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How to make a storage room for potatoes. Where and how to store potatoes in an apartment so that the tubers do not deteriorate and retain their nutritional value

Of course, there are no difficulties with storing potatoes if you live in a private house with a cellar or if you have a barn. But what if you live in an apartment? Then there are many problems and questions: how to do it all the same?

Of course, everyone knows that potatoes should be stored in a dark and cool place. But where can this place be found in the apartment? Several options then come to mind: on the balcony, in the pantry, in the kitchen or even in the refrigerator. But which one is correct? Let's try to figure it out.

Useful tips on how to choose the right place for storing potatoes in your home:

1. To store potatoes at home, choose late-ripening varieties. They are best stored at room temperature and ripen in late autumn.

2. After digging up the potatoes, dry them thoroughly. This is best done by holding the potato tubers in the sun for about 3 hours. As a result of such drying, all the earth on the potatoes will dry out and easily separate from them. This can significantly reduce the chance of rotting potatoes during storage.

3. Before storage, it is worth carefully sorting out the potatoes and eating (or throwing away) damaged tubers. For example, if they were cut or damaged with a shovel during the digging process. Such potatoes will not be stored for a long time without rotting.

4. In the first 2-4 weeks, potatoes should be stored at a sufficiently high temperature: 10-12 degrees. And the humidity should also be high - about 80-95%. So the potatoes will fully ripen and develop resistance to the fungus. In the following months, storage should be carried out already at low temperatures.

5. The most suitable temperature for the subsequent storage of potatoes is 2-4 degrees Celsius. If the temperature is lower, then the potatoes will freeze and become sweet; if it is higher, they will become flabby. The best place for storage in such conditions is, of course, a balcony. There are few places in the apartment where you can maintain such a temperature.

And a bit more…

6. It must be understood that during storage, potatoes should not be under constant sunlight or even artificial light. So it becomes green and, accordingly, not suitable for food. Green potatoes can only be used for planting.

7. It is better to store potatoes not in buckets, but in bags made of non-woven fabric. Such bags allow the potatoes to breathe, and thus the rotting process slows down. Wooden boxes are also suitable for storing potato tubers.

8. In order to protect your potatoes from fungus or mold, you can put rowan leaves between potatoes - they stop rotting very well.

In addition, there are tips that after harvesting potatoes, it is worth treating it with boiling water to destroy the bacteria and fungi that are already on it. But, do not forget, it is important to dry the potatoes after that.

9. Track systematically the condition of the potatoes you store. If you find the smell of rot or see midges, sort it out and, as soon as possible, throw out the rotten one.

10. Closer to spring, potatoes will begin to sprout and produce white sprouts. They should be cut off immediately. To slow down the germination process, you can sprinkle dry mint leaves on the bottom of each bag.

Potatoes are an indispensable product in any kitchen. But how to properly store it in an apartment after harvesting and protect it from sprouting in order to delight loved ones with delicious dishes from this root crop all winter?

Late varieties are distinguished by their ability for long storage and saturation with useful microelements. When choosing a variety for harvesting for the winter, it is better to opt for several at once in order to compare and select proven potatoes in the future. The following late-ripening varieties have proven themselves well:

  • "Picasso";
  • "Zhuravinka";
  • "Vesnyanka";
  • "Atlant";
  • "Slav".

Of the varieties with medium ripening periods, they are perfectly stored:

  • "Asterix";
  • "Ladoshka";
  • "Blue";
  • "Lorch";
  • "Rocco".

Potatoes harvested for the winter must be fully ripe, devoid of defects, dry and free from dirt.

Suitable storage conditions in an apartment or house

In order for the potato to lie all the cold, certain conditions must be provided for its storage.

Optimal Humidity

The heat of the apartment and high humidity are the environment for the growth of shoots. Therefore, keep the humidity in the storage area around 85-90%.

Place potatoes away from evaporative areas and walls where condensation settles. Remove excess moisture by layering sawdust between vegetables.

It is allowed to store potatoes next to beets, the proximity to other vegetables is contraindicated.


For storage in an apartment or house, choose a dark place. Do not allow natural light to hit the tubers, long exposure to which causes the appearance of the poison - solanine. Infected root crops turn green and are not suitable for eating.


The selected room should have excellent air circulation. Constantly ventilate, opening access to fresh air to the potatoes. This reduces humidity, eliminates the heat and moisture generated by the potatoes.

Temperature regime

Heat is contraindicated for potatoes, it reduces the shelf life. The most suitable temperature regime is + 2- + 7 ° С. When stored in a closed container, temperatures up to 18°C ​​are possible.

Place potatoes away from batteries, boiler, stove, in the coldest place.

Preparing for storage

At the end of the harvest, before placing it in storage, root crops should be prepared:

  1. Dry well in the open air, remove dried clods of dirt, if any (do not wash). This will reduce the risk of rotting.
  2. Go through. Remove spoiled potatoes from the total mass: rotten, eaten by pests, chopped. It will not be stored for a long time and will infect vegetables with which it comes into contact with rot. You should not throw away such potatoes, they are quite suitable for cooking, but you need to store them separately and use them for food as soon as possible.
  3. Sort. Place small potatoes separately from large and medium ones. Medium easily survives until late spring, large - until mid-winter.
  4. Prepare separate containers for different varieties.

Storage container

Storage is carried out in the following containers:

  • kapron nets;
  • linen bags;
  • wooden containers with holes (from a shield, timber, board, plywood);
  • plastic or wooden boxes;
  • paper bags;
  • wicker baskets.

When storing in nets, to avoid exposure to sunlight, cover them or store only in a dark place; storage in bags is only suitable for the refrigerator.

Shelf life

Early varieties that ripen already at the beginning of summer are stored for about 3-4 months, provided that the crop is harvested after ripening (not young potatoes). In the future, they gradually lose nutrients and taste characteristics. Therefore, such vegetables should be eaten before the onset of cold weather.

Mid-season potatoes retain their qualities for 4-7 months.

Late ripening potatoes can last up to 10 months if properly stored.

How and where to store

Storage conditions depend on the room in which the potatoes will be stored.

in the cellar

Old design apartment buildings have small but spacious cellars. Moderate humidity, suitable temperature, lack of natural light. The basement is the best place to store vegetables in the winter.

Before placing potatoes, the basement is ventilated, disinfected and the walls are treated with whitewash or chalk. The container is dried in the fresh air. Treated with a concentrated solution of potassium permanganate.

If in early spring, during the period of snow melting, water accumulated on the floor of the basement, then in autumn the potatoes should be placed on an elevation or flooring (bricks, cinder blocks, wooden beams).

In the apartment

In the absence of a basement, vegetables are placed in the apartment. Storage is convenient for storage. It is a dark, cool space with no natural light.

In the absence of a pantry, a corridor is suitable for storage. This room is well ventilated during the day, often without a source of natural light.

On the balcony

A favorable option would be a glazed unheated balcony. In the absence of glass, you need to place a thermometer on the balcony and monitor temperature changes. When it gets cold to -2 ° C and below, the potatoes should be brought inside or the container should be insulated (use foam and a warm blanket).

The method of storage in two wooden boxes will help to resist frosts of -15 ° C. You will need two container sizes. The bottom of the larger container is covered with sawdust, and a smaller box of potatoes is placed inside it. The resulting gaps between the walls are clogged with sawdust.

In a refrigerator

The disadvantage of the method is the storage of a small amount. Plus: adjustable temperature.

Set the temperature mode to + 5- + 7 ° С. Place the potatoes in a bag to protect them from foreign odors, then place in the refrigerator. This method is suitable for storage that is not too long, as air does not circulate in the bag and the product may deteriorate. For longer storage, you can put the root crop in special compartments for vegetables.

At the entrance

Owners of small one-room apartments often face a dilemma: where to place potatoes for the cold season, because their home cannot boast of spaciousness. Exit: storage at the entrance. There is enough space, there is practically no natural light, the room is not heated.

To protect root crops from encroachment, the container is screwed to the floor, a cap lock is attached to the lid.

In the kitchen

It is very practical to store vegetables in the kitchen. Choose a dark, ventilated place. A cabinet under the sink, a place under the kitchenette, lower compartments of kitchen furniture will do.

The air in the room can be heated up to a maximum of 18°C. Ventilate the room often, periodically turn on the hood.

Vegetables should be in a wooden box or wicker basket.

Storage errors

Common mistakes:

  • bookmark for the winter of early ripening varieties;
  • storage of unsorted potatoes;
  • incorrectly chosen and equipped place;
  • unsuitable climatic conditions;
  • potatoes never sorted over the winter;
  • sunlight access.

  • in the summer, the tubers dry out, in order to avoid this, place a bottle filled with water with a cut off neck next to them;
  • apples or mint stored with potatoes will delay the appearance of sprouts and slow their growth;
  • periodically sort out root crops, remove sprouts, remove spoiled potatoes;
  • placing the potatoes in a storage container, sprinkle with ashes on top - it will remove excess moisture.

Preparing vegetables

In order for the fruits and vegetables you have grown to stay fresh and not rot as long as possible, they must be prepared for the winter. However, not all varieties will be able to survive such a long time period.

  • Root crops planted in early spring will survive a maximum of December.
  • Only vegetables dug up in August or September will withstand the cold.

What to do before storing potatoes in storage:

  1. Dry the roots in the sun. UV will protect against early germination.
  2. Clear the tubers from the ground.

Do not rub or scrape the peel - this threatens to quickly rot the root crops.

  1. Sort potato varieties in quality and size.

Put the boxes of the best quality vegetables in the farthest corner so that second-class fruits are eaten first.

  1. Spray crops with antifungal biologics. These are relatively inexpensive products, the price for 200 grams will be 50-150 rubles.
  2. Let the tubers pre-cool.
  3. Then distribute in the cellar.

9 rules for storing root crops

Storing potatoes at home is based on the observance of a number of rules:

Image Recommendations

Rule 1

Prepare the room before planting the tubers.

Clean up, get rid of sources of decay, create the perfect environment for keeping vegetables.

Rule 2

Provide basement with ventilation. Good ventilation in the cellar extends the shelf life of vegetables.

Rule 3

Distribute the crop volume into containers of 15-20 kg.

Rule 4

Put sand or sawdust on the bottom of the container - they will absorb excess moisture.

Rule 5

Cover the tubers on top with hay or rags - this will reliably protect against freezing.

Rule 6

Put a couple of fresh apples in the box - they will slow down the germination of potatoes. Keep an eye on apples: their shelf life is shorter than potatoes.

Rule 7

Store potatoes for planting in a separate compartment.

Rule 8

Rule 9

The crop should be located at a distance of 20-30 cm from the walls so that condensate does not drain.

Storage conditions for root crops

Tuber health is directly dependent on several factors. From where, in what and how potatoes are stored. In any room, you can independently set the desired temperature, the appropriate level of humidity and light saturation.

To keep potatoes healthy all winter, create the necessary conditions for them:


It is most convenient to keep tubers in the basement or cellar. Nature itself creates optimal conditions. Potatoes, even laid out in boxes, even packed in bags, even just dumped, can be stored until May.


There are three ways to store potatoes in any container:

  1. Wooden boxes- the most popular and convenient option. Small in size, they can hold 10-15 kg of tubers at a time. It is recommended to put them at a distance of 15-20 cm from each other so that a sprouted or infected fruit from one container does not share its "gifts" with others.

  1. Polypropylene or fabric bags- honorably take the second place. They can hold up to 25 kg. It is convenient to arrange them - it is allowed to put on top of each other.

When dumping bags in a heap, remember that tubers can crack under heavy weight.

  1. Grid storage- a less common method, but not inferior in efficiency. Summer residents are advised to form a semblance of a box from a wire mesh, preferably in two layers. Figure out how to fix this structure so that it does not touch the floor, and you can store potatoes without fear that rodents will get them.

Ideal environment

Having properly prepared the container and premises for keeping root crops, you will only have to find the answer to the last questions. At what temperature should potatoes be stored in winter? How to choose lighting? How humid should the air in the storage be?

Image Recommendations

Condition 1

The optimum storage temperature for fruits is from +2 to +4 °C.

Condition 2

Humidity in the room for storing potatoes should not exceed 85%.

Condition 3

Lighting in the place where the fruits are kept should be minimal, exclusively artificial.

Original storage methods

For those who have long wanted to try new extraordinary storage methods, I offer two options. One for a summer residence, the second for an apartment.

Image Way
in the hole

This unusual method is suitable for those who have a summer cottage. Follow the simple instructions, and the tubers can stay fresh for almost a year.


  1. Dig a hole with an area of ​​4 by 4 meters and a depth of 1.5 meters.

Choose a place that is never flooded with water.

  1. With the first frost, place the potatoes in the hole.
  2. Harvest cover 20-30 cm of sand or gravel.
  3. Create a mound 20-25 cm high above the structure.
  4. Cover the earthen shelter with branches so that rodents do not reach the crop.

During severe frosts, cover the hole with a 15 cm layer of peat, hay or leaves.

In a thermostat

This option is perfect for those who live in a house without a balcony. A special container can be placed in any convenient place in the apartment.

The box resembles a mini fridge where you can set any temperature and humidity.


That's all the secrets of storing potatoes. Choose the one that is convenient for you and enjoy a wide variety of dishes from this wonderful vegetable all year round. In the comments, share the secrets of how you manage to keep potatoes for a long period.

Greetings dear readers of the magazine!

Everyone, of course, loves potatoes. We eat it all year round, so storing it in the winter is so important to us. Today we will analyze how to store potatoes at home: what to do so that the potatoes do not deteriorate in the winter, how to prepare tubers for storage, where to store and what conditions to observe so that the taste does not disappear.

the shelf life will depend on compliance with all the rules and regulations for its storage.

Which varieties keep best

Well stored varieties of medium and late maturation.

  1. Early varieties: Timo, Impala, Borodyansky, Hostess, Rocco, Aurora, Pirol.
  2. Mid-early varieties: Nevsky, Russian souvenir, Odyssey.
  3. Middle-late and late-ripening: Treasury, Slavyanka, Kolobok, Chaika, Temp, Gatchinsky, Atlant.

Cleaning dates for winter storage

Tubers ripen in about 90 days from the date of planting - the timing of collection depends on the day of planting. Of course, everything is relative, be guided by the weather and your preferences.

Common terms for harvesting potatoes:

  • In late July-early August, early varieties of potatoes are harvested.
  • From August 10 to August 30 - medium varieties for aging.
  • From the end of August to September 15 - late varieties.

You can also dig up potatoes after the 15th, but there is a danger of exposing the tubers to a set of excess moisture due to autumn rains.

Preparing for storage

Let's take a look at a few steps to prepare the fruit for storage.

Step 1. Sort

Large ones are for food, medium ones are for planting next year, small ones are for animal feed or for destruction.

Step 2. Select affected tubers

Rotten, diseased tubers infected with a fungal bacterial infection must be destroyed so that diseases do not spread.

Step 3. Remove soil and dry properly

Do not dry potatoes in the sun: it can turn green. Pick a spot in the shade or in a dark room. It is necessary to keep the tubers in a scattered state for 7-12 days so that they dry completely and are ready for long-term storage.

Step 4. Wash in a manganese aqueous solution

This procedure is not mandatory, but it helps to significantly improve the safety of tubers. I always do this. I pour warm water into 2 basins and dissolve manganese in it to a bright pink color. I wash the potatoes first in one basin, then in another. After that, it is necessary to dry the tubers very well, scattering them so that they do not touch each other and turn over every day.

Potatoes washed in manganese lie all winter, “like new”. It is pleasant to use because it is clean and does not rot.

To prevent potatoes from rotting and getting sick, follow these four tips:

  • store different varieties separately;
  • dig up potatoes in dry weather;
  • destroy damaged potatoes immediately;
  • make sure that the potatoes are well ripened and have a strong skin, for this you need to mow the tops 2 weeks before digging up the tubers.

Storage conditions

Let us now analyze the conditions that you must comply with.


Try to keep the temperature of the storage always approximately the same. If you do not comply with this requirement and allow the temperature to drop sharply and rise sharply, the potato will begin to freeze slightly, therefore, it will deteriorate faster and its useful properties will decrease.

To slow the germination of potatoes, put 2-3 apples in a box.

Cover the potatoes with a cotton rag or burlap. Uncovered potatoes can freeze if the temperature drops sharply.

The optimum storage temperature in winter should be from +2 to +4 degrees, up to +10 C is acceptable, but no more. At a higher temperature, the tubers are stored for about a month, then they lose moisture, shrivel and begin to germinate.

To monitor the temperature, install a thermometer and constantly monitor changes. When the temperature drops, cover the potatoes; when the temperature rises, turn on the ventilation or open additional blows.

If the temperature in the storage drops to -1 degrees and below, then the potatoes freeze and become sweet, and then quickly deteriorate.

Potatoes can “move away” from freezing. To do this, it must be brought into a room with a temperature of +10 degrees for 2 weeks - the taste will gradually recover.

Air humidity

The air humidity in the storage should be 70-85%. To measure it, purchase a special device - a hygrometer. To combat excessive moisture, you can fill the floor with moisture-absorbing materials - quartz sand, pebbles.

Beetroot absorbs moisture very well - spread it in a thin layer directly on the potatoes.

Provide good air circulation, this will help regulate humidity. High humidity provokes the appearance of a fungus, low - a change in structure and flabbiness. Therefore, it is necessary to establish and maintain optimal humidity in the storage.


The storage should not have constant light, otherwise the potatoes will turn green. In the light, the production of a poisonous substance, solanine, is enhanced, which gives the skin a green color.


There are special containers for potatoes and other vegetables:

  1. Wooden boxes are considered the best storage containers. The open top and loose planks contribute to good air circulation.
  2. Plastic containers are good because they can be stacked one on top of the other, there is always a gap between them, so there is ventilation. This is a neat, clean and not at all expensive container. Often these vegetable containers are simply thrown away by hypermarkets - you can get them for nothing.
  3. Canvas bags are great for winter storage of potatoes. They can be stacked on top of each other to save space.

Polypropylene bags can only be used for transporting potatoes; they are not suitable for winter storage, as the potatoes will not “breathe” in them.

If there are mice in the garage, use iron barrels and metal nets.

If the room is not flooded and there are no rodents in it, store the potatoes without a container. Put the tubers in bulk in a fenced off corner, in a pile no more than 1.5 meters.

Where to store potatoes

There are several rooms in which the owners store potatoes.

in the cellar

A cellar is a special, recessed room under the house, capable of accommodating a large amount of supplies for the winter. This is an ideal place for storage, since no light penetrates there and the temperature is basically always the same - 4-6 degrees. Under these conditions, potatoes can be stored for up to 10 months.

Often in the cellar, the type of storage “in bulk” is used, that is, the potatoes are scattered directly on the ground in a pile of up to 1.5 meters. So that it does not freeze from the ground, you need to make a wooden pallet or a pallet of straw and burlap.

In the basement

The basement is great for storing potatoes, as it keeps the temperature and is well ventilated. It must be dry and clean. Before introducing the tubers, the walls of the basement must be whitewashed: for 10 liters of water, 2 kg of slaked lime and 200 g of copper sulfate. After disinfection, the basement must be dried well.

In a special vegetable pit

A vegetable pit is built separately from a residential private house, digs about 1.7 m and is well insulated. Pallets, shelves and storage boxes are installed in the pit. In a properly organized pit, potatoes are perfectly preserved, do not rot and do not get sick.

In a box on the balcony

The most common way to store potatoes on the balcony is in a specially prepared insulated box. My parents have an electrically controlled box on their balcony. The apartment has a sensor that shows the temperature in the box, and if it rises or falls, it can be adjusted. It is very comfortable. These boxes are always on sale.

In the corridor and in the pantry in a special box

In the corridor, the temperature is always lower than in the apartment, so installing a potato storage box will be a good solution. Of course, you need to look at the potatoes for rottenness and disease, sort them out more often and prevent spoilage.

In the garage

A vegetable pit is usually built in the garage to store supplies for the winter. It keeps potatoes very well. In insulated garages, vegetables can be stored on specially installed shelves, or simply in bags, or in bulk on a pallet in the corner of the garage.

Storage of seed potatoes

The best medium-sized tubers are laid on the seeds, from under the bush, in which about 7-8 potatoes were collected, and 4 of them should be large. The peel of such tubers should be dense. To make it coarse before digging, it is necessary to mow the tops 2 weeks before harvesting.

The weight of the tubers should be at least 100 g, during the winter the tubers will “shrink” to 80-90 g.

You need to take a good look at the potatoes. Select tubers without rhizoctoniosis tubercles, rot spots, visible mechanical damage.

There is a “healing” period for seed potatoes: in order for the skin to become harder, stronger, rougher, the potatoes are kept in a ventilated, bright room for 2 weeks. During this time, he manages to get stronger and then perfectly withstands the winter storage period. We select the most beautiful and clean tubers and store them in wooden boxes with slatted sides and bottom. It’s good if the place allows you to put the tubers in one layer, if this is not possible, we lay them in layers and lay dry leaves of mountain ash, wormwood, gout between them (2 kg of dry grass per 100 kg of potatoes).

Seed potatoes must be sorted out 1-2 times during the winter. Remove perishable tubers and tubers with long shoots.


How to store chopped potatoes

Just put the chopped potatoes in water and refrigerate. So it will last for 3-4 hours and will not even darken at all.

I do this if I need to boil potatoes for the arrival of guests or my relatives, and then there will be no time to peel them.


Today we have analyzed the methods, places and necessary conditions for the best storage of potatoes. We learned what sub-zero temperatures the tubers can withstand. Now you know how to save your favorite vegetable in order to cook delicious, hot, healthy dishes from it in winter.

What are your favorite potato dishes? Tell us in the comments how you store potatoes and what dishes you cook from them. Check out the recipe section for soups, salads, and potato sauces.

Storing potatoes is a necessary process, as this food crop is the leader after cereals. There are thousands of varieties that can be grown in a variety of climates. In order to preserve the harvest for as long as possible, they choose methods: in the entrance, on the balcony, in the garage, etc., but the product is best preserved with a competent approach to arranging the place and following important recommendations.

To store potatoes at home, you need to properly prepare it. Potatoes can be successfully stored only if after digging they have spent several hours under the sun to dry. Ultraviolet rays are able to remove fungal-bacterial spores, which will prevent the formation of infection. Each tuber must be carefully shaken off the ground.

Sorting and sorting into fractions. Use a large one for food, a medium one for planting next year, and a small one for livestock feed.

Only healthy potatoes can be stored in the cellar in winter. Remove all diseased vegetables, but it is better to burn them, especially if late blight and other fungal diseases are affected.

  1. Before immersing the product in a chest for storing potatoes, carefully spray it with biological preparations in the form of phytosporin, bactofite, etc.
  2. Dry in a dark place.
  3. Fill the container only to the allowable volume, so that later it would be convenient to sort out and remove damaged tubers.

Potato storage conditions

It is permissible to store potatoes at a positive temperature, but not more than +5, at an air humidity of 80-90%. Accordingly, it is possible to store potatoes on the balcony in winter only if it is insulated and waterproofing is present. Otherwise, vegetables quickly:

  • get cold;
  • acquire flabbiness;
  • will sprout.

With the right approach and the right temperature, you can store potatoes almost until spring. She will stay strong, whole and healthy.

Keeping potatoes in the refrigerator or making a potato box with your own hands is a personal matter for everyone, but how to keep a potato crop depends directly on the place and method.

room or hallway

You can save potatoes without a cellar in this way, but you will need additional space in the apartment. As a container, use boxes made by yourself. It is better to choose a corridor, since there the temperature for storing potatoes in winter is more optimal than indoors.


  • temperature changes;
  • short shelf life;
  • low security;
  • conflict with neighbors on the site.


The temperature in the cellar for storing potatoes is considered ideal, and this method is more often chosen by Russian and other citizens. The advantage is the maintenance of a constant and necessary level of humidity and air temperature. Excluded hit of ultraviolet rays, contributing to the production of corned beef.


Before harvesting, the premises must be treated 2 times with saline and lime mortar.

Use boxes made of plastic or wood as storage containers. There should be 4-6 cm slits in the bottom to allow breathability. The container is also treated, only with a solution of manganese, after which thorough drying is needed. It is permissible to store vegetables in boxes without lids, but they must be immersed to a depth of 1.5 m. If there is high humidity in the cellar, then it is better to make the floor from beams, floorboards and sawdust.

Kitchen or pantry

Storing potatoes in the refrigerator is mostly temporary, and if you prepare the space in the kitchen, you can accommodate a large batch that will be consumed recently. The microclimate of the dwelling is not suitable for such a crop during its storage, and therefore, a well-ventilated, preferably not heated and dark pantry is used. There are many design ideas for arranging such a functional place in the house, without affecting the main area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe apartment.

Many people think about whether it is possible to store potatoes in the refrigerator, especially those who have neither a pantry, nor a garage, nor a cellar. In this case, only a small amount can be taken for storage, and you need:

  • choose the right container;
  • provide a competent neighborhood;
  • take care of regular inspection to avoid rotting and mold formation.


It is permissible to store potatoes on the balcony in winter, for which it is similar to make or buy boxes. Products can be of two types - nesting dolls, in which the difference in wall height can be 5-7 cm. Fill the remaining space:

  • sawdust;
  • styrofoam or other material capable of absorbing moisture.

At containers should have a double, insulated lid to prevent damage to the crop from a sharp temperature drop or leakage from neighbors.

Types of containers for laying potatoes for storage

Each person can store potatoes at home, but you need to take care of the preparation of containers, inspect the potato storage. A wooden potato crate is the best option. Planks should be knocked down with gaps between the canvases. Top cover is not needed. The optimal capacity is 10-12 kg.

Such containers are easy to carry and sort out. A box for storing potatoes on a balcony in winter or in a cellar is located so that there is a free space of about 35 cm near the walls and bottom. Separate the container for storing potatoes from the top of the next block by 15 cm.

It is forbidden to lay close to the ceiling, as a distance of 60 cm must remain. You can properly store potatoes and periodically sort them out in mesh bags. They:

  • durable;
  • breathable.


If there is a possibility of the formation of rodents, then replace the potato box on the balcony with mesh containers in which there are small cells. The bottom should be raised above the floor surface. In rare cases, the product is stored in metal barrels, which are covered with a mesh on top.

How to increase the shelf life

To store potatoes in the winter, you need to create special conditions and follow the recommendations of experts. This will help prolong the period of maintenance of optimal condition.

  1. Lay each layer of potatoes with dried plants, such as ferns or wormwood.
  2. It is permissible to make a shift with the help of pine and spruce branches.
  3. To reduce the risk of rotting, sprinkle the tubers with finely grated garlic. Enough 100 g per 100 kg.
  4. Harvest should be stored in a dark room. Constant contact with the rays of light will cause the production of solanine, the use of which is fraught with serious poisoning or even death.
  5. The optimum temperature level is +3+5C. If the indicator is exceeded, the storage of potatoes in the cellar is reduced to 3 months.

At too low a temperature, the root crop acquires a sweet taste, begins to rot from the inside. Low humidity, less than 80% contributes to a change in the structure and leads to flabbiness.

What varieties of potatoes store best

So that and not only, you can choose any varieties, but they will have different terms. For two months, it is permissible to store medium-early and mid-ripening potatoes.

  1. Aurora.
  2. Rococo.
  3. Ket.
  4. Pirol.

To store potatoes in an apartment until spring, a medium-late and late-ripening variety is suitable. For example:

  • Gatchina;
  • Atlant;
  • Asterix;
  • Kolobok, etc.

In addition, how to properly store potatoes in the cellar depends on the climatic conditions of the region, the degree of readiness of the premises for the location of the crop in it and its quality.

Possible mistakes

It is simply impossible to store potatoes in an apartment in the winter without knowing the rules of keeping. The most important thing is to choose the right variety. An early ripe tuber will not be able to lie in perfect condition until spring, even if you correctly follow the recommendations of specialists. Such vegetables will last at best until November, no more. There are a number of mistakes that those who buy or prepare a large amount of potatoes for the winter make:

  1. Selected raw material of poor quality. The product must be healthy, carefully sorted and dry.
  2. Placement is done separately from other vegetable crops. When in the vicinity of beets, moisture is absorbed by the latter type, which is the prevention of fungus, mold and rot.
  3. It requires maintaining a special level of temperature and moisture. The temperature can withstand potatoes not lower than + 2C.
  4. It is strictly forbidden to skip sorting the product in preparation for wintering. It is necessary to eliminate tubers that are affected by disease, fungus and similar problems.
  5. It is not advisable to keep raw materials in bags. Thus, it is impossible to constantly sort out vegetables in order to detect low-quality potatoes.


When carrying out control sorting, not only the affected tubers are subject to removal, but also those that were in contact with them. The formation of a putrid odor and rot leads to the attraction of small flies.