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The rat is tame. Good rat

Large rodents from night dreams are a symbol of betrayal, betrayal or lies. This information will help to more accurately determine why a woman dreams of rats. Only in rare cases do they become positive harbingers.

According to many modern dream books, a rat promises many unpleasant minutes for the sleeping person. Miller’s work notes that an animal that appears in night dreams becomes a harbinger of minor quarrels or conflicts. They will not occur with close people, but, for example, with colleagues, neighbors, friends or just random passers-by. The incident could even lead to a fight.

According to Vanga’s dream book, the fair sex is told by rats from a dream that the husband has begun to look to the side. Treason has already occurred or will happen in the very near future. The plot of the dream in some cases suggests how the situation will be resolved. If the rat ends up being killed by the woman herself or by someone else, then the outcome will be positive. The wisdom and calmness of the sleeping woman will allow her to show herself worthily and return her husband to the family.

According to Tsvetkov’s dream book, aggressive biting rats foreshadow unpleasant gossip from distant relatives. They can negatively affect a woman’s reputation as a whole.

Black, white rat

When interpreting a dream, you need to pay attention not only to its main plot, but also to small details, for example, the color of the rats you saw.

  • The black rodent is considered to be a symbol of a dangerous bloodthirsty enemy. Seeing a rat of this color in your dream is a very bad sign. The dream book suggests that you need to be more careful when choosing people for your immediate circle. The sleeper is too trusting and naive, which can lead to serious troubles in the future. Also, a black rat often symbolizes the negative attitude of his relatives towards the dreamer.
  • The white rat from a dream is an ambiguous symbol. It can mean both kindness and pure thoughts, as well as loneliness and internal discomfort. If a snow-white rodent speaks in a human voice in a dream, such a guest can be considered a harbinger of ill-gotten gains. A tiny mouse of the indicated color suggests that you should get rid of your own fears and doubts. You can confidently move forward without fearing anything.

If a man dreamed of a rat of bright unnatural color, then in reality the person will have the opportunity to win a game of chance or a lottery. It's time to go get your lucky ticket.

Rats in large numbers

If a lot of rats appear in a dream and run to one place from different directions, this is a good sign. This plot foretells financial well-being for a man or woman. You also need to consider what the sleeper does in real life. If it is a business, then in the near future you can expect a profitable commercial deal that will significantly increase a person’s income.

But dreams of a fighting pack of rats have a different interpretation. For housewives, it promises a serious quarrel with their spouse or members of his family. For the rest of the sleepers, conflicts with colleagues at work.

Seeing a dead rat in a dream

This dream plot can be called one of the most unpleasant. But it does not foretell anything bad for the sleeping person. On the contrary, a dead rodent suggests that soon the series of troubles in the dreamer’s life will finally end. All problems will be resolved by themselves or with the help of some outsider. The sleeper himself will not need to spend time and effort on this process.

Sometimes dead animals symbolize reconciliation with enemies. Perhaps well-wishers will decide to end the long-standing feud or simply leave the dreamer alone.

Why do you dream of a rat that bites?

For women, an aggressive rodent that tries to bite her in a dream is a symbol of separation from her soulmate. Trouble will happen that will lead to disappointment in the man nearby. The ideal image will instantly crumble, and the girl will see the true face of her chosen one, which she will not like.

A woman in a dream caught, poisoned, killed a rat - meaning

If a representative of the fair sex kills a rat in cold blood in her dream, this is a wonderful sign for her. This means that in real life a woman will be able to defeat her rival. If the lover of the sleeping woman has left for another girl, after such a vision you can be sure that he will soon return and recognize the superiority of the abandoned partner.

If a woman poisons rodents in her dream and sees a large number of corpses, perhaps she has entered into an active struggle with competitors at work. The main thing is not to forget that you shouldn’t go overboard to get a promotion.

Catching a rat in a dream with your bare hands means getting a unique chance in reality to change your life for the better. It is very important not to miss it.

Seeing a rat in a dream during pregnancy

The tailed guests in the dreams of expectant mothers are especially frightening. If a woman is very afraid of the rodents being discussed in real life, and they appear in her dreams, such stories are unlikely to require special interpretation. In this way, the girl’s fears are simply expressed, which become aggravated in an “interesting situation.” You just need to try to forget about the unpleasant dream as soon as possible and not worry about it.

If in a dream a rat bites the stomach of a pregnant woman, such a plot warns the sleeping woman that she needs to visit a doctor in the near future and make sure that there are no problems with the child’s health.

It happens that the expectant mother strokes a huge tailed rat in her sleep. This means that in reality someone is jealous of her position. If you can determine who exactly it is, it’s worth excluding the person from your immediate circle of friends so as not to be once again nervous about his caustic phrases. Sometimes in the very plot of a night vision there are obvious clues pointing to an envious person.

Domestic tame rat

A tame rat that appears in a dream is a very ambiguous symbol. To interpret it correctly, you will need to take into account all the details and details that you can remember, even the smallest and insignificant at first glance.

If a rat sitting in your arms is covered with prickly, unpleasant hair, you should carefully analyze the behavior of the people in your immediate circle. There is a high probability that among them there is a person who communicates with the sleeping person solely for his own selfish purposes. It needs to be identified as soon as possible and communication stopped. Otherwise, such a “friendship” will end in severe disappointment.

But a gentle, soft rodent living in the dreamer’s house, on the contrary, is a positive harbinger. It can predict both financial well-being for the family and its imminent addition.

If the dreamer accidentally kills a tame rat, he will probably miss the opportunity to improve his financial situation in real life. A warning dream will help you notice an opportunity and take advantage of it in time.

Slavic interpreters are accustomed to interpreting dreams about a rat as a warning about troubles, illnesses and other bad events. But eastern oracles consider this rodent a symbol of wisdom and prudence. To get accurate explanations of what a domestic rat is dreaming of, it is worth considering all the details seen in the dream, using the interpretations of various dream books, both by country of origin and by time era.

Miller's Dream Book

The dream book of the American Gustav Miller assures that seeing a pet rat in a dream is a sign that you are surrounded by enemies and envious people. Moreover, the fact that the animal in the dream was a pet is a signal that one should look for enemies among one’s own.

Killing a rat in a dream is a sign of satisfying your own ambitions through evil and violence. It’s unlikely that those around you will forgive you for this, and it’s not even worth talking about increasing your authority. Think about this, the interpreter advises.

Trouble period

If you dreamed that you were catching a pet rat, which in a dream had escaped from a laboratory cage where they were going to experiment on it, then this means that your incompetence in some matters will cause you trouble.

And when explaining why you dream of a rodent escaping from your house, remember how you reacted to its disappearance. If you are alarmed and upset, this means that you yourself will be the culprit of your problems.

And if you are not touched in any way by the flight of a tame rat, then, according to the dream books, this is a sign of a callous soul, which will lead to quarrels with loved ones.

Don't worry, everything will work out the way you want

The dream book of the Chinese Emperor will please you with its interpretation of the dream. According to this oracle, seeing a white domestic rat basking in the rays of light in a dream is a sign of a lucky coincidence.

Did you dream that you were holding, petting or feeding a white rodent with a long tail? Thanks to your own wisdom and ability to compare facts, you can win the favor of any person, even the most harmful.

The Eastern dream book gives an equally rosy forecast: if you dreamed that you bought a white rat or caught it in the wild and tamed it, expect to meet a very important and influential person.

Pay attention to children's problems

When deciphering what a pet rat and baby rats dream about, Pastor Loff’s dream book recommends turning your attention to your household, and especially to children.

Do you see how the little rats frolic with each other? Your support will help children overcome their fears and uncertainty in difficult situations. And if little rats bit their own mother or each other in a dream, then you should take the initiative into your own hands and solve all the children’s problems yourself.

From success to irresponsibility

If you dreamed of a pet rat, then here’s what else the dream books advise you to remember: firstly, where did it come from, and secondly, what emotions did it evoke. So, this is what the following stories are about.

Seeing rats in a dream means the appearance of secret enemies that are not so easy to get rid of.

Huge, impudent rats running around the house in reality foreshadow family troubles and insincerity of friends, business discord and losses.

If in a dream you set a trap for rats, it means that in reality you will become aware of the intentions of your enemies.

A rat caught in a trap foreshadows a robbery of an apartment or a scandal with neighbors.

Kill a rat - get rid of slander and rivalry.

A dead rat means a contagious disease. To drive rats out of the room, wielding a poker or something of the like, is a struggle with varying success and disastrous results.

If you are afraid of rats in a dream, in reality you will end up in an unpleasant situation and be falsely accused.

To grab a rat with your hands - you will experience disgust for a low, vile person.

Seeing a cat catching a rat means you will receive life-saving support in time.

If a cat eats a rat before your eyes, you will witness an unpleasant family scene in the house of your friends.

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Interpretation alphabetically

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Dream Interpretation - Rat

Rats in a dream are dangerous enemies. They can also mean our loved ones who cause us constant trouble and grief.

Killing a rat in a dream is a symbol of victory over an enemy or troubles. Such a dream also means that you are intolerant of human weaknesses and will not put up with meanness, cowardice, and hypocrisy.

Petting a rat in a dream is a harbinger of trouble from a person whom you considered your friend and whom you trusted. A white rat in a dream is your hidden enemy.

See interpretation: animals, beasts.

Skinning it in a dream means that you will be able to outwit an insidious enemy and profit at his expense. The main thing is that the skin does not tear during sleep, because this is the most valuable thing a rat has.

Interpretation of dreams from





Why do we dream about rats? After all, dreams have long served as a source of information for us that, while awake, we are not able to perceive through consciousness. Signs and symbols from dreams can say a lot. The main thing is to learn to interpret them.

Minor troubles

If you dream of rats, then these are minor troubles, gossip, intrigues, annoying mistakes, missteps both in your personal life and in creativity, work, career. Another meaning is illnesses, both large and insignificant.

A young woman's dream of a mouse may mean that she has secret ill-wishers. Someone is deceiving her or she will face the ingratitude of friends and relatives. Seeing rodents in your dress means you will soon become the central figure of a scandal.

Rodents also symbolize the shadow side of the dreamer’s personality, those qualities that he does not accept in himself and which he wants to get rid of.

Mice often mean an abundance of household chores and household worries.

Huge size

White rat to all the best

Usually a rat has a negative meaning, a white rodent is a symbol of all the best, wealth, love, health, prosperity.

If there are a lot of white rodents, wealth and prosperity will fall on you.

This is the road to the treasure, help that came from a completely unexpected direction. You definitely need to reconsider your attitude towards the people around you. You have a completely wrong opinion about them.

The white rat has a negative meaning. Usually it symbolizes female meanness and envy. A friend, neighbor, colleague who outwardly wins you over is plotting against you.

A large gray rat means deceit

More often it means a forged woman. She may be emphatically and even deliberately friendly and sympathetic with you, but beware, because behind the mask you may not see your enemy.

The gray rodent is a person who is ready to achieve his goals at any cost. She can talk about both betrayal towards you and your betrayal.

Black - unfortunately

The most common interpretation is, of course, troubles and misfortunes. This may mean fear of dirt, illness, latent sin. A dream with a black rat can be seen by a dreamer who is tormented by the hardships of a moral choice. A black rodent may reflect fear of internal, external pollution.

A black rat can mean a strong enemy who is ready to do anything to annoy you. Such a dream will warn you that you do not see this character in your environment.

Bites - to gossip and squabbles

You can expect quarrels with relatives, colleagues or friends. If a rodent bites your leg, then someone is gossiping behind your back. If he bites someone he knows, he may become seriously ill. If you drive away the bitten one, then you will become a winner in any situation.

A bite on the finger means that a critical situation has many opportunities for you, and with some effort, you can emerge victorious from the situation and achieve your goals.

You need to run with the fleeing rats

It’s better to move to another city at least temporarily. If you can’t leave for good, then at least go on vacation or visit.

If the rat ran away from you, then you will struggle with circumstances and will not be able to overcome them.

Dead - to victory

You will cope with troubles. Often such a dream suggests that troubles will somehow resolve on their own and pass by. Unexpected help will come to you from somewhere. If the rodent does not have a tail, then the meaning of the dream will be the same as in the case of a dead rat.

Interestingly, the darker the color of the rodent's coat, the more significant your triumph will be. A black dead rat can mean real celebration. The larger it is, the correspondingly, the successes will be greater and more significant.

This can symbolize victory over enemies, overcoming one’s own weaknesses, fears, and complexes.

Dead - symbolizes your triumph

You will triumph over the petty human deeds, the baseness, the meanness of others. Truth and justice will prevail, you will rise to the occasion.

Killing a rat in a dream brings prosperity

Thanks to your will and character, you will be able to overcome all troubles, troubles and remain a winner in any situation, no matter how difficult it may be.

Murder can also mean victory over one’s own negative thoughts, complexes, and negative qualities. The dream may indicate that you will come out of a depressed state with dignity and give vent to dark thoughts and feelings.

Why do you dream about a tame rat?

Most likely, there is a hypocrite in your circle who is nice to you. You consider him your friend and a sweet person, but be careful.

Rats and cats together in a dream

Usually cats in a dream mean the same thing as rats. These are hypocritical friends, people from your circle. If a cat eats a rodent, bites it, runs after it, then your problems will be solved by themselves.
If cats and rats do not touch each other, you should be on your guard, because in your environment there are hypocritical and insidious individuals who look different, but their essence is completely identical.

Dream Interpretation domestic rat

Even in ancient times, living beings who came in dreams were considered guides to other worlds. They could transmit information from spirits and guide a person in a dream to unknown dimensions. But such dreams are extremely rare, and rats appear in night dreams much more often. Are they really endowed with the same properties? As a rule, yes, but it is difficult for a person to perceive an a priori negative image as an assistant or guide.

It is quite difficult to understand what domestic rats come to in their dreams. After all, on the one hand, this is a characteristic of personal negative character traits (cowardice, deceit and sycophancy). On the other hand, it is a sign of the possibility of acquiring significant material wealth. After all, rats in poverty cannot feed themselves.

If the dreamer in reality has a pet rat, then you should not think about why this animal appeared in your night dreams. Chances are you are very concerned about your pet's health. Or are you planning any changes in the diet or living conditions of your beloved rodent. Do not worry or think about negative interpretations of sleep.

But for those who do not have such a rodent at home, it is important to understand why this animal can be dreamed of. To do this, it is worth analyzing the following points:

What does the dream mean?

In order to understand what rats come to in a dream, you need to analyze several interpretations from different angles, and metaphorically transfer them to the realities of everyday life. Only in this case will it be possible to obtain a comprehensive interpretation, which will certainly help to make the right decision if it becomes necessary in the near future.

Rats from dreams often frighten rather than bring positive emotions. But there are dreams in which the rodent is imprisoned in a cage or behaves like a pet. It is these night dreams that are the most difficult to understand.

What did the rat look like?

The very first and simplest analysis of such a dream should begin with the appearance of the animal. She will tell you what exactly the subconscious is trying to suggest: it is trying to draw the dreamer’s attention inward, to his own shortcomings, or outwardly - not relationships with people around him.

If you dream of funny rats, which you describe with diminutive words, with a smile on their lips, then this is an image of your essence. Especially if in reality you don’t like rats. It is also worth paying attention to the general characteristics between you and the rat: skinny or plump, light or dark, nimble or lazy.

Based on this, it is already clear what rodents with a repulsive appearance come to in a dream. This is communication with people around you, and their insidious plans against you. The external image is frightening, and other than “vile creature” there are no other words to describe it.


The color of a dreamed rat is one of the first criteria for dream analysis. Thus, it is believed that white rodents are dreamed of before the appearance of wealth. And black is a sign of the influence of otherworldly forces on the dreamer.

What was the color of the fur?

There is another interpretation - they mean people who have direct or indirect influence on your destiny.

  • I dreamed of a white rat - a gray-haired authoritative man. If a white rat sits at the table with you, it is the eldest member of your family. A good white mouse in a cage - you can expect only wise advice from a person, but he will not be able to act. A pet white rat is someone you trust immensely, especially if it sits on your shoulder.
  • Black is an enemy who occupies a serious position in society. A powerful man, he can make decisions, and your fate will depend on them
  • In dreams, red rats are people of a certain community who methodically impose their ideals on others. If she is alone, it means she is the brightest person from your environment.
  • If you dreamed of a gray one, the quietest and most modest person from your circle will turn out to be a hypocritical traitor, warns the White Magician’s dream book.


To analyze why such rodents are dreamed of, it is very important to remember their size. It speaks about the strength and capabilities of your opponent.

If you dreamed of a very small rat, which is almost impossible to distinguish from a mouse, it means that you will have to go through a series of minor troubles and minor difficulties. You will easily overcome them and only after everything you have experienced will you learn that this is the work of a certain person.

I dream of a huge fat rodent - a mercantile person. This is the person who will be ready to sell herself, and not just the dreamer, for money. If you dreamed of a similar creature at the table stealing pieces from your plate, get ready for your bonus to go to the most petty and flattering employee.

Rodent behavior

It is the behavior of the animal that can indicate how others will interact with you.

If you dream of a friendly tame rat that willingly makes contact, this is a good sign. In the near future you will meet friendly and polite people who are ready to help at any time.

But if you dreamed of an aggressive, angry rat, this is bad. Even if she is caged. Among your colleagues there is a person who is ready to do almost anything to harm you.

Friendly attitude

Many people believe that rats are the smartest creatures. And the Chinese dream book considers this animal a symbol of prosperity and the acquisition of untold riches. Such ambiguity of the image makes one think deeply about why this rodent is dreamed of.

  • I dreamed of a peaceful white rat - expect good news, says the modern dream book. If the cat chased her away - receiving an inheritance.
  • If you dream that you offer your palm to her and she sits on hers, thanks to high ideals and moral fortitude you will be able to turn your enemies into friends.
  • A black rodent tickles your ear - you will receive alarming news. If you dream that your ear is tickled by a white one, you can rely on the advice of a wise person.

Aggressive behavior

Was the animal good or evil?

If you dream of an aggressive white individual, be sure that your enemy will have enough wisdom and experience to harm you very much. And if you dreamed of an evil black one, be prepared to listen to criticism addressed to you with dignity. Your negative character traits will play a cruel joke on you - you can be humiliated in front of all your colleagues if you do not immediately begin to eradicate the shortcomings that harm your loved ones and acquaintances.

  • You dream that a black animal is looking intently into your eyes and is about to bite you - this is a projection of the dark side of the soul, explains the ancient dream book of the Slavs. You have pettiness, envy, and cowardice. You should devote time to self-development.
  • A white rat tries to bite your finger - you will soon meet love. The dream book does not yet reveal all the information - whether this is true love, deep or fleeting, but the sensations of this novel will leave their traces on the soul for life.
  • If you dream of hordes of rats in the house who are going to attack you en masse, you will find yourself in a very difficult situation when you will have to prove your case to a large number of people, which will make you very sad.
  • You dreamed of an individual trying to gnaw your neck - someone literally wants to cut off your oxygen. Be careful if it was a pet rat - look among family members and friends entering the house.


If you dream that you are interacting with a rodent in some way, this is a sign that you are ready not only to listen, but also to actively influence the events that take place. Often such dreams become symbolic, and the animal from them symbolizes an experienced friend or worthy helper.

  • Dreaming of a battle with a rat is a difficult rivalry with a two-faced person, warns the newest dream book. Perhaps in the near future you will face a lawsuit in which a person close to you will be the plaintiff, which will surprise you very much.
  • The white individual grabbed onto the clothes - to an unexpected acquaintance, says the ancient dream book.
  • Dreaming that you killed a rat with one blow is a great sign. You will be able to quickly dispel any doubts around your personality and thereby gain greater authority.
  • To get a pleasant feeling from communicating with a rodent - everything you strive for is achievable, says the dream book from A to Z. You just need to work hard and make profitable contacts. You should trust your inner instinct - it will definitely not let you down.

Own feelings

To analyze such a dream, you also need to remember your own sensations and feelings immediately after waking up. Such an individual interpretation will help not only to understand oneself, but also to help solve problems that may arise in the near future with others.

If you are willing to make contact with an animal and enjoy it, you will face difficult trials, during which you will need to learn to trust people. If you do everything correctly, you will move on to the next stage of development.

Quickly rebuff an impudent individual - you will be able to find a non-standard way out of a deadlock situation, says the esoteric dream book.

A protracted fight for food (the rat persistently climbs into the plate and bites your hand) is a long and tiring rivalry for power.

To be afraid of an attack from behind means you will have to feel the bitterness of betrayal, warns the family dream book.