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Sagittarius zodiac sign is a general characteristic of the sign's character. Sagittarius zodiac sign character

The sign of the element of fire, has a pronounced leadership charisma, strives for education, is energetic and passionate about the idea of ​​​​changing the whole world. Throughout his life, Sagittarius strives for popularity, for high appreciation of his work and achievements from loved ones. Sagittarius almost always achieves success in at least one of their many activities. Sagittarius, who is energetic by nature, usually has several specialties, a wide range of interests and business connections. Own business and participation in public life are often accompanied by teaching or political activities.

Character of the sign

Attention to universal human problems and interest in philosophy often make Sagittarius a spiritual guru, a university teacher, or a famous politician. Interest in other cultures, the need for missionary activity (spread of spiritual ideas), the desire to pass on knowledge and ideas ( force Sagittarius to participate) are embodied in the life of Sagittarius in the form of participation in various public events, religious and political, and active participation in social life. Sagittarians are rarely shy, they have a strong need to be visible, and they are often excellent dancers and artists. Excellent athletes and athletes, Sagittarians have excellent coordination, are resilient, but impatient. They love horse riding. Enthusiasm and optimism help to surround themselves with friends and fans. Sagittarius is very friendly, open in communication, loves to help people and take care of others. Representatives of this sign often lead social movements, become deputies, and belong to any party. Successful in show business as a producer.

Sagittarius' interests are like the blue lights of a gas burner - he is occupied with all the phenomena of the world, but little by little. Sagittarius is ambitious and loves to take credit for feats that he has not yet accomplished. Banal boasting and tactlessness are the other side of the character of the restless Sagittarius. If Sagittarius is deprived of attention, he will try to achieve it in any way, even violating the boundaries of decency. Sagittarians do not hesitate to express their feelings unambiguously in public places, and are often the culprits of high-profile scandals.

Personal life and compatibility of the Sagittarius sign

Sagittarius Man

Sometimes married several times, marriage for the sake of a career is possible, for convenience. An amorous Sagittarius is very attractive, charming and noticeable among other signs, but it is difficult to keep his constant attention. A passionate nature, he is looking for a Muse for his inspiration and a goddess for his home. When a Sagittarius is in love, there are no barriers or obstacles for him to fulfill the desire of his beloved.

Sagittarius Woman

Needs a partner who will captivate her mind, show her the whole world, occupy a significant place in society, or simply be talented at anything. They themselves often serve as Muses for the men of the zodiac, but they are harsh and demanding when they lack the means to feel complete freedom and independence. They often have a profession and achieve success, managers, business women. They are involved in charity work and love to participate in social life. Creative, ebullient natures retain youth until old age.

If your child is a Sagittarius, then you should not limit his desire to learn something new. This is not the most obedient and calm child; temperament, curiosity and sociability are striking character traits of little Sagittarius. He will strive to receive all your attention and the warmest approval of all his activities, discoveries and new friends. This child will very jealously watch the attention of his parents to his brothers and sisters, and he also needs to attend all kinds of clubs and sports sections. You should not interfere with newly emerging interests; little Sagittarius will want to try all the activities.

Health sign Sagittarius

Depression destroys Sagittarius when he lacks attention and recognition from others. Nervous disorders can result from an unhealthy lifestyle. Sagittarius despises passive rest, prefers to relax by changing his field of activity, and often works to the point of exhaustion. It is important to protect the liver, cleanse blood vessels, protect the heart and nervous system from overload and stress.

Interesting countries: Australia, Madagascar, Portugal, Arabia, France, USA (California), United Arab Emirates, Venezuela, Spain, Cameroon

Significant cities: Baghdad, Cologne, Acapulco, Los Angeles, Voronezh, Avignon, Stuttgart. Budapest, St. Louis, Nashville, Cincinnati, Chattanooga

Celebrities born under the sign of Sagittarius: Vincent Cassel, Miley Cyrus, Alexander Maslyakov, Natalya Krachkovskaya, Emir Kusturica, Anton Makarsky, Maxim Averin, Bruce Lee, Vladimir Mashkov, Jimi Hendrix, Alexander Kerzhakov, Boris Grebenshchikov, Brad Pitt, Ekaterina Andreeva, Alexander Blok, Evgeniy Mironov, Ben Stiller , Kaley Cuoco, Mark Twain, Ridley Scott, Woody Allen, Garik Sukachev, Britney Spears, Gianni Versace, Ozzy Osbourne, Jay-Z, Fyodor Tyutchev, Walt Disney, Jim Morrison, John Malkovich, Andrei Makarevich, Alexander Solzhenitsyn, Frank Sinatra, Sergei Svetlakov, Taylor Swift, Anna Sedokova, Ludwig van Beethoven, Milla Jovovich, Oksana Fedorova, Yuri Nikulin, Steven Spielberg, Joseph Stalin, Edith Piaf, Leonid Brezhnev, Elizaveta Boyarskaya, Elena Letuchaya

Mysteries of human destiny, secrets of character, the deepest movements of the soul - astrological knowledge helps to comprehend these most important aspects of our existence. And no matter how distrustful skeptics may be of them, but having truly touched the basics of science, even they are imbued with respect for the lofty heavenly truths.

When the sun burns in the blood

The main character of our article today is the zodiac sign Sagittarius. Intriguing, charismatic, charming. Its representatives will never get lost in the crowd, will always be visible in a noisy company, and in a close circle of intellectuals they will very quickly take a dominant place. Why? That's what the stars ordered! The zodiac sign Sagittarius is fiery. It is ruled by Jupiter and Neptune, and is openly influenced by the Sun, Mars and Pluto. All together gives rise to a strong, bright, independent, purposeful personality. And restless! After all, what is fire, child of the Sun? First of all, light, energy, purification. The sparks that ignite the flame. A fire that can overcome the darkness, warm you up, bring you back to life. Or maybe burn it all down! But according to astrological science, the zodiac sign Sagittarius is the coals. The fire subsided and cleared the physical and spiritual space. What remains are hot smoldering coals, and in their reflection those highest truths are revealed, that secret knowledge that only Sagittarius is allowed to obtain, comprehend and convey. This is a lamp, a torch, a cult fire. It is not for nothing that their life path is teaching, priesthood, missionary work, that is, spirituality in its highest manifestation.

Fire element

However, the solar, fiery element does not limit its manifestations only to such properties. These include a thirst for creativity and interest in the arts. The zodiac sign Sagittarius is often endowed by nature with the ability to draw, write poetry or music. Everything beautiful and aesthetic is not alien to him and attracts him. “Sunny” people are often artistic, and therefore crave recognition, encouragement, and praise. This is also typical for our sign. True, he rejects and does not accept outright flattery. But he will listen with pleasure to sincere recognition of his merits and gratitude. Although with embarrassment. How else can fiery manifest itself if, for example, the zodiac sign Sagittarius is a man? In spontaneity, impulsiveness, intolerance, ardor of character. After all, Mars, the planet of courage, aggression and warriors, influences Sagittarius quite strongly. Cholerics - that's what they say about such people. They can be reckless and easily get involved in arguments and bets, although mostly at a young age. Over the years, it is the Sagittarius male zodiac sign that becomes more strong-willed, courageous, and his actions acquire meaningful restraint. But they don’t lose their youthful enthusiasm and romantic pathos!

Power of Jupiter

How does the Sagittarius woman zodiac sign manifest itself in various life situations? She is independent in her judgments and tastes, her feelings and their manifestations. “Strelchikha” is all about searching for new knowledge, impressions, and ethical teachings. In general, this sign is characterized by eternal apprenticeship and teaching. Being in the embrace of idealism, the zodiac sign Sagittarius (woman or man - it doesn’t matter) tries first of all to see the good, bright, positive in people and circumstances. The optimistic principle in him is extremely developed. Therefore, a woman born under the sign of Sagittarius will always find the most accurate and correct words of support, consolation, and reassurance for her friends when they find themselves in difficult situations. And she herself does not panic during force majeure! After all, Jupiter, the main Olympian Deity, is the organizer of law and order, systems, statehood, moral and ethical standards. And it doesn’t suit him to fuss and wring his hands theatrically! But the planet imparts to its “children” a heightened sense of justice and gives them energy in the struggle for it. This distinguishes Sagittarius from other inhabitants of the heavenly heights. The characteristics of the zodiac sign will be incomplete without taking into account this factor! It is Sagittarians who are considered the guardians of eternal values ​​and pass them on to humanity.

Neptune's power

The influence of this planet on the 9th sign of the zodiac is not direct, but hidden, or, as astrologers say, potential. How is it expressed? In romantic dreams, craving for solitude, tendency to fantasize. Sagittarians love fairy tales and mysterious stories. They are attracted to the starry night sky, unexplored paths, roads, and occult knowledge. This is a sign of wanderers, travelers, adventurers, troubadours, wandering poets and philosophers. Imaginative thinking, a certain touch of eroticism, sexuality are signals that you have met a Sagittarius in person! These are reliable friends, honest, devoted partners. Most often, lovers are the same. But read on about this.

Under the arrows of Cupid

Let's try to list the zodiac signs that are suitable for Sagittarius. First of all, these are Aquarius, Gemini and Libra. What determines the choice? Sagittarius and Aquarius have a lot in common. This includes the intellectual sphere, spiritual needs, and emotional mood. Fire cannot burn without air, and Aquarius is an air sign. They complement each other perfectly, cultivating the best that is in their characters. Sagittarius also gets along well with Gemini. They are united by ease of communication, romance, restlessness, and adventurism. Of course, Sagittarius is much deeper and more spiritual than the fickle Gemini, and therefore has a sobering, ennobling and educating effect on them. And Libra, in turn, slows down and lowers the “fiery centaurs” themselves to the sinful earth. A sign of harmony, balance and order, highly aesthetic, it ennobles Sagittarius, smoothes out, polishes the angularities of his character and behavior.

To avoid trouble

And who is it better for Sagittarius not to fall in love with and with whom not to try to build a relationship? Well, for example, with Pisces. The inhabitants of the deep sea are too immersed in themselves, in their inner world. They do not live here and now, like Sagittarius, but somewhere out there, beyond the horizon of their fantasies. And Sagittarius for Pisces is too active, active, and energetic. Sexually, as partners for the night, they are still suitable for each other, but for a long-term union - not! Scorpio and Cancer are also not heroes of a novel with Sagittarius in the title role. The first is too aggressive and proud, and the second is too homely and immersed in everyday life. Of course, from the point of view of Sagittarius himself! And therefore, there will be no understanding between the signs on such a wide range of issues that it is not worth trying to solve them mutually.

All Zodiac Signs have special character traits that many people know about. Each of us has something that can amaze even ourselves. That is why we can say about each Sign that it is unusual.

Does this make us all equal? To some extent this is true, but in matters of psychological analysis it is the little things that matter. WE have already examined the features and facts about such Signs as Virgo, Scorpio, Libra and many others. 10 unusual facts about Sagittarius will help you better understand the thinking of these unusual people, as well as their life priorities and even little secrets.

Sagittarius character

Let's say right away that these people irritate some people, and make others fall in love with them. The fact is that to Sagittarius, whole life seems like a game. He is very dynamic and very smart, but not everyone can appreciate this. In principle, Sagittarius does not care about the opinions of others about his personality. They are concerned about much simpler matters.

Representatives of this Zodiac Sign always have something to say, because they are well-read and very erudite. Their strength lies in the fact that they accept any outcome of their affairs as positive. They learn quickly and are very good at teaching others. The only thing that separates them from incredible success is multitasking. They often take on too much. This does not interfere with them and never throws them off balance, but their efficiency in completing tasks suffers.

The fire element makes these people real rebels. They are ready to go against any person in a dispute and fight for justice. Often these individuals choose the dark side, trying to achieve their own. Yes, they are selfish, but tell me, who among us is not selfish? Sagittarians do not hide this, because they do everything head-on, and not on the sly.

10 facts about Sagittarius

Fact one: Sagittarius behave strangely when in love - two people are fighting in them. One says: “Yes, this is your happiness, dive headlong into love.” The second one says: “Yes, well. Again disappointments. Look, you’ll be parting soon.” Sagittarius very often think that relationships are destroyed at the stage of the candy period. Because of this, many people have the impression that Sagittarians are frivolous and cold. They just want to seduce and escape. This is wrong. Now you know it.

Fact two: Sagittarians are easily moved to action. You just need to bring a dose of competition into any business, then they will not be able to resist the temptation to be first. Their favorite sin is vanity. If everyone says that a person born under the Sign of Sagittarius has become the best in something, then this will give the latter an incredible boost of vivacity, self-confidence and a lot of strength. When you praise a Sagittarius, you become his best friend, because he is susceptible to flattery. It will be even better if these words are true.

Fact three: despite the dynamics of life and the fire in their eyes, Sagittarians are among the most careful drivers. If they know that they are stronger, faster or better than others at something, then they themselves will not shout about it. In general, they treat their things very carefully. They know how to maintain their mood and energy at the same level even in extreme situations.

Fact four: They are ready to do anything for their loved ones. This applies to all areas of life. They are ready to sacrifice love, money and time. If one of their close friends or relatives is in danger or needs help, then Sagittarians will help them, don’t even doubt it.

Fact five: they cannot be argued over. They won’t bang their heads against the wall like Aries, but will bombard you with arguments. These people generally know how to speak and defend themselves verbally. They make incredibly successful lawyers. They are also good teachers. They won’t nervously kick you in the face like Virgos - they will diplomatically and clearly explain the theory, back it up with practice, and answer all your questions. These are the best teachers.

Fact six: Sagittarians rarely change hobbies. They can add something to their list of favorite things to do, but never throw it away. Their passion never goes away. From school they can play volleyball, football, and do cross-country sports. At 40 years old, they will still go to the stadium with friends and play their favorite game. They are true to themselves and try to achieve maximum results in sports.

Fact seven: Representatives of this Sign are obsessed with success. If you play Tetris, then Sagittarius will come up to you and say that he somehow scored more points than you. This will most likely be true. If you want, he will provide you with evidence, but even in small things he will try to keep the lead.

Fact eight: Sagittarians are more likely than other people to have a universal musical taste. They can listen to any music, from rap to classical.

Fact nine: Do you want to cheer yourself up? Turn to Sagittarius. They always know. When and how to joke. Their phrases and facial expressions can be incredibly funny. They can also support you in difficult times with a speech full of understanding and sympathy. You should not think that their life consists only of searching for profit. They are deep, like the ocean and full of love and positivity.

Fact ten: Sagittarians are wonderful parents. Their parenting methods may differ greatly from standard and generally accepted ones, but their children will always love them. These are precisely the parents who are their children’s best friends first, and only then life mentors.

Sagittarians require a lot of energy. They don't need affirmations for every day because they motivate themselves. They just need to be able to relax. If Sagittarius more often remembers that life is not only work, but also relaxation, then everything in his life will be fine. Good luck and don't forget to press the buttons and

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Complete general summary horoscope for Sagittarius

Strong planets: Jupiter, Neptune, Chiron

Weak planets: Mercury, Proserpine

Symbol: centaur, arrow and bow

Metal: tin

Landscape: oases

Favorable numbers: 5, 23

Unfavorable numbers: 4, 11

Happy Days: Thursday

Characteristics of Sagittarius

Sagittarius born in different decades, differ from each other.

Sagittarius born in the first decade - from November 23 to December 2, – are under the influence of Mercury. Such Sagittarius are independent, enterprising, and have a thirst for knowledge and change of place. They are full of dignity, inclined to philosophize, love space and freedom, and can lead others. They have a need to participate in everything.

Important years: 36, 40.

Sagittarius born in the second decade - from 3 to 12 December, – are under the influence of the Moon. They are dreamy, prone to thinking and planning. They love travel.

Important years: 15, 30, 40, 45, 60.

Sagittarius born in the third decade - from 13 to 21 December, – are under the influence of Saturn. These are persistent, decisive, fearless, patient natures.

Important years: 19, 36, 38, 40, 45, 57, 75.

Appearance of Sagittarius

The appearance of Sagittarius is characterized by wide hips and shoulders, wide bones. Tendency to corpulence. Women have a graceful top and a massive bottom. The buttocks are large.

Undesirable sign for Sagittarius– narrow hips, very small mouth, thinness, pale face.

Sagittarius sex horoscope

Sagittarius – frank, sincere, generous in feelings a sign. For him, friendship and communication are more important than sex. Prefers an intellectual partner. Wants to try everything in sex, at least once. Romantic tender lovers and mistresses.

A man born under the sign of Sagittarius

Cheerful, good-natured, educated. Loves smart women. He is not ready for strong affection, and does not demand it from a woman. He is a romantic and a vagabond by nature. Women like him. But, having received everything he can from the relationship, he leaves. And the woman does not try to keep him, knowing full well that he is not created for a long-term union. Experiencing intimacy, he sincerely believes in love, but time passes and tender memories remain from the meeting. Unsuccessful flirting doesn't scare him. He approaches life philosophically: “Well, some other time.”

Woman born under the sign of Sagittarius

An excellent partner for those who love smart, funny, enthusiastic women. Sexually, she is tempting, attractive and inexhaustible. She knows how to appreciate life in all its manifestations - this applies to work, art, sports and family. Sex for her is a way to feel the fullness of being, and she strives to extract the maximum possible pleasure from it. Cheerful, full of fantasies. These qualities are inherent in her in intimacy. He chooses partners to match himself. Knows his worth.

Family life is a serious thing for her, but she does not always know how to make it harmonious, since the thirst for new experiences sometimes takes her away from the family hearth.


The sensitive area of ​​Sagittarius is the thighs, hair on the head.

Horoscope of fidelity and betrayal of Sagittarius

Sagittarians get carried away, are interested in the opposite sex, but their romances do not last long. They tend to stick to their family.

Signs of betrayal: increased concern, lies, he loses interest in talking, discussing something, and going to visit.

Since Sagittarius is a sincere person, the unnaturalness of his behavior is obvious.

Sagittarius marriage horoscope

Sagittarians are good-natured and sociable. In love, they are sincere and believe in the best qualities of people; they are rarely possessive or jealous. For Sagittarius, unhappy marriages are rare.

Sagittarius Man He does a lot, but his demand is high. Sagittarius needs an intelligent wife who can provide him with freedom and share his interests.

Sagittarius Woman– always a wonderful conversationalist and friend, a hospitable hostess. These women are gladly taken as wives. She is happy only when she has freedom. She shouldn't have a jealous husband.

The best partners for Sagittarius– Leo, Aquarius, Aries, Libra, Pisces, Scorpio.

Unsuccessful marriage– Virgo, Gemini.

Sagittarius health horoscope

Sagittarians have good health, they have every chance to live to a ripe old age in sound mind and sober memory, maintaining their youth and enthusiasm for a long time.

Sagittarians don't like to get sick, lying in bed, they are bored with idleness, so they quickly recover.

Sagittarians usually lead a healthy lifestyle: they do not smoke, do not abuse alcohol, and play sports.

When deviating from the line of fate, the motor centers, hips, pelvis, buttocks, liver, hematopoietic and blood-purifying systems become vulnerable. Traumatic sprains of joints, muscles, and varicose veins are possible.

All Sagittarius need to remember that overeating and fatty foods lead to a loss of optimism and good spirits.

Sagittarius needs a diet, therapeutic fasting is desirable.

To strengthen the lungs of Sagittarius useful elecampane, sage, mint.

Any citrus fruit (especially lemon), apples (they contain a lot of iron), and any fruit are useful for cleansing the blood.

Professions for Sagittarius

Suitable professions for Sagittarius: leader, manager, lawyer, preacher, priest, teacher, lecturer, cultural worker, astronomer, oceanographer, horse breeder, translator, writer, politician, journalist, missionary, public figure, human rights activist.

Western compatibility horoscope for Sagittarius

Sagittarius – Aries. A wonderful, prosperous union. The relationship in this couple is built on friendship, cooperation, partnership, understanding, and common goals. Both are optimists. A marriage can last a lifetime and be happy. The older this couple is, the stronger it is.

Sagittarius – Taurus. Such friendships and marital unions are rare. These are too different people, they have nothing to talk about. A good relationship is possible provided there is a large age difference, or a radical change in lifestyle on the part of Sagittarius.

Sagittarius – Gemini. Bright, interesting, energetic Sagittarius will be bored with the conservative pessimist Gemini. Only temporary relationships are possible.

Sagittarius – Cancer. Marriage is unlikely. Too different people. Cancers are grounded and complex, and Sagittarius needs an intellectual partner.

Sagittarius – Leo. Good compatibility. Unity of interests sometimes leads to a successful marriage, strong friendships, and long-term relationships. But they can get bored together, especially Sagittarius. Such a marriage is based on mutual respect. There is no place for petty squabbles and public humiliation of a partner.

Sagittarius – Virgo. Obviously a losing option. Different, completely opposite people. This is reflected in everything. Sagittarius is a dreamer, Virgo is a realist. He is developing, she has more pragmatic goals.

Sagittarius – Libra. Probable alliance. Elemental compatibility. Libra loves the integrity and optimism of Sagittarius. But Sagittarius may be bored in this marriage.

Sagittarius – Scorpio. A union of extraordinary and strong people. A strong mutual attraction may arise between them. But marriage cannot be called easy. They are interested in being around even after many years of living together.

Sagittarius – Sagittarius. These are people close in character and type of energy. They feel each other very well. Both are optimists and travelers. Both are not material people. The key to family happiness is a man’s ability to provide for his family.

Sagittarius – Capricorn. A very difficult union. Especially for Sagittarius. Capricorn's stubbornness, his reluctance to develop, pessimism, suspicion, and stinginess irritate Sagittarius. And Capricorn constantly puts pressure on Sagittarius, destroying his psyche. There are a lot of problems in this union.

Sagittarius – Aquarius. Easy relationship between two friendly people. A strong marriage of two creative people.

Sagittarius – Pisces. Incompatibility of two different elements. Pisces and Sagittarius find it difficult to understand each other. Their temperament and goals in life are different. Both are impractical, so the house will always be a mess.

Born under the sign of Sagittarius: G. Berlioz, Lope de Vega, G. Heine, S. Zweig, Empress Elizabeth, Musset, D. Swift, Toulouse-Lautrec, Horace, Maria Stuart, S. Razin, F. Engels, De Gaulle, W. Churchill, G. Zhukov, N. Karamzin, Lunacharsky, Plekhanov, Kropotkin, D. Carnegie, Milton, M. Twain, L. Beethoven, I. Strauss, M. Nostradamus, A. Rubinstein, W. Disney, G. Garibaldi, Nero, I Stalin.

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Complete general summary horoscope for Sagittarius


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The most striking character traits of Sagittarius according to the horoscope are dynamism, optimism and determination. They love to chat and think, but are completely unable to sit still.

What is the character of Sagittarius according to the horoscope?

Sagittarius' thoughts are always directed to the future. They constantly need a goal that would lead them forward. Therefore, having achieved one goal, they immediately come up with a new one, being tireless and surprisingly inventive in this search.

They love everything new and always go towards it with enthusiasm. If any traditions, conventions or restrictions get in the way, Sagittarians mercilessly destroy them.

At the same time, Sagittarius' goals always remain high and humane, even idealistic. True, sometimes Sagittarius themselves cannot understand what they want, and yearn for something unrealistic.

Sagittarians are very enthusiastic people; they do not stop when hit and cope with difficulties faster than people of other signs. Besides, they are always lucky.

However, at the same time, Sagittarians often abandon unfinished business, finding a new area of ​​application of their strength. They lack such qualities as thoroughness, patience, and attention to detail. Sagittarians easily refuse to carry out their plans if it requires them to be reasonable.

According to the horoscope, the character of fiery Sagittarius is restless. He can often be more of a homebody than a traveler, or pessimism can easily give way to a love of life. Sagittarius, whose temper can drive anyone crazy, is distinguished by duality and unstoppable energy.

Sagittarius character traits

Sagittarius do not like to shoulder any obligations or bind themselves with promises. They always try to leave room for changing their decision and maintaining freedom of action.

Sagittarians are characterized by complete sincerity and honesty. They are unfamiliar with the ability to lie. Sometimes their habit of telling everyone only the truth can be shocking.

At the same time, Sagittarians not only openly express their opinions about others, but also speak completely sincerely about their feelings and experiences. Sagittarius's desire for truthfulness has absolutely no evil intentions, but it makes it difficult for Sagittarians to keep secrets.

Other character traits of Sagittarius according to the horoscope are sociability, willingness to help, generosity and magnanimity, courage and intelligence, as well as a great sense of humor. As a rule, Sagittarians easily establish relationships with people, but do not feel attachment to anyone.

At the same time, they easily change their attitude towards a person to a hostile one if that person abuses their kindness or accuses Sagittarius of dishonesty. Sagittarians really don’t like it when they themselves are deceived. Therefore, they will take revenge on those who fooled them.

In general, Sagittarians are generous and cheerful idealists who tend to set themselves ambitious and difficult to achieve goals.

Sagittarius is always ready to try something new, he adapts very easily to any life situations. So, Sagittarius is a very versatile person, he always succeeds in everything with ease, and he can simply be torn among the mass of interesting and useful things. Sagittarius have a fantastic mind and excellent memory, but all shooters have problems with discipline.

They often cannot figure out how to behave correctly in a given situation. In contrast to the mind, Sagittarius has a very developed intuition. Sometimes, they even listen to her too much and act according to impulse. Idealistic Sagittarius shows incredible loyalty to the idea that he carries within himself. He inspires those around him. True, patriotism and complete dedication to the cause of life often lead shooters to a dead end.

Pros and cons of the Sagittarius character

Positive Traits of Sagittarius

People born under the sign of Sagittarius are very sociable and friendly, they are distinguished by directness in their relationships with other people.

Sagittarians have a unique combination of determination and high intelligence, which can make them winners.

Sagittarius are alien to deception and falsehood. They tend to do everything completely sincerely, like little children. Like children, they are agile, love animals, and enjoy sports.

Sagittarians usually look cheerful and happy, they are always full of optimism. Sagittarians can perfectly defend themselves without outside help, but after a skirmish they quickly cool down and often try to establish relationships again.

Love of sports can cause injuries, but Sagittarians never stay in the hospital for long. They also succumb to illness with difficulty and recover quickly.

Sagittarius is always on the go, he rarely sits in one place. An altruist by nature, he nevertheless can easily injure a person and simply not notice it. Sagittarius is an honest person and is physically incapable of lying. He would rather tell you the bitter truth than spend a long time choosing loyal words so as not to offend you.

So, Sagittarius simply despises liars and deceivers and always demands that others be honest with him. Sagittarius is also incapable of betrayal, as well as lying. He is an extremely loyal friend. Trusting Sagittarius will accept everything you tell him as the truth, but will never forgive deception. He does not understand subtle hints; the main thing for him is straightforwardness.

Unbridled optimism in the character of Sagittarius according to the horoscope is fundamental. After all, in absolutely any situation, Sagittarius will “hold his tail like a gun”, no matter what, he will rejoice at every sunrise and every sunset. Along with optimism, Jupiter blessed Sagittarius with luck.

He always appears in the right place at the right time and is never short of money. At the same time, he loves to give gifts - Sagittarius's generosity knows no bounds. Sagittarius always has a lot of friends and acquaintances - few can resist his charm. He is full of enthusiasm, smart, well-read, and besides this, he simply charges those around him with his inner energy.

One of the main character traits of Sagittarius according to the horoscope is the thirst for independence and freedom of action. Sagittarius's family life may turn out to be unhappy if his significant other does not accept the shooter's need for personal freedom.

Neither friends. No relatives will ever be able to take away Sagittarius’s personal space, which he needs like oxygen for life. Sagittarius' independent nature often hurts those close to him. However, it is better to come to terms with this character trait of the fire centaur.

Sagittarians are very musical. Representatives of the centaur sign often have absolute pitch. True, like many of their abilities, Sagittarius often neglects the gift of music and gives preference to art in general: painting, sculpture, poetry - everything captivates the multifaceted Sagittarius. People of this zodiac sign are in a constant process of exploration and learning.

They are confident that the reserves of the world’s mysteries are simply inexhaustible and they definitely need to learn as much as possible about all the secrets of the world. Sagittarius. At the same time, they are excellent philosophers and speakers, they understand the high meaning of existence, and the truth always remains down to earth with their minds.

Despite all the positive qualities, according to the horoscope, the character of Sagittarius is filled with optimism, and is distinguished by the following negative traits: the habit of not finishing what is started, sarcasm, gambling and irresponsibility.

Negative Traits of Sagittarius

Sagittarians can often seem tactless, but there is no point in being offended by them. They make their shocking remarks not out of malice, but with completely good intentions and simply cannot think that they could offend their interlocutor. Sagittarians in general are always sure that they are the most diplomatic people.

Sagittarians enjoy the feeling of physical or emotional danger; they love taking risks. They are distinguished by talkativeness and extravagance. At the same time, no one can resist the persuasion of a Sagittarius, since their behavior is absolutely devoid of malicious intent.

Although Sagittarians always seem friendly, their mood can change dramatically if others abuse their friendliness or behave too familiarly. In addition, Sagittarius is outraged by the manifestation of someone else's power over them. They cannot stand accusations of dishonesty.

Sagittarians have a somewhat childish outlook on life. This leads to the fact that Sagittarians do not like to take responsibility and try in every possible way to avoid it. This is particularly evident in their attitude towards marriage.

Sagittarians fall in love very quickly, but they also cool down just as quickly. It is difficult for them to enter into a serious relationship with anyone; they can think about the decision to get married for a very long time, but never decide on anything.

One of the most unpleasant character traits of Sagittarius according to the horoscope is the tendency to eat and drink a lot, which can even lead to alcoholism. Sagittarius's wit can easily turn into sarcasm. Sagittarians are often unable to keep secrets.

Sagittarians have an excellent memory, but at the same time they are very absent-minded, which is why they often lose their things.