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Basic energy exchange. Calculation of basal metabolic rate and daily energy requirement

The two formulas in the calculator below calculate the amount of calories your body needs based on gender, age, body weight, waist circumference, and daily physical activity (or exercise) level.

Female Male What's your gender Your age in years Your height in cm Your weight in kg. Waist in cm minimum physical activity 1-3 times a week physical activity 3-5 times a week physical activity 6-7 times a week hard physical work + training 2 times a dayPhysical activity

Before proceeding to the calculation, let's define medical terms.

What exactly is metabolism? Metabolism, or metabolism, is a complete process of chemical reactions in the body, which ensures its vital activity, growth, and physical activity.

Basal Metabolism- this is the main metabolism that provides breathing, blood circulation, digestion of human food in a state of minimal physical activity. This is the amount of heat calculated per 1 kg of the human body per day. To carry out the calculation, the experimental patient can be placed in a respiratory chamber or, by measurements, a certain respiratory coefficient can be derived for him.

It is clear that since the metabolism is basal (basic, lower), it is better to conduct an examination at the moment of complete relaxation, in the morning on an empty stomach, and also taking into account those factors that affect the acceleration or deceleration of metabolism. These factors are from the field of endocrinology, and an example is thyroid dysfunction. These diseases affect body weight no matter how much you eat. You can starve, but still be a fat man, and even then there is definitely a direct road to the endocrinologist.

The effect of food intake on metabolism should be considered from the main point of view - the acceleration or deceleration of metabolism.

For example, all food, being a source of energy for the body, thus carries a thermal effect. However, the effect of some foods is much greater, longer: these are carbohydrates rich in fiber, as well as protein foods, such as meat, fish. The body spends about 30% of calories on their digestion - which means that the metabolism works to burn your extra pounds.

There is another indicator glycemic index. It is high in those foods from which sugar is absorbed instantly, going into the blood. These are the so-called simple carbohydrates. But if you consume carbohydrates with a low glycemic index, that is, long-digestible (vegetables, cereals), then the metabolism again works for you, being in good shape.

Calculation formulas:

Muffin-Jeor Formula, derived in 1990, considers this:
P = 9.99 * weight (kg) + 6.25 * height (cm) - 4.92 * age (years) + constant (different for men and women).

Ketch-McArdle Formula takes into account the ratio of muscle mass to body fat:
P = 370 + 21.6 * LBM (kg), where LBM is body weight minus fat.

If you are interested in doing your own calculations, in your opinion, more accurate - calculate specific gravity fat deposits in your body, using also other health calculators available on the site.

Forum Link Calculate basal metabolic rate and calorie requirement Link for website or blog Basal metabolic rate and daily calorie requirement

A story about basal metabolism. I made a calculator, in it you can calculate the rate and level of basal metabolism. You will learn the extreme minimum of calories, followed by exhaustion and much more interesting things. Go!

“There is nothing more dangerous than experiments on your body,” Ivan Tsarevich stated, picking his teeth with a rusty needle. - Neither an egg, nor a duck, nor a hare will help. Old Koshchei exhausted himself. And he kept saying: “I eat scientifically, I count calories!” Poor fellow! Bury it, boys," he commanded the gravediggers...

Hello friends! Basal metabolism, what it is, is not clear to everyone the first time. The topic, however, is not just vital, but egregious. And it has matured in our time, when the passion for diets and the desire to lose weight to the state of the skeleton, overgrown with advertisements, most of which are deadly and bring irreparable harm. But first things first...

What will be discussed

Unfamiliar words, incomprehensible to some people, are translated simply: basic exchange. What it is - everyone should know.

I propose to memorize it as an equation of life: for any process in our body - respiration, cell repair, enzyme production, protein breakdown into amino acids, amino acid compounds into new proteins, breakdown of long polysaccharide molecules to glucose, the functioning of brain cells, the work of the heart muscle, etc. ex.ex. - we need energy, those very kilocalories that we are so afraid of.

70% of the total calories that food gives go to this basal metabolism, and we use only thirty for physical activity.

Calculations are approximate and relative

The basic exchange depends on a bunch of factors:

  • age;
  • weight;
  • gender;
  • features of the constitution;
  • concomitant diseases;
  • genetic features;
  • ambient temperature;
  • the ratio of muscle and fat mass;
  • work of the thyroid gland and other organs of internal secretion;
  • other external and internal differences.

In order to find out your BM level, that is, how much your body needs for its own needs, you can use different ways. Most accurate: put yourself in a moderate temperature chamber and count how much heat you give off in a given amount of time.

Since such experience is not available to everyone, various scientists and pseudo-scientists have developed special formulas for how to calculate the main exchange:

  • by weight, height and age;
  • by weight minus body fat;
  • by gender - 1 kcal per hour per kg for men, 0.9 for women;
  • on square meter body surface (approximately 915 for men and 854 for women);
  • as well as calculators based on the formulas of Muffin Jeor, Ketch-McArdle and other smart researchers.

And here you are yourself online calculator basal metabolic rate:

And yet we must understand that all formulas are very approximate, not a single calculation gives a true picture. The results can only be used to set a starting point. And at the same time, we should not forget: the calorie consumption calculator shows only the need of the body itself, not taking into account how much you spend on daily activities and physical activity.

Tale of the great secret that everyone knows

Reveal a terrible secret? The less you eat, the slower you lose weight.

By creating an artificial nutrient deficiency, you slow down your metabolic processes. If we are fools and begin to starve ourselves, our body has to defend itself without our conscious knowledge. He is not a fool, and perceives hunger as a signal to accumulate.

This is one of the reasons why vegetarians and fasting monks get fat. If malnutrition and poor nutrition continues for a long time, vital organs are at risk, which are to restore dying cells, to work.

Then the body begins to expend its NZ. And when they end, and they - "eats" itself. Starts from the periphery in favor of what is more important. Muscles are depleted, bones become brittle, skin flabby. The inner omentum, which everyone has, even the most taut ones, completely disappears.

Finally, the moment comes when the main organs suffer irreversibly: the brain,. From this stage it is no longer possible to go back, and you, more or less quickly, continue on your way to the cemetery.

Conclusion: starvation diets only slow down the process of losing weight and cause irreparable harm to health. And do not console yourself with the hope that "it is they who are starving wrong there, or their diet is imperfect."

Taking away from your body those calories that it needs for self-healing, you cross out the years of your life.

"Theory of Relativity" in our life

So, the formulas are approximate, the figures are not exact, the tables are relative. We have only purely empirical data that cannot be used in practice without changes. What to do? How to understand your level? Act logically.

The best coach is a professional athlete. The best theorist is a practicing doctor.

There are medical norms of daily consumption for adults:

  • 1200 kilocalories - the most extreme minimum, followed by exhaustion (this is the value that should be taken as the starting point in calculating your basal metabolism);
  • 2000 kcal - for a bedridden patient;
  • not less than 2300-2500 - for a person leading a little active lifestyle;
  • from 3000 - with heavy physical exertion.

I made for you online calorie intake calculator:

calorie intake calculator




Sedentary lifestyle


There was such a publicity stunt about 15 years ago: it is demonstrated, which shows the burning of calories eaten. For example, a girl displays an apple on the screen, and is forced to pedal intensively for several minutes so that it is “eaten” in the picture of the simulator.

No basal metabolism is taken into account here, but what an advertisement! A person should feel with all his fibers how much he eats! It's scary to think how much you have to sweat, pedaling, if instead of an apple there is a steak!

Everything is different in life. Calorie counting is often necessary when a person cannot determine why he is powerless despite the fact that he does not have any obvious diseases. Here he just falls in a layer after work - and is not able to move. He starts counting calories - it turns out that he consumes too few of them.

Another example: a bedridden patient does not recover well, despite the calculated diet - it is necessary to calculate whether he receives a lot of calories. It is possible that he should be fed more energy-intensive food, because the body does not have enough energy to restore his own cells.

If someone wants to lose weight, you must first take into account the ratio of proteins, carbohydrates and fats in food. Food must be complete. In order not to disfigure yourself, it’s better to add yourself, start walking, visit sites with exercise equipment, give up snacks with all sorts of fast foods and chocolates, eat in small portions five to six times a day, get rid of bad habits. It is more useful, especially if you will live the rest of your life this way.

. Everything that is said there is experienced by the author in his own skin, and with health benefits. You will lose weight immediately and irrevocably!

That's all for today.
Thank you for reading my post to the end. Share this article with your friends. Subscribe to my blog.
And drove on!


The basal metabolic rate is an indicator that determines a person's daily energy requirement. It is measured in kilocalories. Basal metabolism depends on many factors that determine the characteristics of human life. It is characterized by a parameter that displays the body's need for calories, which are necessary to maintain its basic functions. For example, these include breathing, blood circulation, the activity of all organs and systems.

The basic metabolism determines the energy demand of the body in a state of complete rest. The ambient temperature is +20°C. This value is calculated as the amount of heat that falls on a unit of human body weight per day. Basal metabolism is calculated using direct measurements of natural indicators. To do this, the amount of heat used by a person is recorded in a special breathing chamber.

Also, this value can be calculated without the use of specific equipment. For this, a special respiratory coefficient is taken into account. The obtained value of the metabolic rate is largely influenced by the volume of muscle mass, the amount of fat in the body, the functioning of the thyroid gland, age, weight of a person, and the level of physical activity. All these factors are taken into account when calculating this indicator.

What affects BSM?

There are two types of calorie needs of the human body:

  • the first group is determined by the weight, height of a person;
  • the second - depends on the age category, gender and body type.

If we take into account the weight and height of a person, then as they increase, the level of basal metabolism increases. This is due to the significant need of the body for thermal energy to regulate body temperature. This value also depends on gender. In men, metabolic processes occur more intensively than in women. This is due to the large amount of muscle mass, which consumes a lot of energy.

Also, different levels of metabolism in young guys, girls and older people. This pattern is due to the fact that with age, the volume of muscle mass decreases significantly. From about age 30, BMS decreases by three percent every decade. You also need to understand that with obesity, metabolic processes do not occur as intensively as with normal weight. In people with a large amount of adipose tissue in the body, the metabolism occurs at a slower rate.

How is BSM calculated?

The norm of the basal metabolic rate is determined using several formulas. According to the calculations of Muffin-Jeor, several indicators are taken into account - weight, height, age, gender of a person, level of physical activity. This formula does not take into account body fat percentage. This substance significantly reduces this speed. This feature is taken into account in the Ketch-McArdle formula.

  • in adult men, about 1 kcal per kg of body weight per hour is consumed;
  • the need for adult women per 1 kg of weight is 0.9 kcal / hour;
  • in men per 1 sq. m of body surface consumes about 915 kcal per day;
  • in women, this value reaches 834 kcal per day.

The norms presented above will increase or decrease depending on the functional characteristics of a man or woman, their physical activity. Also, the need for energy is affected by ambient temperature, pregnancy.

What is this calculator for?

If a person significantly restricts the number of calories they consume, their metabolism slows down. When this amount of energy supplied with food becomes critically low, BMR decreases by at least 10-40%. Therefore, a person who wants to lose weight is strictly forbidden to go on strict diets. Strict restriction in food leads to the opposite effect. Losing weight is more difficult for a person to lose extra pounds and the likelihood of a breakdown increases significantly. The human body cannot function normally with such a severe restriction.

With the help of this online calculator it is very easy to calculate the BCM. Based on the value obtained, you can adjust your diet. The daily amount of calories consumed should not be lower than calculated using the calculator. If it is approximately equal to this indicator, the person will lose weight. Also, the intensity of getting rid of extra pounds can be increased with the help of physical activity.

In articles about weight loss, you can often read about the basic metabolism. This is the number of calories that the body spends in a state of absolute rest. Simply put, that energy value that is “burned” simply in order to breathe, maintain blood flow, cell renewal, nervous activity and other vital processes in the body.

If you add to the basal metabolic rate the number of calories that you expend during work, home activities, recreation and sports, you get the daily energy requirement of the body.

    So, the basic metabolism is an important indicator for those who monitor their health.

Basic metabolism: impact on weight loss

The basal metabolic rate or the so-called basal metabolism determines how quickly you will lose weight on a particular diet. Often in pursuit fast weight loss we sit on completely “wild” ones with a caloric content of the diet of 800 or even 600 kcal. These figures do not provide even a third of the body's need for calories in a state of absolute rest. In practice, this leads to only one result - a slowdown in the rate of basal metabolism.

Yes, the body will take some of the energy from body fat, but at the same time, it will try to adapt to the “super-low” calorie content of the diet, since any food due to body fat is, from the point of view of nature, a “hungry, emergency” mode. In addition, if the diet is unbalanced in protein, you will quickly lose muscle mass, and your basal metabolism will slow down quite significantly.

Simple rule for basal metabolism:

  • the calorie content of your diet should not be lower than the basal metabolic rate.

Let's say your basal metabolism is 1450 kcal, so the diet should in any case provide for this need. With the loss of each kilogram of weight, the "digital indicator" will decrease, and you will have to reduce a little.

And where does the calorie deficit, so necessary for weight loss, come from? We remind you that during the day you do work, the “calorie deficit” will depend on its quantity.

Basic metabolism: what does it depend on

Most formulas for calculating basal metabolism take into account three indicators: gender, age and weight of a person. However, a more accurate calculation can be obtained if you know at least the approximate ratio of fat and muscle mass. One kilogram of muscle tissue consumes about 200 kcal per day just to “maintain itself”, while 1 kg of fat requires three times less energy.

Hence the high basal metabolic rate in female athletes and the direct benefit of serious strength training. If you can build at least 2-3 kg of muscle mass, energy expenditure at rest will increase by almost a third, which, translated into everyday language, means "you can eat more, and at the same time be slimmer than most of your girlfriends." In addition, the volume of a kilogram of muscle is significantly less than the same amount of subcutaneous fat. That is why diets and a daily routine for weight loss should be focused not so much on reducing total body weight, but on.

How to calculate basal metabolic rate

The simplest formula for calculating the basal metabolic rate is as follows:

  • Divide your weight in kilograms by 0.454.
  • Multiply the resulting number by 0.409.
  • Multiply the result by 24 and get the basal metabolic rate, expressed in kilocalories per day.

The most average values ​​are given by the following formula of the basic exchange. OO for women is 0.9 times body weight in kg, times 24. For men, this formula should be taken as one instead of 0.9.

The formula for calculating daily energy expenditure for basal metabolism, taking into account weight, height and age ():

  • for men: 66 + (13.7 * weight) + (5 * height in cm) - (6.8 * age)
  • for women: 655 + (9.6 * weight) + (1.8 * height in cm) - (4.7 * age)

All the above formulas do not take into account your muscle mass. It is possible to obtain measurements taking into account the last indicator only after it has been made. In fact, it is possible to calculate the basic metabolism taking into account body composition only in the conditions of a medical center.

Calculation of daily basal metabolic energy expenditure based on fat-free body mass

The Katch-McArdle formula is considered the most accurate of the formulas for calculating basal metabolic rate, but in order to use it, you need to know your fat percentage.

If your weight is 70 kg and 30% fat, then the fat mass is 21 kg (70 times 0.3, the result is subtracted from 70), fat-free mass in this case is 70-21 = 49 kg.

OB = 370 + (21.6 * fat-free mass)
In this example - 1428 Kcal.

But for the purposes of losing weight, it is enough to calculate the exchange using any simple formula given in this article. After all, the main thing for you is not to reduce the calorie intake beyond the basal metabolic rate in order to maintain an adequate weight loss rate and be able to.

Especially for fitness trainer Elena Selivanova.

This page contains calculators that will help you determine a number of key parameters that are very important for losing weight and then maintaining a normal weight.

Here you can calculate: metabolic rate, body mass index, daily calorie requirement, body type, etc.

Attention! All parameters are calculated based on your individual anthropometric data, so enter input values ​​as accurately as possible, in tenths and hundredths of numbers if possible.

To calculate parameters with other input data, there is no need to refresh the page, just edit the original values ​​and click the calculate button.

The question mark means that there is additional information for this item. To read it, move the mouse cursor over the sign.

Basic parameters

Enter your basic anthropological parameters, which will be the basis for all subsequent calculations. For some calculations, you will need to fill in additional fields that are given in each calculator separately.


SBI based on lean body mass. Percentage of body fat

The disadvantage of both formulas presented above is that they do not take into account the percentage of muscles in the body, although, as you know, it is muscle mass directly affects the metabolic rate.

Therefore, these formulas are well suited for people of average build. However, in some cases it is more correct to use the formula Ketch-McArdle, which is based solely on the indicator of "dry" body weight.

To calculate "lean" body weight, you must first determine the percentage of fat in the body. To do this, you need to specify additional initial data.

After filling in all the fields, click the calculate button.


Body fat percentage: -

Mass of fat: -

Basal metabolic rate: -

Daily calorie requirement: -

Body mass index

Body mass index (BMI)- a value that allows you to assess the degree of correspondence between a person’s mass and his height, and thereby indirectly assess whether the mass is insufficient, normal or excessive.

To calculate your BMI, click the calculate button. In addition, you will be shown an interpretation of your BMI as developed by the WHO (World Health Organization).


Body mass index: -


Ideal weight

One of the most accurate calculation methods ideal weight is the formula Brock. It takes into account the ratio of weight, height, body type and age of a person. It has been proven that with age, the weight of both women and men gradually increases - this is a normal physiological process. And kilograms, which some consider "superfluous", in fact, they may not be.

To use Brock's formula, you must first determine your body type. To do this, you must specify another additional parameter - the value of the circumference of the wrist (it is also called the "Soloviev index").