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Pin spell for good luck with rice and salt. Spell on a pin for good luck, for love, against the evil eye and damage

Since ancient times, a pin has been considered a magical object, so it was used as a powerful protective talisman several centuries ago. The pin spell against the evil eye and damage is an ancient way to ward off any failures and repel negative magical influences. Today you can use these simple rituals to protect yourself and your loved ones, because they do not require any special devices.

General rules for creating a talisman from a pin

  • The pin must be new! The one that has been stored in your home for some time will not work. You also cannot pick up this item on the street.
  • Choose a small or medium-sized pin, but remember that it should be completely invisible under clothing
  • The charmed talisman is attached to the wrong side of your everyday clothes and left there until washed.
  • It’s better to attach a magic amulet to your trousers or jacket so that you don’t have to take it off and reattach it every day
  • Women can hook the amulet inside their bra
  • You cannot show your amulet to anyone - in this case it stops working.
  • Before reading the magic spell, keep the pin in water for three days. Water should be from any source, just not from the tap: pond, lake, bay, river, stream
  • To enhance the effect of the talisman, you can put a pin in a glass of holy water every night. Just don’t forget to put it on again in the morning!
  • If you notice that your amulet has turned black, immediately remove it and bury it in the ground so that you can make a new one later. This is a sign that someone has jinxed or cursed you.

A simple ritual with a candle

One of the easiest ways to protect yourself from magical influences is to read a spell on a pin against the evil eye and damage with a candle. You will need any candle, not necessarily a church one. The material itself does not matter - both wax and paraffin are equally good. The most important thing is to light the wick not with a lighter, but with matches. While the candle is burning, imagine how everything bad that surrounds you - envy, gossip, evil thoughts of ill-wishers - burns in its flame, and drip wax onto the blunt end of the pin, saying the following words out loud:

“A sharp needle-pin, pierce the evil with its point, send it away. In the flame the word is conjured, in the damask steel the deed is sealed.”

Water ritual

To carry out this ritual, in addition to, of course, a prepared pin, you will need a container filled with water from any source other than a water tap. Place the future amulet in this container, let it lie there for a day, and then, without removing it from the water, recite the words of the spell on it three times:

“From evil corruption, from the wiles of the devil, from human infection, protect me, little pin.”

Miraculous pine smoke

This ritual is suitable for those people who live outside the city or near a park or forest. But it is advisable that this is not a very public place - no one should see you. You need to go into the forest, collect some dry branches from coniferous trees - pine, spruce, fir. You can continue the ritual right in nature - then you need to light a fire from these branches, or bring brushwood home and light it in any fireproof container. But be careful that your neighbors don’t think there’s a fire in your apartment. Holding the future amulet over the smoke of the fire, you need to read the spell on the pin against the evil eye and damage:

“Noble smoke of the fire, protect from evil, help good. Only you help me, only with you I am dear.”

Onion Ritual

Onions are considered a magical plant. It is able to protect a person from damage, the evil eye, and the machinations of envious people and ill-wishers. You need to take a head of fresh onion, cut off a small piece, say a magic text on it, and then rub the onion juice on your future talisman. The following words are read:

“Bow-fighter, crown of my protection, turn away from me evil deeds, damn deeds. Amulet, protect, ward off all troubles"

Magic ritual with thread

You need to take a red woolen thread about ten centimeters long, thread it through the hole that is on the pin on the side opposite the point, and then tie a dozen knots on the thread, saying the magic text:

“I conjure a dozen forces and a dozen shields.
Hold me tight, save me from trouble,
Do your service faithfully.
Knots, turn away trouble and bad weather,
Take away the anger and misfortune.
This amulet will never wear out"

You need to pin the enchanted pin to the clothes directly along with the thread.

A simple pin spell

This spell for a pin against the evil eye and damage must be read without water and a candle - that is why it is considered the easiest. Just place your future protective talisman on your left palm and say the following words:

“Take away all evil, turn away unkind people, turn away the evil eye, protect me.”

The most powerful protective ritual

This ritual is the most powerful and effective. It should be used when you know for sure that you have ill-wishers and they are not asleep. It is necessary to buy a pin for him on Friday, and the ceremony itself should be carried out next Tuesday, on the waxing moon. In addition to the pin, you will also need a white candle. Light it with matches, and then heat the pinpoint in the flame while reading the following words:

“God, the Angels have come,
Guardian, protect me.
Protect me from the machinations of the evil ones,
Wash with a clean flame.
Let it be so! Amen"

After reading the plot, place a drop of wax on the blunt end of a pin. Then repeat the manipulation (reading + dripping) two more times. After the item has cooled, it needs to be pinned to the wrong side of the clothing, point down.

If you do not consider yourself a believer, you can use another spell:

“The pin is sharp, pierce the evil with its point, send it away from me. I conjure the word with fire, I fix the word with iron.”

All pin spells against the evil eye and damage presented in the article can also be used to protect a child. True, in this case, the mother or godmother should perform the ritual and read the magic words, since the baby may confuse the words - then the spell will not work.

People have long believed that if a pin is pinned to the inner seam of clothing, no one will be afraid of bad thoughts, and no one will be able to cause damage.

It happens in life: at first everything is going well, and it seems that it will continue like this for a long time, and suddenly something seems to change: the mood for no reason is always bad, close people cause irritation, things are not going well, everything is awry coming. It rarely happens in life that things suddenly start to get worse. And if this happens, it’s a sure sign that something is dirty here. There is no doubt at the present time that the evil eye and damage are concepts that have something behind them.
Each of us can cast the evil eye, and often this happens unconsciously: I saw a person with some good thing that I also want to have, a spark of envy flashed through, negativity passed in his direction - and that’s it, done. When a person comes home, something will definitely upset him. Just as we can be jinxed, so can we be jinxed. So what now, don’t leave the house and hide your happiness behind seven seals? Of course not. You can protect yourself from the everyday evil eye, which is sent casually. And not only to protect yourself, but also your loved ones and your home.
To protect a person from the evil eye, you need to use a simple pin. With the help of spells on a pin, this ordinary metal object can be turned into a real amulet, irreplaceable and valuable, which can easily save you from spontaneous damage, the evil eye, everyday negativity, the consequences of envy and other minor negative influences.
To charm a pin, it is better to act independently. In the latter case, such a stage of the ritual as visualization is very important, that is, concentration on the desired result when reading the text of the conspiracy. Since the purpose of such a talisman is to protect you from various energy attacks, you must clearly and clearly imagine all possible threats, as well as the people from whom they can come to you.
Below are a few sayings about pins. When reading them, neither the time of day, nor the day of the week, nor the phase of the moon is important. The main thing is your attention, inner mood, concentration, imagination and, of course, individual energy.

Fire pin spell:

Light a wax candle using a match. Drip the melted wax into the eye of a pin (hole), which is located at the end opposite to the point. Say the text of the conspiracy: “The pin is sharp, pierce the evil with a needle, send it away from me. I conjure the word with fire, I secure the word with iron.” Attach the amulet to the underside of the clothing you are wearing with the tip down.

Water pin spell:

Take well or spring water into a glass vessel (glass, bowl), throw a pin there, and a day later say a spell over the water: “Protect me with a pin from the evil eye, demonic spawn and other infections.” Repeat three times. Remove the pin from the water and treat it as described above.

Smoky hex on a pin:

Collect spruce or pine branches (dry) from the forest and set them on fire in a container that is not afraid of fire (for example, in a barbecue, only new, unused). Hold the pin over the smoke emanating from the fire and say the text of the conspiracy: “Black, noble smoke, protect me, protect me from harm, drive away anger, only you are able to help me.”

Magic pins with knots:

Thread a short red thread (woolen) into a pin and on the part of it that is without a point, tie 12 knots, reading for each such spell: “Twelve shields, twelve forces, and they all hold me tightly, they serve, they will save me from evil. Take away, knots, troubles, bad weather, bad things, misfortunes. Become my amulet from century to century.” Along with the thread, fasten the pin to the wrong side of the garment.

Onion charm from a pin:

Onions have long been considered in magic one of the most powerful protective plants. Pierce a large onion with a pin and recite the spell: “Onion-fighter, crown of my protection, turn away evil deeds from me, damn deeds. Amulet, protect, ward off all troubles.”

Hex on a rowan pin:

Open the pin and prick three dried rowan berries through the point, while saying a curse on each of them: “The rowan is red, it brought me protection.” The pin along with the berries is attached to the inside of the garment.

The pin spell is simple:

Open the pin and place it in the palm of your left hand. Read a spell on a metal object: “Take away all evil, turn away bad people, turn away the evil eye, protect me.” Fasten the pin point down on the wrong side of the garment you are wearing.
When using an evil eye pin as a talisman, it is important to remember a few points: be sure to fasten the enchanted object onto the clothes you are going to wear, be it the suit you wear to work or your dressing gown. The pin should always be with you. Only at night is it allowed to put it under the pillow, so that in your sleep it does not accidentally unfasten and cause you pain.
If the enchanted pin suddenly breaks, comes undone, gets lost, or you simply feel an urgent need to remove it, it means that the amulet has already absorbed the maximum amount of negativity. You need to clean it by removing all additional accessories (thread, berries) from it and putting it in a glass of spring or well water for three days, at the bottom of which a silver coin (ring, earring, etc.) is also thrown. Speak the cleaned amulet from the pin again using any of the methods described above.
This pin needs to be cleaned periodically. As soon as the full moon comes, you need to remove the pin and rinse it in running water, this will cleanse it of the evil that has settled on it. And if you don't clean it regularly, the pin can get clogged and then won't help you anymore. If this happens, gently attach it to a pincushion with red thread and let it stand for 7 nights.
If a pin protects a woman, it should not be attached to trousers - this is not women's clothing. And in order to protect the room from the evil eye, a pin needs to be attached to the curtain from the inside, as close to the floor as possible. There is no need to cover the pin in the room; let its tip point to the floor. The only protection here will be this: if a guest came to the house with evil intentions, the pin in this room will not allow the negativity to spread to the owner.
But it is not customary to protect a bed, be it a child’s bed, a married bed, or the bed of a single adult, with pins, although it would seem that you can attach a pin to a blanket, a sheet or a pillow.

Magical pin spells have been popular for centuries. We sometimes forget about ancient, but very effective methods of attracting good luck, health or money. And very simple conspiracies and spells that came to us from our ancestors will definitely attract what you want to you.

The pin is considered a universal magical tool that is easy to find. A charmed talisman can protect a person from any adversity, drive away all evil from your home, and attract positive energy.

It would seem like an ordinary pin that is in every home - what can it change? But our grandmothers also knew that its use in witchcraft practice is useful for many areas of human activity.

Most rituals do not require special magical skills, so anyone can handle them.

Pin spell rules

The first and most important condition that should be observed when reading a conspiracy is to believe that its result will be as positive as possible. The amulet will become reliable and useful only when you are one hundred percent sure that the ritual being performed is effective.

Another important rule is purity of thoughts. Never clutter your mind with information you don't need. Don't think about bad and evil. Let go of all grievances and do not dwell on them. Direct all your actions for the benefit of yourself and other people.

Remember once and for all: by transmitting negative programs to the amulet you create, you primarily harm yourself. Such a talisman can only attract evil.

When starting the ceremony, take care of the surrounding peace and quiet. It is ideal if you are completely alone in the house, so that not a single sound can distract you from the magical process.

You should dwell on the rules for wearing a charmed amulet:

  • Attach the talisman so that the needle cannot hurt you.
  • The best place is the area of ​​the heart chakra.
  • Magicians recommend piercing the seam of clothing with a pin.
  • Transferring a pin from one wardrobe item to another is allowed. But this rule is prohibited for talismans charmed to protect against energy attacks (damage, evil eye).
  • Are you afraid to leave your pin overnight? Place it carefully under your sleeping place.

Spell on a pin against damage and the evil eye

How can you charm the amulet so that it turns into a reliable protector? In church, buy an ordinary candle and light it at midnight. Place the eye of a pin close to the flame and wait until it warms up well. Now you need to read the spell on the pin three times slowly and thoughtfully:

“My guardian angel, given to me by fate, protect me from an evil glance with your protective hand. Let it be so"

When finished, tilt the candle so that a drop of wax falls onto the ear. Let the wax drain on its own - do not touch or wipe it off.

Now a powerful protector against damage will always be with you. And in moments when you feel weak and powerless (especially when you are in society), mentally say:

“The Lord is ahead. The Mother of God is behind. Protect God's servant (name). Amen"

Spell on a pin for money

For the ceremony you will need banknotes. But not real ones. You can pick them up at a gift shop or make copies.

A gold pin is also required. Place it in a container of water that was previously blessed in the church. Let yourself be energized for a few minutes. Then take it and start piercing bills - put as many as possible on the needle and fasten the pin.

Now it's time for the sacred spell:

“The pin is sharp and quick, I found the money and took it for myself. She clung to them tightly and returned to me with a profit.”

Carry the enchanted amulet in your wallet or put it in the place where you keep money at home.

Pin spells for love

Take a piece of any red fabric. Carefully cut out two even hearts from it. Write your name on one, and your chosen one on the second. If you don’t have a partner at the moment, just write “beloved” or “groom” (“beloved”, “bride”) on the heart.

For the ceremony you will need a red candle. It should be lit and placed on top of the hearts. Open the previously prepared pin and touch it to the flame. Say quietly and calmly:

“The fire burns bright, like summer time, hot. I instill sincere love and pure feelings into your hearts. I fasten it with a pin, I wish you a quick meeting. Inextricable sympathy will awaken, life-long mutual love.”

While the talisman is still warm, attach both hearts with it. When you go to bed, place them under your pillow.

If this night you are visited by good dreams, after which your soul will feel warm and cozy, it means that you will soon meet the love of your life. If you have nightmares or see illogical images, you will have to repeat the ritual after three days.

Pin spell for good luck

At exactly twelve o'clock at night, take a pin (the smallest size). Find a secluded place where no one will disturb you - neither other people's conversations, nor phone calls, nor street sounds.

Light a candle on a white napkin, saying the following text:

“A small pin is a big happiness. I charm the sharp end for good luck, and the blunt end for getting rid of problems. I carry the pin with me and don’t tell anyone. I attract prosperity into life"

Let a few drops of wax fall onto the pin - don't touch it, let it harden. And when you wake up in the morning, carefully remove the wax residue and pin the amulet to your jacket or sweater. Yes, do it so that no one can see it.

How to make a talisman out of a pin

The whole mystery of the effectiveness of an ordinary pin lies in the small spiral - it collects all the negative energy around and destroys it.

It is not for nothing that it is so often hung on a child’s blouse or on a newborn’s diaper, because these innocent creatures are the most susceptible to witchcraft attacks. They have not yet formed the protective barrier that an adult has.

But, nevertheless, even those who have already left childhood would benefit from such a pin-amulet against the evil eye - it not only drives away evil thoughts and resists damage, but also attracts good luck and happiness.

There is a very simple way to spell a pin. Place the fastened amulet on your palm and squeeze it tightly. Now pray to the Lord (“Our Father”). And that’s it – your amulet is ready.

Consequences of pin spells

We all know that witchcraft and magic entail a number of consequences - not a single ritual passes without a trace. I wonder what pin spells can turn out to be? Let's try to figure it out.

If all your actions are aimed at protecting yourself, then they will not bring any negativity. You initially fight against evil, so you don’t put yourself in danger.

But those who want to use pin magic for selfish purposes should be very careful. Using a conspiracy to improve your financial situation in the future may result in a major financial loss or other problems (for example, illness).

This is a kind of repayment for previously provided assistance. But this only happens when you ask for much more than you really need.

The rituals and ceremonies described in this article belong to white magic - used for good purposes, they are absolutely safe.

But there is one important note! If you try to harm someone with a pin, don't expect anything good. Your goal will certainly be achieved. But in the future you will face a lot of problems that you cannot solve on your own.

The evil created will return in increased size. This is a karmic law - there are no protective measures against it.

Alena Golovina— white witch, master of Cosmoenergetics,author of the site


One of the most powerful spells is the pin spell. Even those who do not believe in their effect are not against a beautifully pinned pin as a decoration. After all, many claim that it is the best remedy for the evil eye and damage, and can attract good luck and restore order in family relationships.

A pin is the best remedy for the evil eye and damage

Plot for good luck

To attract good luck, you need to read a special spell on the pin. It also works when read over any other piece of jewelry or item. The magical action takes place during the new moon, exactly at midnight. Having bought a new pin, you need to read the following words above it at midnight:

“The moon is born, its power awakens, it comes to me. Just as the moon cannot part with the sky, so luck cannot give up this object! I should follow on my heels, I should do good.”

Subsequently, the amulet must be placed on the windowsill until the morning. And the very next day it will become a magical talisman for good luck and good fortune.

You don’t have to hide the pin from strangers; this will not reduce its magical power. Such gifts are good to give to family members. The magic spell on the pin lasts for the entire six months. Therefore, it needs to be repeated periodically and recited on the day of the new moon.

Spell for a hidden pin

There are special spells for a pin hidden in clothes and invisible to others. It is recommended to wear it constantly, but pin it in a secret place. The reading of the plot is carried out alone, no one should hear it. The ritual is as follows:

  • I need to buy a new pin.
  • Disinfect in an alcohol solution.
  • Say the following words:

    “I call on luck, I conjure with blood.”

  • You should lightly prick your finger until blood appears.
  • Continue reading the magic words:

    “I only meet kind people, I only walk down beaten paths. Everyone wishes me well and helps me in my affairs. As said, so done.”

The magic talisman works as follows. If you feel like luck and luck have left you, then just touch a pin invisible to others and say: “Good luck is with me!” The words are spoken quietly and unnoticed by others.

Talisman magic

There is a very effective pin spell that helps to cope with damage and the evil eye. It has been used in the distant past, and it is very effective. Remember:

  • The time for performing the ritual can be any.
  • Concentrate as much as possible and get serious about carrying out the ritual.
  • Think only about the desired protection and help.
  • You cannot perform magical rituals without a good mood. Emotions should only be positive.

The next day the pin is pinned to the clothes. When changing clothes, you need to fasten them again. You cannot wash a charmed talisman along with all your belongings. At night it is placed under the pillow, and pinned to a nightgown is not recommended.

There are situations when it accidentally breaks or gets lost. It happens that its color changes, it rusts or darkens. This happens when the charmed pin is imbued with too much negative energy. Therefore, she needs cleansing. It is advisable to cleanse when there is a feeling that you do not want to wear a magic amulet.


You can clear the talisman of negative energy using the following procedure:

  • you need to take spring water;
  • put a pin in it for three days;
  • You need to put a silver coin or any other silver jewelry in the water;
  • the enchanted magical thing must be periodically washed in spring water during the full moon;
  • To preserve the power of the talisman, she is charmed again.

There are a number of spells for a pin against the evil eye and damage using different objects.

Evil eye pin for a child

Using a candle

To perform a magical ritual, you can take any candle and light it. It doesn't matter what material the candle is made of and its color doesn't matter. The candle can be made of wax or paraffin. A candle can only be lit with matches, not with a lighter. When the wax begins to drip, direct the candle drops not to the sharp, but to the rounded end of the pin. After this the following words are said:

“A sharp needle-pin, pierce the evil with its point, send it away. In the flame the word is conjured, in the damask steel the deed is sealed.”

The resulting amulet against damage and the evil eye is pinned on the reverse side so that the point of the pin points down. If the wax crumbles and crumbles, then this will not have any negative effect.

Water use

To carry out a spell using spring water, you will need any glass container. The talisman is placed in this water for a day. Then you need to speak the following words into the water 3 times:

“From evil corruption, from the wiles of the devil, from human infection, protect me, little pin.”

They wear a magical talisman against damage and the evil eye from the inside out, periodically repeating the spell.

Easy plot

This spell is the easiest to use. All you need is a pin. You need to open it and, holding it in your palms, say:

“Take away all evil, turn away unkind people, turn away the evil eye, protect me.”

After the ceremony, the pin must be pinned from the inside out to the clothing.

After the ceremony, the pin is fastened and pinned from the inside out to the clothing. If you are going to meet an unwanted person, the talisman will protect you from a bad eye and an enviable eye.

Using pine smoke

For those who live near a forest, this magical ritual against damage and the evil eye is useful:

  • You need to collect some coniferous branches, preferably pine.
  • Burn the twigs (you can in a fire), preferably in a new (preferably in a ritual) container.
  • The pin spell is carried out over the smoke, saying the following words:

    “Grateful smoke of the fire, protect from evil, help good. Only you help me, only with you I am dear.”

  • You need to pin the pin from the inside out, and if necessary, touch it with your hand.

No matter how good conspiracies are, common sense must always be present. Before you get involved in magic, you need to carefully control your actions and actions.

Conspiracies aimed at attracting good luck, success and money belong to the rituals of white magic, but still you should not just use such powerful spells.

Read a spell on a pin for good luck and money at home

Since such conspiracies do not have the goal of harming anyone, but are aimed only at the benefit of people, they do not have negative consequences. Most often, talismans and amulets are created with the help of white conspiracies. Such rituals should be performed exclusively during the new moon. Another important condition in such rituals is learning the text of the conspiracy by heart.

To attract luck and money into your life, you need to buy a pin specifically for this purpose. It is better if it is made of silver or gold, but this is not necessary. Then, late in the evening, you need to take a saucer and pour salt on it first, and then sugar on top. You need to put a pin on this hill and sprinkle it with rice. Leave the saucer all night with the words: “A pin from the hill will draw out all the luck and give it to me!” Early in the morning, the pin must be pulled out of the slide and carried with you at all times.

Read the spell on a pin against the evil eye and damage

To carry out the ritual for the spell of pins against the evil eye and damage, you need to get clean spring water and a church candle. It is held on a full moon. Dip a new pin purchased for this purpose into this water and leave it there for three days and nights. Then you need to take it out and put it on a towel so that it dries naturally. In the evening, when the moon rises, you need to light a candle and place it so that the melted wax drips onto the eye of the pin. Next, you need to say the following words seven times: “As fire drowns a candle, so a pin pricks the evil eye. Just as wax drives a pin, it drives away all damage.” The enchanted amulet must be worn constantly on the wrong side of clothing.

Read a spell on a pin for love

For the conspiracy you will need twelve pins. At exactly midnight, pins must be thrown into the fire with the words: “I don’t burn pins, but I close my dear heart from the feeling of love for women to others. Let him not sleep, not eat, not drink until he comes to me.”

Prayers for a pin for protection

To protect yourself in a dangerous situation, you can use a prayer, the words of which must be memorized. You should always wear a pin on your clothing in such a place that it is accessible to you at any time, but at the same time, is not visible to prying eyes.

As soon as you have a feeling of impending danger, you will need to take the pin by the head and say the following prayer: “In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Sharp pin, protect me from evil, protect me from the offender. My guardian angel, my trustee, protect me from human anger, envy and misfortune. Amen!"

Love spell on a ring, how to remove a pin

You can remove any love spell placed on a ring or pin using the same pins spelled in the correct way. To do this, you need to take a small metal container, completely fill it with pins and place it as close to an open fire as possible. When they become red-hot, you need to say the following words: “The fire made the pins hot, and with them melted all evil thoughts. Amen". The pins, along with the ashes from the fire, must be taken to an impenetrable forest and buried deep in the ground.

Conspiracy on a ring with a red stone, who did it, consequences

If you want to attract the attention of the desired man, then you need to speak with a ring with a red stone. “As a red stone shimmers, so the servant of God (name) towards the servant of God (name) is filled with feelings. The lock is sealed, the key is lost. Amen". The enchanted ring must be wrapped in red cloth and worn in the bosom, without showing it to anyone or telling anything.

Pin spell to remove your opponent

If you find out that you have a rival, but you don’t know who she is or what her name is, then you can use a pin spell aimed at removing someone else’s woman from your path and from your family. To do this, you need to say the following words on the pin: “As the pin comes unfastened, the mistress will leave.” Next, the pin needs to be attached to the husband’s clothes in the most visible place. As soon as the husband takes it off, the conspiracy will begin to take effect. The main thing is not to tell your husband that he needs to remove the pin, or where to put it later.

Conspiracy amulet on a pin

You can create a talisman from a pin using fire and a white spell. To do this, you need to take a new pin, purchased specifically for this purpose. Next, you need to make a small fire from coniferous branches of spruce and pine, taken in approximately equal quantities.

When the fire begins to emit characteristic smoke, you need to move a pin over it, reading the following words: “Coniferous smoke, dark smoke! Become a protective wall from the evil thoughts of people, from their envy and hatred. The pin is strong, the needle is sharp, drive away all evil from me. I burn with fire, I conjure with words. Let it be so!"