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Elephant and Moska (They took an Elephant through the streets...). Elephant and Pug (They took the Elephant through the streets...) Apparently the pug is strong and barks at the elephant

Surprisingly, one of the most famous fables of the poet, fabulist and publicist Ivan Andreevich Krylov, “The Elephant and the Pug,” turned 210 years old last year! The reader first became acquainted with this sarcastic story in the Dramatic Messenger magazine. Having survived many reprints, publications, film adaptations and dubbing, the fable has firmly entered school textbooks, being loved by children and adults. In addition, the colorful lines of the comic work grew into famous quotes, such as “They led an Elephant through the streets” and “The pug, nobility, is strong, because he barks at an elephant.”

The plot of the fable is not original - Krylov was clearly inspired by the parable “The Mouse and the Elephant” by Alexander Petrovich Sumorokov.
One day they began to lead an Elephant through the city streets. Of course, the strange overseas animal aroused great interest among the public. Onlookers-townspeople followed the large unusual beast, looking at it with interest. But suddenly a small dog, Moska, rushed at the Elephant with a loud, piercing bark. The dog's name seems to emphasize its small, insignificant size.

The dog barks, getting more excited, but the Elephant remains unperturbed. A passing dog (the author does not give her a nickname, simply indicating her mongrel nature - mongrel) is surprised and asks Moska why she is wasting her energy, since the elephant does not even react to her barking. To which the little dog ingenuously replies that he wants to be known as a bully. After all, nothing will need to be done for this: everyone around will see that she is throwing herself at the Elephant, such a huge unusual animal that everyone will probably think how brave and strong she is.

Instructive Context

A small fable, as usual, gives rise to many instructive subtexts, which open up and acquire philosophical thoughts as soon as you begin to think more deeply about this sweet fairy tale.

Moral #1. Of course, through animal heroes, Krylov addressed people and their vices. Unfortunately, very often worthless, small-hearted people want to appear better, more formidable, more significant, using external noise for this - attacking others, developing violent, but stupid, meaningless activities. At the same time, it is good if smart, proud people, whom the Elephant personifies, have the wisdom not to pay any attention to these attempts.

Moral #2. Not possessing special moral and human qualities, while realizing their own insignificance, others gravitate at least to the fact that they outwardly correspond to the chosen image. And the ways to achieve this goal are not important, even if it is empty attacks on another opponent.

Moral #3. Some researchers believe that the most important thing here is to ridicule how often people attach importance to the opinions of the surrounding society. What they think of you is much more important than what you really are.

Moral #4. Unexpected. There is also a directly opposite opinion on this ironic story. This version of deciphering morality is not so popular, but it is still worth mentioning for the sake of fairness. The pug is not a negative hero, but on the contrary: the brave dog was not afraid to challenge the big animal. Her chances of winning a fight with an Elephant are zero, but by boldly entering into a fight with him, she demonstrates pride and courage.

As you can see, everyone finds in the fable what they want to find: someone condemns bragging and empty boasting, someone sees antagonists in the heroes, personifying wisdom and stupidity, and someone praises Moska for his despair.

This is how, in a short form, a simple plot and through rather nice characters, Krylov was able to expose several vices of society at once, which, unfortunately, will be eternal because they are firmly embedded in human nature.

Elephant and Pug drawing

Fable Elephant and Pug read text by Ivan Krylov

They led an Elephant through the streets,
Apparently, for show.
It is known that Elephants are a curiosity among us,
So crowds of onlookers followed the Elephant.
No matter what, Moska will meet them.
When you see an Elephant, well, rush at it,
And bark, and squeal, and tear;
Well, he gets into a fight with him.
“Neighbor, stop being ashamed,”
Shavka says to her, “Should you bother with the Elephant?”
Look, you’re already wheezing, and he’s walking along
And he doesn’t notice your barking at all. -
“Eh, eh!” - Moska answers her, -
This is what gives me spirit,
What am I, without a fight at all,
I can get into big bullies.
Let the dogs say:
"Ay, Moska! know, she is strong,
What barks at the Elephant!

Moral of the fable Elephant and Pug

When trying to figure out the moral of the fable, many people have differing opinions. Some look at the fable directly, while others find hidden meaning in it. On the one hand, you can look and say that Moska is really brave, that with her actions she is trying to scare the elephant.

If you look from the other side, you can see that all this is being done for show. By taking some actions or deeds, you can create any opinion of people, in this case dogs, about yourself. Everyone sees the morality they want to see. Someone looks straight, but someone who acts the same as Moska sees a hidden meaning here.

Moral in your own words, the main idea and meaning of the fable The Elephant and the Pug

Sometimes it is enough just to appear brave and strong, and not to be.

Analysis of the fable Elephant and Moska

Krylov’s fable “The Elephant and the Pug” tells the story of an elephant being led through the city and a dog barking at it. Another dog tells her that the elephant does not react in any way to her barking, Moska replies that in this way her authority increases in the eyes of other dogs, because barking at him she looks fearless.

Moska is the main character of this fable, since she is the only one who has a nickname. It symbolizes people who constantly advertise themselves to someone for show. The efforts to scare the elephant are not directed at him at all. This whole game is more intended for the surrounding dogs, who would respect her if they saw her barking at a big elephant. It is enough for her to simply give the impression of a brave and strong dog. The elephant will not have any reaction to her, but in this way she will achieve her goal. After all, after this she will be in authority with other dogs.

This often happens with people. By doing something for show, sometimes they actually achieve their goals. Krylov, on the one hand, was able to show how ridiculous her efforts to scare the elephant were, but on the other hand, he showed how stupid the dogs around her were. They mistake her cunning actions to gain their respect as a way to simply scare the elephant.

The main characters of the fable (characters) by Ivan Krylov


The swan rushes into the sky, not realizing that he alone cannot lift the cart.


Big and strong, does not notice the small Moska at all


Says an outsider's opinion.

Winged expressions that came from the fable Elephant and Moska

  • Know that she is strong, that she barks at the Elephant

Listen to Krylov's fable Elephant and Moska

Main characters:

  1. Moska. Little feisty dog. She barks loudly, gets cocky, pretends to be brave. Really a big coward.
  2. Mongrel. Intelligent dog.
  3. Elephant. Huge and imperturbable. He just doesn’t notice Moska.


An elephant was driven through the streets of the city to show the elephant to onlookers. A small dog, Moska, appeared from somewhere and began barking loudly at the elephant. She barks, but the elephant does not pay attention to her. Already some other dog turns to Moska and tells her to stop barking, because this makes the elephant neither warm nor cold. But Moska replies that this is exactly what she likes, because without any fight she can be considered a formidable bully. And that everyone around will speak with respect about the strength of Moska, who is not afraid to bark at an elephant.

Moral of the fable “The Elephant and the Pug.” It's easy to be considered brave if you bark at people who don't notice you at all.

Elephant and pug. Fable by I.A. Krylova. Film-strip

They led an Elephant through the streets,
Apparently, for show.
It is known that Elephants are a curiosity among us,
So crowds of onlookers followed the Elephant.
No matter what, Moska will meet them.
When you see an Elephant, well, rush at it,
And bark, and squeal, and tear;
Well, he gets into a fight with him.
“Neighbor, stop being ashamed,”
Shavka says to her, “Should you bother with the Elephant?”
Look, you’re already wheezing, and he’s walking along
And he doesn’t notice your barking at all. —
“Eh, eh! - Moska answers her, -
This is what gives me spirit,
What am I, without a fight at all,
I can get into big bullies.
Let the dogs say:
“Ay, Moska! know she's strong
What barks at the Elephant!

They led an Elephant through the streets,
Apparently, for show.
It is known that Elephants are a curiosity among us,
So crowds of onlookers followed the Elephant.
No matter what, Moska will meet them.
When you see an Elephant, well, rush at it,
And bark, and squeal, and tear;
Well, he gets into a fight with him.
“Neighbor, stop being ashamed,”
Shavka says to her, “Should you bother with the Elephant?”
Look, you’re already wheezing, and he’s walking along
And he doesn’t notice your barking at all. -
“Eh, eh!” - Moska answers her, -
This is what gives me spirit,
What am I, without a fight at all,
I can get into big bullies.
Let the dogs say:
"Ay, Moska! know, she is strong,
What barks at the Elephant!

Moral of the fable "The Elephant and the Pug"

The fable describes people who want to create hype and popularity by attacking another, often more authoritative person and making noise around themselves, and that there will always be an audience that will attract this.

The second component of the moral of the fable is this: often, when moving towards a cherished goal, we can encounter misunderstanding and condemnation, especially if we are determined to create something previously unfamiliar and new.

The wisest decision is not to be distracted by people who judge you and do not understand you, they can only bark, but will not bite, and do everything like the Elephant - persistently do what you plan.