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I dreamed of a black fur coat. Latest entries in dream diaries

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Why does Shuba dream in a dream according to 25 dream books?

Below you can find out for free the interpretation of the “Fur Fur” symbol from 25 online dream books. If you do not find the desired interpretation on this page, use the search form in all dream books on our site. You can also order a personal interpretation of your dream by an expert.

Symbolic dream book

Fur coat - this symbol means either pretense and inflated claims, or real satisfaction with one’s success.

Natural, fashionable and expensive fur coat- a luxurious trip with a rich admirer.

Dream Interpretation of Dmitry and Nadezhda Zima

Wearing a comfortable, warm fur coat in a dream- a sign of success in business and good relationships with others.

Uncomfortable or too hot fur coat- suggests that you care too much about your well-being, and these worries and worries make your life very difficult.

Dream interpretation of birthday people of September, October, November, December

Trying on a fur coat means trying to get money to start a new profitable business.

Seeing yourself undressed in the middle of winter and looking at a display of fur coats- to disappointed hopes, to frustration, to vain efforts that will lead nowhere; to a mistake that you make because you misjudge the circumstances.

Seeing a person whom you confused with an animal because of a fur coat- you are too trusting and impressionable, do not rush to give free rein to your feelings, exercise your head more; do not trust your first impression and do not rush to express an opinion because you will be wrong; to my surprise.

Seeing a live fur coat- to surprise, a sharp change in circumstances.

Seeing a naked man in a fur coat- to illness, malaise; betrayal by those you trust; to change relationships with loved ones.

Seeing that in a dream dogs are tearing the fur coat that you are wearing- to a quarrel, troubles in which friends will be involved; to a conflict over a loved one.

Seeing a luxurious adult fur coat worn by a small child- a person will appear on your path who exaggerates his importance and thereby misleads others; You will have to communicate with a person who will surprise you with the inadequacy of his position.

Ukrainian dream book

A fur coat in a dream means a big quarrel, a scandal.

Esoteric dream book

The fur coat is good, warm- to stable material well-being. Even if she is yours in reality.

Gorgeous, very expensive- don’t boast about your well-being, this will cause someone’s envy and the “evil eye.”

Shabby, old- a very uneven financial situation: sometimes empty, sometimes thick.

Online dream book

Meaning of the dream: Fur coat according to the dream book?

A fur coat symbolizes that you are very close to achieving your cherished success.

More interpretations

She was shabby- you will gradually be able to strengthen your financial situation.

We got it in a dream- will live in harmony and love.

Stole a fur coat - there is a risk that you will be struck by colds

She was spoiled by moths- all events will be predictable for you.

According to the dream book, a new fur coat- promises you well-being and prosperity, you will live in luxury and abundance.

If in a dream the fur coat is white- this promises you material gain, rapid enrichment, but at the same time a deterioration in family relationships.

If you dreamed of a black fur coat- this promises you material well-being and mutual understanding with loved ones; your chosen one will treat you with great love and will never stoop to betrayal.

Mink coat in a dream- portends positive changes in your life that will happen very soon, especially with regard to trade and financial transactions and, in general, any matters and new projects related to your business.

Trying on a fur coat in a dream- finally, you will be able to achieve almost all your goals at the same time, and you will be able to rest on your laurels, enjoying your happiness and luck.

A dream in which you buy a fur coat- says that you try to provide as little information as possible about yourself, naively believing that for someone your biography may be of great importance.

If your fur coat was stolen in a dream- there is a high probability of incurring losses in real life, so be careful and do not let your guard down.

If in a dream the fur coat is gray- this means that now your affairs are not going well, and your poor physical well-being or depression is to blame. .

Red fur coat in a dream- warns of possible troubles due to the meanness and deceit of people from your inner circle. Your position will be extremely unstable.

If you're wearing someone else's fur coat- there is a high probability of following a path that is not your own, living to please others or with an eye on someone else’s lifestyle.

Dreaming of a shabby, torn fur coat- your troubles will soon end and your financial situation will stabilize.

If you dreamed of a worn out and old fur coat- serious problems of a material nature may lie in wait for you, try to do everything possible to prevent them, otherwise the consequences could be disastrous.

If you dreamed that you were given a fur coat- promises you prosperity and luck in all your undertakings; a lucky streak will begin very soon and will never end.

If you received it as a present, something will happen that will surprise you immensely and puzzle you in a good way.

Wearing a fur coat in a dream- your home will be full, you will live in luxury and prosperity, and love and mutual respect will reign between family members.

A dream in which you lost your fur coat- portends a change in weather conditions; it will be very cold and damp, which will cause you a lot of discomfort.

Video: Why do you dream about Shuba?

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Did you dream about Shuba, but the necessary interpretation of the dream is not in the dream book?

Our experts will help you find out why you dream about Fur Coat in a dream, just write your dream in the form below and they will explain to you what it means if you saw this symbol in a dream. Try it!

    From Sunday to Monday I had a dream - my deceased father gave me a cream mink coat, it seemed new, but it didn’t seem very good, I put it on, it seemed like it was tight like a coat and didn’t sit very well on the back of me - it made me look fat. I thought, why is he giving me ? I’m kind of happy and I don’t really like it...

    I dreamed that my parents bought me a mink coat as a gift, and at the same time I recently bought a fur coat for myself. and in the dream she stood in her old fur coat, a mouton with a silver fox, in chorus. condition, but it was too small for me

    I went to buy a fur coat with my mother, we bought a beautiful mink coat, brown! I brought it home, it turned out to be a very beautiful white one, they bought my mother a brown one with nutria! I also bought a vest (I didn’t see what I bought) but I know what I bought, I brought home a jacket, not a vest !What does this mean, please tell me! Thanks in advance!!

    I dreamed that in order to purchase a fur coat I had to sell one of the rooms in a 3-room apartment. And when I saw and put on the fur coat, I asked him to change it for me. (change the style completely). It was reddish-brown in color and looked like it was from a nutria or possum.

    I’m standing in a store, wearing a long black classic fur coat, about the length below the knees, but it doesn’t reach the floor! And she suited me so well! I was really surprised and decided to buy it! And standing admiring the mirror, I woke up.


    I dreamed of a fur coat made of astrakhan fur. and also that I shoot hares with a gun, but they are very large, so perhaps they are rabbits, white, there are a lot of them, but those who have bunnies I don’t shoot, and I like it, but in the end I don’t care who didn't hit.

    in a dream I dreamed that I took my mink coat, it was soft blue in color, and hung it on a hanger, but I noticed that the hanger was pulling off my shoulders and ruining the fur, I took off the fur coat to hang it on another hanger and I noticed that the fur coat was all eaten by moths and it was all as if in small slits and its color is already reddish-gray, like old fur.

    I bought a beautiful bag at the market and went to some house where they started throwing things out of the attic, i.e. fur coats from a black mink, a blue mink, a silver fox. I chose a long one from a blue mink and found a phone in my pocket and I understand that this is not mine then the owner of these fur coats appears. I also see a large hole in it, burning coals, but they throw a man in there, but he gets out without a single burn.

    I was in someone’s apartment, a stranger, there was a long dressing room, in it hung various fur coats and coats, all expensive. I took off one fur coat, which I really liked, it had a large beautiful silver fox collar, I hung the fur coat on my hand and left this apartment, afraid that they would see me, that I had taken someone else’s fur coat.

    Hello, I saw in a dream that I was trying on a bright brown mouton fur coat, it was just right for me and there were a lot of people next to me who were also wearing fur coats and all of the same color.

    I don’t remember the whole dream, but in the morning I dreamed that I was going down a wide staircase, as if this was happening in a large shopping center. Two elderly women walk ahead, whom I pass with difficulty, and they say displeasedly that I passed them. to this I turn to them, from above I seem to see my pregnant belly and the fact that I am wearing a long mink coat on my belt, I don’t have one like that in life, and I answer the women that they could have let the pregnant woman through. and I wake up.

    Good afternoon The dream was like this: I go into a room, there are cabinets there and people in these cabinets choose things for themselves - they are free. In one of the closets there were mink coats. I took out a fur coat, it was brown. I tried it on, the fur coat was the right size, folded it and put it in my suitcase with the rest of my things.

    Good afternoon
    I dreamed that I was wearing a black fur coat, the sleeves of which were dirty orange-yellow. I feel like this is a fur coat that I wore as a child and now I’m wearing it again. but it’s not too small for me, it’s just right, but it’s kind of bulky. in my sleep I feel discomfort, I wanted to quickly come somewhere to take it off.
    I walked through the sunny city. and my mother walked next to me in a light fur coat, but which in real life belongs to me.
    thanks for the answer.

    In a dream, I and my daughter came to the apartment in which they lived before and in which my mother died. When we came in, I saw many different natural fur coats hanging on the walls, and the deceased mother was sitting on a chair and sleeping. Then we started choosing the beds we would sleep on, I wanted to go to bed with my mother, but she told me - no, I will sleep on this bed alone -………

    Hello! I dreamed that my husband worked in the Ministry of Emergency Situations for me or the fire department, something like that, we were making love and then there was an alarm, we went out, and we had a booth right above the river, and they said into the gramophone that these were criminals and one of them dead (drowned in a container). Then, roughly speaking, this container floats up to us, my husband opens it, and there is a corpse, white and blue, everything is as it should be, I begin to look into the eyes and then they open very wide, I run in fear somewhere between one-story buildings, like shops , I’m running from persecution, I run into the little room where it all started and hide under the sheet on the side of the bed, where it’s darker... then I don’t remember very well, but I remember the fear that I felt in a dream and the fact that then my husband or someone saved me. I’m also very worried about the previous dream, I’ll write a moment from the dream, I was tied with ropes to a concrete pillar (which the LEP supports) I look, and on my stomach from the ropes there are deep wounds, blood flows, but nothing falls out... I also dream very often cars and I always drive, but in different situations and on different cars. Thanks in advance)))

    I had a dream - my former boss and I were sitting and talking very nicely, although in life we ​​have strained relationships. And in general, it feels like in a dream we missed each other so much. And she shows me her cat’s fur coat, which is new. I liked the fur coat so much and I ask you to try it on, but she won’t let me...

    Hello! The dream is strange. As if I needed to buy a windbreaker, my husband and I chose it, but then returned it. And in the store again they show us a long, beautiful fur coat - a dark emerald color and embroidered with gold along the edge, and a man recommended it to us (not a very good one in real life), I tried it on, but it turned out to be too long for me and we left with nothing .

    I dreamed that I was wearing a long, floor-length, beautiful fur coat made of natural fur. It was beige in color. But it’s not winter outside, but it’s not summer either, but rather autumn. I go to the local cultural center, everyone looks at me and says what a beautiful fur coat I have. Her fur was not long but not short either. One woman asked me if the fur coat was natural, I folded the edge, looked and said that the fur coat was natural. Then I dreamed that I went into the locker room, took off my fur coat, came out and there were a lot of people there. A young man looked at me and smiled a snow-white smile. He had very white teeth.

    I go up, but there are no stairs, it’s a multi-story building. There is rubbish all around, I make my way through the rubble and suddenly a girl appears and shows what kind of fur coat she bought, I go further, another girl shows what kind of fur coat she has. The fur of the fur coats is the same, only a slight difference in color. The first has the color of a natural ferret, the second has a pink tint. On the top floor a man appears and moves the landing, but helps me climb higher.


    I was walking through the mud in the village, then I got on the train with my dog ​​and I was leaving on the train for Moscow, people were seeing me off, then I got off the train and walked along the road in front of people in a mink coat

    Last night I had a dream about two of my former female colleagues running in light mink-like fur coats, just above the knee length. Moreover, one of the older ones runs backwards, and then turns around and walks at a fast pace. I'm behind them.

    Hello, it was not me who had the dream, but my grandmother, it seemed like she was choosing a dress for me with me, and so I put on a white knee-length dress, an ordinary one, not a wedding one, and then she looks, and I’m already standing in a white fur coat and seem to be wrapped up in her, and grandma says, “Why do you need a fur coat?, it’s warm now,” and I answer, “Well, what will I wear in winter,” and at the same time I laugh loudly. Then I ran away, and grandma called for me for a long time

    A fur coat was stolen in a dream. I walked with the baby in my arms around some strange corners, ran, searched, saw disfigured faces all around. It all looked like some kind of disaster. We had to hide; there were many large rooms. In the end, I didn’t find a fur coat and was left with a child in my arms and my husband.

    Good afternoon. I had a dream: I was in the store, supposedly in my long light fur coat, looking at a row of arctic fox fur coats, I wanted to see them. A friend of mine (in fact, I don’t know her at all) is standing in this row of fur coats wearing exactly the same fur coat. I tell her: “How you blend in with the fur coats, you can’t be seen.” Then another scene: I’m wearing a fur coat at work, but for some reason my high-heeled boots suddenly peeled off, I’m upset: I urgently need to buy good boots. Then I’m in a fur coat on the street talking to a young man I don’t know, asking him to wait to defer the payment of his debt. A young man I know a little owes him.
    This is where the dream ends.

    I dream that my director is putting a beautiful fur coat on me, the color of blue mink, a fur coat that reaches my knees, I am extremely embarrassed by this display of attention and grin, then he offers to put on a hat, the shape is round, but I say that I will not wear one. Then another employee comes in, already wearing a long fur coat, black and with a large dog that looks like a shepherd. then the shepherd sits on the bed. I don't remember anymore

    I dreamed that I was trying on a fur coat... but it wasn’t natural... and I tried on suede boots to go with it... I twirled around, it felt comfortable... but I didn’t buy it... no matter how I wasn’t planning on it and didn’t have the money... it was very comfortable in this outfit

    I dreamed that I was entrusted with looking after two mink coats, but they disappeared. I started to worry. I started looking. My son (21 years old) also helped me find them and suddenly they were found. They were very beautiful. I put one of the longest ones on myself and admired it in the reflection of the window. So I stayed in it and no one came back for it.

    Hello, Tatyana! I had a dream today, as if a huge, deep puddle had formed at a road intersection after the snow had melted, and I needed to cross to the other side of the street. There were also young people there, unfamiliar to me, and a girl about ten years old. The girl suggested that I go straight, but she ran ahead and in the middle fell completely under the water. I decided to walk around the puddle and seemed to be walking on dry ground and suddenly the water became deeper and deeper and I fell into the water up to my waist. And the water is cold and black. I suddenly remember that I left my fur coat on the shore and come back. The fur coat is mouton gray-blue and neatly folded. I pick it up and carry it in my arms, and put on myself a brown sheepskin coat that came from nowhere. I return again to go around the puddle (a young guy I didn’t know was walking next to me and behaved very politely towards me), and at this point I woke up, i.e. I never got to the other side.

    It was winter, everyone was celebrating the New Year, I went with my friend to a tavern. Before going to the tavern, I was choosing what to wear, took off a long, uncomfortable dress, put on a thin, light as a feather, and a fur coat on top. Light, soft. I met a man in a tavern, we chatted about something...

    I dreamed that I met a man, he met my requirements, I modestly wanted to impress him, he asked me to give him my hand, then I sat on his lap, but got up because my daughter saw that he was hugging me We stood in the crowd, I was wearing a long mink coat, brown. Then some house was under renovation, I was looking for my room, but I couldn’t find it.

    Good afternoon I dreamed that I was wearing a fur coat, that my parents gave it to me, and I was walking around my city with it, it wasn’t exactly a cold time, it seemed like it was autumn! My beloved was next to me. In the dream, I really liked my fur coat, I felt so warm and comfortable in it, it was light red in color, it looked like a fox fur coat, it was knee-length!

    There was a feast with strangers, some began to disperse, I wanted to put on my fur coat but couldn’t find it, I found a similar one but from a different fur, I looked at the woman and asked if it was yours, she reluctantly agreed, and where was mine? I asked her, describing my fur coat, she said that at her house and agreed to exchange it for mine if I bought her a new lining for her fur coat and paid an additional five thousand in money, then we went to her house through a fabric store with her fur coat. on the way, for some reason we ended up on some kind of canopy of a building one floor high, several dark-colored feathers 7-10 cm in size appeared in my hands from an unknown bird, the woman did not want to exchange her fur coat for mine, although we were near her house, after the dream was interrupted by awakening.

    I dreamed that I seemed to come to the store in a new fur coat of a gray smoky color, it’s not long, it’s just so lovely and it suits me so well, I’ve been dreaming of one like this for a long time, but not that long, and it was a long time ago in the last 2 years, I didn’t even think about it because no opportunity to purchase it and then they give me a hat of almost the same color under it, very beautiful, I seem to have put it on and not taken it off. I very rarely see dreams and I very very rarely remember them. I woke up in the morning and immediately remembered them.

    I dreamed that my husband bought me a rabbit fur coat and brought it to me after he shortened its sleeves in the workshop, and I started looking at it and saw it was all coming apart at the seams, I’m still thinking how I looked when I bought it, because I myself work as a consultant in fur coats...

    summer, beach (presumably Egypt) I see a young girl with long blond hair (unfamiliar), dressed in a long beige fur coat. She makes me smile condescendingly) I look and there is also a fur coat lying next to me (mine, black). The girl takes off her fur coat - underneath is old, washed out linen. I’m surprised that such a beautiful girl is in such rags...

    Hello) A relative dreamed of her coming out of the entrance wearing a fur coat, and said that she bought it second-hand... an ordinary mink coat... only the front of the coat is brown... and the back is completely bright red... just a nuclear color.

    I met with men, they gave me an expensive black fur coat and gave me a lot of paper money, 5 thousand about 50 tons, I counted them in a dream. And I didn’t count red-green paper money, but the value was very large.. then they asked me to hand over drugs to someone. Although I’m a very honest person and far from such things and people

    Hello! i dreamed that I was trying on a new fur coat, it seemed like I took it on credit from a gypsy woman, but the gypsy woman took this fur coat and my robe from me and ran away, why would she be so scared, she already woke up

    I dreamed that I was sleeping in my boyfriend's apartment by myself. First I talked to my mother on the phone, and then the front door opened, my godmother came in and pulled out a long black fur coat, and said that my grandmother told me that I should go to Kyiv beautifully.

    Hello. I dreamed of a fur coat. The point was that when I ran my hand over it, it seemed like it was some kind of animal, because I saw light skin under the fur and there was blood in places at the roots of the fur. The next night I dreamed of two rats. I don’t really remember the point, but it seems they needed to be caught. The rats were gray from afar, When they came closer, one rat was definitely white, and the second was light gray (or it was still white, I don’t remember exactly) Thanks in advance for your answer!

    The deceased husband came in a fur coat. He said that he knew that we remember and love him. There were some people in military uniform around. One man is in a naval uniform, the other is not clear. And then we found ourselves on the road and we went in different directions.

    Good afternoon. Such a dream.
    I’m visiting, some kind of apartment, there’s me, my friend, and some other guy. My friend devotes a lot of time to this guy, whom I know in the dream. I feel jealous because I get almost no attention. I’m trying to leave, I leave the apartment and the apartment is on some kind of mountain, and there’s a cliff there, my friend follows me and says, “Where are you going?” Then the guy who gets a lot of attention says, “What am I going to wear in winter,” after which I see the following scene. A friend of mine steals a fur coat from a jock from a car, and when this jock notices this and tries to return it, he stabs him in the neck with a knife, the body slips from his hands. Seeing all this, I begin to run away from the car and my friend, taking my knife out of my pocket. This is where the dream ends.

    I dreamed that I was buying a white fur coat without a hood and with a quarter sleeve. I liked it well, but I didn’t like that there was no hood and the sleeves were short, and the fur coat was white with light brown inserts. and then I decided that I needed one with a hood and black and I woke up.

    in this dream, my husband wants to buy me a fur coat, but only white and knitted from rabbit fluff, that is, it looks like a jacket, but very warm and of different knitting, he says that fur coats are like yesterday. We are going shopping, like border - and there are huge areas in the premises with fur coats and we go around like a market - fur coats are hanging in rows. As a result, we find two necessary fur coats from one saleswoman, a blonde, at the market. We look at them, we like them very much, but we don’t buy them, we say that we’ll look at them later. And then at this market some event with music and songs begins and my husband meets a friend, he somehow participates in this show, like a singer or musician. This friend has a very informal look, long hair, looks like Lagutenko from the group Mummies Troll, they are talking about something, but this friend’s dog is a huge black shepherd, runs around on its own everywhere and has about five or six huge bumps on its head and face, just like horns, like little ones sticking out like kids’ horns, so so do hers. They are also black and look very creepy and I’m afraid of her precisely because of this, and the dog is so kind, she caresses me all the time, wants me to pet her, but I can’t. I asked the owner, what’s wrong with her, why are there such bumps, he says, there were ordinary warts and they grew like this... And the last thing I remember from the dream is this dog comes up to me again and I still can’t touch it and turn away, covering my face with my hands

    I saw myself in a dream in an expensive fur coat to the toes, red, turning into brown, I had money with me, I wanted to spend it, but I didn’t know what, because I didn’t want anything. There was a fan with gray hair. In real life, I’m married, happy, and I don’t like fur coats, I’ve never wanted one, especially a long one.

    Hello. Today I had a dream in which I communicated with a man (man) in a fur coat. He was always afraid that no one would touch his fur coat. especially me. At the end of the dream, I realized that the point is that if I touch his fur coat, the evil eye (damage) that he tried to convey to me will remain on him. I caught up with him and held on to his fur coat. Because of which this man was very unhappy and shouted.

    I came to the wardrobe and it turned out that the worker had lost my fur coat, she started looking for it in a box where other people’s things of an unfavorable type were, it wasn’t there either, I started screaming, crying, saying things like, look quickly, etc., mine came the boss began to calm me down, began to talk about his family, not at all related to the topic of the fur coat, I asked him who would compensate me for the loss of the fur coat, he avoided answering

    I dreamed that my close friend was trying on a very beautiful fur coat, the fur coat was double-sided, one side was a golden curacul, the other was a fluffy silver fox. Very beautiful. And at that moment I thought - why don’t they make these for fat ladies?

    I don’t remember completely, I remember what everything happened in the city of my childhood, where my father, brother and sister were with whom I have not communicated for a long time. They played with my son, I haven’t seen him for a year either. But I didn’t come to them, but to buy a fur coat, I tried on different options, but either the size didn’t fit, or I just didn’t like it. As a result, I left the store without purchasing anything and met my mother, she is now raising my children, but we only communicate via the Internet and sometimes by phone. She was in a fur coat, very angry (I don’t remember her like that) and said: “You can’t leave the children on Sunday,” I don’t remember further, then I woke up.

    I’m on a minibus going to work in the morning, on Monday, it’s just getting cold, and I’m riding in a brown fur coat, the sun is shining through the window and I’m thinking why I put on a fur coat - it’s warm (even though it was cold outside in my dream)

    Good afternoon.
    I was in a large trading hall among many fur coats hanging there, of all kinds of colors. My mind was that I had come to choose a second fur coat for myself. It felt body and soft. the mood was wonderful.

    I saw myself in an expensive fur coat and thought that it was not mine, mine was different - worse. I ran to the locker room to change it, but they told me that my old one could no longer be found. It seemed to me that the new fur coat was a little too small for me


    I dreamed that my old classmate had just bought and brought 2 fur coats. She tried them on in front of me. The first fur coat looked like an artificial one. Astrakhan fur. in the form of a swinger, elegant cut. She twirled around. satisfied. And I touched this fur coat and praised Then she went away and brought 2 fur coats - a long, lightish one, made of lynx. I touched it and it seemed to me that it was natural - so soft and pleasant to the touch. I also praised her. I asked the price of these fur coats and she replied that it was 100 thousand .I ANSWERED THAT IT IS CONVENIENT THAT NOW WE CARRY CARDS IN YOUR BAG AND WITH MONEY AT ANY TIME, YOU DO NOT NEED TO CARRY WITH YOU IN CASE OF A SUDDEN PURCHASE!

    In the store I put on a new, medium-length mink coat in dark colors. I took it for free, or in installments, but then I realized that I wouldn’t have to pay for it. The sellers themselves gave it. I put it on and walked around in it without taking it off, realizing that this fur coat was my property. Yesterday we buried my husband’s sister (this is real), maybe this is somehow connected? By the way, she still has an almost new similar fur coat...

    the dream is connected with furs, like a store selling fox skins, mink, everyone is grabbing and I go to a boutique of white fur coats, but I don’t buy them there, but I take it from drunks, someone left it as a deposit, but dear, I give 150, it seems like it’s worth 300

    Hello! I had a dream in which I saw my manager and was angry with her that she promised people something in their work that they could not achieve. And I was very angry with her that she once encouraged me in this way. In reality we are in a mess, in a dream she followed me, laughed loudly and told me that I would be glad that we had made peace. I didn’t want to talk to her and tried to get away from her, but she followed me, stumbled on the steps and fell on top of me, laughing loudly. I went to my store (in reality I don’t have one), in which I had some goods, but when I opened it, I didn’t see my goods there, but I saw in it a huge number of dark fur coats, soft, silky. I thought that someone else had taken over my store, I looked for my goods but couldn’t find them, and towards the exit I rolled off these fur coats like down a hill. The owners of these fur coats were also not there, as if it were all mine.

    I dreamed that I was walking up the steps to the store, a guy followed me and gave me a sheet with an agreement or an offer to marry him and an offer to go and buy me everything I needed and it will always be like this, I will give gifts

    a holiday of dressed-up grandmothers (as they appear on TV, there are a lot of them) they start throwing burning fur hats of a very large size, everything around explodes on me, the glass roof crashed, all this doesn’t bother me, I put on a brown scarf, my blue raccoon coat, it looks like it’s too small for me and I look still left from under the roof that crashed

    Hello! I’m dreaming that I’m walking, I see a hole, but I still fall into it, the mud is wet, but my feet are firm and don’t get dirty. I’m in my black fur coat, it’s hard for me and I can’t get out. I scream and call people for help. I scream for a long time afterwards Someone gives me a hand and I climb out of it and wake up. Why is this?

    I dreamed that I had two fur coats. It was summer and evening and I had to go outside, but it was cool there and I first threw on one fur coat, and then I decided to wear a more expensive one and went out in it, and when I returned, the first fur coat was stolen and I began to look for it and cry

    Hello, Tatyana. On the night from Thursday to Friday, I dreamed that I was choosing a mink coat for my deceased mother. She really wanted this. We tried several models. One of them was very well made, soft colors, mom looked good in it. It seemed to me that it was a little big. I suggested looking for another one, but in the end they didn’t buy anything. At the same time, for some reason, the deceased father said that he wanted to go to the UAE and wondered why we wanted to buy a fur coat. I said that there is enough money for everything. The amount was 11 thousand dollars. Thank you.

    Hello. I had a dream from Friday to Saturday. My husband and I were driving in the car and we saw my older sister, we stopped, I went up to hug her and saw myself in a beautiful black fur coat with thick fur. It’s winter outside, it’s beautifully snowing, I’m in a joyful mood. In the dream, I am sure that the fur coat is new, mink and mine. My sister is also wearing a fur coat and a hat, but her furs are not new and are stained. I am very happy, but my sister did not hug me, but only touched the left sleeve of my fur coat with delight and envy. Then she seemed to want to sit in the back seats of our car, and I told her that it was busy and there were three old women sitting there. Then she lies on their laps

    I came to visit a friend, and she says that her husband bought her 2 fur coats, one mink and the other beaver. I tell her to try on the mink one, she puts it on, I stroke the fur, and it is unrealistically fluffy and thick. Both coats are brown.

    I tried on two fur coats in front of the mirror, both beautiful, good, one black and the other black with red spots. I bought them, but one of them, the black one, was too big for me and I was upset that I had wasted my money.

    Dream: we are having lunch with my family and suddenly dad hands me a Chanel sheepskin coat, but my mother, interrupting, says that I already have a fur coat, but still told me to wear it, and I find myself on the street not in a white sheepskin coat, but in a khaki fur coat and I remember that it was very warm, good and gentle.

    I dreamed that while in the apartment where I lived with my late parents, my mother gave me a long fur coat, and my father gave me a sheepskin coat, tucking the bottom with threads. I have both a long fur coat and a sheepskin coat in real life.

    I saw two of my employees wearing old, shabby coats with dog collars (although they wear expensive fur coats), and I saw a beautiful, expensive black fur coat on myself. I asked myself a question in a dream: “How did this happen to these colleagues of mine, since they are so tired and worn out?”

    I live in a small room in a dorm, everything is grey, gloomy and I work nearby, and now everyone is going to a party in the mountains and one of my neighbors and a rope climbing colleague sends me up a snowy slope, and at the top of the snowy sunny gentle slope there are huge blue blocks of ice, and I in a thin dress and our commander, and it seems not ours, throws on an old brown artificial fur coat, it seems and says it will be warmer this way

    Hello! I dreamed of a distant relative, but he didn’t talk to me. He went to the pharmacy to get some medicine and at that moment I stole his car to warn his relatives, but I don’t remember what. And when I went to them, I saw women in black, and one in a fur coat, and one holding an empty tray, and at that moment I realized that I had to pick it up, but when I came out, I found myself in a very beautiful place, where everything was green.

    At my former job there were a lot of people in the hallway, I opened the office and invited everyone to come in, they came in and sat down at the tables, taking off their outerwear, I wandered around the offices somewhere, then went into the office where there were people with their mink coats, but they weren’t there, I looked through all the hangers where people's outerwear hung and couldn't find it, I got upset and woke up, I realized that it was a dream,

    The rabbit was dressed in a rabbit fur coat of a beautiful light burgundy color, his size, as tailor-made for him, and I took it off him. I was indignant that I needed it very much and he would get it dirty. Please help me figure it out. Thank you in advance.

    Today I had a dream that I was buying jewelry in a large supermarket in the gold department, putting them on myself, while I was wearing a beautiful mink coat and black patent leather boots. I'm very beautiful.

    I spent the whole night looking for a fur coat to buy. At first I went to boutiques, but either the price or the size didn’t suit me. Then I went to the gypsies, but some unfamiliar man protected me from communicating with them. I walked in the dark

    Good afternoon. In the dream I was with my family in our old house, where we no longer live. And in the hall of this house, outside the window I saw white snow, on the snow there were various kinds of fur coats - black and beige, it seems there were 5 types of fur coats for 1 family: a black fur coat for dad, a beige one for mom, another beige one for sister and 4 small fur coats for babies, 2 black and beige. I also saw my late grandfather on my father’s side. He was very well dressed, as in life: classic style, hat and coat, as expected. He told us everything we asked him about. I asked about my marriage (since I was already married 2 times), he said that I had found my man and would be happy with him. I also asked about the child, whether I could have it (since pregnancy is absolutely contraindicated for me for health reasons), he answered, in principle, I could. I also saw in a dream that I was having “these” days, I felt the padding and discomfort below. And because of this, he told me that it was as if I was no longer a Muslim (I myself am Kazakh by nationality, and my current husband is American), probably this is what he meant. There are three of us in the family: me and my 2 sisters, but for some reason my grandfather told me and my younger sister that the two of us are sorceresses (maybe because we are already mothers and the eldest is not yet married?) And just like me I remember there was no light in the house at the beginning, and we met grandfather as if in the light of a burning camphor lamp, but when we saw the fur coats outside the window, it was a sunny day and the snow sparkled with light, and fur coats were laid out on this shiny snow.

    Hello! I dreamed that I was buying two fur coats in a store, one long and the other shorter, but I didn’t try them on or see them. Only when I needed to pay for them and I had no money, I looked into the package and saw the sleeve of a cinnamon-red mink coat. Coming out of the store, I met a friend with whom I haven’t communicated for many years, she had her own car, I think I saw it, or didn’t see it, I don’t remember. Then I woke up.

    Good afternoon. I dreamed that a fur coat was thrown over my shoulders. Expensive, colorful, long and with long pile. I looked around and saw a lot of people, noise, but no one noticed me. And on the floor lies a woman, my friend, covered up to her neck in white. I said, were you the one who threw the fur coat on me? and offered to help her get up. And she smiled and turned away.
    She is now seriously ill.
    I would be grateful if you could help me understand the hint. Although I myself imagine that it might be.....

    Please interpret my dream. I dreamed on the night from Friday to Saturday that I was choosing from three fur coats which one to wear. I remember trying on 2 in front of the mirror - one light beige mink with light red stripes, although expensive, I didn’t really like how it fit on me, and the second was also a rich fur coat, but not mink... the other fur, long, dark in color (dark brown or even close to black) I liked the way it fit and decided to wear it. Although this fur coat has a completely classic cut and a huge button at the bottom... and the color is not my favorite in life, but I chose it in a dream. I don’t remember measuring the third one at all. Why this dream?

    A beautiful, very unusual fur coat, a long fur coat-cape made of sable. The back is embroidered with large ambers. At the bottom it seems to be gathered with an elastic band. The sleeves are not fur... Very unusual.
    Hairstyle - hair removed. A friend tries on this “fur coat”... In a room with a high ceiling. I see through the window - in the bright light the center of Moscow (either the Yaroslavl station, or the Kremlin)...
    I asked the lady where he was going. She said something about some important event, for which, in fact, you bought a new thing...

    Hello Tatiana.
    I saw myself in a dream in a beautiful fur coat just below the knee. Natural, but in an unusual color: dark red or burgundy. I admired myself in the mirror and a friend or relative said that it suits me very well. In my thoughts in response to her, it flashed through my mind, this is not my fur coat, I don’t wear the fur of killed animals, I just rented it from a friend. But I was surprised that the fur coat suited me, because I thought that fur made me look fat, I am 160 cm tall and weigh 64 kg, I have no goal of losing weight, since I like myself so plump. Thank you for your answer.

    I came home. The house is private. And suddenly I saw a lot of cats. I shout where they are from. Someone answers me that some mutual friend of ours brought it for the holidays. But I don’t hear the familiar name. Then I look, and there are small, almost blind kittens. And then I see they are dead. I say maybe they will all take a break over time. I turn around, and there are big cats. One in a bright lion stripe. The rest of the middle ones I don’t remember the color. I’m sitting on the window and naked. But suddenly I understand that this is impossible, that this is a sign of illness, and I quickly get dressed. I think I hate visiting cats, but it seems like I need to feed them. But I don't feed. I want them to rest, but I don’t say it out loud. I find myself at a friend’s house, and I don’t like them. The hostess in her nightgown gets scared and says what am I doing with them. I turn around and come home again and suddenly I see whole coats of cats hanging up. Beautiful fur coats. And I understand that my friend is raising cats for fur coats. I’m indignant and screaming, “Why do I need fur coats? I picked up the milk, but I don’t remember whether I fed the cats or not. I had the dream all night and the same thing in the morning. I can figure things out internally. I only have prophetic dreams. My sleep is very bad and I feel bad. I don’t know what to do. Well, try to figure it out for me.

Looking for an answer to the question: “Why do you dream about a fur coat” is especially important if this did not happen during the winter season. It is also necessary to remember all the details; they will indicate the true meaning.

Dream Interpretation: seeing a fur coat in a dream

Miller's Dream Book suggests: when you dream of a luxurious fur coat, a prosperous, well-fed period lies ahead. However, if the set included fur mittens and a hat, this means receiving bad news.

According to Vanga's dream book If you dream of a fur coat, a long winter awaits. Putting it on means feeling protected and supported.

Esoteric dream book suggests that if you dreamed of another woman in a fur coat, this reflects the dreamer’s envy.

According to Veles's dream book a fur coat in the summer, especially if you happen to try it on or wear it, means sadness. The reason will be bad news.

Why do you dream of a fur coat?

In the most general sense, chic fur coats made of natural fur are interpreted as a symbol of sudden receipt of money. However, it is important to consider what animal the luxury item in the dream is made from.

Wolf warns of the danger of quarrels and conflicts. Moutonovaya - prophesies good health.

Mink coat in a dream - an excellent sign of relaxation and pleasant participation in festive events. This vision also promises an increase in social status.

When you dream of a fur coat from fox, this signals the need to be smart and flexible. Without these qualities, it will be extremely difficult to get out of difficulties.

Fur coat from arctic fox- a good omen of victory over a long-time ill-wisher. Ermine outerwear warns of the need to be careful when communicating. Unpleasant surprises are possible from both strangers and friends.

Fur coat from rabbit represents the timidity of the sleeper. This shows a reluctance to take responsibility for important decisions.

Hard work is foreshadowed by a fur coat from chinchilla. However, it will be possible to achieve almost all of the goals.

If you dream of a sable fur coat, a prosperous period of complete prosperity begins in life. Clothing made from nutria signals the insincerity of someone in your inner circle.

Interpretation of sleep based on the appearance of a fur coat

Warm a fur coat is a good omen. Things will progress successfully, and communication with others will bring exclusively positive emotions.

Beautiful a fur coat may portend the receipt of an expensive present. However, if it turns out to be made of faux fur, in reality you should beware of deception and insincere feelings.

A carefree life means dreaming white fur coat. However, there is a risk of overspending.

Black a fur coat also warns against thoughtless extravagance. It is necessary to plan the plot more carefully. Gray hints that in reality you too often get needlessly nervous.

Chic long a fur coat in a dream is a wonderful symbol. It portends stable profits for businessmen, and success in studies for young people.

Symbolizes minor losses short sheepskin coat. They can be avoided if vanity and ambition are moderated.

A dream informs about a change in life circumstances new fur coat. The fur will tell you in detail what they will be like.

Old a fur coat with large holes means problems in relationships with others. Falling pieces of fur signal that misunderstanding will arise between relatives.

Worn The fur coat also warns against rash investments of money. This is not the most favorable period for investing.

Alien a fur coat means that in the dreamer’s past there is an act that causes a feeling of painful shame. However, nothing can be changed.

If you dreamed very a lot of fur coats, this is a sign of depression and lack of faith in one’s own strength.

Interpretation of sleep based on action with a fur coat

I imagined it try on a fur coat- huge expenses are coming. You should be especially wary if it was old or dirty - you should not respond to an offer to earn extra money. Most likely they will deceive you. When you dream of a fur coat that is put directly on a naked body, this is a symbol of defenselessness against evil tongues.

Trying on someone else's fur coat a stranger - to an exciting acquaintance. It won't last long, but it will be bright.

Put on a fur coat in a dream against a friend or one of your relatives - in reality a quarrel with them is likely. We must restrain the expression of emotions.

Seeing yourself in a fur coat in the mirror- to the emergence of a chance. Remove with regret - inattention will prevent you from changing your life for the better.

Buying a fur coat is an ambiguous symbol. The dream applies to both business and personal spheres.

Buy a fur coat, if fur is interpreted positively, it is a sign of undoubted good luck and prosperity. For lovers, a dream means reciprocity and harmony. However, if you happen to buy a white fur coat, you should be wary. This is a harbinger of deception from a trusted person.

Patrons help in life - means the plot of a dream in which give a fur coat. But you also need to develop yourself. If a young girl dreamed that she was given a fur coat, she would soon be getting married. The marriage will be stable.

Great story - giving a fur coat. Generosity in reality will be rewarded.

Mending holes means trying to improve relationships with relatives. Losing a fur coat is a danger of material loss. Finding a new one means a comfortable existence. Stealing is black envy in the soul.

When understanding why a fur coat is dreamed of and what to do with it, it is important not to perceive the vision if in reality your thoughts are occupied with this item of clothing.

This symbol means either pretense, or contentment, wealth. The sheepskin coat, a fur coat with the fur turned inside out, was very popular among the people, and rich people wore not only sheepskin coats, but also fur coats with luxurious collars.

Seeing yourself undressed in the middle of winter and looking at a display of fur coats means disappointed hopes, frustration, wasted efforts that will lead nowhere; to a mistake that you make because you incorrectly assess the circumstances.

To see a person whom you have confused with an animal because of a fur coat - you are too trusting and impressionable, do not rush to give free rein to your feelings, exercise your head more; do not trust your first impression and do not rush to express an opinion because you will be wrong; to my surprise.

Seeing a living fur coat is a sign of surprise, a sudden change in circumstances.

Seeing a naked person in a fur coat means illness, malaise; betrayal by those you trust; to change relationships with loved ones.

To see that in a dream dogs are tearing the fur coat that you are wearing - to a quarrel, troubles in which friends will be involved; to a conflict over a loved one.

To see a luxurious adult fur coat worn by a small child - a person will appear on your path who exaggerates his importance and thereby misleads others; You will have to communicate with a person who will surprise you with the inadequacy of his position.

Interpretation of dreams from the Ancient Dream Book

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Seeing a fur coat in a dream

Fur coat - Good quality, warm - for stable material well-being. (Even if she is yours in reality). Chic, very expensive - don’t boast about your well-being, this will cause someone’s envy and the “evil eye”. Shabby, old - a very uneven financial situation: sometimes empty, sometimes dense.

Interpretation of dreams from the Esoteric Dream Book

What does Shuba's dream mean?

Wearing a comfortable, warm fur coat is a sign of success in business and good relationships with others.

An uncomfortable or too hot fur coat: suggests that you care too much about your well-being, and these worries and worries make your life very difficult.

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Book of the 20th century

Seeing Fur coat in a dream

If in a dream from Sunday to Monday you are given a beautiful and expensive fur coat, this promises you financial difficulties.

Covering yourself with a fur coat in a dream means loneliness. But if you have such a dream from Friday to Saturday, a new interesting acquaintance awaits you.

A dream from Wednesday to Thursday, in which you buy a fur coat for someone close, foreshadows a comfortable and cloudless existence.

If you had a dream in which lint falls out of your fur coat, this foreshadows discord in the family. If you had such a dream from Tuesday to Wednesday, a break in relations with one of your relatives will follow.

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Book for women

Dream about Shuba

A dream in which you buy a fur coat suggests that you are too reserved.

You rarely talk in the company of unfamiliar people, afraid to say something stupid.

If you dream that you are wearing a fur coat, this indicates that you lack liberation in sex.

You may be experiencing an inferiority complex.

Try to learn to love yourself for who you are.

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Interpretation of Sexual Dreams

What does it mean to see Shuba in a dream?

If you dreamed that you bought a fur coat (you are planning to do this, you are looking for a fur coat that you like), in the near future you will not have problems with finances. To make this period last as long as possible, hide a coin under the carpet every day for a week.

If you dreamed that you were sewing a fur coat (or ripping it apart, torn it), get ready for your relationship with one of your relatives or friends to deteriorate. To prevent this from happening, burn a family photo on the next full moon.

Interpretation of dreams from the Mayan Dream Book

Interpretation of sleep Fur coat

seeing or wearing a fur coat in a dream during your season (i.e. winter) portends goodness and wealth. Wearing a fur coat in the summer means sadness.

Interpretation of dreams from the Islamic dream book

The meaning of the dream Shuba

The dreamed fur coat symbolizes:

a) success and wealth.

B) sadness and quarrel.

B) a forced road.

D) illness and troubles.

Interpretation of dreams from Rommel's Dream Book

Sleep prediction Shuba

Fur coat - Buying a fur coat in a dream means you are too uptight, you are afraid to say too much about yourself in the presence of unfamiliar people. But at the same time, you forget that your personal life may not be of interest to anyone.

Seeing yourself dressed in a fur coat - something is preventing you from liberating yourself; perhaps this is due to some long-standing complex of yours - well, for example, you are uncomfortable having sex if you are not sure that no one and nothing will disturb you in the next couple of hours.

Interpretation of dreams from Freud's Dream Book

Why do you dream about Shuba?

Fur coat - loss of mobility / harm from inertia and laziness, voluptuousness / life among dreams.

A spoiled fur coat is a disease.

Interpretation of dreams from

The fur coat, according to the interpretation of Gustav Miller, speaks of the dreamer’s material wealth: in the near future he will have everything he needs for a happy and comfortable life. At the same time, Miller considers a dream in which a person sees an expensive fur accessory to be unfavorable: fate has prepared a very unpleasant surprise for him.

Seeing yourself in a dream in a tattered and dirty fur coat means a significant improvement in your financial situation in reality. Such a dream will temporarily take away adversity and sorrow from the dreamer. Buying a fur coat in a fur store is a sign of a whirlwind romance: the dreamer will develop a wonderful relationship with his soulmate. For young mothers, this dream promises the appearance of a rich admirer on the horizon.

Why did you dream about the fur coat? Freud's Dream Book

Sigmund Freud interprets such dreams in his characteristic manner. In particular, buying a fur coat in a dream speaks of a certain tightness of the dreamer, of his timidity. In reality, a person who has seen such a dream does not want to communicate with unfamiliar surroundings, fearing all sorts of provocations and condemnations. Sigmund Freud recommends to such people not to get hung up on bad thoughts and remember that not everyone is interested in their personal life.

Seeing yourself dressed in an expensive fur coat in a dream means indecision in any action. Freud believes that in real life something is preventing the dreamer from liberating himself. Perhaps this is due to recent complexes, for example, in sexual terms: the dreamer is uncomfortable having sex, because he is not sure that no one will disturb him and his sexual partner in the next half hour.

Why do you dream about a fur coat? Tsvetkov's Dream Interpretation

Evgeny Tsvetkov does not see anything good in such dreams. In particular, putting on a luxurious fur coat in a dream means a long journey that will be overshadowed by some incidents. This journey will drain all moral strength and financial resources from the dreamer. Evgeny Tsvetkov gives another interpretation to such a dream: a huge scandal is coming, capable of tarnishing the dreamer’s reputation for life. Stealing a fur coat in a dream means family squabbles and troubles.

Modern dream book: fur coat

A black fur coat represents death. A light fur coat is a symbol of illness. A dirty fur coat, on the contrary, dreams of money and success. Putting on a fur coat in a dream and experiencing discomfort at the same time means a profitable acquaintance with some influential person. A mink coat symbolizes a long journey, and a mink coat symbolizes new acquaintances, which will later prove dangerous for the dreamer.

Even such a simple thing as a fur coat, if a person dreams about it, can be interpreted in completely different ways. Associated elements and details of the setting should be taken into account.

Fur coat in a dream

Most often, a dream about a fur coat is a symbol of the proximity of long-awaited success. If you dream of a young woman who is in search of her soul mate, a fur coat portends a wealthy admirer. But this dream also warns of the low moral qualities of the future admirer, so you will have to make a difficult choice.

If you really like a fur coat in a dream, it is comfortable to wear and it is light, this promises prosperity and success. Seeing yourself in a dream in a cold climate and putting on a fur coat solely to keep warm - such a dream hints at the practicality of the person seeing the dream. This common sense should be protected and not changed even in difficult situations.

Related symbols

If you dream of a shabby, shabby, old fur coat, the dream means an improvement in the financial situation of the sleeper. Buying, bartering, finding or otherwise acquiring a fur coat in a dream portends harmony and love. If, on the contrary, the sleeping person had a fur coat, this dream only foreshadows colds. A fur coat spoiled by moths means the awakening of intuition; you should trust your feelings after such a dream. A spoiled fur coat can be a symbol of illness.

A fur coat that does not allow movement, is excessively heavy and interferes with walking, hints at the inert lifestyle of the sleeper or is a harbinger of deprivation of mobility. This can be either physical trauma or obligations that cannot be broken and which do not allow you to feel free. After such a dream, it is best to reconsider your habits and make promises more carefully.

When a person sees himself dressed in a fur coat and at the same time feels hot, uncomfortable, or generally dressed inappropriately for the weather, this may be the result of nervous tension caused by the topic of lack of finances. Perhaps the issue of material well-being is acute and it is because of this that thoughts do not go in a different direction. Having seen such a dream, you should help yourself to distract yourself to the best of your ability.

Seeing unattainable fur coats on sale in a dream, while being half-naked in the cold and suffering from the cold, portends depression, troubles, and dissatisfaction with your own life. Dogs tearing a fur coat on a sleeping person - he risks getting hurt for nothing by getting involved in someone else's conflict.

A fur coat seen on a person for whom it is clearly out of size and very large foreshadows the appearance of a person with high self-esteem. How this person will influence the life of the sleeping person depends on him. Seeing a person wearing only a fur coat over his naked body is a symbol of betrayal, which will most likely be committed by someone close to you.

In reality, a beautiful, white fur coat is one of the cherished desires of every woman, but in a dream, as the dream book states, this attribute of luxury is a symbol of pretension, dissatisfaction with one’s own successes. An explanation of why you dream of a snow-white fur coat reminds you of the need to engage in self-development, cleanse your soul and thoughts of negativity and bad influences.

Features: type and condition of the product

In the General Dream Book, it is customary to consider the interpretation of sleep based on the condition and external features of fur clothing. So, to see a white fur coat in a dream:

  • with a hood - speaks of the confidence and sense of security of a sleeping person;
  • shabby - identifies fears, inability to influence the future;
  • chic, beautiful - reveals the dreamer’s ambitions and aspirations, which should be correctly realized;
  • cozy, good-quality - promises great prospects in professional activity.

Psychologist Miller's interpretation

Mr. Miller compares the dream of a white mink coat with deceit and inflated self-esteem, which is skillfully disguised by the dreamer.

Seeing yourself in a long fur coat in a dream is identified with hidden thoughts and deception. Seeing someone wearing a fur accessory means the likelihood of suffering from deception or someone else's dishonest play.

Expect surprises!

The sorceress Medea in her dream book encourages rejoicing, explaining why girls dream of a white fur coat. Thus, those who are presented with such an expensive gift in a dream will be lucky enough to meet an interesting person with whom a romantic relationship can begin.

Curb your appetites!

The 20th century dream book warns about exorbitant waste, explaining why one dreams of trying on a mink coat. Try to refrain from unexpected purchases in the near future, otherwise you may end up in a debt trap.

Just go ahead!

The universal dream interpreter compares the dream of trying on a chic white fur coat with attempts to improve your financial situation. Seeing yourself in a mink coat in a dream means the start of a profitable business, an exciting project.

Don't let your guard down!

Those who dreamed of a man in a long fur coat should beware of betrayal by trusted persons. The family dream book, interpreting why such an episode is dreamed of, warns of a deterioration in well-being and loss of activity.

Seeing yourself in a fur coat that is being torn by dogs foreshadows a quarrel, a major conflict with a friend over money. I dreamed that an acquaintance put on your item of clothing without asking, talking about the person’s mercantile interests.

A baby dressed in a white fur coat, according to the Esoteric Dream Book, personifies a person who exaggerates his own importance, misleading others.