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Interesting facts about the world for children. Interesting facts for children

Ten interesting facts about animals

1. Why do crocodiles swallow stones?
Crocodiles fill their stomachs not only with caught gaping animals, but also with stones. Rather, precisely because the diet of an ordinary crocodile includes turtles, fish, birds, giraffes, buffaloes and even lions, the crocodile needs stones in the stomach to grind all this food. In addition, the stones serve as ballast when submerged under water.

3. How can birds still navigate in flight?

It seems that many were interested in how birds manage to fly thousands of kilometers without maps and accurately hit the designated point. It turns out that for orientation, birds use ferromagnets "built-in" by mother nature, with the help of which they orient themselves in the magnetic fields of the planet. In addition, pigeons, for example, are able to remember conspicuous features on the ground, by which they navigate.

4. In winter, for beavers in a day - 29 hours?

When winter comes, beavers become real "homebodies", because they do not come out of their dark holes made of mud and wood at all. In the warm season, these nocturnal animals leave their dwellings at sunset, and come at dawn. However, in dark burrows in winter, beavers lose their daily regimen, and for them 29 hours "fit" in a day.

5. Moles are not blind at all?

Research recent years refuted the prevailing opinion that moles are blind, as they live underground. In fact, moles have fairly sharp, albeit limited, vision. And the light seen by the mole serves as a sign of danger, because the penetration of light for him means nothing more than the fact that a predator has entered the hole.

6. Altruism in nature?

Many people think that in the wild nature there is no place for altruism between animals, since in the conditions of natural selection the strongest survive. However, scientists give many examples, proving the opposite. For example, recently it was possible to prove that the chicks of many species of birds make special sounds that notify their relatives that food has been found. The photo shows a meerkat, the most altruistic comrade.

8. Giraffe's unique circulatory system?

Since the brain of a giraffe rises above its own body at a height of 5 meters, the problem of blood supply to the brain arises. It turns out that in order to put the blood to such a height, the giraffe has a heart twice as strong as, for example, cows; the specific structure of the veins prevents a sharp rush of blood when lowering the head down. And so that the blood does not stagnate in the legs, the skin on the legs of the giraffe is unusually stretched. That's what nature has done!

9. Do elephants have great memories?

The brain of elephants is the largest among mammals, its weight is about 5 kilograms. Although it is very difficult to measure intelligence in animals (it is also difficult to do in humans), however, the ratio of brain mass to body mass approaches that of chimpanzees, which indicates high mental abilities. At least the latest research proves that these giants have excellent memories.

10. Do parrots not only imitate sounds?

There is an opinion according to which the "talking" parrot simply reproduces the heard set of sounds. However, a thirty-year study of this ability of our feathered friends shows the opposite. It turns out that parrots can solve simple linguistic problems at the level of 4-6 year old children, and even combine memorized words into new units.

Interesting Facts about the world around us and current events cannot leave indifferent even children. Psychologists believe that approximately in the 3rd grade, the child begins to consciously ask certain questions about the cause-and-effect relationships of everything that he sees.

We have put together a small selection for you. interesting facts for grade 3. Of course, it is quite possible that some of the data will be new for adults as well, so this title can be considered conditional.

Nevertheless, the various facts given in the article are aimed primarily at the development of a young man. However, if this will benefit the older generation, the author will only be happy.

Do you know that in the entire history of human existence, about 107 billion people lived on Earth? For understanding, we recall that one billion is a thousand million!

On this moment time (2017), about 7 billion people live on Earth. This is despite the fact that about 200 years ago the population of our planet was within only one billion.

By the way, in a separate article we have already described in more detail the most interesting facts about the Earth - you can read it.

In grade 3, children ask themselves: where is the deepest place in the oceans? This is the Mariana Trench. Its depth is about 11 km. Just think about how deep the "pit" is!

Well, you might be wondering what is the highest point on earth. This is Mount Chomolungma or, as it is also called, Everest. Its height is 8848 meters. This is the highest mountain and it is located in the Himalayas (mountain system of the Earth), located in China.

In total, there are 252 countries in the world, but there are more than 7 thousand different languages.

The distance from the Earth to the Sun is 150 million km, and to the Moon - only 384 thousand km.

The sun is the star that is the main one in our space system. But there are many such systems. If you like interesting Grade 3 facts, then remember: space is infinite.

The largest country in the world in terms of area is Russia. And most people live in China (more than 1 billion).

The first person to fly into space was Yuri Gagarin. He is known all over the world.

Some interesting facts from the animal world

Did you know that some types of scorpions can live without food for a whole year?

Cats are not just pets. Scientists have proven that they can heal their owners. Of course, they do it not consciously, but the benefits are obvious.

Dogs wag their tails for a reason. When they are happy - one movement, when they are worried - others. So you can tell your friends about it in 3rd grade.

Beavers are amazing animals that build their homes right in the middle of a body of water. Their dams reach a height of one meter, imagine!

A cow has four stomachs. They are needed in order to eat according to a certain pattern. Seeing a lot of grass, they fill their stomach with it without chewing. And then, when there is time, they burp this grass and begin to chew thoroughly. Such animals are called ruminants, that is, those that chew the cud.

Kids who love 3rd grade fun facts already know that moles live underground. Here it should be noted that their burrows can have up to six floors with many "pantries" where they hide food for a "rainy day".

The fastest creature on the planet is the peregrine falcon. It belongs to the falcon family.

But the smartest bird, no matter how surprising this fact may seem to you, is a crow. Her intelligence is so great that scientists have been conducting research on this mysterious bird for a long time.

An ostrich has bigger eyes than a brain. Therefore, they are often compared to a very stupid creature.

The snail can sleep up to 3 years. Imagine what a dream!

Also in the 3rd grade, they actively explore the world around them. Below is information on this topic.

In Russia there is a unique Lake Baikal. It is the deepest in the world and the largest natural reservoir of fresh water. As you know, all water is divided into salt and fresh. You can’t drink salt water, so fresh water is of great value to all living people.

The largest desert on the planet is the Sahara. It is located in Africa. By the way, read interesting facts about Africa in a separate post.

As you know, our planet is spherical. The conditional line that we draw around it is called the equator. The length of the equator is approximately 40 thousand km.

And this fact from the natural world may surprise you. Watermelon is a berry, not a vegetable or fruit.

Simple apricots contain a lot of potassium, which is extremely beneficial for the heart. If a person has problems in the field of heart disease, he is recommended to eat these fruits and dried apricots (dried apricots).

Interestingly, 85% of all vegetation known to scientists is in the world's oceans, and not somewhere on land.

Small yellow lemons contain more sugar than strawberries. So unexpected - in such acid and so much sugar!

And this information is not known to all children in grade 3. A creature lives in the sea that can generate electricity. It "beats current" when you need to defend yourself from the enemy or get your own food. It's, you guessed it, electric eels.

Let's add some information about animals. Goats can see everything around them (even what is behind them) without turning their heads at all. This is possible due to the unique structure of their eyes.

Mice can jump to a height of almost half a meter, and also swim excellently. Their teeth grow at a fast rate and if not regularly sharpened, they will reach 12 centimeters in just one year. However, they simply could not live with such long teeth. It is for this reason that mice constantly gnaw something. By the way, they are able to gnaw through concrete, and even lead.

In science, there are two main theses, which include factualism and theorism. Factualism is based on the independence of facts in comparison with theory, while emphasizing the autonomy of the definition of facts from abstract constructions. Theoritism, in turn, claims that all facts are interconnected with the theory, given its position, the facts tend to change.

There are also such concepts that combine both of these theses and promote both the presence of facts in the theory and an independent character in relation to the theory. It is best to rid yourself of this scientific nonsense and look at twenty facts that will not let you get bored.

1. BelAZ-75710 is the largest dump truck on the planet, with a carrying capacity of 450 tons.

2. Seahorses in position. It is the males who are engaged in the reproduction of offspring, and their pair exists all their lives.

3. Within the territory of the village on the Niger River, residents began to disappear. After a long search, rescuers caught a crocodile, whose height was seven meters and weighed 1200 kg.

4. This is what happens when you splash hot water in Antarctica.

5. Gallium is a metal having a melting point of 29.8 degrees. If you take it in your hand, it will start to melt.

6. An Indian named Ka-Nah-Be-Owey Wence lived in three centuries - from 1791 to 1920.

7. What does a million years look like in one photo.

8. Coconut crab. It is the largest representative of arthropods and easily splits coconuts with claws.

9. Smallmouth macropin. This fish has a completely transparent head.

10. Carrots were originally purple. And orange carrots were bred in the fourteenth century in Holland.

11. This is what different sand from the Sahara desert looks like.

12. Rose of the North - this is how larch blooms. Her cones turn red every 2-3 years.

13. The worst thing is that this giant Titanoboa snake actually existed and reached 20 meters in length.

14. The most delicious fruit in the world is mangosteen with snow-white pulp, similar to a delicate creamy dessert.

15. Variety of apples - pink pearls.

16. This is what a spruce tree looks like from the inside. Its branches seem to be driven into the trunk.

17. This is how 1.5 kg of fat and 1.5 kg of muscle look like.

18. A thousandth of a second in one frame.

19. The tiger's skin is striped, like the coat.

20. Dimples are a genetic defect. They mean that the muscles did not grow properly and cavities formed between them.

The world is full of unsolved mysteries, amazing mysteries and stunning discoveries. The whole human life is not enough to know our multifaceted world. But as they say in the famous saying - live a century, learn a century and throughout our lives we learn something new and amazing about the world around us. To make sure that life is more interesting than it might seem, we present to your attention 20 various and amazing facts about familiar things that open up to us from an unexpected side.

Since 1916, it has been illegal in the United States to send buildings by mail. The law comes after a man shipped a 40-ton house through Utah to avoid high freight rates.

Rain and even a frog storm passed in a Mexican town in 1997.

You don't smell while you sleep.

Astronauts are not allowed to eat beans before going into space, because the gases in the spacesuit can damage it.

Crocodiles are smarter than we thought. They deliberately swallow stones in order to dive to great depths.

Bhutan is such a mysterious country that no one even knows exactly how many people live in it, because the last census took place in 1975.

Adult polar bears usually only eat the skin and blubber of their prey. And they leave the meat to the cubs and scavengers. These are such caring predators.

Some Eskimos use a refrigerator to keep food from freezing. It's so cold there.

There is about 200 times more gold in the oceans than has been mined in our entire history.

William Shakespeare pronounced his name in several different ways.

Before the invention of the eraser, people erased pencil and ink with slices of bread.

Your brain is more active when you sleep than when you watch TV.

The world's first self-service restaurant in New York City was restricted to men only. Customers ate standing up.

Birth control pills are good for gorillas.

Hummingbirds cannot walk.

In France, it was forbidden to sell dolls without human faces.

Virginia has a law against tickling women.

All pandas in the world belong to China, the zoos of the world only “borrow” them. When a cub of this animal is born somewhere, then, in accordance with the existing agreement, it is sent to China to help restore the gene pool.

The families of dancers and choreographers have the highest percentage of divorces (43.05%).

In one of the restaurants in Texas, visitors are offered a free steak. The trick is that you can not pay only if you eat the meat completely, and it is very large - more than two kilograms.

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To make a kilogram of honey, a bee must fly around 2 million flowers.

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  • Nursing a calf is not at all an easy task for whales. After 10-12 months, small whales are born in the womb, up to a third of an adult whale (and in the case of the Blue whale, this is 10 meters). The mother uses her muscles to force her milk into the mouth of the baby, who holds on tightly to the nipple. The fat content of whale milk is about 50%, which is 10 times the fat content of human milk. Accordingly, the cubs grow, gaining up to 90 kilograms per day.
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    Whales also communicate using very low frequency but high intensity sound. This is the loudest sound produced by living things, it reaches the level of 188 decibels and exceeds the roar of a jet engine. The sounds can last up to 30 seconds and be heard by other blue whales over 1,600 km away.

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    • The brain of a giraffe is about 5 meters above its body. It is quite obvious that with such an original design of the neck, the problems of delivering blood to a vital organ must somehow be solved. Not only is the heart of giraffes twice as strong as that of cows, but the unique structure of the veins also prevents a sharp rush of blood when lowering the head down. Yes, and the skin of the legs must be unusually stretched, so as not to allow blood to stagnate in the legs.
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    The eyes of lizards are equipped with orange glasses, because. there are a lot of droplets of fat in the retina, colored in Orange color. That's where, it turns out, the light filters in these animals. So lizards see the world differently than we do. And not just lizards. To many birds, what we see in red appears green.

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    • Sloths spend 75% of their lives sleeping.
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    • . Penguins can jump up to a height of more than one and a half meters.
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    • Chimpanzees are the only animals that can recognize themselves in a mirror.
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    • A flea can jump 33 cm in one jump. If people had the same jumping ability, a person could jump 213 meters!
    • A male emperor moth can sense and locate a female of its own species from a distance of two kilometers.
    • Tigers have five toes on their front paws and four on their hind paws. Tiger claws reach a length of 8-10 cm.
    • A species of starfish called Lunckiacolumbiae can completely replicate its body from a 1 centimeter long particle.
    • Due to a mechanism that reflects light back to the retina, tigers have six times better night vision than humans.
    • Snakes can sleep 3 years in a row without eating anything.
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    An iguana can stay underwater for up to 28 minutes.

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    • The longest recorded flight of a chicken lasted 13 seconds.
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    • Ferrets sleep up to 20 hours a day.
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    • Elephants and humans are the only mammals that can stand on their heads.
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    • Hummingbirds cannot walk.
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    • If the bat heard its cry, with which it locates, unreflected, it would become deaf. Therefore, before emitting a locating cry, the mouse gives a squeak, which causes the muscles of the hearing aid to tense up, and it perceives a loud cry already normally.
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    • Despite the hump, the camel's spine is straight.
    • Sharks are immune to cancer.
    • A starfish can turn its stomach inside out.
    • The animal that can go without drinking the longest is the rat.
    • Hippos are born underwater.
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    • Orangutans warn of aggression with a loud burp.
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    • A zebra is white with black stripes, not the other way around.