is even dangerous:

Cardiac edema

In heart failure, edema is a standard phenomenon, while their localization depends on the nature of the violation of the heart and the specificity of the disease. The heart cannot cope with the load to move blood, the blood supply worsens, fluid retention occurs.

It is localized mainly in the feet and legs. The skin in the edema area has a cyanotic color. Possible shortness of breath, pain in the thoracic region, swelling of the veins in the neck. Unlike kidney pathology, they may appear and disappear more slowly after the restoration of normal heart function.

Renal pathology

Renal pathology in pregnant women is in second place after heart problems. A pregnant woman undergoes significant physiological changes in the functioning of the kidneys and urinary system. The activity of the bladder decreases, under the influence of changes in the hormonal background.

The ureters are clamped by the enlarged uterus, there is a difficulty in the output of urine. Pyelonephritis can cause interruption, premature birth, preeclampsia, infection of the fetus.

Renal edema is localized in the upper body: face, eyelids, around the eyes. In the process of pressing, it can move. The temperature in the edematous place does not rise. Decrease in the amount of urine and the presence of pain in the lower back, the appearance of protein in the urine. Puffiness subsides with the normalization of kidney function.


Varicose edema - the concentration of excess fluid in the intercellular space, caused by the pathology of the vascular valves. Typically, such swelling appears at the end of the day, accompanied by discomfort or even pain.

There is a saccular expansion and the release of fluid elements into the free intercellular space - edema is obtained. During pregnancy, there is a strong load on the veins, and the treatment of the problem that has arisen is strictly under the supervision of a doctor.

allergic reactions

Edema is a dangerous stage of an allergic reaction that can appear anywhere on the body. As a rule, it first appears on the face (eyelids, eyes), throat. Swelling is often common in the extremities.

Swelling of the throat and nasopharynx provokes suffocation. Allergic edema - a violation in the mucous and subcutaneous tissues. Indicates the presence of an allergen in the body. The most common are food and medicines.


Edema can be a manifestation of preeclampsia - toxicosis in the later stages. Especially that swelling of the last trimester of pregnancy is a frequent occurrence. At the same time, you can’t run it - this is a risk for mother and child. Preeclampsia leads to disruption of vital functions, especially blood circulation and the vascular system.

There are 4 types of preeclampsia and swelling with them is different:

Edema treatment: 1 trimester

Women at risk who have chronic diseases already in the first trimester should refuse to consume fried, salty foods, as well as smoked foods, regulate the amount of fluid consumed.

Salt, since it is only an additive to food, is limited in consumption. It promotes fluid retention. Eliminate the consumption of nuts, chips and other foods that cause additional thirst.

If edema is detected, the principle of treatment is determined by the doctor after a comprehensive examination. Treatment also depends on where the swelling occurs. Thinning the blood and improving its current is an effective way to get rid of puffiness. It is achieved by taking vitamins, which are rich in food and vitamin preparations.

Medical preparations prescribed by a specialist are also aimed at improving the outflow of fluid. If there is no problem with the kidneys, then Kanefron, consisting of herbs, is prescribed for prevention and as a diuretic. The appointment of diuretic teas and decoctions is done by the doctor.

To relieve puffiness, you need to take vitamins of group B, P and D. Introduce foods enriched with these vitamins into the diet, or take vitamin complexes, but after consulting a specialist.

Certain gymnastic exercises are effective: kneel down and rest your elbows on the floor. Stand in this position for about a quarter of an hour, so it is easier for the kidneys to work and remove fluid.

It is not recommended to sit in the “leg by leg” position, blood circulation is difficult. Do not wear tight, uncomfortable shoes. Choose low heels, on a comfortable platform. Do not be constantly in an upright position, unload your legs, lying down and raising them above head level.

Edema treatment: 2nd trimester

Edema treatment: 3rd trimester

Edema during pregnancy in the later stages is a common problem, but at the same time, a comprehensive approach to its elimination during this period is:

Pharmaceutical preparations for the removal of edema

Treatment with medications is necessary only in case of violation of the functions of internal organs: kidneys, heart, liver. This is due to the fact that diuretics have a toxic effect on the fetus, as well as a number of contraindications and side effects during pregnancy. Allowed the use of herbal preparations.

The dosage is determined by the doctor after the examination and taking into account the individual characteristics of the woman and her condition.

How to remove swelling of the hands: traditional medicine

As in the treatment of other types of edema, the intake of herbal medicines inside occurs under the strict supervision of a physician:

How to relieve swelling of the legs: traditional medicine

Edema during late pregnancy most often occurs on the legs, if there are no other pathological abnormalities. In addition to medications, the following methods can be used as an additional remedy, but it should be noted that ingestion is controlled by a specialist.

How to remove swelling from the face: traditional medicine

ethnoscience offers a lot of means to relieve swelling of the face. At the same time, use such funds inside pregnant women strictly after consultation with a specialist.

The methods of external use include masks:

  1. Boiled potato mask. Mash boiled potatoes and apply for 10 minutes.
  2. A very effective raw potato mask.
  3. Sour cream mask with finely chopped dill. It will be more effective to squeeze dill juice.
  4. Make compresses on the face from a decoction of sage.
  5. Infusion of birch leaves. Soak the leaves in mineral water for at least 12 hours. Do compresses.
  6. A mask of grated cucumber, in addition, relieves bruises under the eyes.
  7. Use a contrast wash. Rubbing with ice.

Salt intake and drinking regimen during pregnancy

To reduce swelling, you must follow the recommended diet and normalized fluid intake. It is undesirable, even forbidden, the consumption of salty (salted fish, salted nuts, cucumbers, sauerkraut), fried and fatty foods, as well as smoked products.

Due to the high content of sodium in the blood, foods rich in sodium should be excluded: seeds, nuts, tomatoes. Drink only when you feel like it, but try to limit your intake to the recommended amount. Try to move more physical exercise according to the period of pregnancy. Take the necessary vitamins, especially E and magnesium.

How can an edema diet help?

In the fight against the accumulation of excess fluid in the body, proper dietary nutrition plays an important role:

It is necessary to completely exclude from the diet:

  1. Salted, fried, smoked.
  2. Loin, ham, sausages, canned fish.
  3. Fatty foods: mayonnaise, sour cream.

Pregnancy is an exciting period in a woman's life. At the same time, a number of problems, including edema in the later stages, are completely solvable with an integrated and qualified approach. If you follow the recommendations and the right regimen, this wonderful time will become unforgettable, one of the pleasant memories.

Video about swelling during pregnancy

What to do with swelling during pregnancy:

Why does swelling occur during pregnancy:

Pregnancy is a time when fluid accumulation is the body's natural response to increased blood circulation. To answer the question of how to avoid edema during pregnancy, it is necessary to understand the reasons for which they appeared and, depending on this, begin treatment or preventive measures.

Signs and causes

During examination, the doctor always pays attention to appearance women. During pregnancy, especially in the third trimester, edema may appear, more often on the feet and legs, as a result of water retention in the tissues.

You can independently determine the edematous reaction by the following signs:

  1. For a week, starting from the middle of pregnancy, a woman should gain about 400 grams. But, if after weighing the weight gain exceeded 1-1.5 kg, then this indicates the accumulation of water in the body.
  2. Puffiness of the face is characterized by swollen lips and swelling of the nose. If fluid accumulates on the eyelids, especially in the morning, this may indicate insufficient kidney function.
  3. Numbness of the fingers and toes, accompanied by the inability to bend them, which is direct evidence of the presence of excess water.
The shoes that the pregnant woman wore constantly become smaller. Often this is one of the main signs by which water accumulation can be determined. Also, the study of diuresis will help determine hidden edema. It is necessary to compare the amount of fluid you drink with the amount that the body releases.

Prevention of edema during pregnancy

Due to the accumulation of fluid in the fetus, hypoxia, a lack of oxygen, may develop, so it is necessary to prevent swelling during pregnancy as soon as possible.

Prevention of edema during pregnancy includes the following recommendations:

  • avoid salt intake, as sodium chloride retains fluid in the body and provokes the formation of water reserves;
  • do not reduce the amount of alcohol you drink pure water so that the body stops storing up for the future;
  • feasible physical exercises will help not to swell the limbs during the period of gestation;
  • limit smoked, salty, fried and fatty, only steamed or boiled dishes;
  • do not consume foods that provoke the accumulation of fluids - coffee, chocolate, carbonated drinks;
  • diversify the diet with plenty of fiber, to normalize digestion;
  • take vitamin complexes with vitamin E and magnesium content.
The third trimester of pregnancy is the most dangerous in terms of edema. Therefore, during this period, prevention involves the refusal to wear shoes with heels. It is better to give preference to comfortable shoes that will not deform the foot and rub. At home, it is necessary that the legs are in an elevated position, you can put a roller or pillow under them to stimulate an even distribution of fluid.

How to avoid edema during pregnancy - folk methods

The 2nd trimester is characterized by active growth of the fetus, which affects the increase in fluid in the body. Therefore, to avoid swelling during pregnancy, you can resort to using a contrast shower. The change of cold and hot water helps to strengthen blood vessels. Regular massage of the extremities will improve blood circulation and prevent water from lingering in the tissues. Cool foot baths with sea ​​salt at the end of the day, have a relaxing effect and help reduce swelling reactions.

In order to avoid edema during pregnancy, you can use folk diuretics, which are not only useful and contain many vitamins, but also stabilize the water balance:

  • Birch juice;
  • infusion of apple peel;
  • fruit drinks based on cranberries or lingonberries;
  • infusion of chopped parsley, with the addition of lemon;
  • rosehip or chamomile tea;
  • a decoction of dried apricots, infused at night.
Diuretics should not be used continuously. It is necessary to take breaks so as not to harm the fetus and not cause dehydration. Before use, it is better to consult a doctor and find out the causes of edematous reactions on an individual basis.

Edema is an excess accumulation of fluid in the tissues.

Information Pregnancy itself is a condition that contributes to water retention in the body and the appearance of edema. An enlarged uterus presses on the inferior vena cava, which disrupts the outflow of blood from the veins of the lower extremities and leads to edema. In addition, the uterus compresses the ureters, which also causes fluid retention in the body as a result.

The female sex hormone progesterone, which is produced during pregnancy, also has an effect. in large numbers. Under its influence, the structure of small capillaries changes, the exit of sodium from the body is difficult, which causes the appearance of edema. In this case we are talking O physiological edema, which occur in almost every pregnant woman, appear mainly in the third trimester, appear in the late afternoon and go away on their own in the morning after a good rest.

However, it should be remembered that edema is not always physiological, but can be caused by pathological conditions that require mandatory treatment. Such diseases include:

  • Varicose veins. When the outflow of venous blood is disturbed, which leads to overflow of the veins, their expansion and the occurrence of edema. There is heaviness in the legs, pain, the appearance of new venous nodes. Edemas are asymmetrical: they occur only on one lower leg;
  • Kidney pathology. Edema can occur at any stage of pregnancy, appear mainly on the face, then move to the upper and lower extremities;
  • Pathology of the cardiovascular system. The tendency to edema appears already from the first trimester and is associated with an increased load on the work of the heart and blood vessels. For cardiac edema, the location is characteristic only in the lower part of the body below the waist;
  • Late preeclampsia(characterized by the appearance of edema, protein in the urine and increased blood pressure) . Signs of preeclampsia appear after the 20th week of pregnancy, do not go away on their own and require immediate treatment.

Diagnosis of edema during pregnancy

A woman can determine the presence of edema herself by some signs:

  1. When pressed with a finger a hole remains on the skin of the anterior surface of the lower leg, which does not disappear within a few seconds;
  2. Sudden weight gain;
  3. Previously comfortable shoes become tight;
  4. Difficulty removing rings from fingers.

At the first appearance of edema, you should inform your doctor about it. An obstetrician-gynecologist will conduct a series diagnostic measures to determine the cause of swelling:

  1. External examination of a woman. It is important for determining the severity of edema;
  • Latent edema (outwardly not detected);
  • First degree (appearance of edema on the legs);
  • Second degree (edema is located on the legs and lower abdomen);
  • Third degree (edema appears on the hands and face);
  • Fourth degree (swelling of most of the body);
  1. Weighing in dynamics. Uneven gain or excess weight gain (more than 400 grams per week) may indicate the presence of hidden edema;
  2. Study of diuresis(compare the amount of fluid drunk and the amount of urine per day);
  3. Calf circumference measurement in dynamics(an increase in the circumference when measured in the same place indicates an increase in edema);
  4. "Blister Test". In the forearm, 0.2 ml of saline is injected subcutaneously. As a result, a blister is formed, which should resolve within an hour in the absence of a tendency to edema;
  5. Consultations of a surgeon, therapist, urologist and cardiologist.

Treatment of edema during pregnancy

Important Before starting the treatment of edema, it is necessary to accurately identify the cause of their occurrence.

With physiological edema special drug treatment not required. A woman is recommended to establish a food and water regime:

  • Limiting the amount of liquid to 1.5 liters per day. You need to drink plain water, weak, fruit drinks, compotes,;
  • Refusal to take salty, spicy foods, smoked meats;
  • Carrying out unloading days once a week (apple, cottage cheese);
  • Eating enough protein. The menu of a pregnant woman must be present

Almost every expectant mother faces edema during pregnancy. But edema is not a normal or safe condition of the body, so every pregnant woman should consult a doctor with complaints of such a condition. The causes of edema are different, but they all require treatment and dietary adjustments. In addition, fluid retention in the body negatively affects the condition of the fetus and is fraught with many complications.

Why does swelling appear during pregnancy?

During pregnancy, the volume of circulating blood increases. A woman adds about 10 kg over the entire period, of which 5-6 kg falls on liquid (amniotic fluid, blood). The fluid enters the tissues (mainly subcutaneous fat and connective tissue) from the blood. This is due to the peculiarity of the organism of the future mother (it accumulates water and sodium, which attracts it). Fluid retention in the body of a pregnant woman does not begin immediately. In the first trimester, there are usually no edema, but they mostly appear in the later stages. The occurrence of edema in the second trimester of pregnancy is an unfavorable prognostic sign.

Causes of edema during gestation:

  • physiological edema (associated with an error in the diet, for example, excessive fluid intake and salty foods: cucumbers, sauerkraut, nuts);
  • edema as a sign of preeclampsia (a severe complication of pregnancy, which, in addition to edema, is accompanied by an increase in blood pressure and the appearance of protein in the urine);
  • varicose veins (varicose veins appear in almost every pregnant woman, which is associated with pressure from the growing uterus on the vessels);
  • kidney disease (eg, glomerulonephritis);
  • cardiovascular pathology.

Physiological edema appears towards the end of the day, and, as a rule, on the lower extremities, after a long walk or standing. During a horizontal position, the swelling disappears on its own. Swelling of the hands can occur as a result of a pronounced load on the fingers and hands (computer work, modeling, knitting).

How to distinguish edema on your own?

Edema during pregnancy a woman is able to determine or notice on her own. The first call is a trace from the gum of socks in the area ankle joints. The more pronounced it is, the stronger the swelling. Also a characteristic symptom is the inability to put on (or put on with difficulty) favorite and long-worn shoes.

In addition, you can determine the so-called symptom of the ring (a favorite or wedding ring is not removed or is removed with difficulty). Relatives and friends, and the pregnant woman herself, may notice swelling of the face. It becomes rounded and swollen, the eyelids swell, the nose increases in size. Another sign that allows you to diagnose edema on your own: when you press on the lower leg, a hole appears in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe bone, which does not disappear immediately.

In kidney diseases (acute or chronic glomerulonephritis), edema is first localized in the face and only then shifts to the lower extremities. In the presence of cardiovascular pathology, edema is located in the lower parts of the body. So, when walking, they occur on the legs, and in a horizontal position in the lumbar region. Edema in cardiovascular diseases indicates heart failure.

Diagnosis of edema in pregnant women

First of all, edema, especially hidden (that is, invisible), is indicated by pathological weight gain. The woman at the reception is weighed each time. If the weight gain is more than 300 - 400 grams per week, this is a sign of fluid retention in the body. Also, a pregnant woman, before each appearance, takes a general urine test, according to which the doctor determines the presence of protein (a sign of preeclampsia or kidney pathology). In difficult cases, a woman is sent for an ultrasound of the kidneys.

In addition, daily diuresis or the amount of fluid drunk and excreted is estimated. Normally, ¾ of the liquid drunk is released (soups and fruits are taken into account). Negative diuresis is a sign of fluid retention in the body.

In addition to all of the above, the legs are measured (in the same place) in dynamics. If the circumference of the lower leg has increased by 1 or more centimeters, this is a sign of edema. Another way to determine edema is the McClure-Aldrich test (blister test). For its implementation, 0.2 ml of physiological saline is injected intradermally, after which a blister occurs. Normally, it resolves within an hour. The faster the blister disappears, the more intense the swelling.

What are the dangers of swelling during pregnancy?

With fluid retention in the body, not only tissues swell, but the placenta, which adversely affects the condition of the fetus (intrauterine hypoxia, growth and developmental delay). In addition, edema is often a sign of preeclampsia, which is fraught with such a dangerous condition as eclampsia and the possible death of a woman and a child.

How is swelling during pregnancy treated?

First of all, a special diet is prescribed, high in protein and salt restriction. Food must be unsalted. With severe edema, fluid intake is limited to a liter per day (including soups and fruits). Particular attention should be paid to rest (it is better to sleep on the left side, which improves kidney function). Not worth it long time be in the same position, stand on your feet for a long time, walk. If there are no contraindications, doctors recommend special exercises. Severe edema is treated in a hospital.

Anna Sozinova

During pregnancy, the woman's body adapts to the changed state. This process is considered natural.

And now let's dwell on this in more detail.

Causes of edema during pregnancy

As a result of changes in the body of the expectant mother, a lot of fluid accumulates. Its volume at week 8 can reach up to 6-8 liters. It is necessary for:

  • increase in blood volume in the mother's body;
  • placental filling;
  • ensuring the growth of the mammary glands and uterus;
  • creating amniotic fluid.

However, often the amount of fluid created by the body exceeds the required volume. In this case, edema may appear. They are especially unpleasant in late pregnancy and can lead to health problems for both mother and baby.

Swelling of the legs can also appear as a result of a number of other reasons, the list of which includes:

  1. Having bowel problems. If a girl experiences frequent diarrhea during pregnancy, this can lead to disturbances in the digestive system and cause swelling in the legs.
  2. Varicose veins. During pregnancy, the uterus develops rapidly. The enlarged organ exerts a compressive effect on the vessels. This can lead to the formation of varicose veins. Clogged veins cause edema to form.
  3. Preeclampsia. The problem is considered very dangerous. She is characterized not only by swelling of the legs, but also by internal organs. A similar phenomenon can occur with the placenta, which is a direct threat to the life of the child.
  4. Impaired functioning of the kidneys. Pregnancy significantly increases the load on this organ. Excess fluid that accumulates in the body is not always fully excreted. This causes edema to appear. If they arose due to a violation in the activity of the kidneys, the girl can observe the formation of bruises under her eyes and a decrease in the frequency of urination.
  5. Acute thrombophlebitis. Doctors include the disease in the list of extremely dangerous. One of the signs of its presence is swelling of the legs. In addition to them, the temperature may rise, reddening of the legs and pain may appear.
  6. The girl wears uncomfortable shoes and clothes. The pressure of clothing can also lead to leg swelling during pregnancy. This is due to circulatory disorders. Experts strongly advise against wearing high-heeled shoes and tight clothing.
  7. Viral diseases that the expectant mother has recently suffered. Infection can give a complication to the kidneys. The functioning of the organs will deteriorate, which will lead to insufficient removal of fluid from the body. This can cause leg swelling during pregnancy.
  8. Malfunctions in the functioning or work of the heart. If there are problems, not only the legs, but also the tongue can swell. Additionally, a girl can observe increased drowsiness, fatigue and constipation.

The causes leading to edema are individual in each case. The problem may appear due to a sedentary lifestyle, the presence of diseases of the joints or a long stay in a sitting position with crossed legs. To accurately determine the cause of puffiness, experts advise to visit a doctor without fail.

Swelling of the legs during pregnancy

If edema is caused by pathological changes occurring in the body, the condition of a pregnant woman may constantly worsen. Gradually, the problem will become noticeable not only on the legs, but also on other parts of the body. Experts distinguish four stages of edema:

  1. The problem appears in the area of ​​​​the feet and legs.
  2. Gradually, edema spreads to the hips, lumbar region and lower abdomen.
  3. Then the presence of the problem becomes noticeable and higher. Hands and face may be affected.
  4. There is a general swelling of the body.

If a girl is carrying a child, a lot of sodium salts accumulate in the body. They have the ability to attract water. Under their influence, edema is formed, which is classified as physiological. Factors leading to the problem may include:

  • girl eat too much salty food;
  • a pregnant woman gives herself excessive physical activity;
  • air temperature is too high.

Physiological edema is considered normal. If such a phenomenon occurs during pregnancy, it should not cause concern. If you get rid of provoking factors, the problem will instantly disappear.

Pathological edema is different from physiological. They appear due to the presence of diseases. Usually the problem is accompanied by additional symptoms:

  • the girl is rapidly gaining weight;
  • swelling gradually spreads to other parts of the body;
  • the girl is weak;
  • there are difficulties with movement;
  • hypertension is observed;
  • the temperature rises.

It is much more difficult to get rid of such edema. Only a doctor can determine the type of problem and develop a scheme to deal with it. If a girl observes increased puffiness in herself, you should immediately contact a specialist. Self-treatment is fraught with additional health problems.

What is dangerous swelling during pregnancy

The danger that edema carries in itself directly depends on the cause that caused their appearance. A problem that has arisen due to physiological factors should not be a cause for concern. It is easily eliminated if the cause of its appearance is removed and, as a result, it no longer worries.

The greatest concern during pregnancy should cause edema, which appeared due to preeclampsia. In the initial stage, the disease leads to the formation of dropsy. Over time, the problem can cause the appearance of nephropathy - damage to the renal apparatus, and in the future - to. This disease is practically incurable. It is characterized by frequent seizures. Sometimes they can be so strong that the girl runs the risk of falling into a coma.

Preeclampsia often causes a severe violation of the blood supply to the internal organs. The problem can also affect the placenta. As a result of exposure to the disease, the child ceases to receive oxygen and nutrients in sufficient quantities. This will affect the development of the internal organs and systems of the fetus. The condition in the future can lead to the development of chronic diseases in the child. Due to preeclampsia, premature birth or even death of the fetus is possible. Experts advise you to immediately consult a doctor in the following situations:

  • swelling of the girl appeared not only on the legs, but also on the lower back, abdomen or arms;
  • swelling and a feeling of heaviness do not go away for a long time;
  • prolonged rest or sleep does not eliminate the problem;
  • the general condition of the expectant mother is deteriorating;
  • the appearance of protein in the urine;
  • the pressure increases.

A girl should be able to distinguish swelling from other problems. If the legs are swollen, this does not mean that puffiness is taking place. Often this phenomenon is observed due to an increase in the total body weight during the bearing of a child.

The appearance of edema can be seen by the increase in the foot. The expectant mother will no longer fit into the shoes that she previously wore all the time.

You can also distinguish swelling from other problems by the reaction of the foot to pressure. To do this, experts advise conducting a simple experiment. On the skin in the area in which there is swelling, you need to lightly press with your finger, and then release. If the cover immediately leveled off, there is no edema. If a small dent appears after exposure, there is a problem.

Symptoms usually become more noticeable in the evening. This is due to the fact that during the day a lot of fluid accumulates in the legs due to the load. The next morning the problem usually recedes. Such edema is caused by physiological causes. The problem does not cause pain and should not cause concern. Otherwise, you should immediately consult a doctor.

What to do? First measures

A girl can independently get rid of swelling of the legs during pregnancy if the problem is caused by physiological causes. In this situation, it does not require special treatment. Help in the fight against it can:

  1. Herbal teas with a diuretic effect. They allow you to remove excess fluid from the girl's body. Tea made from dried apricots, lingonberry leaves, bearberry, wild rose, horsetail and cranberries have such properties. In order for the positive effect to become noticeable, decoctions need to be drunk for at least a month. Chemical diuretics should not be taken during pregnancy. They can adversely affect the condition of the fetus.
  2. Reducing the amount of salt in the diet. The product prevents the removal of fluid from the body. If there is swelling of the legs during pregnancy, it is better to undersalt the dishes. Smoked, spicy and spicy must be removed from the daily menu. It's better to steam food.
  3. Performing a foot massage. The impact helps to reduce swelling. The massage effect can be enhanced if carried out with grape seed, jojoba or peach oil.
  4. Reducing the amount of fluid consumed. Particular attention should be paid to the volume of drinking in. Do not take more than one and a half liters of water per day. The volume should include not only drinks, but also soups, as well as juicy fruits or vegetables.
  5. The use of homeopathic remedies. So, sodium chloride restores fluid exchange in the body. Manual therapy, osteopathy or acupuncture normalize blood circulation and improve urinary function. However, all types of influences should be carried out only after prior consultation with a doctor.
  6. Reception of vascular-strengthening vitamin complexes. Influencing the body, they prevent the penetration of excess fluid into the tissues and minimize the likelihood of edema.

If the presence of a pathology led to the appearance of a problem, treatment should be carried out strictly under the supervision of a specialist. So, preeclampsia is treated only in a hospital setting. Properly selected drug therapy will reduce the negative impact of the disease on the body of the expectant mother and child. Self-administration of drugs leads to an increased risk of problems with

  1. Wear comfortable clothes and shoes. You can not give preference to too tight dresses or trousers. Shoes with heels should be excluded from the wardrobe during pregnancy.
  2. Get enough physical activity. During pregnancy, you can not sit still all the time. The girl should walk a lot, do daily exercises and perform special exercises. The following effect can help remove congestion: you need to lie on a bed or on the floor, raise your legs, rest them against the wall and lie like this for 10-15 minutes. Exercise is best done in the evening. At the same time, the blood will begin to flow down, and the swelling will decrease.
  3. Avoid overheating. If a girl is expecting a child, it is better to refuse sunbathing, visiting saunas and steam rooms.
  4. Stick to a special diet. It is better to exclude carbonated, sweet drinks from the diet. The consumption of coffee and tea should also be minimized. Dishes are best left unsalted. If you are very thirsty, it is better to eat a juicy vegetable or fruit or give preference to mineral water.
  5. Include vegetables and fruits in your daily diet that have a beneficial effect on urinary function. The list includes celery, orange, garlic, onion, lemon and tangerines.
  6. During rest and sleep, it is worth putting a pillow under your feet. This will allow them to be slightly above the head.