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Interaction of the lines of the heart and mind. Heart line

You can look into the future and better understand your personality with the help of palmistry. To find out how ready a person is to make difficult decisions, show his feelings and think logically, you should look at how the Heart line and the Mind line are located relative to each other.

Large quadrangle on the palm

A regular quadrangle formed by the arcs of the Heart (Emotions) and the Mind (Head) indicates that the individual is able to balance logic and emotions. If it is stretched, this means that people with this sign treat many things with excessive ease and temper.

To read the character of the palm in more detail, consider the size and shape of the figure, as well as the distance between certain points.

These include:

  • point A - at the base of the index finger;
  • point B - at the base of the thumb;
  • point C - in the middle between A and C;
  • point D - at the base of the little finger;
  • point E - on the edge of the palm in the middle, it is as distant as point C from A and B;
  • point F - also located on the edge, forms the segment E - F, equal to D - F.

A successful option is considered when the Heart line starts from A and ends in E.

The Line of Mind is located from C to F. If the segments between them are almost the same, then a person develops his feelings and mind at the same time. He does not tend to throw out emotions. At the same time, he observes moral principles and knows how to sympathize.

If the line of Fate crosses at least one of these lines, this means that good luck smiles on the person at work. A branch from the Fate arc indicates the ability to quickly make the right decisions.

If the arc of Intuition crosses the line of Mind, then the owner of this sign has clairvoyant abilities.

If the Heart trait connects with secondary ones, then one should expect deception from a loved one.

Options for body shape and size

A large quadrilateral may be irregular - too narrow or wide. In fortune telling, it is also important to take into account the sign in which the figure is crossed by other lines or branches extend from it.

Tapered rectangle

A narrow and long quadrangle indicates emotional tension. A person who has such a figure on his hand has a sensitive nature and developed logic. It is difficult for him to make fateful decisions; due to constant doubts, he may suffer from various types of neuroses.

People with a narrowed figure have difficulty communicating. It is difficult for them to make contacts, so they have few friends.

Extended irregular quadrilateral

People whose Heart line and Head line are separated by a wide space are closed and detached. They seem unfriendly but are deep thinkers. Social connections in such people are disrupted, so there are frequent problems with misunderstanding or reluctance to communicate.

Bringing lines closer together in the center

If 2 traits are connected in the center and the irregular quadrangle looks more like an hourglass, then this means that a person with this sign will experience a turning point in life that will turn everything upside down. He also suffers from a feeling of inevitable discomfort, and only after changes will all the problems subside.

Extension to the edge of the palm

This symbol indicates that a person is tired of conflicts and unpleasant situations in his life. At an early age he dealt with them easily. As a result of internal contradiction, he withdraws into himself, stops communicating with family and friends, and worries a lot. To change, you need to set yourself up positively: look for new opportunities in conflicts and set new plans for yourself.

Tapering towards the edge of the palm

If the lines of the Mind and Heart almost converge closer to the edge of the palm, then a person in the second half of his life’s journey begins to devote more time to doubts and reflections. Such people live too bright and emotional lives, and in old age they become very caring and worried. They are also concerned about money and diminishing friendships.

Extension towards the big toe

People with early expansion behave independently from an early age. They are easy-going and prone to unnecessary risks. It is difficult for them to build long and strong relationships. Only through trial and error do they find love. If the Head line is very close to the Heart line, then internal anxieties cannot be calmed without outside help.

Tapering towards the big toe

The sign is more common in young people who are prone to uncertainty, nervousness and excessive emotionality. They are irritable and cynical. It is difficult for them to find their other half, much less trust them. The individual worries that his dreams and hopes will not be fully realized. If the line of the Mind further moves away from the arc of the Heart, all experiences were in vain and soon everything will fall into place.

Considered minor, but nevertheless very important. Let's talk about how to interpret the meaning of this trait from the point of view of palmistry as correctly and competently as possible.

"Defects" on the hands

The ideal line, located in the middle of the two main features of the palm, should be straight, clear, and well defined. But only a few have a standard. And this is not bad, because all people are different, because their characters and destinies are different.

The most common defective lines form figures that have their own meaning:

  • If there is a speck or a barely noticeable dot, this may indicate that the person constantly has to deal with minor obstacles in the process of achieving his goals
  • Squares are a favorable symbol: a person is always protected by his family system and God. You need to learn to feel their invisible support
  • Grids are not the most reassuring symbol. He talks about the inability to look at things soberly and take responsibility for everything that happens around him - in the world around him and in his own life. Such a person may not grow up for a long time and not turn into an adult, independent person.
  • Crosses are a symbol of changes that radically change life in one minute, which can come sooner or later. Whether this event will be good or bad is unknown. It all depends only on the thoughts, feelings and actions of the person you are telling fortunes to.
  • Islands mean that a person is wasting a lot of energy on empty goals. For this reason, he may often feel a decline in vitality, forget how to enjoy life and look at things positively
  • Triangles are an indicator of intellectual abilities. A symbol of great intelligence and talent. A person with such a “defect” can achieve great success in science and education. This is a discoverer, scientist, researcher, innovator

Types of lines

Depending on the location and outline of this symbol, the fate of the fortuneteller will develop differently.

Physical Heart Trait:

  • It has a rounding at the end, and its beginning is located between two fingers: the thumb and index
  • Indicates a person who feels deeply and is able to express these feelings and convey them to others. He openly and sincerely shares his experiences
  • Knows how to see happiness in simple things, enjoy every moment of life and find positivity in absolutely everything
  • Quickly restores a normal state of mind after painful emotions associated with relationships
  • He sincerely and openly shows love and generously shares it with others, which is why he has many friends around him.

Spiritual Heart Trait:

  • A continuous horizontal line passing through the entire arm without interruption. Clearly expressed
  • People with this sign are constrained in expressing feelings and emotions. It is difficult for them to talk out loud about what is happening in their souls. They do not know how to share their experiences: for this reason, problems often arise in relationships with loved ones
  • They prefer to suffer in silence and be offended rather than talk about what worries them. Therefore, among people with a spiritual heart line there are often typical “victims”, always in search of an “executioner”
  • If they fall in love, no one will ever know about it, because they will keep a mask of indifference. The partner will have to make a lot of effort to break the ice and teach him to share feelings
  • Closed personality. Never makes his personal life public. Such people are easy to spot: on social networks they have the same photo on their avatar for years, they are reluctant to show pictures of their lives

Damaged Heart Trait:

  • The person will experience difficult emotional experiences at some important stages of his personal life
  • Most often, breaks in the line indicate painful events in life that a person experiences in a very difficult and emotional way.

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Line of intellect and mind

This line describes everything that concerns the mind and mental abilities of a person. This is how he solves difficulties, overcomes obstacles and how rationally he treats current events.

The greater the length of the line, the more successfully a person realizes his mental abilities and finds use for them. This is an indicator of how much he uses his natural potential.


  • At the end it bends towards the base of the arm
  • A person solves any problem creatively, using all the power of his imagination
  • It is important for him to engage in activities that bring him pleasure. Only then will he be able to be useful and be a harmonious, happy person
  • A person strives to surround himself with beautiful things; aesthetics is important to him

Practical line of mind:

  • Passes strictly horizontally
  • It says that a person is rational. He does not focus on spiritual development, prefers to act rather than reason
  • Never has his head in the clouds, stands firmly on his feet and knows what he wants and how to get there
  • He is hardworking and efficient, has a practical approach to everything. Most often an atheist, never relies on faith and strives to control everything around him

Writer's fork:

  • If at the end the line of the mind has a branch, this indicates a highly developed creative side of nature
  • A person with a bright, lively imagination. He always has a lot of ideas, but may not have enough energy to bring them to life
  • This is an excellent entrepreneur and leader. But he can also be a “free artist”, only in this case it is difficult to achieve financial stability
  • Easily learns and can teach others. Knows how to systematize information, put everything into order and convey it to people

Material line of mind:

  • If at the end the line bends towards the ring finger, it means that the person strives to become rich. He has very high demands. If this is a girl, she will definitely want to find a rich husband
  • You have to be careful not to turn the idea of ​​getting rich into an obsession.

Strive to analyze the lines on your palm not only individually, but also as a whole, in order to get a complete picture of your personality.

Tell your fortune for today using the “Card of the Day” Tarot layout!

For correct fortune telling: focus on the subconscious and don’t think about anything for at least 1-2 minutes.

When you are ready, draw a card:

Line of the mind.

The line of the mind runs through the area of ​​the third chakra, which is directly related to the human mind, thoughts, ideas, desires. At one end it goes into the area between the flows of the third and second chakras, and at the other end it goes into the area of ​​the seventh chakra, sahasrara.

In general, the line of the mind reflects the mind of a person, his Reason, rationality, his thoughts, mental abilities. You can conditionally divide the line of mind into several sections, in each of which it will reflect the chakra under which it passes.

And each area will tell you about those thoughts that will be associated with the area for which the chakra is responsible.

The area of ​​the mind line, which is located closer to the third chakra, is responsible for the contact of a person’s mind with the material world, that is, for those thoughts and desires that a person shows outside. This area is associated with a person’s materialistic thoughts, with everyday desires to achieve success, attention, and authority.

The area of ​​the line, which is located closer to the seventh chakra,

associated with a person’s deep inner thoughts about himself. This area reflects the connection of the human mind with the spiritual world. If the line of mind here is very long, then the person’s mind is very strong and insightful. For such a person, the main role in life is played by rationality and logic throughout life. But first of all, he begins to penetrate with his mind into the depths of his spiritual world. If a person does not have sufficient experience and wisdom, then he simply cannot cope with such a strong mind and can torture himself with a frantic flow of ideas and thoughts.

If such a long line of the mind gravitates towards the area of ​​the first chakra, this is a sign that the deep mind of a person is influenced by the material world. On the one hand, these people are very insightful and observant of the physical world and physical phenomena. On the other hand, excessively strong information flows can confuse them, since their minds gravitate toward the material rather than the spiritual.

If one end of the line of the mind does not go into the flow of the third chakra, but into the flow of the second chakra, that is, the line of the mind gravitates towards the thumb, then this is a sign that a person’s thoughts are saturated with instincts and sensual desires. Such people have thoughts and desires of an animal nature, aimed at satisfying their passions and feelings.

The passage of the line of mind relative to the line of life.

If the life line follows from the line of the mind, this indicates that the person’s mind is dominated by emotions and feelings. Such a person always relies on his ideas and logic.

If the line of mind leaves the line of life this says that feelings and emotions prevail over the mind. A person’s desires and behavior are dictated by his feelings and emotions. Such a person is more instinctive than intelligent. The instincts and needs of the physical body in such a person prevail over logic and mind.

The line of mind is divided with the line of life.

This suggests that a person’s behavior and actions may not obey his logic and mind. At times, a person makes rash actions and may regret it later. And sometimes, on the contrary, he thinks a lot before deciding to do something, time runs out, and the person again begins to regret that he missed the chance. Such people can take unreasonable actions and thoughtless risks.

The line of the mind does not reach the edge of the palm. On the left hand, this position indicates that the person is not able to hear and perceive the ideas and thoughts that come to him from other people. On the right hand, this position means that a person is not able to convey his thoughts and ideas to others, that is, people often do not understand him. If this position is on both hands, then such a person may seem to be on his own wavelength... neither he hears or understands anyone, nor does anyone hear or understand him.

Heart line.

This line goes at one end to the area of ​​the seventh chakra, and the other end to the area between the third and fourth chakras. It runs along the flow of papillary lines of the sixth chakra of Ajna

This line reflects the sixth chakra Ajna - the spiritual content of a person, the spiritual will of a person. And also the flows of this line wash all other spiritual chakras: the fourth, fifth and go to the seventh chakra. Therefore, the heart line is the inner spiritual essence of a person, who he is in the depths of his soul. Let's look at the different positions of the heart line.

The heart line extends to the outermost side between the index and middle fingers

This indicates that the flow of a person’s spiritual energy is spilling out. Such people are very open. On the left hand, this speaks of a person’s gullibility, his openness; on the right hand, this indicates that the person himself always sincerely expresses what is in his soul. These people are sincere, honest, truthful. They are fair and kind by nature. They do not know how to lie; truth always comes out of such people. Especially in love and personal relationships, such people are very open, amorous and trusting. For them, the most important thing is sincerity and honesty, the worst thing is lies and betrayal. In essence, this situation reflects one thing: a person always shows what he has on a spiritual level.

If the heart line does not reach the outer side between the index and middle fingers,

then this always indicates a certain closedness of a person. He never shows his true spiritual thoughts, experiences, and feelings to the people around him. Such people themselves are not open and do not sincerely trust others either. And the further the line of the heart is from the edge between the fingers, the more secretive the person is.

The heart line is too short. The spirituality of such people is hidden very deeply within them. They can be very cruel outwardly, even with their closest and dearest people.

The heart line goes to the hill of the third chakra. Such people always achieve their goal through pressure, through manipulation. They love to dominate, they love to express their ideas in a very intrusive, powerful way. They love authority and attention from others.

The heart line goes to the 4th chakra area. This situation is very rare. In my practice, I saw such a line in two people, one of whom is the enlightened master Osho. This position speaks of a person’s strong influence on other people. If a person has purity of heart and soul, he is able to purify other people, is able to put them on the path of mercy and Truth. And if a person is not pure, then this situation can turn him into a destroyer of himself and the world around him.

The heart line is adjacent to the Mount of Venus. This situation speaks of the materialism of the soul. A person always does something for the sake of profit and getting what he wants.

Connecting the line of mind and heart

This position is called the monkey line because this line is the norm among monkeys. This line speaks of the closeness of such a person to the animal world, to nature. The spiritual feelings and mind of such people are fused together. What a person feels is immediately transmitted to him in his thoughts, and what he thinks about is immediately transmitted to his heart. Such a person is terrible in anger, he becomes a beast that breaks and sweeps away everyone in his path. A person ceases to control himself when he is overcome by emotions: fear, anger, aggression, or the opposite: joy, delight, happiness... In such cases, he becomes like an animal and is completely immersed in the feelings that cover him.

If you look at the palm of a person with the Simian line, you get the feeling that there are few lines on this hand. This is partly true, because the usual combination of three main lines here turns into two lines - the line of life and Simian line, which seems to replace the line of the heart and the line of the mind, passing horizontally across the entire palm.

Its name is the Simian line or monkey line received because of the similarity of its pattern with the fold on the hands of great apes. The word Simian itself is translated from English and means “monkey” and “ape-like”. In the literature you can also find such names as transverse fold, horizontal fold or blocked hand. It is believed that this line is often found on the palms of people with Down syndrome. D. Fincham gives here the figure of 55%. S. Fenton and M. Wright claim that every fifteenth person has it. And R. Webster says that most of its owners are completely healthy and have a high level of intelligence.

How can we explain the meaning of this mysterious line, which can be found both in the hands of successful athletes, financial tycoons, politicians, intellectuals, and in the hands of criminals or religious fanatics? Let's see what the authors of works on palmistry say about this.


Singh Birla writes that the merging of the lines of the heart and head indicates the intensity of energies, an intellectual and emotional short circuit, when feelings are closely intertwined with the mind, and the reaction is unpredictable.

Hürlimann believes that partial or complete merging of the lines of the heart and mind is a sign of a blocked hand, and among doctors it is a fold of four fingers, it is common and does not have such a dramatic effect on life, as was previously believed by ancient chirologists. This type of hand does not affect a person’s life expectancy. But much of such a person will be predetermined by fate.

Johnny Fincham considers the simian line to be a sign of an active and focused nature, noting that people with this line are like a “canned storm.” For them, thoughts and feelings are synonymous.

S. Fenton M. Wright write that in this case one line is subordinate to the other and indicates concentration, obsession or obsession associated with some part of a person’s life. It is possible that thought process and feelings are mixed.

This is how the head and heart, thoughts and emotions mix. And how do you think such a person should behave? You can read the following about the personality traits of people who have the Simian line on their hand:

Personality qualities

Singh Birla notes straightforwardness, a tendency to act ahead, achieving goals, sometimes blind stubbornness, extravagance, and lack of common sense. It is difficult for a person to maintain a sense of inner peace. Sometimes their feelings do not allow them to conduct a reasonable argument, and where sensitivity is needed, they include unnecessary arguments.

Hürlimann draws attention to the sensitivity of such people and their sudden mood swings.

D. Fincham talks about the qualities of the line's owners in detail. According to his description, they put their whole soul into achieving their goal. They cannot be turned off the road. They can achieve great success, especially where concentration is needed. They are unable to relax, switch from one thing to another, and are emotionally and psychologically withdrawn.
They prefer to use ready-made standards and templates and rarely break off relations with partners and relatives. They have a developed sense of duty. However, the author notes, concentration makes these people deaf to the needs and feelings of others. They have difficulty concentrating on work and relationships at the same time, as they can only focus on one thing at a time. They accept any undertaking with an open heart and ignore everything else. They tend to be power-hungry. They can flood their partner with love, they can be possessive, jealous, and sometimes cruel. Sometimes they perceive love as a sign of weakness.

Webster writes that these people are stubborn, principled, rarely change their beliefs, tenacious, with an excellent memory, with a complex emotional world, rational and logical.

E. Fitzherbert describes people with a monkey fold very well, also noting their lack of peace, energy, physical strength, work with complete dedication and black-and-white, without halftones, thinking.

Here, in fact, the question arises: in what case does the owner of the Simian line become a successful figure, and in what case does he become a madman, a fanatic or a criminal?

Monkey line location and auspicious signs on the hand

In this regard, chirologists write that you need to pay attention to the location of the line on the palm.

D. Fincham explains that monkey lines dominated by water (heart) are located higher than those dominated by air (mind). For example, in patients with Down syndrome, the water (heart) line dominates over the air (mind) line and thought processes.

S. Fenton and M. Wright emphasize that if a person is aware of his character flaws and tries to be more receptive to others, then another heart line may develop on the palm, perhaps it will be a broken line in the form of an arc under Jupiter and Saturn. Sometimes the belt of Venus develops more strongly, turning into the rudimentary line of the heart, emphasizing the ability to understand others.

R. Webster writes that the presence of the Simian line on a rough hand without favorable signs can indicate a criminal. If there are favorable signs, then the person directs energy into a career or sport.

I tried to understand which signs are considered favorable if there is a Simian line on the palm. Having searched, I found the opinion that in this case it is necessary to pay attention to the person’s destiny line, because otherwise he will have to put in a lot of effort to achieve his goals. And the best location for this line is in the middle of the palm.

Tips for owners

Palmists give the following advice to anyone who has a monkey line on their hands.

Singh Birla explains that they need to learn to avoid extremes in actions, to make feelings and reason allies.

Johnny Fincham writes that these people need to relax more and get creative.

We see the same idea in the work of E. Fitzherbert. The author points out the connection between the monkey fold and congenital heart defects (additional signs are arched fingerprints and a three-radius pattern on the edge of the palm). Therefore, he advises avoiding such unnecessary stress on the body as smoking, overeating and lifting weights, recommending that you engage in feasible physical exercise. To find inner peace, he highly recommends realizing your creativity, believing that here the effect of creativity is close to therapeutic.

The books name the names of famous people who have the Simian line on their hands. This is Tony Blair, Nikita Khrushchev, Henry Miller. Each of them found their own outlet for the energy boiling within them - in politics or creativity. In order to study this mysterious line in more detail and learn how to interpret it correctly, read the works of the above-mentioned authors.

If the lines of the mind and heart merge, this configuration is called a “blocked hand.” It demonstrates contradictions in the perception of the world and attitude towards it (mind line), as well as inadequate feelings (heart line). Thoughts and feelings are often divorced from reality and replace it. This predetermines inappropriate reactions, clashes, and perversity of actions.

In any case, such a person’s sense of proportion and objectivity in assessments suffer.
The blocking fold cannot always be distinguished at first glance. If the line of mind and character are connected only for a short segment, it is possible to determine which line has the predominant strength. If the line of the mind controls the line of character (heart), then a person’s activity is dominated by his mind, which is expressed in sober, prudent behavior. If in the area of ​​the middle finger the line of the mind continues from the common fold. such a picture of the palm may belong to very intelligent people, disciplined and calculating. When the heart line blocks the entire line of the mind, a person’s feelings and emotions are often dependent on a combination of circumstances.

Complete merging of the Heart Line and the Head Line is a sign of an active, focused nature. One of the lines is completely subordinate to the other. As a rule, the feelings of the Heart line dissolve in the Mind line, but sometimes it happens the other way around. The monkey lines of the dominant Heart line are higher than those of the dominant Mind line.

Usually one hand is blocked. If the left hand is blocked and there is a clear line of mind on the right, in ordinary situations the behavior of the owner of the hand will be normal, but in unexpected and extraordinary situations it may become unpredictable.

Psychological characteristics of a person with a blocked hand
Internal restlessness; impetuosity in decisions; sudden mood swings; aversion to any coercion; originality; natural mind; extremely strong character or desire to prove oneself. In the absence of the Saturn line, the lines of the heart and mind are blocked. This combination can mean nervous excitability, increased emotionality, or, conversely, extreme restraint in expressing feelings; fears and complexes. In relations with society, a person with a blocked hand most often feels misunderstood, unrecognized, and an outcast.

Monkey line people are like a canned storm. For them, thoughts and feelings are synonymous. They put their whole soul into achieving the goal they have set for themselves, and they cannot be turned away from their path. Of course, this approach can lead to great achievements. Indeed, the monkey line is more common in people who have achieved great success, especially in areas where complete concentration is required. We find the monkey line in professional athletes, intellectuals, research scientists, tycoons who have achieved success and wealth on their own.

When the lines of the Heart and Mind merge, we can say that we have an emotionally and psychologically closed person, lonely, living in an environment of prohibitions and suppression, completely focused on one thing. He is simply unable to relax and switch from one topic to another. Such people often forget about their own appearance.

People with the Simian line prefer to use standards and patterns. They are not attracted to innovative ideas and business plans. They never participate in strikes or get into trouble with their relatives or former partners. Having entered into a relationship, they rarely break it off on their own initiative. They have an incredibly highly developed sense of duty.

The feelings of such people are so closely intertwined with the mind that the reaction to any situation is unpredictable. This is often blind stubbornness, alien to all common sense, and simply extravagance. When such a person tries to have a rational argument, his feelings lead him away. And when sensitivity and sympathy are required, the owner of the Simian line is capable of ruining everything with one careless word.
It can be difficult to maintain a sense of inner peace if the lines of the heart and mind are connected. In this case, it is necessary to persistently work on developing correctly located lines and signs on the palm. By learning to avoid extremes in your actions, you can make your mind and feelings allies so that they help in life's trials.

The Monkey Line, as we found out, is a sign of internal tension. The vast majority of people have three main lines of the hand read on their hands - the Line of Life, Mind and Heart. However, some do not have a Head Line and a Heart Line. Instead, their palms are crossed by one continuous horizontal line approximately at the level of the Head Line. Early palmists argued a lot about this. Some believed that this was a special form of the Heart Line, others argued that it was an unusual variation of the Head Line. However, both were wrong because this strange line is actually a fusion of two lines. There is a basic rule: the clearer and simpler the Monkey Line is outlined, the more obvious the character qualities associated with it, and, conversely, the complex and branched Simian Line denotes a complex person.
Below is a list of traits associated with the Simian Line.

Its owner never feels at peace. Throughout his life, it seems to him that his affairs are not going quite satisfactorily, that he has not yet found answers to vital questions. He is always full of energy, internal and sometimes physical strength.
Such a person gives his all to any activity. He is incapable of doing anything half-heartedly. If he studies, he studies hard. If he works in a factory, he exceeds his neighbor’s quota twice as much. If he fights, he fights not for life, but for death.
His opinion is always definite. He does not recognize halftones; for him there is only “white” or “black”. Here is a situation that characterizes him: a person with the Monkey Line can bring his children to the beach and say: “Well, you yourself wanted this, now we have come and just try not to have as much fun as you want!”

In addition to the four traits already mentioned, there are two more that are often found in this type of person. Firstly, they are usually religious, and secondly, they often show some creative abilities, for example in painting, ceramics or poetry. You probably already realized that people with the Simian Line often become so-called outcasts of society. Of course, they are not bad - they are unusual.
The Monkey line is more common among the yellow race than among the black and white races. It is twice as common in Asian communities as in African or European ones.
From this I conclude that the interpretation of this line is more true and reliable in relation to people of the non-yellow race.

Doctors have found a connection between the Monkey Line and congenital heart disease. In this case, it is complemented by pronounced arched fingerprints and a characteristic raised triradius pattern on the palm. All owners of the Monkey line should avoid any stress on the heart, that is, do not smoke, do not overeat, do not lift heavy objects like the piano, but regularly do simple physical exercises, such as walking. Of course, using one Line of the Monkey, it is difficult to say with certainty that a person has poor health and heart, but nevertheless, excessive precautions will not harm him, because he is definitely at risk.

Now let's talk about how to behave with the owner of the Monkey Line, if he does not suffer from developmental delay. First of all, such people lack peace of mind. While for most people a good job, family or successful marriage brings a sense of satisfaction, a person with the Monkey Line, even having all this, may feel that something is missing. Having achieved fame, money, success, he will still ask the question: “What is all this for?”

This problem has no definite solution, but you can help the owner of the Simian Line by discussing the contents of this chapter with him. If, thanks to you, he reads it himself, it will be even better. He should be advised to seek satisfaction in what he already has, and not to try to embrace the immensity. Many people with a blocked hand have difficulty entering into serious, long-term relationships. Divorces and unsuccessful attempts to live together are not uncommon among them, although there are, of course, successful marriages. But among other things, the owners of the Simian line are very stubborn and continue to live with unloved spouses when others would have long ago given up and given up.

Remember that people marked with a blocked hand constantly experience internal tension. It's good if you help them relax. Many people find peace in religion. That is why religiosity is characteristic of owners of the Monkey Line.
The second key definition of the type of people under consideration can be considered the phrase “creative activity”. Sometimes the internal energy that tears their soul apart finds a way out in creativity. Henry Miller is a good example of such a person. Nikita Khrushchev found peace of mind in the stormy waves of world politics. He had a clear Monkey Line on his right hand. The favorite areas of activity of such people are sculpture, carving, metal working, ceramics, garden design, carpet weaving, weapon making and other similar activities. By creating tangible values, they satisfy their psychological needs. By being creative, they feel peace and happiness. The irritation accumulated during the day disappears during the hours of such activities, so creative professions are most suitable for owners of the Monkey Line. Those who do not yet have a creative hobby should be advised to find something they like. But you can give advice to such people if your opinion is very authoritative and well-reasoned, since these people are extremely difficult to influence due to their stubbornness.

First of all, it is limited thinking. Owners of closely located Heart and Head Lines are practically unable to put themselves in the place of another person. They look at all problems exclusively from their own point of view. The famous palmist Noel Jaquin called the distance between the Head and Heart Lines the “scale of vision”, because a wide gap between these lines is characteristic of people with broad views on life, and a short one is always associated with narrow-mindedness. In the first case, people are usually distinguished by friendliness, openness, and tolerance, and in the second, on the contrary, they are suspicious and reject the point of view of others. They are often difficult to deal with.
Such a person will criticize the manufacturers of the car he drives, criticize everyone, be it a beauty pageant, a dog show or a lawsuit, and accuse you of being hostile to him if you do not agree with his opinion. Finding himself in the middle of a hurricane, he might call the electric company to complain about power outages in his living room. The owner of a blocked hand must understand what consequences their behavior ultimately leads to. “Learn to put yourself in his shoes. - I say. “Think about why others behave differently when you disagree with their opinion?”