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Photos of the best sports corners for children in the country - we look at ideas! Sports corner in the apartment for the child. How to make a sports corner with your own hands

This is especially true for families with children growing up. The intellectual development of the baby is of great importance, but it should not interfere physical development. Full-fledged physical training is, first of all, health, which ensures normal brain activity.

Beautiful Swedish wall for kids

Creating a mini-gym in the children's room will help introduce the child to sports

In other words, without physical development it is impossible to achieve the correct functioning of the brain and all other organs and systems of the body. Many parents try to send their children to sports clubs and circles. This is a very correct decision, but your own sports corner at home is an ideal option for the constant physical improvement of a young organism.

Organizing a space for sports in is quite difficult, but still real. This is facilitated by a wide range of modern designs and simulators available for sale. All these devices are different in:

  1. dimensions;
  2. functionality;
  3. placement method;
  4. cost.

The main types of home sports corners

If the owner of the apartment plans to design a sports corner (see photo below), he must first familiarize himself with the types of such facilities and study the range offered by different manufacturers.

The choice of a sports complex depends on:

  • the size of the apartment;
  • geometric features of the room;
  • the amount that the owner of the apartment is willing to donate for the purchase of sports equipment.

Home Gym Design Ideas

Unfortunately, most modern apartments restricted in square meters, and, as a rule, has dimensions of no more than 10 m 2. But this should not be a reason for refusing to install sports equipment. Even in a very small room, you can build a miniature sports corner.

  • Option one. The Swedish wall is installed, in ceiling rings are mounted, a basketball hoop is attached to the wall. Additionally, you can hang a punching bag. Such a composition will take no more than 1 m 2, which will in no way affect the rest of the nursery area.

  • The second option is more advanced and consists in using transforming furniture, which can simultaneously be a sports element and perform the function , , . Such furniture saves space well, and modern execution contributes to the fact that it fits perfectly into any interior.

Making a small sports ground at the head of the bed in a small room

It is much easier for owners of an apartment with a large children's room to design a sports corner with their own hands. The absence of restrictions in square meters provides great opportunities, including the equipment of an entire sports complex. In addition to the main attributes, horizontal stairs, horizontal bars, an obstacle course, various simulators (treadmill, bicycle, etc.) are placed here.

Of course, such a sports corner will require significant financial investments, but the reward for the efforts of parents will be the health and cheerful laughter of their children.

Advice. By connecting your own imagination or inviting a professional designer home, you can design a children's sports corner in a specific theme, for example, the jungle or a pirate ship.

Home gym for adults

Adults love sports just as much as children. Moreover, exercising on sports equipment is necessary to maintain good physical shape, strengthen the muscles and bones of the skeleton. With insufficient motor activity, the muscles atrophy, and the person feels powerless. Hence all age-related diseases and poor health.

For those people who spend a lot of time at home, having their own gym is not a luxury, but a vital necessity.

Standard sports corners, which can be seen on sale, occupy an area from 1 m 2 to 3.5 m 2, and their height is in the range of 2.5-3 m. Therefore, there is always a place for such a design.

Even a fit adult has a significant weight, so sports equipment for an adult should be as durable and stable as possible. It is better to purchase a corner whose load-bearing elements (racks, crossbars) are made of.

The advantage of the metal complex is that it is much easier to assemble than a wooden sports corner. And there will never be splinters on the hands.

Interior and decor features

The sports room in the house, like any other, requires an appropriate interior and decorations. When designing this zone, designers recommend and try to use as much as possible. Since everything here symbolizes health, the presence of synthetic finishing materials would be inappropriate.

The walls of the gym should be finished cork panels, and make the floor from natural wood or lay it. In order not to suffer from the impressive weight of the simulators and constant dynamic loads, sports equipment should be installed on special podiums. In addition to practicality, it is also an additional decorative factor.

Bright spacious gym room

A distance of 30 cm must be observed between walls and sports equipment (except for the Swedish wall). If we are talking about a large sports corner, it is rational to put a locker for clothes and towels, floor scales here.

A mini-gym in the apartment will help you get in shape without leaving your home.

Gymnastic exercises and exercises on simulators are best done in the presence of musical accompaniment. Therefore, you should take care of purchasing a player. But a portable player with headphones may well replace it. Those who do not consider themselves music lovers may want to listen to literary works or study foreign language take some training.

What should be in a home gym? There should be enough light, but at the same time it should not irritate the eyes. Too bright lamps will act on the body tiring.

You can equip a sports corner not only in the apartment, for this it is suitable:

  1. ;
  2. basement;
  3. .

It is best if an area of ​​​​8-10 m 2 is allocated for the placement of sports equipment.

Panoramic top floor can be freely equipped as a home gym

The main qualities that need to be considered when arranging a children's room are safety and comfort. Here you can create a real fairy-tale island. Indoors, the child will be able to spend time with exciting children's games and innocent pranks, as well as learn about the world around him and develop comprehensively. It is important that the baby grows up healthy both emotionally and physically. To do this, you need to think about how the design will be in the room. The sports area is considered an integral part of it. Therefore, when planning a room, you should allocate space for it. Next, consider how you can equip a sports corner for a child.

The need for installation

According to modern medicine, in a child with developed bones and muscles, the brain and internal organs are formed correctly. Active movements have a significant impact on mental development, in particular on the activity of brain cells. Quickly enough, the baby will begin to stand up without assistance, learn to sit and crawl. This means that it's time to equip a sports corner for the child.

Basic Variations

Optional to purchase finished structure which will take up a lot of space. You can make a children's sports corner with your own hands. To do this, there will be enough available things. In particular, we are talking about a simple stool, a children's chair with a hard back, sofa cushions and the main task is to create an incentive for the active movements of the baby. He needs to crawl, overcome obstacles from pillows, get up and rest his arms against a stool, and so on. You can attach an ironing board to the sofa and ride the baby on this kind of slide.

Features of baby trainers

It is worth considering the purchase of such products. Such a developmental center will help the child strengthen the muscles of the legs and arms. It also contributes to the development of vision and hearing. In addition, this complex has a positive effect on the coordination of the baby's movements. Such a sports equipment will not allow the child to be bored for a long time. It is suitable for babies from 4 months old. From a reclining position, the child will be able to reach for toys and buttons, while listening to music. By nine months, the baby will learn to fully sit. The muscles in his neck and back will gradually become stronger as he begins to press the buttons and pull the toys towards him.

The Importance of Exercise

What is the first real sports simulator for a child? It's about about the swing and the ball. Currently, these attributes are available for any family. It doesn't matter if the ball is completely small size, and the swings are located on the playground in the yard. Sports are extremely important for a child's development. In this case, you do not need to wait until he grows up.

What should be considered when choosing designs?

Currently, there are metal, plastic and wooden variations on the free sale. If it is not possible to make a sports corner at home on your own, then you can purchase a finished product. As a rule, the structures are collapsible, so they can be easily assembled and disassembled, installed in one place or another in the room.

Design features

What is a children's sports corner in the apartment? This is a collapsible frame structure. There are P-, T- and L-shaped types. It depends on the configuration. Similar structures can be installed in any premises with a ceiling height of more than 2.35 m. This element occupies an average of about 0.5-4 square meters. m.

Main nuances

If a wooden sports corner is chosen for the apartment, then you should pay attention to the diameter and height of the crossbars of the structure. Such a complex is able to create comfort in the room. It is very environmentally friendly and less traumatic for schoolchildren. younger age. However, it should be noted that the surface of such a complex must be smooth and even. The sports corner of the house should be a very functional design. This point is very important, as it is necessary that the child does not lose interest in classes.

Features of the Swedish wall

When buying such a complex, you should pay attention to the painting of metal things. First of all, they must be safe for children. It is better if the details of the Swedish wall, for example, are made of stainless steel. In this case, aluminum is not suitable, as it bends. Children's sports corner for home can be fixed on the wall, which is free from furniture. Thus, it will take up minimal space. But what if the apartment is rather small and there is practically no free space? In this case, you can install the crossbar in the doorway. You can purchase several shells, which will then change if necessary.

Additional inventory

The sports corner in the apartment can be purchased in different configurations. It is desirable that the design be equipped with a trampoline. The kids will love to jump on it. Long "jumping" on the trampoline will make the child more diligent at school. Thus, at home there will be a place for the release of energy.

Features of the metal structure

In this case, it is advisable to purchase a complex, the frame and horizontal bar of which are made of stainless steel. Naturally, not all elements in such a design are made of metal. For example, the rungs of a rope ladder are made of wood. Before buying, you need to make sure that all these surfaces are carefully treated. Otherwise, the child may get a splinter. The advantages of the metal complex include the fact that it is the easiest to assemble than, for example, its wooden counterpart. In addition, its shells can withstand quite a lot of weight.

How to make training safe?

This must be remembered when purchasing a sports corner in an apartment. Safety is the most important aspect of training. It's a good idea to get a floor mat. Thus, the child will be protected from injuries and bruises. It should also be remembered that the first time the baby necessarily requires the safety net of an adult. It is necessary to explain to the child that before the main workout, you need to perform a few simple exercises to “warm up”. Thanks to this warm-up, injury can be avoided.

Large room equipment

If the area is more than 12 sq. m., there are a huge number of options. Such a space will allow you to place any sports corner in the room. The mini-complex is the most successful option. As a rule, its equipment includes the following:

  1. Gymnastic rings.
  2. Trapeze.
  3. Rope.
  4. Rope ladders.
  5. Horizontal bar.
  6. Swedish wall.

The estimated cost of this option is about $600. The price is calculated depending on the materials of manufacture and manufacturers. For boys, the complex can be supplemented with a punching bag. Playhouses and swings are suitable for girls. If space allows, you can allocate an area for a trampoline. It is worth noting that this element is the subject of dreams of almost all children. It is better that the complex is located in a separate play area. In this case, a non-staining and durable wall finish is required. Perfect for plastering, painting, plastic panels or cork. Most of the structures equipped with a Swedish wall are installed at a distance between the floor and the ceiling. You need to adjust the complex in height. Thanks to the rubber feet, the floor covering will not be damaged. In the case of hanging or stretch ceilings, it is necessary to choose models that are attached to the wall.

Small space equipment

In some cases, installing a sports corner in an apartment is not so easy. The fact is that the premises are not dimensionless. In most cases, the smallest room is chosen for arranging a nursery. As a rule, we are talking about an area of ​​\u200b\u200b10 square meters. m. It is necessary to try very hard to place all the furniture in this space, as well as game elements. The minimum complete set of a corner includes a rope and a Swedish wall. The cost of this option can be called budget - up to $ 350. Fastening of such complexes is carried out directly to the wall. This way they won't take up a lot of space. The L-shaped corner is the optimal modification. If necessary, the design can be supplemented with the following elements:

  1. Board for the press.
  2. Basketball hoop.
  3. Pear.
  4. Rings.
  5. Horizontal bar.

Non-standard solutions

There are also more economical options available. We are talking about combined furniture. However, in this case, space will be saved, not money. It should be noted that such a set is made only to order. You can try different options for the sleeping area. In particular, this applies to a multi-level bed. In this case, the upper level (partially) and the side level are allocated for the sports and play area. Hanging elements must be combined. They can be replaced as needed.


First of all, you need to remember about it if you plan to make a sports corner with your own hands. You should also take into account the age of the child. When choosing a sports corner in an apartment, you need to make sure that it is as reliable as possible. You need to make sure that the manufacturer has the appropriate certificate for this product. The reliability of the fasteners is checked first. It is preferable to choose complexes made of metal and wood. You should also take care of a "soft landing" for the child. It is better that there are elastic rubberized mats on the floor. They are the perfect floor covering. Mats should be nailed or glued to the surface. Thus, the possibility of slipping will be excluded.

Sports area for the whole family

The size of a child's room can be really modest. In some cases, there is nowhere to put even the smallest wall. Then a sports corner with your own hands can be arranged in another room. For example, a part of the corridor or living room is suitable for this purpose. It is not necessary to be limited only to the children's direction. You can equip a whole mini-hall. All family members can use it. The children's complex is also suitable for adults. In particular, this applies to the metal kit. It is able to withstand up to 120 kg. The sports area needs to be equipped with additional simulators. You can use the following elements:

  1. Board for the press.
  2. Exercise bike.
  3. "Walking" orbitrek.
  4. Folding treadmill.

It is advisable to allocate space for a small locker or cabinet. There you can place jump ropes, dumbbells, hanging structures and many other sports equipment. Ideally, if you can turn a balcony into a sports area. However, the allocated space in the living room is also quite suitable for this.

The upbringing of many modern children is based on intellectual development. FROM early age children are sent to various pre-school and preparatory courses. Of course, all this is necessary, but not to the detriment of physical development. The task of any parent is to make sure that the child grows and develops in all respects: both mentally and physically. One of the important stages is the children's room, which should be equipped not only with all the tools for study and recreation, but also with a sports corner.

Under normal conditions, when apartments have a small area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe room, this is problematic, but still possible. After all, modern designs are diverse enough to satisfy the needs of the child in constant movement, as well as to meet the wishes of the parents, both in pricing and in terms of accommodation.

Types of sports corners

Before installing the corner, you should familiarize yourself with their types and range. In a small room, an L-shaped sports corner is best suited.

They are freely attached to the wall and do not take up much space. However, this design will be less functional.

If possible, it is better to choose a U-shaped sports corner. Despite the fact that the design requires more space, it is more functional, which will undoubtedly benefit the child.

In addition, it is equally important that the entire sports structure harmoniously fit into the overall interior. In addition to various color variations, you can also choose the material of the corner. The main materials for manufacturing are wood and metal. The first option is considered the best, since it is made of natural material and does not contain any additional impurities.

However, the metal version is more durable and able to withstand several children at the same time. In addition, this corner has a more diverse range of colors and various shapes.

The home sports corner for children is also diverse in terms of the choice of attributes. The most popular are the following components, which serve not only as entertainment, but also develop muscles and various characteristic qualities in the child:

  • The Swedish wall is the basis of any corner. Having supplemented it with various details, the child can do any exercises.
  • Gymnastic rings, horizontal ladders, horizontal bars can not only pass the time of the child for a fun game, but also strengthen the muscles of the arms and abdomen.
  • The swing is suitable even for the little ones. The main thing before purchasing is to take into account the space. After all, even their most compact form requires quite a lot of free space.
  • Ropes, rope ladders and nets, in addition to affecting all muscle groups, will develop willpower in a child. After all, what will be his joy when, despite many unsuccessful attempts, he still gets to the top of the rope.
  • Basketball hoop and ball will provide love for this sport and will develop motor skills of hands and coordination of movements.
  • Also, the child will be happy to practice boxing skills on a pear, presenting himself as a favorite hero who defeated an entire army of his enemies.
  • Mats. Having taken care of the tools, do not forget about safety. Surely the child during the game will fall far more than once. To protect it from abrasions and bruises, the floor must be covered with mattresses without fail.

Ideas for installing a sports corner

The area of ​​children's rooms, often, does not exceed 10 square meters. It seems that in such a territory not even all the main items can be installed, not to mention the sports installation. However, even in this situation, you can install a universal corner, and more than one way.

The first option is to mount a regular sports wall bar with a horizontal bar, to which you can also add a pear, rings or a basketball hoop. Such an installation can take no more than one meter. And by installing it in the corner of the room, it will not interfere with the movement and use of other things in the room.

The second, more versatile and functional option for equipping a small children's room with sports equipment is the use of combined furniture. In this case, the furniture can simultaneously perform several functions. In addition to the components for sports activities, it includes a bed, wardrobe, table or bedside table. Combined furniture perfectly saves space. In addition, it can be matched to any room design.

If the child has a large and spacious room, there are much more options and methods for installing corners. In this case, you can put a whole sports system. The usual Swedish wall can be supplemented not only with a horizontal bar, but also with horizontal stairs, various obstacles and other other equipment.

The price of such a sports installation in a children's room will significantly exceed the previous options. However, its presence will allow you to have fun with friends, organize children's birthday parties or other celebrations right at home. At the same time, children will never be bored. In addition, the abundance of sports equipment will even more encourage the child to go in for sports.

By connecting the imagination, you can arrange a corner in the form of a pirate ship or jungle. Accordingly, the room should be decorated in a similar style. This situation requires a lot of work. But there is no doubt that the laughter of the child and his enthusiastic eyes will pay off all efforts.

Structure coating

Having decided on the material and dimensions of the sports corner, you can choose the color scheme. You can rely on the classic version. That is, for a boy, a corner is selected with various shades of blue, green, black. For girls, red, yellow and other bright colors are suitable. If you need to choose for a boy and for a girl, you can combine colors for every taste.

More important is not the color, but the quality of the coating. Over time, due to heavy use, the paint may peel or rub off. Given the high cost of construction, this factor is very unpleasant.

Advice ! Some parents refuse to paint at all. Wooden sports corners are simply treated with varnish, and metal ones - with a special solution that will protect the iron from various changes.

Despite the simplicity, with the right setting of the room, such a corner will look no worse.

Hand made

A skilled owner can build a children's sports area with his own hands. To do this, you first need to decide what components the design will have.

The basis is the Swedish wall. Therefore, its construction is mandatory. For this you will need:

  • 2 beams with dimensions 5x14x300. The last value can be changed depending on the height of the ceiling.
  • 6 cuttings under a shovel. You can buy them at a hardware store. Important condition so that they do not have any knots and cracks. The surface must be perfectly smooth.
  • Metal corners and screws for fixing to the wall.
  • High quality super glue
  • Clothesline
  • Rings
  • Tools: drill, saw, sandpaper

After both beams are adjusted to the height of the ceiling, they should be processed with a planer and sandpaper until the surface is smooth. After that, holes for the crossbar should be made in each beam. Using a three-meter beam, 11-12 holes will be enough. Their diameter must correspond to the cuttings, otherwise the crossbars either will not, or will scroll.

Arriving at suburban area, parents often face the question: “What to do with a child?”. After all, there will always be work in the country, and it is impossible to pay attention only to the baby.

A children's corner located on the site will be the best solution to the issue. A properly organized and equipped playground will help children have fun and spend time usefully. The game complex will become a favorite place for the child and decoration of the backyard.

What to choose: a ready-made complex or a home-made platform?

The children's play complex can be purchased ready-made, ordered in a certain configuration or built independently. Alternatively, you can buy ready-made elements (a plastic slide, a swing, a climbing wall) and connect them as you wish.

When buying a finished playground, you need to pay attention to the quality and safety of all components of the complex. Play equipment must be stable, free of sharp corners, protruding edges and bolts. The supporting structures of the installation must be buried in the ground, and, if necessary, concreted.

It should be noted that ready-made children's corners for summer cottages are identical in their configuration with the complexes located in the yard or park. Therefore, a child can quickly get bored with climbing and riding on a platform familiar to him.

A do-it-yourself children's corner on the site has several advantages:

  • saving money - ready-made complexes are expensive, and it will be possible to equip a "children's town" on your own with the help of improvised materials;
  • introducing the child to work - the kid will be happy to participate in creating his own playground;
  • the ability to fully control the strength of the assembly of the structure;
  • placement on the site of gaming zones, different in content.

Of course, it will take more time to independently arrange the site than to buy ready-made models. However, the result of painstaking work will delight children, parents and guests of the cottage for a long time.

Stages of creating a children's corner with your own hands

site selection and site preparation

The arrangement of a children's corner should begin with finding the optimal location for the site, adhering to important criteria and tips:

  • the game complex should not be located under the scorching rays of the sun ( optimal location- southwestern side of the site);
  • it is good if there is a large tree near the site, the crowns of which protect from the wind and the sun (to protect against the wind, you can install a fence of climbing plants);
  • it is not advisable to place a children's corner in a country house in a lowland or on a northern slope (dampness after rain lasts longer);
  • the place should be clearly visible so that parents can watch the children play from the window of the house and from different points of the site.

After the location of the site has been determined, it is necessary to restore order in the allotted territory. The surface should be as flat as possible, without stones, gravel and objects that can cause injury.

As a flooring, you can use sand or special screenings (grains are not sharp and larger than sandy ones).

For the smallest "summer residents" a green lawn is suitable well-groomed lawn. The sown grass mixture should be thick and strong (varieties for sports lawns are suitable).

You can add brightness and ensure safety in the children's play area by laying multi-colored mats based on crumb rubber. Such a coating fits even on embossed surfaces and has good water permeability.

division of the complex into play areas

In order for the entertainment of children to be interesting and bring not only joy, but also benefit, it is necessary to take care of different play areas.

You can equip the following children's play areas:

  • sports;
  • entertaining;
  • cognitive;
  • labor.

In the sports area you can place various bars, horizontal bars, hang a basketball hoop or a target for playing darts. School-age children will love a homemade table tennis table.

The entertainment area may include swings (fixed or mobile), a rope ladder, bungee or hanging tires. An indispensable attribute of the playground - sandbox, in which kids can play for hours, creating castles and towns.

A child's acquaintance with nature will be more fruitful if a young botanist is given a small garden bed for planting. The kid will be happy to observe the growth of self-planted crops, and take care of them.

Where else, if not at the dacha to teach children to work? Children love to feel like adults and do “important” tasks. In the play corner, you can allocate a place for a children's workshop. It can be a small table, a box with the necessary (children's) tools and materials at hand (plywood, planks, pegs, ropes).

selection of materials and filling the children's corner

When arranging the gaming complex, all kinds of materials can be used: bars, steel pipes, boards, old tires, ropes, ropes, etc.

You can build a horizontal bar from steel pipes. If the child is still small, then the horizontal bar can be used as a support for a mobile swing. You can hang a rope ladder made of rope and wooden beams on it.

Using an old tire and a rope, you can create an interesting hanging swing. In addition, tires dug into the ground at a short distance from each other will be a kind of “horses” for kids that you can jump on.

All elements of the slide can be made independently, except for the slope - it is better not to take risks and purchase a ready-made slope (plastic).

Planed boards are required to create a sandbox. The size of the sandbox depends on the number of children in the family (average dimensions are 2.5 square meters), the height of the sides is about 25 cm. In order for the sand to remain dry and clean, it is necessary to provide a flooring for the sandbox. It can be either a special cover (made of wood, plastic), or cellophane, which can be used to cover the sand after the game.

Making children's dreams come true

When wondering how to arrange a children's corner, parents often want to create something special that would take the kids from reality to a fairy-tale world.

You can implement the most unusual ideas for a children's corner by equipping a thematic area. For example, make a sandbox in the form of a pirate ship with sails and equip it with a real compass.

If the plot area allows, then you can install a children's house - a real treasure for any child. The range of ready-made houses is very large - these are both plastic and wooden models; for boys and for girls. Having skills in construction, you can create a "home" with your own hands from a wooden frame.

An impromptu hut made of twigs and branches or an ordinary tourist tent will serve as an alternative to the house.

Well, which of the children does not dream of their own tree house? If possible (assembly experience wooden structures, material, time), a “worthy” tree with strong trunks and a great desire, then you can build a “castle in the air” yourself.

Young motorists will appreciate a car or a motorcycle made of boards and tires, but with a real steering wheel.

Children's safety rules at their summer cottage

The final stage in the arrangement and design of the children's corner is to check the site for safety.

  1. There must be a fence (mesh or fence) between the game complex and the reservoir (including the fountain pool).
  2. Screws and nails should not “peep out” from the structures, and the joints should be constantly checked and securely fastened.
  3. Plants with poisonous seeds (broom, juniper, hellebore) should not be planted near the children's corner.
  4. It is highly undesirable to have glazed greenhouses near the site, or glass structures must be unbreakable and shatterproof.
  5. Most of the elements of the play area can be made independently (sandbox, swing, decor, rope ladders, bungee, "wheels", etc.), but the manufacture of some (slide for a slide, climbing wall) is better to entrust to professionals.
  6. Please note that garden tools (scythes, rakes, shovels, saws, stepladders) do not lie around the site.

A well-equipped playground will give children the joy of spending time on the street, and adults will be able to work effectively or relax without worrying about their kids.

A modern apartment is distinguished by practicality and functionality. Here, each element carries a certain load, allowing you to comfortably relax, work and play sports. Do you know that the dream of every kid is a home sports corner? How to properly equip and arrange it so that the child can play sports at home.

Sports corner for children

Ask any parent involved in raising and developing their child how important sports are. Of course, you will receive an affirmative answer, because "in a healthy body - healthy mind". However, physical education classes at a school or other preschool institution are simply not enough for mobile children.

That's why right decision is the equipment of the children's sports corner in the apartment. What is a sports corner for children?

To charge, in order - become

Let's not hide the fact that a sports corner at home is the secret dream of every kid. Children are very mobile, love to jump, run, somersault and climb. Therefore, a sports corner for children can solve the problem of lack of movement, as well as their own space for sports and games.

Children's sports corners and complexes include:
Swedish wall
horizontal bar
gymnastic rings
In addition, wooden sports corners have a board for pumping the press, which can be used as a slide for skiing.

Children's swedish wall is the most popular trainer. The Swedish wall can be seen in the sports halls of schools or kindergartens, as well as a few playgrounds. Thanks to its well-thought-out design, consisting of crossbars, the Swedish wall is compact and reliable during classes.
The sides of the Swedish wall are made of hardwood.
Sports construction can be of various configurations and geometric dimensions.

The recommended distance between the steps of the Swedish wall for kids should be 25 cm, the diameter of the horizontal bar and the crossbar should not exceed 30 mm. This diameter of the crossbars fully corresponds to the capabilities of a child's hand.
The L-shaped Swedish wall is the most compact and occupies an area of ​​about 1 square meter. The wall tightly adjoins the wall, in the upper part there is a crossbar for placing a climbing rope and gymnastic rings.

Simple design horizontal bar allows children to pull up, do flips and just hang on the bar. At the same time, the weight that the horizontal bar can withstand is significant, and reaches 120 kg.
Gymnastic rings this is the first step in the Olympic reserve. When exercising on the rings in a child, more than one muscle group will be involved in the work.

Climbing and hanging on tightrope causes associations in children with the famous dexterous and restless Mowgli. This is probably why children love to “hang” on a rope, sometimes even upside down, scaring compassionate grandparents with such a hanging position.

How to equip and arrange a sports corner

If the dimensions and area of ​​​​the apartment do not allow you to arrange a sports corner with full equipment, then you can install only one crossbar in the doorway. The crossbar is mounted on special adjustable holders. On the crossbar you can hang a rope or a swing on a carabiner.

You can equip and arrange a fully equipped sports corner for children in the children's room. The Swedish wall is mounted directly to the wall in a vertical position, using reliable fasteners. The type of installation can be wide open, which means that the supports are mounted to the ceiling and floor. There are the following types of Swedish wall configuration:
The last two wall configurations occupy an area larger than the compact L-shaped one. However, such forms of the wall allow you to additionally design a sports corner with swings, bars and a basketball hoop.

We warn caring parents that any sports area must be equipped without fail with gymnastic mats. Gymnastic mats will protect children from the unwanted possibility of injury. Gymnastic mats are produced by a manufacturer of sports equipment from high-quality materials with synthetic filler. The daily care of the mats is simple, they can be cleaned and washed with any synthetic detergent.

In addition to the minimum set of a sports corner, it can be equipped with additional exercise equipment. Among the exercise machines, the treadmill and exercise bike are popular. By the way, these can be folding structures that can even be stored on a balcony or loggia.

The design and installation of a children's sports corner does not require special building skills or the use of complex installation tools. Therefore, you can assemble and install such a corner with your own hands. It is recommended that you read the manufacturer's instruction manual first. The proposed video will help you assemble the corner.

How to assemble a sports corner with your own hands.

It is preferable to purchase children's sports corners that have a quality certificate. Such sports corners can be confidently considered safe, especially since the developed and tested sports corners are made from proven, environmentally friendly materials, taking into account the design features of various models. You can make simple gymnastic equipment with your own hands.

Making gymnastic items with your own hands

The easiest to make with your own hands can be called a rope ladder and a gymnastic trapezoid. The design of the rope ladder consists of two ropes with a diameter of 10 mm. with fixed wooden steps. Wooden steps are a bar with a diameter of 35 cm and have a length of up to 40 cm.

A distance of 20 cm is selected between the steps. Steps are prepared for fastening: a hole is drilled in each step a little more than the thickness of the ropes. Then each step is strung on two ropes and each step is fixed with knots so that the steps do not move freely on the ropes. The height of the frame of the rope ladder is chosen up to 2 m.

At the top, both ropes must be securely fixed on the crossbar. In order to prevent cracking of the steps during use, their ends are fixed with metal rings cut from a steel tube.

Well, well, the sports corner is fully equipped. You can hang on the rings for a bit before the kids notice.