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How is the word lera translated? The meaning of the name Lera

It's no secret that a name determines not only a person's character, but also predetermines his fate. In this article, we invite you to find out everything connected with the name Valeria: the meaning of the name, the character and fate of the person named by it. This name was rarely included in popularity ratings, and all because it was derived from the male name Valery, therefore it endows its owner with some masculine qualities. We will look at the specific meaning of this name in our article.

The name Valeria (Lera) has an interesting origin and meaning... and the fate of a child with this name is interesting and quite prosperous

Origin and meaning of the name Valeria

The meaning of the name Valeria comes from the Latin word "valeo", which means "to be healthy" and "to be strong"

Meaning of the name Valeria: It comes from the Latin word “valeo” which means “to be healthy” and “to be strong”.

It is implied that Valeria will be a strong-willed and healthy girl. It is worth noting that this is a very rare name.

That is why you should not lose sight of the name Valeria, the origin and meaning of which endow the owner with fortitude and good health.

What kind of character might Valeria have?

The characteristics of the name Valery are based on the influence of the planet Mercury.

Vu nature is very complex and contradictory. It's almost impossible to please her. All her friends and relatives should carefully monitor their intonations during a conversation with Valeria, since she is a very suspicious and touchy girl. Any offense to Victoria is accompanied by scandals, raised words and other unpleasant components on her part. She will remember the offense for a long time, and then completely unexpectedly forgive it.

In relationships with men, Valeria is even more capricious and inconsistent. Valeria usually has experience from several marriages. Her first marriage is usually a trial one and the most unsuccessful. Not every man can tolerate his wife’s excessive suspiciousness. She is incredibly jealous and will be jealous even with a fleeting glance from her husband at a woman passing by.

V. is fond of traveling, loves to pamper himself in beauty salons, because he cares about his external attractiveness. She doesn’t mind working out in a gym or fitness salon, but among all types of physical activity, she gives preference to yoga and Pilates. And this is correct, since it is important for Valeria to be able to disconnect from the hustle and bustle.

More often, V. is successful in sales and high-risk investments. But in fact, Valeria does not strive to devote her life to work. The main goal of any unmarried Valeria is to find a worthy and wealthy candidate for a husband. And they succeed! V.'s mother will be demanding and not inclined to spoil her children. She will be more of a child in the family than her own children.

In general, Valeria will not suffer from any serious or chronic diseases. It is characterized by certain diseases of the nervous system and anorexia, that is, severe weight loss. It is worth paying a lot of attention to nutrition and daily routine. For V. it is vital to get enough sleep.

The main character of a child with the name Valeria, depending on the time of year of his birth:

  • Spring is a capricious and fickle girl, she is very artistic, so success awaits her as an actress or model.
  • summer - will attract attention, both through actions and external transformation. She will make a good organizer or leader.
  • autumn - will be a more predictable and balanced girl.
  • winter - will be a domineering and emotional girl, work in the field of finance and securities will suit her, since the love of money will become her very first love.

What fate awaits Valeria?

In many ways, the characteristics of the name Valeria determine the character and destiny of a person. Knowing your destiny, you can change it

Now we will consider what impact the name Valeria can have on a person’s life; the meaning of the name and the fate of a person are inextricably linked with each other. The name Valeria endows its owner with fickle, eccentric character traits.

Valeria's fate will not be the most enviable. She will experience many disappointments throughout her life. There is a high risk that property will be stolen from her home.

At the first communication with V., he pushes him away. Therefore, she will have very few friends from childhood. Valeria will practically not maintain relations even with her parents.

When communicating with Valeria, it is important to be a patient person, because, despite all the shortcomings, in the end she can become a loyal and reliable friend for life.

V. will have a wealth of experience living with different men. She is in constant search for that very ideal man who does not exist. In fact, as soon as Valeria meets a good-natured and understanding man with a good sense of humor, she will quickly appropriate him for herself. With such a man, V. is capable of becoming a happy wife. She will love her children, but raise them in strictness.

It is very difficult for a capricious girl with an unstable psyche to realize herself in her career. But Valeria will succeed. And even if she does not reach any outstanding heights and achievements, she will be able to earn good money to meet the needs of her family.

In old age, V. will finally calm down, she will no longer make people emotional, she will not suspect them of something and make trouble. Valeria will become a very serious grandmother who will raise her grandchildren in the same way as her children: in severity and discipline.

What will the child named Valeria be like?

The character of a child named Valeria can range from capricious and fickle to balanced and predictable.

Let's consider the characteristics and character traits of a child named Valeria; the meaning of the name for a girl will be reflected in her main character traits.

Little V. will be overly touchy and capricious. She will demand increased attention to her needs. Therefore, it is possible that little Valeria will need strict discipline and special upbringing.

Valeria's school years will be marked by protest. Diligence and perseverance are unfamiliar to her. She will quietly sit through each lesson, minding her own business, or be overly active in arguments with teachers. Only hobby groups can captivate a girl and awaken in her a desire to work on herself.

In adolescence, V. will be able to curb her rebellious nature a little, but in general, she will remain true to herself and her desires. It will be difficult for her in any team, but as a loner she can achieve success. Valeria will begin to be interested in young people who will also not lose sight of the cheerful and charming girl. Early pregnancy is possible.

Winter Valeria too excitable and prone to nervous breakdowns. Her perception of even small problems often develops into an unimaginable tragedy, so it is often difficult for her to find a common language with others. She is a principled and proud woman, which gives her inner strength and beauty.

Spring Valeria - a capricious, spoiled woman. She is used to everyone around doing as she wishes (but few people want to communicate and be friends with such a special person, so most often spring Valeria is very lonely). However, she is very popular with men, which makes her a self-confident woman who knows exactly how to set up her next fan in her own way.

Summer Valeria cunning, somewhat mercantile and cautious. She always achieves the goals and objectives set for herself, especially if these same goals promise her benefits or moral pleasure. The only downside is that she can achieve her desires by “walking over corpses.” The principles of summer Valeria do not always correspond to moral standards.

Autumn Valeria represents a balanced, calm and always restrained nature. It is difficult to “irritate” her, because to any question you can always hear a reasoned, reasoned answer from her, subtly hinting that any argument with her is doomed to failure. Autumn Valeria often hides her emotions, which entails problematic relationships with men.

Stone - talisman

Valeria's talisman stones are garnet and emerald.


This stone symbolizes friendship and love, passion and devotion.

In the Christian tradition, garnet was valued as a stone that helps reconcile friends and strengthen love and family ties.

Interesting fact! Because of its red color, pomegranate was believed to stabilize blood pressure. In addition, it is believed that this stone calms the nervous system, invigorates and gives a person optimism, promotes well-being and gives vitality.


This gem symbolizes hope, freshness and joy.

Emerald is capable of revealing secret knowledge, helping to develop the art of prophecy.

Interesting fact! Our ancestors believed that this stone could improve sleep and identify adultery (the emerald would fall into several pieces during infidelity). However, emerald brings bad luck to deceitful and insincere people.

Emerald helps a person to navigate the terrain well and avoid disasters, which is why sailors carry it with them on sea voyages.



Valeria's lucky number is 8 (you can read about the meaning of the number eight in the article).



Valeria’s element is Water (which means the patronage of this element, can be read in the article “The Influence of the Elements, Planets and Numbers on Human Life”).

Animal - symbol

Animal symbols for Valeria are the horse and the scarab beetle.


This noble animal symbolizes: intelligence, wisdom, light and the transience of time. This symbol helps in trouble, gives vitality and brings wealth.

Scarab beetle

This beetle symbolizes the rebirth of the human soul. It is used to protect against evil spells, to achieve financial well-being, to gain happiness and good luck.



Favorable plants for Valeria are chestnut, peony and cherry.


This tree symbolizes wisdom, care and providence. According to legend, carrying chestnut fruits in your pocket brings health and protects against negative events.

Chestnut is also used in medicine in the treatment of vascular diseases, various rheumatisms, and gallbladder diseases. In addition, chestnut is used as a hemostatic agent.


This flower symbolizes longevity, wealth and joy. Peony is endowed with healing properties: for example, a tincture from the roots of this plant helps with insomnia and relieves irritation.


It is a symbol of spring bloom, hope and youth.


Valeria's metal talismans are aluminum and silver.


Aluminum symbolizes stability and calm. Aluminum rings are worn during important meetings (this metal helps to acquire the necessary contacts and improve mutual understanding between people in a team).


This metal symbolizes spiritual purity. Silver protects its owner from the evil eye, witchcraft, negative influences from outside and evil spirits.

Favorable days

Unfavorable day


The favorable time of year for Valeria is spring.

Important years of life

Significant years of life for Valeria: 18, 19, 20, 27, 30, 34, 38, 44, 50, 63 and 67.

Origin of the name Valeria

Name translation

The name Valeria comes from the Latin word valeo, which means “strong”, “strong”, “healthy”.

History of the name

The name Valeria is a variant of the male name Valery. Thus, the patrician name Valerius is found in legends about Ancient Rome, telling about the life of emperors.

Forms (analogues) of the name

The most common forms of the name Valery: Lera, Lerusya, Lerusha, Valya, Valyunya.

The legend of the name Valeria

Valeria of Caesarea is an early Christian saint who was given the title of martyr. Valeria of Caesarea, together with her comrades-in-arms Kyriacia of Caesarea and Maria of Caesarea (they received their nickname from the name of the ancient city of Caesarea) accepted Christianity, prayed regularly, and regularly served their faith.

It is also known that Valeria of Caesarea was tortured in order to convert her to the pagan faith. But even after severe torment, she did not renounce Christianity.

The secret of the name Valery

Angel's Day (name day)

March: 31st.

April: 28th.

May: 6th number.

June: 6th, 7th and 20th.

December: 9th number.

Patrons named after Valery

  • Martyr Valeria African.
  • Martyr Valeria of Milan.
  • Martyr Valeria of Caesarea.
  • Martyr Valeria of Limoges.

Famous people

Famous actresses named Valeria:

  • Valeria Zaklunnaya;
  • Valeria Lanskaya.

Famous TV presenters named Valeria:

  • Valeria Kondra;
  • Valeria Kudryavtseva.

Famous singers named Valeria:

  • Valeria Barsova;
  • Valeria Kozlova.

Famous writers named Valeria:

  • Valeria Gerasimova;
  • Valeria Tsvetaeva.

Valeria Savinykh - Russian tennis player.

Valeria Sokolova - Russian model from Penza.

The meaning of the name Valeria

For a child

Lera has been very unpredictable from an early age, and her parents cannot understand the sudden changes in her mood. In addition, she is stubborn and capricious (the attention of her relatives should be given entirely to her and no one else). Very often, such selfishness, provoked by the mother’s overprotectiveness, leads to the fact that she does not have good relationships with her siblings.

Little Lera can hardly be called a neat girl; on the contrary, chaos always reigns in her room, which she herself calls “creative disorder.” To be fair, it should be noted that if she does start cleaning, she will put the room in perfect order.

Valeria is a true fashionista who can spend hours dressing up and looking in the mirror. She is talented and artistic, so she participates in school celebrations and attends various clubs.

Studying is not very easy for Valeria, although she approaches the educational process very seriously and responsibly. And it’s all due to her changeable and touchy character. She wants to become a leader, but this does not always work out, which can lead to serious emotional breakdowns.

But in general, Valeria is a kind, sympathetic and generous girl who sincerely loves her loved ones and will never betray her friends.

For a girl

Having grown older, Valeria remains a complex person whose behavior is difficult to predict. She often incorrectly assesses events and people (such behavior does not endear her to others). However, if someone has enough patience and strength to win Valeria’s favor, then such a person will forever acquire a very devoted friend.

Despite the difficult teenage period, Valeria, as a rule, studies diligently at university and prepares for her future career. She is of little interest to guys, but love is not alien to her either (the main thing is that feelings do not interfere with the achievement of her goals). And Lera’s goals change as quickly as her mood, and besides, she does not know how and does not want to limit herself to any boundaries.

She is hardworking and responsible, meticulous and persistent, but her sensitive attitude to criticism often prevents her from establishing friendly and working relationships. In addition, Lera is overly emotional (in a fit of anger she can offend a person with a sharp word, and never admits her guilt).

If we talk about friends, then Lera has few of them, because she rarely opens up to people, which gives rise to the myth of her insincerity. But for time-tested people, she is a wonderful friend.

For woman

Adult Valeria is extremely vulnerable, sensitive and suspicious. She has a strict character, which helps her achieve great success in life. However, the downside is that Valeria is often lonely, which is also to blame for her isolation. At the same time, she may take both her own and other people’s troubles too close to her heart.

Valeria, even in adulthood, remains a real coquette and fashionista, which cannot but please the men who are trying to woo her. Her elegance, mystery and inaccessibility attract the stronger sex. But Lera is looking for the ideal man to whom she can give tenderness and love (such searches may end with her making the wrong choice). Until she meets the one and only, she will view romance novels with distrust.

Description of the name Valeria


Valeria is a sincere and honest person, but at the same time she does not always follow moral and ethical standards, especially if they interfere with achieving her goals.

Valeria despises liars, although as a woman, of course, she is not averse to sometimes embellishing certain events.


Valeria is in generally good health, but tends to be overweight. There may also be problems with the genitourinary and nervous systems. Valeria needs to lead an active and healthy lifestyle, which includes regular physical activity.


It is difficult for men to win over Valeria with her complex character. But, of course, it is possible, you just need to be patient.

In general, Valeria likes strong and assertive men who are ready to fight for their happiness. All courtship to such a man will pay off with interest, because if Valeria falls in love, then forever.


Valeria agrees to marry only a man who sincerely loves her and to whom she is very attached. She attaches the greatest importance to feelings when choosing a spouse and chooses only with her heart. For Valeria, marriage of convenience is unacceptable (as well as having children without love).

Family relationships

Valeria becomes a good housewife with relaxed ease and strives to please her husband as much as possible. Diligently copes with household chores and raising children. At the same time, she demands loyalty and mutual understanding from her beloved. Unfortunately, family often fades into the background for Valeria, giving way to career growth. Although Lera pampers her husband with attention, her sense of possessiveness and jealousy lead to frequent quarrels and scandals in her family.


Unpredictability in everything is the norm for Valeria. Even in intimate relationships, you can expect anything from her: she can be a passionate and insatiable lioness, or she can put on the mask of a cold and unapproachable lady.

But in any case, sex plays an important role in relationships for Valeria, so it is common for her (especially in her youth) to often change sexual partners, which helps her experience the whole gamut of feelings. And if her ardent passion fades, the novelty that attracts her so much disappears, then she returns to new searches.

Mind (intelligence)

Valeria has an analytical mind, she has a lively, well-developed imagination, and excellent figurative memory. At the same time, she is not inclined towards mathematics, but is more drawn to the humanities (she really likes to study foreign languages).


Interest in her inner world, and not in work, prevails in Valeria. She shows herself best when she is the owner of her business, although she can cope with any position if she loves the business. And all thanks to such character qualities as responsibility, perseverance and hard work. Valeria is most suited to working with people - this is the sphere of service, education, trade, and catering.


Valeria is predisposed to running her own business. In addition, she skillfully conducts business, resulting in profitable sales and bold financial transactions. Valeria also finds it quite easy to communicate with partners, which is important for establishing new business relationships.


Valeria's favorite hobbies are reading and cooking (she loves to cook and is constantly improving her culinary skills).

She is not a fan of sports, but loves to play a little tennis or swim in the pool.

Character type


Valeria has a restless lifestyle and an unstable, unbalanced psyche. To impress others, she may demonstrate her anger. Valeria is overly self-confident and does a lot of rash things. For example, in a conversation she likes to talk more than listen, which is why she often becomes an unwanted interlocutor. It is important for her to be the center of attention, otherwise she begins to feel insecure.


Valeria is quite often guided by her inner voice, which is due to her impressionability. In addition, she is naturally endowed with charm and charm, which Valeria uses with great success. So, in love affairs, she does not pay attention to anything except the call of her heart and inner impulses.

Horoscope named after Valery

Valeria - Aries

Cheerful and cheerful Valeria-Aries, who approaches any task extremely scrupulously, should always be in the center of events. She likes to lead, not perform. Valeria-Aries has a charming appearance and always presents herself effectively, thereby manipulating men. This is a temperamental and devoted woman who will not forgive betrayal to her chosen one.

Valeria - Taurus

This is a calm and scrupulous woman who does not like change. Stability is important for Valeria-Taurus, and this applies to all areas of her life. She will cope well with monotonous and routine work, but creative and artistic activities are not her strong point. Everything that Valeria undertakes, she brings to perfection, so she is valued both at home and at work. She cannot boast of a large number of fans, since she is closed and shy, but for her husband she will be a devoted wife (albeit a great owner).

Valeria - Gemini

This is a flirtatious and restless nature, loving laughter and fun. She goes through life with humor and endless optimism. Even at work, she manages to joke, flirt with co-workers and still get her job done. The downside of Valeria-Gemini is inconstancy and indecisiveness, which can hinder her career advancement. She is not very selective in relationships with men, so she is often disappointed in relationships.

Valeria - Cancer

An elegant and well-mannered lady is Valeria-Cancer, whose refined and delicate manners will captivate men. At the same time, Valeria-Cancer is a real homebody, for whom family comes to the fore. She strives for stability, although sometimes she is not averse to changing the situation and going on a trip. She is strict and demanding of men: thus, her ideal man should be intelligent and polite.

Valeria - Leo

This is a self-absorbed and envious woman. No one knows about her dreams, but they boil down to power, universal attention and adoration. Although Valeria-Leo tries to suppress her envy, the successes of her friends fall heavily on her shoulders. In her work, she constantly lacks patience, perseverance and responsibility. Sincerity is also alien to Valeria-Leo, because she loves to embellish what is happening in her favor. She has many fans, but in her male friends she wants to see only a non-existent ideal.

Valeria - Virgo

Balanced and gallant, Valeria-Virgo always diligently, thoroughly, and, most importantly, creatively approaches her work. She easily achieves respect in society, and her ability to establish the necessary contacts contributes to rapid career growth. She knows how to inspire and impose her opinion on her interlocutor, and she does it so skillfully that he does not even suspect it. This also applies to the family - Valeria-Virgo claims to be the head of the family.

Valeria - Libra

A charming, sociable and pleasant woman is Valeria-Libra, who takes on any task with passion and enthusiasm, but her carefree nature does not allow everything to be brought to its logical conclusion. She considers herself very intelligent and cannot stand familiarity. Valeria-Libra is very popular among men, but she demands everyone’s attention, and she often cannot even listen to her interlocutor.

Valeria - Scorpio

She is a rather irritable person who loves to make comments to everyone around her, although the slightest negative statement addressed to herself makes her nervous. She is overly emotional, so it is not surprising that her life is filled with adventures and bright colors, without which she simply cannot live. It will be difficult for her man to accept constant and often far-fetched quarrels, which are quite common for Valeria-Scorpio.

Valeria - Sagittarius

She can be described as a passionate, hot and energetic woman. Valeria-Sagittarius can get very angry if something doesn't go as she planned. And if she begins to have an attack of anger, it will be difficult to stop a woman who behaves tactlessly and does not think about the consequences. It is very difficult for Valeria-Sagittarius to admit her mistakes. The main requirements for a man are: gallantry, intelligence and material security.

Valeria - Capricorn

This is a suspicious woman with a skeptical attitude towards life and distrust of people. She is not happy with many things in life and in the people around her; she looks for a catch everywhere and in everything, thereby complicating life for herself and the people who care about her. She can perceive any remark as an incredible insult. It is very difficult to surprise her with anything, much less to please her, so Valeria-Capricorn cannot boast of many friends. The same applies to her fans, who are afraid of the strong and powerful Valeria-Capricorn.

Valeria - Aquarius

Freedom-loving and savvy Valeria-Aquarius completely devotes herself to her favorite work, which earns the respect of her colleagues and superiors (it’s not her style to stop halfway). She completely excludes the possibility of other people interfering in her life, especially in her personal relationships. Valeria-Aquarius does not accept overly intrusive and boring fans, from whom she quickly gets tired. Nor will she be with a man who will try to impose his will on her.


This is a very talented, elegant and pleasant woman, whose hard work, combined with determination, leads to inevitable success. Valeria-Pisces is an unusual and original person who will only be interested in an extraordinary man. The main valuable qualities of the future husband of Valeria-Pisces are a sense of humor and willpower: she will not only be faithful to such a man, but will also devote her life to him.

Compatibility of the name Valeria with male names

Valeria and Alexander

Valeria and Alexey

The relationship between Valeria and Alexey can hardly be called strong and stable, but despite this, this couple can live together for decades. In Valeria, Alexey is attracted by calmness, which is surprisingly combined with originality of thinking. Valeria sees in her companion a reliable and faithful partner, to whom she is ready to forgive his shortcomings. In general, understanding reigns in their family.

Valeria and Nikolay

There is no place for monotony in this union, because Valeria and Nikolai think alike and prefer to actively spend their leisure time, which only strengthens their relationship. They understand each other perfectly, so they can become not only ideal spouses, but also excellent partners. Their joint business will prosper, bringing prosperity and well-being to the home. They can be both adventurers and philosophers at the same time, which brings variety and interest to their union.

Valeria and Ivan

This pair of workaholics is determined and energetic. For Valeria and Ivan, family traditions are very important, which they try to honor and observe. Peace reigns in their union, while they try to avoid Italian passions. They find their happiness in children and creating a full-fledged friendly family.

Valeria and Mikhail

Optimistic and cheerful Valeria is a perfect match for the active and inquisitive Mikhail. Together they have a fun and productive time, but at the same time they should remember that everything should be in moderation, otherwise the union will not withstand the test of material and everyday difficulties that will sooner or later stand in their way. In general, this is a fairly strong union that can overcome many obstacles.

Valeria and Roman

The solid Roman, who is serious about building a family, is not ready to put up with the unpredictability of Valeria, who often takes life too frivolously. At first, the chosen one’s cheerfulness captivates the man, but over time, Roman understands that living together with Lera will only bring misunderstanding, which is fraught with frequent scandals. If he is ready to put up with the eccentricity of his girlfriend, then their couple may well take place.

Valeria and Anatoly

In this tandem, feelings and sexual compatibility are at the top of the pedestal. Initially, Valeria and Anatoly do not take their relationship seriously, but over time their passion develops into a deep feeling that can become the basis of a strong family. The main thing is that both partners have enough strength and patience that will help them put up with each other’s shortcomings. Otherwise, a break in the relationship cannot be avoided.

Valeria and Vitaly

This man and woman are full of mutual understanding, they suit each other very well. In addition, their couple often sets an example for others. Also, their intimate life only contributes to bringing closer and strengthening such a union. Well, after the birth of a child in their marriage, Valeria and Vitaly are unlikely to exchange a happy family life for dubious freedom outside of marriage.

The female name Valeria, like the male name Valery (derived from the Roman generic name Valerius), is of Latin origin and means “hardy”, “healthy”, “strong from birth”. It is widely popular among newborn babies in Russia.

Name Astrology

  • Zodiac sign: Scorpio
  • Patron Planet: Pluto
  • Talisman stone: malachite
  • Yellow color
  • Tree: chestnut
  • Plant: peony
  • Animal: scarab beetle
  • Favorable day: Tuesday

Character traits

Names that have a masculine and feminine pronunciation are endowed with a complex character and contradictions. Thus, the name Valeria carries a lot of energy, strength, discipline, and gravitates towards order. Such a woman strives for power, has a bright personality, and is capable of fighting. Most often he has a harsh, quarrelsome character. She does not know how to play in a team, she is too freedom-loving, she always strives to be first and do the work on her own.

Valeria is an excellent tactician, but a weak strategist. She achieves success through willpower and fortitude. Impulsive, she combines cheerfulness and sentimentality, lyricism and aggressiveness, short-sightedness and practicality. More often she is dissatisfied with herself and her environment than vice versa. Self-confident, prone to idealization, strives to subjugate everything that surrounds her. Educated, observant.

The secret of the name is that behind Valeria’s unpredictability and conflict, there is a vulnerable and sensitive nature. She is capable of reacting very violently to a disliked look or a carelessly spoken word. Prone to hysterics. Real problems arise when a complex, acute and deep conflict arises. This girl does not know how to give in, apologize, or forgive. She despises diplomacy and considers it a weakness of character.

The owner of the name Valeria is a wonderful housewife; order and discipline reign in her house. People who like her acquire a reliable friend and assistant in such a woman.

Interests and hobbies

Lera is actively interested in interesting ideas and projects, but rarely follows through. She likes activities that give immediate results. Valeria is capable of creating a business for the sake of a hobby. She enjoys photography, extreme sports, organizing weddings, parties, and performing in public as a toastmaster and entertainer.

Profession and business

High resistance to stressful situations and education allow Valeria to become a good leader. The profession of a journalist, insurance agent, sales manager, designer, reporter, television presenter, actress can bring good luck.


Valeria is well aware of her character problems and the impact of negative emotions on her overall health. Its weak points include the gallbladder and liver. The need to get rid of excess energy leads to hypertension, increased fatigue, and weakened memory. A girl with this name should take care of proper sleep and rest, and seek unity with nature.

Sex and love

Leroux is attracted to calm, non-conflict men who know how to listen. But her calculating nature prevents trust and rapprochement. A woman named Valeria is very sexy. Intimate relationships play a central role in her union with a man. But she never discusses this issue with anyone. She is a faithful companion and assistant to her chosen one.

Family and marriage

Valeria is a straightforward person. If she has already made her choice, then she demands complete submission from the other half. For this, she agrees to pay her spouse with devotion, fidelity, attention and “fiery” sex. She never refuses help and unconditionally shoulders family concerns. Living with her is not easy because of her hot-tempered and jealous character. However, many men are ready to tolerate her shortcomings, because she is a wonderful mother, an excellent housewife, a brave and confident life partner.

Valeria is a cheerful and energetic woman. She is responsible, takes all matters seriously, setting an example for others. Very organized. In emergency situations, the girl is able to sensibly assess the situation and make a decision in a matter of minutes. She does not tend to make hasty decisions; she carefully plans further actions, thinking through all the nuances.

Origin of the name

The female name Valeria has Latin roots. It comes from the Latin word valeo, which means “strong”, “healthy”, “strong-willed”. Some researchers believe that the name is the feminine form of the masculine Valery.

In ancient Roman chronicles, where they talk about the reign of emperors, the male name Valerius is often found.

Valentina is a related name for Valeria. This word also comes from the Latin valeo.

Forms of the name Valery

Name abbreviation:

  • Lera;
  • Lerka;
  • Valya;
  • Valera;
  • Waka.

Diminutive forms:

  • Lerochka;
  • Lerusya;
  • Lerusha;
  • I'm wallowing;
  • Lerunya;
  • Valesha.

When writing poems about a girl named Valeria, you can use the following rhymes: empire, superstition, mystery, artery, artillery.

Valeria - full form of the name Lera

The church name is Valeria.

Transliteration for a foreign passport - Valeriia.

Table: name in different languages

LanguageIt is writtenReading
Chinese瓦列里娅 Valeliya
Korean발레리아 Ballelia
Japaneseバレリア Bararia
Arabفاليريا‎‎ Falyria
Yiddishוואַלעריאַ Valeria
GreekΒαλέρια Valeria
Spanish, Italian, GermanValeriaValeria

Middle names that go with this name

The following patronymics are most harmoniously combined with the name Valeria:

  • Valerievna;
  • Gennadievna;
  • Leonidovna;
  • Maksimovna;
  • Evgenievna.

Nickname options for social networks

When creating a personal channel on Youtube, an account on Instagram and other social networks, Lera can use the following nicknames:

  • lera;
  • va_leriya;
  • valery;
  • lerik;
  • valera.

Patron saints of Valeria, name day date

Patron saints of girls with this name:

  • Valeria African;
  • Valeria Milanskaya;
  • Valeria of Caesarea;
  • Valeria Limoges.

One of the most famous saints with this name was Valeria of Caesarea. The Great Martyr Valeria of Caesarea was canonized in ancient Christian times. With her like-minded people, she accepted the Christian faith and preached it to people. The girl was repeatedly subjected to cruel torture, demanding that Valeria of Caesarea accept paganism. But this did not break her faith in Jesus Christ.

Holy Martyr Valeria is the patroness of girls with this name

Lera celebrate name day:

  • March 31;
  • April 28;
  • the 6th of May;
  • July 6, 7 and 20;
  • 9th December.

Characteristics and influence of the name

Positive traits:

  • loyalty;
  • determination;
  • honesty;
  • eloquence;
  • patience;
  • love of life;
  • frankness.

Negative qualities:

  • vulnerability;
  • skepticism;
  • waywardness;
  • envy;
  • timidity.

How does a name affect a child's character?

From birth, Lerochka gets used to the fact that parental attention belongs entirely to her. The mother spoils the baby very much, because of this she grows up wayward and capricious. He gets along poorly with his siblings and tries to win the love and attention of his parents from them through whims and complaints.

The girl is very stubborn, she always knows how to get what she wants. Lera is quite lazy, cleaning the room is the last thing she will take on of her own free will. The girl believes that there are activities that are much more interesting than the tedious shifting of things from place to place. But if she decides to restore order, she will do it perfectly. The baby loves bright fashionable things, she can spend a long time spinning in front of the mirror, admiring her reflection.

Little Lerochka loves to dress up and spend a long time hanging out in front of the mirror.

This is a very talented girl. Lerochka likes to take part in school creative competitions and attend various educational clubs. Studying is difficult for the girl, although she is diligent and diligent. Due to her inattention, Lera complicates her own path to success. In the team, she always tries to establish justice. In moments of failure, she becomes upset, offended and abandons unfinished tasks that she started with enthusiasm. Lera is a sincere, friendly girl. A faithful friend who can come to the rescue in difficult times. However, she has an unstable nervous system and her mood often changes.

Lera the teenager

During adolescence, Valeria becomes more sensitive, and her unpredictability sometimes alarms those around her. The girl often draws conclusions without properly understanding the situation, often succumbs to feelings and finds herself in awkward situations. Lera’s character is difficult, but those who have the patience to cope with it will be able to find a sincere and faithful comrade.

Lera tries to overcome difficulties, studies diligently, and carefully chooses a higher educational institution for herself. She quite meaningfully makes plans for her future profession. Having set a goal, the girl confidently moves towards its implementation. At this age, she is of little interest to male representatives. Valeria devotes most of her time to self-development and the educational process. Relationships appear in her life only if romantic dates do not interfere with preparing for her future career.

For teenage Valeria, what is more important is not romantic relationships, but studies and plans for the future

This is a purposeful, attentive and prudent girl. It is sometimes difficult for Lera to establish friendly relations in the team, as she hostilely perceives criticism addressed to her. She is quite straightforward; giving in to her feelings can offend a person. Valeria doesn’t tend to work on her mistakes, so you shouldn’t expect an apology from her.

How does a name influence the character and fate of adult Valeria?

Dmitry and Nadezhda Zima believe that the emotional color of the name speaks of the broad worldview of its owner. Such a girl is distinguished by her love of life and desire to achieve high goals. But Valeria's willfulness can destroy everything she has worked so hard for. She often acts based only on her own beliefs and principles. Lera loves to daydream and is not particularly interested in household chores. When the bearer of such a name is in a good mood, work burns in her hands. She doesn't like doing the same thing twice, so she tries to make every effort to do everything well the first time.

Boris Khigir claims that Valeria has a difficult character. She is capricious, unpredictable, and prone to frequent mood swings. Literally any little thing can make a girl angry or upset. A person who manages to make friends with Lera will realize her vulnerability and sensitivity, hidden under irritability and the desire to constantly defend her point of view. The owner of this name is distrustful of people.

Valeria is distrustful of people, but the person who still manages to make friends with Lera is aware of her vulnerability and sensitivity

According to Pavel Ruzhe, Valeria is a strong-willed, reasonable and receptive woman. She is used to an active lifestyle. Even when choosing a profession, Lera considers those areas of activity that provide the opportunity to travel and spend working time on the move. Likes to act as an organizer of public events or founder of creative associations. This girl is ambitious. She often breaks down if something doesn’t go as she planned. Valeria is a warm and hospitable hostess. She feels confident and comfortable in any company. The owner of this name is very successful, and often not so much in her career as in her social status.

Talents and hobbies

Valeria is comprehensively developed and very talented. She always has a lot of ideas in stock that she can implement not only in her professional activities, but also at home. Such a girl has no interest in the exact sciences; she is mostly interested in the humanities. Lera can excel in learning foreign languages.

The bearer of this name loves to cook various culinary masterpieces, especially when she is in a good mood. She has many books in her library, from which the girl chooses the most delicious recipes, delighting her family and friends with delicious dishes.

Valeria does not like to do household chores, but enjoys creating culinary delights

Valeria in career and business

Valeria is characterized by responsibility, perseverance and patience. Whatever profession she chooses, the process itself will be most important to the girl, not the profit. If the owner of such a name does not enjoy her work, she will not be able to reveal her potential in the business and in most cases will prefer to change jobs. The following professions are perfect for Lera:

  • teacher;
  • seller;
  • teacher;
  • journalist;
  • cook, pastry chef.

The bearer of this name can prove herself well in entrepreneurial activity. Valeria is excellent at conducting conferences and knows how to successfully conclude important deals. She skillfully uses her knowledge of psychology and dialogue. In most cases, contracts concluded by Leroy are successful and profitable.


Valeria is not particularly predisposed to any diseases. But she needs to watch her diet and move more, since such girls tend to gain extra pounds. Also, in the absence of proper rest, problems with the nervous system may arise.

To keep your figure in good shape, Lera needs to move more.

Valeria's love and marriage

Not every man is able to withstand Valeria's character. To win her heart, you should be patient. Such a girl prefers strong, strong-willed and purposeful representatives of the stronger sex. And if he manages to win her love through long courtship, then Lera will respond to her chosen one with devotion, care and tenderness.

Intimate connection is important for Valeria. Her desires are almost impossible to predict. Either she acts as a passionate, angry panther, or she shows indifference to her chosen one. Since the owner of this name prefers variety in sex, in her youth she often gives in to impulse and often changes partners.

When getting married, Lera listens to her inner voice. It is very important for her how the chosen one treats her and what feelings she experiences for him. Such a girl will definitely marry for love, since she is a big opponent of arranged marriages.

Not every man is able to withstand Valeria’s character: to win her heart, you should be patient

Valeria can become a wonderful housewife, a caring and wise wife. She furnishes her home with taste. Lera also pays special attention to raising children, trying to instill in them the best qualities. She wants to receive understanding and devotion from her husband. True, such a girl is very domineering and often takes control of her husband. Because of this, conflicts and misunderstandings may arise in the family.

Table: compatibility with male names

SergeyIn this union, spirituality comes first, not material values. They do not conflict over the well-being of the family; they prefer to enjoy spending time together. The couple has a lot in common, but there is no stability in the relationship, and they do not strive for it. Partners respect and love each other, what else is needed for family happiness?
AlexanderBoth partners are independent and show their leadership qualities in the family. They have similar beliefs and characters, but this does not give stability. If spouses learn to give in to each other, then their union can be strong and durable.
EugeneIn these relationships, the feelings and intimate preferences of the spouses play an important role. If the extravagant Valeria and the prudent Eugene fail to discern other qualities in each other, then their union will soon fall apart. The spouse will constantly express his dissatisfaction with the management of the house. If Eugene can come to terms with his wife’s shortcomings, he will receive a caring, attentive and affectionate wife.
DmitriyAlthough a bright spark of passionate feelings may flare up between Dmitry and Valeria, most likely it will quickly lose its brightness. Both spouses are purposeful and freedom-loving people. The man in this relationship takes the initiative and wants to build a family, but Valeria does not share his zeal. Because of this, conflict situations often arise.
AndreyThe couple's relationship is vibrant and passionate. But you can’t build a strong family just on an intimate connection. Valeria and Andrey try to show their leadership qualities in their marriage, but the stubbornness of both often leads to quarrels. Usually such a union does not have a happy future. But if the spouses learn to understand each other and begin to solve all problems mutually, it is quite possible that their marriage will be very successful.
AlexeiAn idyll reigns in the family of Alexei and Valeria; they understand and support each other in any endeavor. They can become excellent business partners, as their relationship is built on mutual loyalty, respect and trust. In a spouse, a girl values ​​​​courtesy, restraint and pragmatism. Such a union can last a very long time, since husband and wife complement each other.
VladimirA wonderful couple with an excellent sense of humor. They are interested in spending time together. Valeria and Vladimir set high goals for themselves and through joint efforts, overcoming all obstacles, achieve what they want. They have practically no conflicts; they discuss all controversial issues in a peaceful atmosphere at the family table.
IgorThe couple is very harmonious. The spouses are connected not by sexual attraction, but by spirituality. They arrange surprises for each other, each knows well the preferences of their other half. Igor and Lera are very creative. There is never a dull moment in their family. The connection is also cemented by a feeling of sincere and mutual love.
OlegThis family is not used to relying on luck. The couple decides their own destiny. They have no illusions about the future; all their aspirations are quite real. Valeria and Oleg are slowly but productively paving a difficult path to their goal, overcoming all obstacles.
YuriSuch a marriage cannot last. Both partners are freedom-loving and independent individuals. Each does not consider it necessary to tell the other about his affairs. This couple has no joint plans; both are separately trying to create better conditions for themselves. Ultimately, due to the fact that it is pointless to live together in the future, such a union breaks up.
NovelLera's frivolity and uncertainty often irritates Roman. During the first meeting, her lightness and simplicity charmed the man, but in family life these qualities become rather disadvantages than advantages. Since Roma wants to have a faithful life partner nearby, there will be frequent disagreements and scandals in the family.

Significant years of life

Important years of Lera’s life:

Songs about girls with this name: “Valeria” by Valeria Meladze, “Valeria” by the group “Aramis”.

Table: name matches

PlanetMercurySuch people tend to show cunning, agility, and activity. There is an ability for foreign languages. They often work as correspondents, politicians or marketers.
Zodiac signa lionFor these people, it is extremely important to be in the center of attention, to accept praise and approval addressed to them. It is extremely important to them what others think of them, so they always try to show themselves in the best light. They strive to be the first in everything.
ElementWaterThey always rely on their gut instinct, and it never lets them down. These people carefully think through their actions and anticipate all possible winning and losing situations. There is no problem for them that they cannot solve.
Number8 Extraordinary thinking, very smart. They are characterized by determination, they have a persistent, strong-willed character. In an emergency situation, they are able to think calmly and make balanced and reasonable decisions. These people are very good-natured, with a sensitive heart. They are capable of doing good deeds not only for themselves and their loved ones, but also for strangers in need of help.
ColorVioletThey have a penchant for psychology and philosophy. Sensitive natures, they know how to sense the emotional state of people. They are loving, in relationships they are guided only by feelings. Negative character traits are willfulness and selfishness.
Totem animalHorseA symbol of wisdom, clear mind, movement. A figurine with a horse can help you out of any troubles, gives you the energy of life and brings prosperity.
TreeChestnutThe personification of wisdom, care and intuition.
PlantPeonySymbolizes eternal youth, prosperity and happiness. Peony is believed to have the ability to heal. Thus, a tincture from the roots of this plant relieves stress and helps to achieve healthy sleep.
StonePomegranateSymbol of fidelity, love, friendliness. They believe that pomegranate is capable of reconciling warring parties and strengthening family ties.
MetalAluminumRepresents peace and tranquility. Serves as a talisman for finding the necessary acquaintances and establishing relationships in society.
Auspicious dayTuesday-
Unfavorable dayThursday-

The meaning of each letter in the name

B - optimism, sociability, sincerity, attentiveness. She is always surrounded by male attention, but, as a rule, she has strong feelings for only one person all her life.

A - purposefulness, energy. Such a girl is prone to continuous self-development. Shows initiative when interested. She always strives to be the first in everything.

The first letter of the alphabet adds purposefulness and energy to a girl’s character.

L is creative and talented, has a subtle taste, and understands art. Always in search of beauty.

E - often imposes his opinion on others. Often such a girl is left alone, not understood by society. But it doesn't upset her. She is sociable and always finds topics for conversation. Strives to gain universal recognition. Dreamy, strives for goals that only she understands.

R is quite prudent, able to calculate the situation several steps ahead. Needlewoman. In communication she shows courtesy and patience, but only if the conversation does not touch her to the quick.

And - spiritually enlightened. Has refined manners. He has his own unique style not only in clothes, but also in the manner of expressing thoughts. Negative qualities - distrust, straightforwardness, hot temper.

I know my worth. Such a girl needs constant sources of inspiration. Strives to gain universal respect.

Seven letters in the name mean that Valeria is a girl who adheres to established rules. She is sincerely convinced that only this will lead to happiness and success. Because of this desire to strictly observe the laws of society or the company, Lera often shows stubbornness and excessive intolerance.

When was Valeria born?

Winter Valeria is very hot-tempered, frequent experiences can lead her to a depressive state. Sometimes a girl’s perception is so dramatic that many people stop taking her worries seriously. Lera, born in winter, is charming and temperamental, and has a special charm. She has high self-esteem and will never allow herself to be offended.

Valeria, who was born in winter, is very hot-tempered, frequent experiences can lead her to depression

Spring Valeria is a wayward, sometimes selfish woman. Uncooperative, always true to her convictions. She often imposes her opinions on others, because of this she has almost no friends. A girl born in spring knows how to use cunning and manipulation to achieve what she wants most.

Summer Valeria is selfish, not without cunning, always prudent and prudent. Achieves goals at any cost, especially if he sees personal gain or satisfaction in it. She almost never thinks about her actions, she is ready to stubbornly go over her head in order to get what she wants.

Autumn Lera is well-mannered, patient, and has excellent manners. Calm, always finds a competent and coherent answer to any question. She does not show her emotions in public, she is calm and focused. Relationships with men for Valeria, who was born in the fall, are not going very well; her coldness repels the stronger sex.

Autumn Lera can answer any question, does not show her emotions in public, is calm and focused

Table: name horoscope

Zodiac signCharacteristic
AriesSimple-minded and always positive-minded, she approaches any task responsibly. Has the makings of a leader and is always aware of important events. Very charming and graceful. She knows how to create unique images that attract men to her. But just feelings are not enough for Lera-Aries; she is characterized by commercialism.
TaurusRestrained and prudent. Values ​​consistency. Even if she feels discomfort, she would rather accept it than decide to change something in her life. Patient and diligent, she easily copes with monotonous work. Lera-Taurus completely lacks creativity and creative potential. Slow, but responsible. Whatever he undertakes, he will do everything conscientiously. For this, her colleagues and close people respect her.
TwinsA playful, graceful, energetic woman with an excellent sense of humor and excellent manners. He approaches everything with extraordinary ease. Seeing Leroy-Gemini, you might think that everything is always great with her, since she can find good moments even in the saddest situation. He is not shy about making jokes about his colleagues and being ironic about himself. Negative qualities - frivolity, fear of making difficult decisions.
CancerCharming, with delicate taste and excellent manners. Always surrounded by men. She is very homely and spends most of her time with family and friends. She values ​​consistency in work and family life. However, sometimes he can drop everything and go on a trip.
a lionSecretive and silent, she treats everything with suspicion. Doesn't like to talk about himself. In her dreams, she is a heroine who defeats everyone and basks in glory and applause. Sometimes she envies the success of her friends. When talking about any events from your life, you may slightly embellish.
VirgoCalm, delicate, well-mannered. Applies his creativity in his work activities. She is open and sociable, easily gets along with people, and builds strong friendships. Her communication skills help her actively move up the career ladder. He knows how to persuade people to his opinion, does it easily and unobtrusively.
ScalesCharming and responsive, positive. He takes on everything with a passion, but quickly loses interest in the work and most often does not complete it. Elegant woman. Her eloquence and demeanor attracts representatives of the stronger sex.
ScorpionTemperamental woman. She often points out people's shortcomings, but she herself is not at all ideal. He is extremely hostile towards criticism. Very hot-tempered. Always tries to be in the very center of important events.
SagittariusAn emotional, explosive woman. Valeria-Sagittarius is capable of starting a half-turn, and her anger is difficult to pacify. She does not admit her own mistakes, her behavior is sometimes devoid of morality. She values ​​politeness, an analytical mind, and social status in men.
CapricornStrict, distrustful. She is constantly dissatisfied with her personal life and the society in which she finds herself. He communicates with people very warily, being wary of betrayal. Because of this, difficulties arise even with people who sincerely want to help her. He takes any criticism with hostility.
AquariusFreedom-loving, witty. She puts all of herself into her work, sparing neither effort nor time. Lera is appreciated at work for her diligence. Quite secretive, does not like to talk about her personal life. She values ​​a sense of humor, perseverance and resourcefulness in men.
FishCreative, charming and graceful. A workaholic, he always sets high goals for himself, which he persistently brings to life. Interesting and creative personality. She can only be interested in a purposeful and extraordinary man like herself.

Valeria Tsvetaeva - writer Valeria Savinykh - Russian tennis player Valeria Sokolova - Russian model

Video: Valeria - “Love and Pain”

Valeria is a strong and temperamental woman who often changes her decisions. He treats people with prejudice. Very vulnerable, she can perceive criticism addressed to herself as an insult. Lera has a strong-willed character. She is able to achieve her goals without anyone's help. Values ​​loyalty and does not forgive betrayal.


The name Valeria comes from the Latin word "valere", like its male variation, and translates as "strong" or "good health". Considered Orthodox. At the same time, during christenings, the synonymous name Kaleria is often used instead, which has also firmly entered into our everyday life...

The female name Valeria is considered both Catholic and Orthodox. It is very popular in countries with a Russian-speaking population, is found in various forms in Western countries, and promises many good qualities to the girl named after it. Today this name is considered one of the most popular female names...

Conversational options: Valera, Lera, Lerunya, Lerusya

Modern English analogues: Valerie, Valerie

Meaning and interpretation of the name

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The meaning of the female name Valeria promises many important qualities to its bearers. Among them are a large number of authority, self-sufficiency, the ability to adapt, self-confidence, the ability to defend a point of view, creativity and imagination, thirst for profit, inability to control one’s own emotions, capriciousness and touchiness, eloquence and talkativeness. Bearers of this name, as a rule, make excellent humanists: philologists, lawyers, jurists, and more. Also, Valery usually has hidden creative potential, which is confirmed by the presence of a huge number of famous personalities with this name on today’s stage.

In general, it is quite difficult to say what this or that Valeria should be, because, firstly, this name has very unstable energy, according to experts, and secondly, it is too strongly influenced by astrological symbolism: zodiac sign, year according to the eastern calendar and more.

Advantages and positive features: sociability and sociability, justice and honesty, eloquence, imagination and creativity, initiative, hard work, the ability to notice what others do not notice, the desire to develop and improve.

Valeria has a bad attitude towards people with poor imagination, tedious, boring and sad. Valeria also avoids communicating with people whose reputation has once been tarnished. If a person has already been seen in lies or self-interest once, then she will definitely not communicate with such a person.

The name Valeria today is considered one of the most popular in our country and, moreover, is found in Western countries and even in Central Europe, but in modified forms.

Character of the name Valeria

The nature of the name Valeria is such that throughout her life she gives the bearer of this name unpredictability in actions, restlessness, committing many rash acts and a bunch of mistakes in assessing people. The character of the so-named lady is complex in all respects, without exception - it may seem that behind her kindness and decency lies a vulnerable and good-natured nature, but in fact this is not the case. She is capricious, doesn’t like it when things don’t work out, likes to impose her opinion on others, and does not tolerate people arguing with her, such is her character.

And the nature of this name also promises many other qualities, among which is the inability to adapt to what is happening around, unwillingness to listen to other people’s desires and ideas, excessive activity and the inability to convince her of anything. Although, again, this is just a theory, and it can change, depending, for example, on the season of birth of the girl named by Valery’s name form.

Early childhood

In early childhood, Valeria is a mischievous, restless, disobedient and very spoiled person. This girl, due to the influence that the meaning of the name has, does not have enough patience, she is always on the move, fooling around, running, moving, does not sit still, is always inventing things for herself, playing pranks and at the same time imposing the same behavior on everyone around her. Most often, a girl named Valeria has many friends, and she herself, although not a clear leader, becomes the ringleader, the organizer, the person who always has a bunch of ideas. It is not surprising that she has the same influence on many children as her name does, and it is also not surprising that the parents of all her peers complain about her behavior. But on the other hand, Valeria has such traits as resourcefulness, daydreaming, developed imagination, imagination that can only be envied, efficiency, mobility, energy, activity and restlessness. It is usually very difficult for parents to cope with such a child - a girl named Valeria has no sense of responsibility at all, and in general, her life, at least at the initial stage, is filled with rash actions, bad behavior, pranks and parental punishments. But she is kind, fair, always ready to help someone in need - for all this, by the way, we should also thank the significance of the name itself...


A teenage girl named Valeria is still the same spoiled child, always looking for adventure, unable to live in peace, inventing things for herself and always going against fate. It is quite easy to get along with someone like that in one team, because she is cheerful and optimistic, and never loses heart, even in the most difficult situations. But significance here can also have a negative impact, which is noticeable for several factors - firstly, Valeria is unreliable, secondly, this girl clearly lacks important qualities, such as responsibility, diligence, and commitment, and thirdly, she she is too restless and mobile, which has an extremely negative impact on her studies. In general, girls named Valeria rarely achieve real success in their studies - well, a person named so is not capable of living by the rules, studying, concentrating at important moments and unquestioningly obeying teachers. Parents will have a very, very difficult time with her. True, already at this stage the influence on her nature of such a factor as the meaning of the name will begin to subside - the influence of the patron planet, talisman stone and other factors will become more and more apparent...

Adult woman

In the future, already at the adult stage, closer to maturity, Valeria may become a slightly different person - the meaning will give her in the future such traits as peace, kindness, justice, good nature, integrity, goodwill, integrity, friendliness, eloquence, attentiveness and planning. However, the meaning here no longer plays as important a role as, for example, the zodiac sign under whose auspices Valeria was born, or the sign according to the Chinese calendar. As for professional activities, Leramies usually choose paths intertwined with raising children, with multiple contacts with people, with communication and movement. Such a person will never be able to live without movement, she is an adventure lover, a person “without brakes,” as they say, but systematic and following only the path of a personally drawn up plan.

Interaction of Valery's character with the seasons

Autumn - the autumn bearer of the name Valeria, under the influence of the meaning of this season, will be balanced and calm, restrained, pragmatic, reasonable and logical. No one can make her angry - in any dispute she behaves calmly and confidently, answers to the point, and adheres exclusively to her own point of view, such is her character.

Spring brings into this world a girl who is capricious and spoiled by origin, easily getting used to everything good. Parental care will turn her into a sissy, wanting one thing - for everyone to serve for her good. She loves to be the center of attention, that everyone looked after her and served her - this leads to the absence of friends, but to the presence of suitors.

Summer - in the three months of his rule, a cunning, cautious, mercantile, assertive nature is born, she has a complex character. It is impossible to be friends with someone like that, it is better not to count on reliability - she will easily betray or deceive if she sees a benefit. The thirst for profit and winning gives rise to selfishness in her - a bad quality for a lady.

Winter - under her auspices Lerochka is born, proud and principled, but pessimistic and emotional. Any trouble makes her angry, she cannot resist obstacles, she is weak, and rarely achieves her goals. This one needs a protector, a knight who can protect and protect her. She has a complex character...

The fate of the name Valery

As for such a parameter as the fate of the name Valery in relationships with men, in love, in marriage, and in personal relationships, everything is complicated. Not only is fate in this case unpredictable, as is the character of the bearer of this name form, but on top of that, Lera does not tolerate it when they try to manipulate her, which is what most men actually love to do.

Another big disadvantage that fate promises is that Valeria does not know how to trust men, she does not listen to them, even when married to her lover, she is secretive, overly distrustful, and this can irritate representatives of the opposite sex. Although, on the other hand, if someone can gain her trust, then she will open herself entirely to him, devote herself to that person, and, moreover, will do everything to ensure that her other half is happy.

And the last point - fate is such in this case that it implies an ambivalent attitude towards family life. For example, Valeria can become a wonderful, responsible, serious, reliable mother and faithful wife, but she will never allow her husband to shoulder all family and household concerns on her. Four walls and everyday life are not for her - she needs adventures, new experiences, otherwise she will begin to fade and eventually think about betrayal. This is fate...

Love and marriage

As a rule, Valeria is in no hurry to get married and tries to remain independent and free for as long as possible. But sooner or later, the amorousness of the bearers of this name still makes itself felt. True, there is one “but” here - according to statistics, Valerias get married two or three times...

Valery's marriages are usually destroyed through their own fault. The reason lies in such traits as touchiness, capriciousness, jealousy and pickiness. Valeria simply cannot help but pay attention to her man’s sidelong glance at another woman. She immediately begins to be jealous, dig into her man, and look for a catch. Naturally, this leads to quarrels, scandals and scenes of jealousy, which not every man can tolerate.

But Valeria will probably take into account all her mistakes and mistakes in her next marriage. She will not allow herself to allow the same thing to happen and will try to control herself. And if she also finds a man who is attentive, understanding, smart and tactful, then the marriage will be completely successful. All. What the bearer of this name needs for happiness is an understanding, kind and faithful husband, in whom she could be confident, if not one hundred, then at least ninety percent.

Valeria as Mother

It is difficult to say what kind of mother a woman who received the name Valeria at birth should be, because in this case everything primarily depends on her upbringing and on what kind of relationship Valeria herself had with her birth mother. But one thing is for sure - she simply cannot be a bad mother. How can such a sociable, kind, positive and optimistic woman be a bad mother? No way!

As for raising children, she will make every effort to do so. She will always help her children achieve the desired result, will always listen and try to understand, sympathize and give advice, and will never give up in a difficult situation. But it’s better for fathers to instill in children the qualities that they will need in adulthood, because Valeria herself is not very adapted to adult life...

Responsibility, determination, reliability, perseverance and perseverance - it is better for the father to cultivate all these traits in children. She will do the rest herself. She will try to make the life of her children as happy as possible, and at the same time she will treat both her son and her daughter equally.

Horoscope named after Valery


Aries - a girl named Valeria, born under this zodiac sign, is scrupulous, but charming, powerful, but eloquent. This is an excellent boss, leader, and lacks the ability to make friends and communicate. Knows how to manipulate people. Temperamental and loyal.


Taurus - this bearer of the name Valeria is scrupulous and calm, loves a monotonous life, has a complex character, hates frequent changes, is creative, creative. Any case comes to the final whistle. She is closed and shy - because of this she is not popular in society. She is often lonely - she needs a companion-friend.


Gemini - this zodiac sign and its meaning give rise to a nature with the name Valeria who is cheerful, restless, flirtatious, optimistic, striving for perfection and eternal development. She is fickle and indecisive at the same time - this interferes with her career advancement. She loves novels, but is often disappointed in her chosen ones.


Cancer is a well-mannered and graceful lady, a homebody, developed and stable, sensible and intelligent. First of all, such a person will weigh all the pros and cons, and then act. Men are crazy about her, but when faced with her exactingness and severity, all charm disappears.

a lion

Leo is a reserved but overly envious woman, mysterious, hiding all her dreams deep in her soul. Wants to lead and dominate. Life is hindered by a lack of patience and responsibility. She rarely shows sincerity and good nature - she tries to seem like a kind of vamp woman. An idealist at heart.


Virgo is gallant and balanced by nature, diligent, has creative potential, easily survives all adversity, knows how to communicate with people and gain trust. Compatibility only with male slaves, those who know how to indulge their ladies and obey. An ideal wife, but too domineering.


Libra is a charming lady, sociable and pleasant, enthusiastic, carefree. The disadvantage of someone born under this sign and given the name Valeria is irresponsibility and inconstancy. Because of these qualities, she can rarely complete a task, she is lazy and impatient.


Scorpio promises irritability and emotionality in nature. This woman will always be dissatisfied with something in a relationship, and therefore compatibility with the opposite sex is not pleasing. But she won’t be unhappy - her thirst for adventure will do its job, and she won’t be bored.


Sagittarius - here, from birth, Valeria, who received the name, will be restless, and in adulthood she will become ardent, passionate, dreamy, energetic and frivolous. She never admits her mistakes - she can get angry if something doesn’t go according to her plan. It’s difficult with her - her mood is too changeable.


Capricorn is a pessimist by nature, a woman who is incapable of simply enjoying life. She will look for a catch or betrayal in everything, and will take any joke about her as an insult. She is strong and powerful, but her pessimistic attitude pushes people away, including gentlemen. She is difficult to please, or rather impossible.


Aquarius is savvy and freedom-loving, narcissistic and confident in her own actions. People respect her for her perseverance and reliability, she will complete any task to the end, but there is also a minus - she is not ready to accept outside help. She needs an unpredictable and adventurous lover as a wife.


Pisces - this sign will make a lady named Lera talented and pleasant to talk to, hardworking and purposeful, successful, original and dreamy. Only a mystery man can interest such a woman. She will be faithful to her spouse, become an ideal mother and an excellent housewife.

Compatibility with male names

The issue of compatibility of the name Valery with male name forms is very complex and is fraught with many interesting factors, some of which have long been solved by researchers in this field...

It turned out that the best connection in feelings is formed in pairs with such people as Akim, Ostap, Taras, Fedor, Andrey, Kazimir, Ermolai, Pankrat, Panteley.

The strength of marriage is guaranteed with such as Abraham, David, Klim, Maxim, Prokhor.

And you shouldn’t mess with German, Savva, Felix, Jan and Julius.