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You definitely need to learn how to process cucumbers from diseases. How to process cucumbers in a greenhouse Cucumbers bear fruit than to sprinkle from the disease

Last time in the Smart Garden section, we told you how to grow cucumber seedlings at home. But after planting seedlings, cucumber weekdays begin, when diseases and pests attack our lovingly nurtured plants. Today our conversation is about how to protect cucumbers from diseases and get a high yield. There may be several reasons why cucumber leaves turn yellow.

  1. Too little, too much or wrong frequency of watering. Insufficiently fertilized soil. Lack of fertilizing.

As a result, plants weaken, immunity and resistance to various kinds of fungi and pests decrease. There are effective folk recipes for processing cucumber tops that prevent yellowing.

Recipes for processing cucumbers and protecting against diseases

1. After the emergence of the culture and the appearance of 3-4 leaves, you can start processing with the following composition: 30 drops of iodine per bucket of clean water, a liter of milk and 20-30 grams of soap. Such spraying is recommended to be done every 10 days.2.

Soak the roll in a bucket of water for 12 hours (you can do it in the evening), knead the bread thoroughly, add the contents of a small vial of iodine. Pour the resulting solution into glass bottles, cork and store in a basement or other cool place.

Once every two weeks, treat cucumbers with a solution of this mixture at a concentration of 1 liter of the composition per bucket of water. With regular spraying, the tops will remain green until autumn.3. For 5 liters of water, take a liter of whey.

Treat cucumber leaves with a solution from all sides.4. In order for the ovary to reappear on cucumbers and peppers, you need to pour 2 liters of whey into a bucket of water and dissolve 150 grams of sugar.5.

Onion husk (can volume 0.7 l) pour 10 liters of water, boil for 1 minute, cover and let it brew for 12-15 hours. After the liquid, strain, squeeze the pomace, let it settle properly.

Pour 2 liters of infusion into 8 liters of water and treat the plants with high quality and abundantly from all sides, spray and pour the soil with a solution. Please note that when watering it is advisable not to spray drops on the tops of cucumbers, as in the hot sun this can lead to leaf burns. At least once a week, you should loosen the pressed earth under the plants.

Watering with very cold water is undesirable. Mila Nabogova, especially for Smart Tips Smart tips wish you a great harvest! And if there are a lot of cucumbers, use our recipes for blanks.

Diseases of cucumbers in a greenhouse - how to prevent and how to treat

26/11/2014author Natalia | no comments The main sources of any cucumber disease in a greenhouse can be seeds, soil, film, greenhouse structures. It is impossible to provide full protection of plants without preventive measures, complex application of biological and chemical means of protection. In this article, we will get acquainted with biological products that will protect our cucumbers in the greenhouse from diseases, the rules for tillage, seeds, greenhouses to protect plants from diseases.

Greenhouse processing after harvest

Plant health and prevention from any disease of cucumbers in the greenhouse in the next season must be taken care of in advance - when plants are eliminated in the previous turnover. preparations, insecticides (for example, Bayleton + Farmayod-3 + Aktellik) or use “Climate” or “Fas” checkers for disinfection at the rate of 1 checker per 10-20 m3 of greenhouse. Are they thrown out in any case? Liquidation treatment is necessary to destroy the hotbed of diseases, pests, which in the next turnover or season will find a way to “fly” into the greenhouses for new plantings. disinfectant Farmayod-3 (100-200 ml per 10 liters of water). Processing semi-dried cucumber plants, disinfecting structures, cleaning plant residues will save significant funds that can be spent on treating plants next season.

Preparation of cucumber seeds for sowing seedlings

Very often, untreated seeds are the source of infections that spread rapidly in the soil. The consequences of the development of some seed infections can manifest themselves in the process of growth and development of cucumbers: withering of plants, spots on leaves, fruits, general loss of yield. In creating a barrier and counteracting the development of pathogens, seed treatment of cucumbers with Alirin-B + Gamair biological preparations shows high efficiency (Table 5). + 5 tablets per 1 liter of water).

Growing seedlings

Healthy, strong seedlings are a very important stage for the formation of a good crop of cucumbers. Since pathogens of plants are present in any substrate, in order to create conditions for normal starting development, before sowing, it is necessary to add 1 tablet of Glyokladin - a biofungicide based on the Trichoderma fungus. Simultaneously with the growth of the root, the “cobwebs” of the mycelium of the fungus will begin to grow, which will gradually fill the entire volume of the seedling pot and displace the pathogens. Approximately 5-7 days will pass after this - water the seedlings with a solution of Alirin-B + Gamair preparations (2 tablets + 2 tablets per 10 liters of water) at the rate of 30-40 ml of the finished solution per 1 seedling pot. Use of a complex of biological products at the growing stage seedlings is a reliable means of preventing and treating cucumber diseases, primarily root rot.

Soil preparation before planting seedlings

The soil in the greenhouse is capable of accumulating a colossal number of pathogens. Soil disinfection is perhaps the most difficult, expensive step in the prevention and protection of future crops, but soil preparation measures pay off by reducing pesticide treatments during the rotation and by increasing overall yield. To disinfect the soil before planting, you can irrigate the soil with a solution of the following preparations: Pharmaiod-3 (100 ml per 10 l of water) or 5-10% hydrogen peroxide (0.5-1 l per 10 l of water).

The consumption of the working solution of preparations is 1-2 l / m2. After disinfection of the soil, it is necessary to fill the space free from pathogens with useful soil microflora. 1-3 days before planting seedlings, Trichocin, SP is applied at the rate of 30 g per 500 m2. The drug is applied by spraying or watering the soil (it is possible with the help of drip irrigation), followed by soil cultivation with a manual cultivator or walk-behind tractor (if the greenhouse is large) to a depth of 15-20 cm. The drug is quickly distributed through the capillaries throughout the beds. Active growth of the soil fungus Trichoderma contributes to the filling of free space, leaving no room for the development of soil pathogens of plant diseases.

Prevention of diseases of cucumbers and their protection during the growing season

Preventive measures to protect the cucumber from the main fungal, bacterial diseases begin from the moment the seedlings are planted. Planting seedlings in a permanent place is the strongest stress for plants caused by a sharp change in conditions. Any stress leads to a decrease in the plants' own immunity - at this moment they are most vulnerable, prone to infection by pathogens. To prevent infection, increase immunity, it is recommended to water the plants during or after planting with a mixture of Alirin-B + Gamair preparations (Table 2 + 2 table per 10 l of water) at a flow rate of a working solution of 10 l per 10 m2. When drip irrigation, the norms of Alirin-B and Gamair preparations are 20 tablets each. per 100 m2. The effectiveness of biological products will increase if the immunomodulator Ecogel, BP (100 ml per 100 m2) or Narcissus N (100-120 ml per 100 m2) is added to them. After 25-30 days after planting, it is necessary to repeat the application of Ecogel or Narcissus biological products N, increasing the norm of Alirin-B and Gamair to 30 tab. per 100 m2. Subsequent application after 25-30 days is carried out with the consumption of biological products 30-40 tab. per 100 m2. Such a sequence of application will help maintain high plant immunity, create a constant presence of a beneficial bacterial culture in the root zone.

Biological preparations for the prevention, treatment of diseases of cucumbers, their properties

Alirin-B (tablets) is a long-acting bacterial preparation, a biological fungicide. Effective against root rot, wilting of various nature, ascochitosis, anthracnose, powdery mildew, and other fungal diseases of cucumbers. Gamair (tablets) is a long-acting bacterial preparation, a biological bactericide.

Effective against bacterial rot, some types of phytopathogenic fungi. Gliocladin (tablets) is a microbiological fungicide against root rot pathogens. It is highly effective against Fusarium, which develops well in soils rich in organic matter. Trichocin, SP (Trichodermin) (powder) is a microbiological fungicide created on the basis of a soil antagonist fungus of the Trichoderma genus.

The drug prevents the development and spread of root rot pathogens. After dissolving in water, all biological products can be applied through drip irrigation systems, any types of sprayers. In the working solution, biological products are compatible with mineral fertilizers for foliar top dressing, growth regulators, humates, insecticides. The shelf life of biological products is 2-3 years.

The main diseases of cucumbers

Root rot - prevention and treatment

The complexity of the fight against cucumber root rot is due to the fact that it is usually a mixed (fungal and bacterial) infection. Preparations for treatment should have fungicidal and bactericidal activity. When plants wither from root rot, it is necessary to use double doses of Alirin-B and Gamair preparations (40 tablets per 100 m2 of each biological preparation). In case of strong wilting, it is necessary to irrigate under the root with chemical pesticides according to the following scheme: Previkur (15-20 ml per 10 l of water), after 3-5 days, irrigate with Fitolavin, VRK (15-20 ml per 10 l of water). After application of the Fitolavin preparation, both pathogenic organisms and beneficial microflora are destroyed, therefore it is imperative to irrigate with Alirin-B and Gamair biological products (20 tablets per 100 m2 of each biological product).

Prevention of ascochitosis and gray rot of cucumber

Preventive measures must be started even before the first signs of the disease appear: spraying on the leaf with a mixture of biopreparations Alirin-B + Gamair (10-20 tablets + 10-20 tablets per 10 liters of water). The causative agent of ascochitosis primarily affects weakened plants, therefore, for prevention, it is effective to spray plants with growth regulators Epin (2 ml per 10 l of water), Ecogel (100 ml per 10 l of water), starting from growing seedlings. If there are obvious signs of disease, in addition to the use of biological products, it is effective to spray with Strobi preparations (15-20 ml per 10 l of water), or Quadris (5 ml per 10 l of water). To combat gray rot, the affected stems are smeared with a mixture of Rovral and chalk (dilute to the consistency of sour cream) in a ratio of 1:2.

Prevention, treatment of powdery and downy mildew

The use of biological products before the first signs of diseases appear can delay the onset of plant damage as much as possible. Spraying plants with a mixture of biological products Alirin-B + Gamair (10-20 tablets + 10-20 tablets per 10 l of water) + 10 g per 10 l of urea + Ecogel, BP (100 ml per 10 liters of water) or Narcissus B (50 ml per 10 liters of water) is not only a good prophylactic, but can also be used to treat the disease at the first signs. Of the chemicals against powdery mildew, Quadris treatments are effective ( 5 g per 10 liters of water). Topaz (5 g per 10 l of water), Thiovit Jet (20-30 g per 10 l of water). Against downy mildew (peronosporosis) in the summer-autumn period, you can use Quadris (5 g per 10 l of water), Ordan (30 g per 10 l of water), Previkur Energy (20 g per 10 l of water). The modern system of plant protection in greenhouses cannot be imagined without the use of biological products: their biological effectiveness when used according to the recommended technology is high.

The correct use of drugs can be an alternative to the use of chemical protective equipment. In favor of the use of biological preparations in the plant protection system, such important qualities as high efficiency in the absence of the possibility of “accustoming” to the action of biological preparations in pathogens of cucumbers can be attributed.

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The scheme of processing cucumbers from diseases and pests

Can I grow cucumbers on my site without the use of chemicals? Can. And you can stay without a crop.

Here's how lucky. The photo shows a picture of how in our area that year, almost everyone had cucumbers "burnt" in their gardens in a day or two.

Friends, owners of household plots who grew cucumbers for sale and decided to do without chemistry this time, the same story happened - they were left without cucumbers. , like tomatoes, are very often exposed to various pests and diseases. The following are plant protection specialists' recommendations for processing cucumbers.

The timing and phenophase of plant development may differ for different regions of our vast Motherland. The terms of processing are given for the Northern zone of the Krasnodar Territory and the south of the Rostov Region.

So make corrections. So, how (with what preparations) and in what time frame to spray cucumbers grown in open ground and greenhouses: March - seedling preparation: dressing seeds with manganese before sowing April - planting seedlings: destruction of the bear before sowing cucumbers - Medvetoks or other drugs to combat this pest May - before flowering: top dressing with fresh manure. After flowering: spraying Abiga Peak or Ridomil, or Oksikhom + Actellik - against pests June - growth of cucumber fruits, ripening: Abiga Peak, Ridomil, Oxyhom + Fitoverm July - fruit growth, ripening: Abiga Peak - 20 days before harvest This is for the first (spring) planting of cucumbers. For repeated plantings in July-August, the treatment is carried out in accordance with the phenophase of plant development.

Measures for the prevention of various diseases in the cultivation of cucumbers

  • crop rotation

Diseases and pests of cucumbers

Diseases of cucumbers

The most common cucumber diseases are downy mildew (peronosporosis), powdery mildew, root rot (fusarium), brown (olive) spot, gray rot, anthracnose, ascochitosis, bacteriosis, etc. downy mildew- the most common and dangerous disease of cucumbers.

It can appear at any stage of plant development, but mainly appears during the fruiting period, around the beginning of August. With downy mildew disease, multifaceted green oily spots appear on the leaves of plants.

These spots increase in size within 8-10 days, then the leaves turn brown, as if the plant was burned, and dry out after 2-3 days. The cause of the disease is the presence of fungal pathogens in the soil, which develop intensively when plants are watered with cold water, as well as with increased air humidity in the greenhouse and the presence of water condensate on the film.

Most often, this manifests itself with large differences in air temperature day and night (24-25 ° C during the day, and 10-14 ° C at night) and with insufficient ventilation of the building. At the first signs of the disease, watering and fertilizing are immediately stopped and they are not carried out for 6-7 days.

Plants are sprayed with a solution of polycarbacin or copper oxychloride. At the same time, 1 tablespoon of polycarbacin or 40 g of copper oxychloride is taken per 10 liters of water. Processing is carried out with a solution having a temperature of 24-25 ° C.

Good results are obtained by spraying cucumbers with a solution of whey (3 liters of whey and 1 teaspoon of copper sulphate are taken for 7 liters of water). You can spray plants with pure whey.

After the treatment, it is necessary to ventilate the greenhouse and within 6-7 days try not to allow the temperature in it to drop below 20-25 ° C during the day, and 18-22 ° C at night. To do this, it is recommended to install a second film cover in the greenhouse at night, additionally cover the plants with film, burlap or other materials in order to ensure the specified air temperature in the building.

After harvesting, the greenhouse, the soil in the beds and the plants must be treated with a solution of copper sulphate (3 tablespoons of copper sulphate are taken for 10 liters of water). After a day, all plants with roots must be removed from the beds and burned.

To prevent the disease, it is not recommended to grow cucumbers in the beds where pumpkin crops grew in the previous year - cucumbers, zucchini, squash, etc. At the stage of growing cucumber seedlings and at the very beginning of fruiting, preventive spraying of plants can be carried out to prevent downy mildew.

The most effective remedy for this is Rizoplan (2 tablespoons of the drug are taken for 10 liters of water). powdery mildew also a very common disease of cucumbers.

With powdery mildew disease, rounded white spots appear on the leaves of plants, which later increase in size and merge, and the leaves are covered with a white powdery coating. Then they become light or yellow-green, shrivel, darken and dry.

As a result, the plant dies. Powdery mildew most often occurs when growing cucumbers in the same place where the infection of this disease accumulates.

When the air temperature drops and the plants are watered with cold water, the fungi that are the source of the disease multiply rapidly and the disease spreads throughout the garden. When the first signs of the disease appear, it is necessary to immediately spray the plants with a solution of mullein or potassium permanganate.

For 10 liters of water, take 1 liter of mullein and 1 tablespoon of urea or 1.5-2 g of potassium permanganate. The solution is thoroughly mixed, filtered and sprayed with leaves from both the upper and lower sides, as well as plant stems.

Processing is carried out 2-3 times per season early in the morning or in warm weather in the evening. Spraying cucumbers with a solution of sulfaride paste also gives good results. For 10 liters of water take 2 tablespoons of the drug.

Spray plants 2 times per season with an interval of 6-7 days. c Another way to control powdery mildew is to dust the plants with ground sulfur. To do this, finely ground sulfur is poured into a bag made of three-layer gauze, and plants are pollinated during the day in sunny weather at a temperature of 23-28 ° C.

At the same time, for 10 sq.m. garden beds consume 30 g of sulfur. When processing gray plants, doors, windows and transoms in the greenhouse are closed, and plants grown in shelters or in open ground are covered with foil for 2 hours after processing.

Many vegetable growers use a folk way to deal with powdery mildew. Collect and cut into a common container nettle, dandelion, plantain, coltsfoot, Ivan tea, wood lice (star), celandine. Then everything is mixed, take 5-6 d / of this mixture and pour two to three liters of hot water with a temperature of 60-70°C.

The mixture is thoroughly triturated, mixed and topped up with water to 10 liters. After 1-2 days, the solution is filtered, 1 tablespoon of urea or 1 g of potassium permanganate and 2 tablespoons of liquid soap are added to it. Plants are sprayed with the resulting solution 2 times per season with an interval of 6-7 days.

root rot cucumbers appear when watering with cold water and with a sharp decrease in soil temperature. The disease spreads especially quickly when using soil on which cucumbers or other cucurbits have already been grown.

Root rot also appears when seedlings are planted incorrectly - when plants are buried during planting or when they are heavily hilled. Signs of the disease are premature wilting of the leaves, yellowing and cracks on the lower part of the stem.

To prevent the disease, it is necessary to strictly follow the rules for planting seedlings and not cover the plant stem from the roots to the cotyledon leaves with soil, do not hill the plant stem too high. If a disease is detected, it is necessary to rake the soil from the stem to the very roots of the plant, make sure that it does not cover the diseased part of the stem, and also treat the stems with one of the following compositions.

For 1 liter of water, take 2 teaspoons or copper sulfate, or copper oxychloride, or polycarbacin and 6 tablespoons or chalk, or wood ash, or fluffy lime. Everything is thoroughly mixed. With this solution, using a brush, moisten the stems of diseased plants from the roots to a height of 12-15 cm.

Plant stems can also be powdered with wood ash, crushed charcoal or chalk, and then dried. When watering, you need to make sure that water does not fall on the stems of diseased plants, water only with warm water with a temperature of 24-25 ° C.

Dead plants are dug up along with the root and a clod of soil and burned. The soil is watered with a solution of copper sulfate (2 tablespoons of copper sulfate are taken for 10 liters of water).

Brown (olive) spotting appears on cucumbers when watering with cold water (moreover, plants, not soil), with increased air humidity in the greenhouse, with frequent drops in air temperature to 10-13 ° C, and also with drafts in the greenhouse. Signs of the disease are brown sores with the release of fluid that appear on the fruits.

In the future, the sores cover the entire fruit and it becomes unusable. If appropriate measures are not taken, the plant dies 6-7 days after the disease.

At the first signs of the disease, it is necessary to stop watering and fertilizing for a period of 5-6 days, on warm days to ventilate the greenhouse, remove the frames from the greenhouse or the film from the shelter frame. On cool days, carefully close the doors, vents and transoms in the greenhouse, close the greenhouse with frames, and cover with foil.

It is advisable to additionally cover the structures in order to raise the air temperature in it - during the day up to 20-25°C, and at night up to 18-20°C. In addition, plants and fruits are sprayed with a one percent solution of Bordeaux liquid (100 g of copper sulfate and 10 g of lime are taken per 10 liters of water) or a solution of polycarbacin or copper oxychloride.

To prepare a solution for 10 liters of water, take 1 tablespoon of the drug and 2 tablespoons of liquid soap. Spraying is carried out in the morning in warm weather 2 times per season with an interval of 5-6 days. After spraying, the building is ventilated.

Gray rot appears on cucumbers at low night temperatures, when watering with cold water, poor ventilation of the structure and thickening of plants. Signs of the disease are slimy gray spots on the stems and leaves of plants, especially in the axils of the leaves.

When the plants are thickened, a large number of male flowers appear on them, which fade and rot in a few days, affecting the stems of the plants. To prevent gray rot, it is necessary to avoid watering cucumbers with cold water, ventilate buildings in a timely manner, and prevent thickening of plants.

If there are a large number of empty flowers on the plant, they must be removed after flowering, and the places damaged by rot should be sprinkled with wood ash or crushed charcoal. If there is gray rot on the plants, they are treated with a mixture of wood ash and copper sulfate.

For 1 cup of ash, take 1 teaspoon of copper sulphate, mix thoroughly and sprinkle on plant sites damaged by gray rot. If the disease progresses, the affected shoots and leaves are cut and burned.

The main pests of cucumbers are melon aphid, spider mite, greenhouse whitefly, sprout fly, etc. melon aphid is the most harmful for cucumbers and squash, it damages the shoots, flowers, ovaries and the underside of the leaves, causing them to wrinkle and twist.

The melon aphid has an oval shape, its length is 1.2-2.1 mm. At first, the aphid is yellowish, and then dark green. Aphids appear in the second half of summer.

It reproduces very quickly, a few days after the appearance it envelops the entire underside of the leaves, as well as flowers and ovaries. To combat melon aphids, it is necessary to destroy all weeds on the site, remove plant debris in a timely manner, * as aphids pass to cucumbers, mainly from weeds.

When aphids appear, the plants are sprayed with an infusion of red hot pepper and tobacco dust. For 10 liters of hot water with a temperature of 60 ° C, take 30 g of fresh chopped capsicum or 5-10 g of dry red pepper and 200 g of tobacco dust and insist this solution for a day.

Then the infusion is thoroughly mixed and filtered, 2 tablespoons of liquid soap and 2-3 tablespoons of wood ash are added to it. Plants are sprayed with the resulting composition, spending 1-2 liters per 1 m 2 of the garden area, depending on the number of aphids.

At the same time, the stems, the upper and, especially, the lower surface of the leaves are treated. Spraying is repeated after 6-7 days. To combat aphids, cucumbers can also be sprayed with a solution of wood ash. For 10 liters of water, take 1 glass of wood ash and 2 tablespoons of liquid soap.

The ash is poured with hot water and infused for a day, then liquid soap is added, the infusion is filtered and the plants are sprayed with it in the same way as in the previous case. Processing is carried out in the evening in warm, calm weather.

An effective remedy against aphids is spraying cucumbers with a solution of karbofos. For 10 liters of warm water with a temperature of 30 ° C, take 1-2 tablespoons of karbofos. Plants are sprayed with a solution of low concentration, and only the frame and paths inside the structure, as well as the film and soil on the beds, are sprayed with a solution of strong concentration; it is not recommended to process plants with them. Processing is done in the evening in sunny weather.

At the same time, doors, vents and transoms in the greenhouse must be closed. 1-2 hours after treatment, the soil on the beds is loosened to a depth of 1-2 cm, trying not to damage the roots of the plants.

In addition to these agents, spraying plants with an infusion of various insecticidal (insect-killing) plants is used to combat aphids: black henbane, creeping mustard, common dope, dandelion, potato and tomato tops, garlic, husks and onion heads. To do this, take for 10 liters of water: a) 1 kg of dry last year's leaves or 0.5 kg of fresh henbane leaves with the addition of roots and insist for 12-15 hours; b) 1-1.2 kg of dry mustard herb and infused for 24 hours; c) 1 kg of dry dope plants are boiled in a small amount of water, filtered, water is added up to 10 liters; d) 0.4 kg of fresh dandelion leaves or 0.2-0.3 kg of crushed roots insist for 2 hours, add 1 teaspoon of pepper and mustard; e) 1 kg of green or 0.6-0.8 kg of dry potato tops, add 5-10 g of ground red pepper, infuse for 3-4 hours and use immediately after that; f) 0.5 kg of tomato stepchildren are passed through a meat grinder, poured with warm water at a temperature of 30-35 ° C, infused for 3 hours, filtered, 1 teaspoon of ammonium nitrate is added; g) 1.5 cups of minced (washed in salt water and passed through a meat grinder) garlic and 5-10 g of ground red pepper insist for 5-6 hours, filter through gauze; h) 5 liters of onion peel are poured with hot water at a temperature of 70-80 ° C, 1 tablespoon of mustard is added, insisted for two days, filtered; i) 1 cup of chopped onions (passed through a meat grinder), add 1 tablespoon of soda ash, insist for 2-3 hours, filter.

Before use, add 2 tablespoons of liquid soap to all infusions. spider mite damages cucumbers grown in greenhouses, greenhouses and shelters. It has an oval or oblong shape, its length is 0.3-0.4 mm.

Ticks settle on the underside of the leaves, braiding them with a thin cobweb. On damaged leaves, light dots first appear, and then the leaves become spotty and dry out.

To combat the mite, the plants are sprayed with an infusion of various insecticidal plants or an infusion of red hot pepper and tobacco dust. Methods for using these agents are described above in relation to melon aphids.

Another pest of cucumbers and tomatoes is greenhouse whitefly, which sucks the juice from the leaves of plants. In addition, sooty mushrooms appear on the sticky sugary secretions of the whitefly. The leaves turn black and dry up.

To combat the whitefly, it is necessary to carry out timely cleaning of plant residues on the site, to destroy weeds. In addition, a mechanical method of their destruction can be recommended to combat whiteflies.

To do this, glue traps are equipped and installed in the structure - pieces of plywood painted with white or yellow paint and smeared with some kind of adhesive: petroleum jelly, rosin with honey or castor oil, etc. The white or yellow color of the trap attracts insects, they sit on them and glued on. After that, the plywood is wiped, and then smeared with adhesive again and reinstalled.

Spraying and washing the plants with clean water gives good results, especially washing the underside of the leaves, where whiteflies accumulate in large numbers. Immediately after washing off the pests, the soil is loosened to a depth of 1-2 cm and the soil of the beds is mulched with peat, sawdust, sand or humus with a layer of 1-2 cm.

The fight against diseases and pests of cucumbers The fight against diseases and pests of cucumbers is one of the main concerns of summer residents who practice growing this vegetable on their own plot. Our today's material is devoted to this topic.

Cucumbers: basic information

More than 70% of summer residents who are engaged in vegetable gardens on the territory of land plots grow cucumbers and other popular crops. Site selection, seed preparation, soil fertilization and long-term care are just a small list of the concerns that a plant has to get high results at the end of the season. But all of them can be crossed out at one moment, and long-awaited cucumbers will not appear on the cucumber bushes in the garden, on the net in the open field or on the trellis in the greenhouse, or their quality will be very spoiled. Perhaps this is the case if the crop is attacked by pests, or if the cucumbers are infected with some diseases. Naturally, it is very reluctant to lose the crop, especially at the moment when the cucumbers began to bloom and showed the ovary. And, therefore, you should take extreme measures and fight for your rights to tasty and fragrant cucumber fruits, which are needed for fresh salads or canning.

Prevention of diseases and pests of cucumber

Even at that moment, as you just thought about planting cucumbers in the country this season, you must at the same time provide for preventive measures that will not only help save cucumbers from pests and diseases, but can also prevent them. A small list of requirements, which you will not spend much time on, will save not only the plants and the quantity of the crop, but also its quality, especially if you are dealing with varietal crops. So, what should be the correct prevention of diseases and pests of cucumbers?

  • Planting in the ground requires only high-quality seeds that have been prepared and disinfected.
  • Sow prepared cucumber seeds only in well-warmed soil. The minimum temperature at a depth of 8-10 cm should be at least + 12 + 14 ° С.
  • It is customary to plant cucumbers only in high-quality soil, clean, loose, fertilized, fertile.
  • In order for cucumbers to suffer less from various kinds of diseases, it is necessary to choose varieties that are resistant to them.
  • It is imperative to remove all plant residues from the garden, regardless of which crop they belong to. It would be most correct to burn them outside the suburban area.
  • Do not forget about weeding plants, because weeds not only interfere with the growth and ripening of cucumbers, but are also carriers of many infections.
  • You should be very careful with planting and care, observe crop rotation.
  • It is imperative to destroy diseased plants to the maximum in the garden, near it, as well as to catch and destroy pests that only appear in the planting area.
  • It is also important to properly fertilize the soil, the rate and frequency of application, as well as soil disinfection if cucumbers are grown in a greenhouse.

Remember, it is much easier to carry out timely prevention and thereby preserve the crop than to constantly treat plants and waste time trying to get rid of cucumber pests in vain.

Diseases and pests of cucumber (video)

Cucumber disease control

Powdery mildew of cucumber

It is believed that powdery mildew is the most common disease, and not only cucumbers, but also many other crops. The disease affects the deciduous part of the plant, a little less often its signs can be found on the stems and petioles, even less often on the fruits of the cucumber. Powdery mildew of cucumber appears on the upper part of the leaf, a small white spot, which gradually covers the entire leaf, and then the whole plant. Over time, the disease negatively affects the plant, and whole lashes fall from its common bush, which are already painted brown. The plant gradually dies, and if it continues to grow in a diseased state, then the quality of its fruits decreases markedly, and the number of cucumbers decreases.

This disease is promoted by high humidity and constant temperature changes, planting density, weeds inside the beds. Powdery mildew of cucumber also develops well when watering the plant with cold water, due to winds and drafts, and also if summer residents choose the same place for annual planting. The disease remains in the soil, on weeds, plantain, as well as on diseased plants left in the winter in the garden.

Powdery mildew control on cucumber

There are many ways to deal with this disease:

  • It is necessary to plant only strong and resistant varieties of cucumber and its hybrids;
  • At the first sign of the disease, the affected parts of the plant are cut off and decontaminated or burned;
  • If the plant continues to hurt, the bush is treated with ground sulfur powder (about 25-30 g per 10 m2 of planting), or with a solution of colloidal sulfur (0.3% sulfur, 25-30 g per bucket of water);
  • Spraying plants with mullein is also considered effective;
  • So that the disease does not affect plants in the next season, it is necessary to destroy plant residues and carry out a deep digging of the soil of the bed;
  • If powdery mildew has only been seen on cucumbers, it is necessary to increase the rate of soil fertilization with potassium;
  • If the disease continues to spread and endanger the entire garden, you can use poisonous chemicals - Topaz or Oksih, strictly according to the manufacturer's instructions.

Downy mildew of cucumber (Cucumber Downy Mildew)

This disease easily destroys entire fields of cucumbers, if you do not pay attention in time and do not help the crop. Peronosporosis appears as yellow-green spots with a light green bloom, which immediately attack the upper parts of the cucumber leaf. Spots can be of various shapes, they quickly spread to all plants, forming a purple bloom on the lower part of the leaves. Most often, the disease manifests itself in mid-July (in greenhouses and in June), and quickly affects not only the plant itself, but also all neighboring plantations.

Downy mildew of cucumbers spreads due to condensation, high ambient humidity, temperature changes at night and day, due to cold watering, morning cold dew and fog. It spreads very quickly, as it is carried even by the wind.

Downy mildew control on cucumbers

  • Seed treatment before planting, heating and disinfection with a solution of potassium permanganate;
  • Landing takes place only in warm and healthy soil, waterlogging is not allowed. Watering young plants only with heated water, mandatory top dressing at all stages of cucumber cultivation;
  • If the disease is already present in the garden, the plants are treated with a milk solution (1: 9 with the addition of 10 drops of iodine for every 10 l), also with a solution of urea (no more than 1 g per 1 liter of water);
  • You can also treat plants with a solution of Bordeaux mixture;
  • If the disease was noticed in the garden, we recommend not planting cucumbers in this place for about five years;
  • If it is impossible to cope with peronosporosis, we advise you to treat the cucumbers with chemistry.

white rot cucumber

This disease quickly spreads throughout the plant, covering the foliage, stems, tendrils, and even flowering and ovary. All parts of the plant are covered with a kind of mucus and plaque.

White rot feels good on cucumbers in greenhouses, where high humidity, air stagnation, high density of plantings, as well as temperature changes are possible. Remember that the causative agents of the disease remain for a long time in the soil where the diseased plant grew.

Controlling white rot of cucumber

  • First of all, they level the agricultural technology of the cucumber to the proper level, also balance the humidity and temperature, make plantings more rare and without weeds in the garden;
  • The diseased parts of the plant are carefully cut off and burned outside the dacha, while the wounds after the cut are powdered with lime or ash;
  • A complete disinfection of the greenhouse or soil near the garden is carried out, and the plants are also fed (for a bucket of water 2 g of copper sulfate and 10 g of urea, spraying consumption - 1 liter per 10 m2.

Root rot of cucumbers

Root rot can affect seedlings and even adult plants, regardless of the planting site. At the cucumber bush, part of the root dies, the entire root system and the neck of the plant begin to get sick, the stem becomes thin and the plant slowly dies. If we talk about the course of the disease, then root rot "burns" the root, and the stem becomes rotten.

Cucumber root rot spreads due to improper sowing (poor-quality seeds, cold soil), due to cold watering, heavy soil, high humidity, temperature fluctuations. The infection can remain for a long time in the soil of the beds and on the remains of diseased cucumber bushes.

Controlling cucumber root rot

  • Watering only with warm water, not under the root of the plant;
  • Treatment of the lower part of the plant cleared of soil with chalk or fresh sawdust, sand or peat;
  • Normalization of temperature and humidity of the environment, timely cleaning of weeds;
  • If the plant is sick, its affected parts should be removed from the garden. If it began to wither, the plant should be completely removed from the territory of the dacha;
  • Sections of plants should be powdered, the soil should be disinfected, watering should be moderate for a while, the soil of the bed (at any planting site) should be dusted with dry bleach (about 150-200 g per square meter of the bed, and be sure to close it with a rake);
  • After the discovery of the disease and the measures taken - cleaning diseased plants from the garden and disinfecting the soil, all boxes, trellises, stretching tools, etc., should be washed with powder).

Cucumber root rot - a disease that quickly destroys the crop

anthracnose cucumber

Cucumber disease is manifested by large rounded yellow-brown spots on the cotyledons and deciduous parts of the plant, but, due to high humidity, the plant is also covered with a pink bloom. The plaque spreads throughout the plant, concentrates in some places, forms small sores and kills the plant. The disease quickly affects cucumbers, the bushes of which darken and the fruits shrivel. The strength of the disease grows with increased humidity, dew and rain, anthracnose quickly spreads to the root system and destroys the plant. After that, the infection can be transmitted with plant debris and seeds.

Fighting cucumber anthracnose

  • It is required to sow only healthy seeds and only in well-prepared, warm soil;
  • Every year, cultivate the soil with high quality, destroy plant residues and weeds, and properly change plants;
  • If you find a disease, we advise you to immediately treat the plants with Bordeaux mixture (4-5 days before harvesting with a frequency of a week), or with a suspension of bleach (35-40 g per bucket of water, 20 days before harvesting with a frequency of 10 days).

Cucumber cladosporiosis (Olive spot of cucumber)

This disease affects the fruits of the cucumber, and only in rare cases, the stem and deciduous part. The fruits are covered with small but numerous watery spots that grow and become hard. At this moment, the skin of the cucumber cracks, the fruit becomes crooked, the leaves are deformed, the cucumber ovaries die.

Olive blotch spreads through the air, can infect cucumber plantings during rain or when watering.

Fighting cucumber olive blotch

  • Try to choose disease-resistant cucumber varieties for planting;
  • If the cucumber is grown in a greenhouse, reduce the humidity of the environment;
  • Treat plants with a Bordeaux mixture, a 15% solution of it, as a preventive measure;
  • Be sure to fertilize with potassium sulfate.

Cucumber cladosporiosis is a plant disease that affects the fruit.

Cucumber Pest Control

melon aphid

It is not a problem to meet melon aphids on cucumbers. Small insects that destroy everything in their path are located from the bottom of the leaf, attack flowers, ovaries and cucumber fruits. During the period of its active activity and reproduction, the leaves fall from the plant, the flowers wither, the yield is sharply reduced due to the weakening of the mother plant. If wet weather is observed during the period of the aphid attack, the plants often cannot be saved at all.

Fight against melon aphids

  • It is required to remove plant debris from the site in time, try to destroy weeds;
  • Also, it is necessary to observe the change of plants, dig up the soil in the fall, disinfect the soil;
  • If the aphids have already appeared on the plants, spray with fermented grass (leave 1 kg of grass all day in a bucket of water), or spray with an ash solution (200 g of ash and 50 g of shaved soap per 10 liters of water);
  • Solid colonies of melon aphids are removed from cucumbers by Inta-Vir, according to the instructions.

spider mite

The spider mite lives on the underside of the cucumber leaf and feeds on its greens. A small red-green sucking insect is very dangerous for cucumbers, especially in greenhouses. By damaging the plant and braiding the leaves with a small cobweb, the mite destroys entire beds, especially in hot weather, when the number of individuals increases significantly.

Fighting spider mites

  • The first thing to remember is proper soil moisture and, if waterlogged soil is favorable for many diseases or pests, then for the spider mite, the element is overdried soil under cucumbers;
  • Be sure to clean the soil in greenhouses and disinfect;
  • The infusion of garlic or onion (200 g of husk per 10 liters of water) and periodic spraying, 4-5 times for the entire season, copes quite well with mite colonies;
  • Also, you should constantly monitor the cleanliness of the beds, the ambient temperature (if the cucumber is grown in a greenhouse);
  • To destroy the spider mite on a cucumber in a natural way, you can plant dill nearby, the flowering of which attracts ladybugs - the enemies of many plant pests.


On the one hand, ants are useful for summer cottages, but on the other hand, they dig many underground passages, besiege some plants, and also bring aphids to plants.

Ants fight

  • You can fight ants with the help of special traps - bottles with sweet syrup;
  • It is required to loosen the soil more often in the beds of cucumbers;
  • If you notice ant nests, they are dug up and filled with kerosene;
  • Ants can be removed by dusting the soil with slaked lime or ash, as well as by pouring boiling water over their nests.


The main vital activity of slugs occurs at night, when they, not being afraid of daylight, devour cucumber greens and spoil the fruits, eating away the pulp. Also, slugs spoil the quality of the crop with traces of mucus and dark droppings.

Slug fight

  • You can fight slugs in cucumbers by pollinating the soil with ash, slaked lime, constantly digging up the soil;
  • It is imperative to monitor the cleanliness of the site and the cleaning of plant residues;
  • A good method for fighting slugs is the layout of special shelters in the area, under which slugs will gather in the morning (burdocks, rags, boards, pieces of cardboard). Also, you can always treat cucumber beds with Metaldehyde.


A fertile insect of very small size, which moves quickly through the air, but loves to produce larvae on the underside of cucumber leaves. The larvae are voracious and constantly suck the juice of plants, thereby causing the development of a soot fungus on the deciduous part of the cucumber, and oppressing the plants. It is very difficult to fight the whitefly, especially in greenhouses.

Fight against whiteflies

  • Breeding the whitefly is difficult due to its high fertility, but the methods for controlling the cucumber pest are quite simple. They consist in spraying or flushing insect larvae from the leaves of the plant. Next, you should loosen the soil a little in the garden and sprinkle it with humus or peat;
  • The fight against the whitefly is also possible with the help of tobacco, which is planted along the perimeter of the cucumber bed. When the whitefly is collected on the plant, it is treated with Inta-Vir.

Whitefly - an active pest of cucumbers and other crops

is a complex process, but if you take it seriously, and even take preventive measures, it can be greatly simplified. We recommend reading the article on the best methods of dealing with slugs.

Cucumber pests: descriptions and photos

A lot of trouble and problems are caused to gardeners by various pests of cucumbers and plant diseases. Cucumber pest control is an integral part of the job if you need a good and high-quality crop.

Most often, plants are affected by the following diseases: powdery mildew, downy mildew or peronosporosis, bacteriosis, ascochitosis, root rot or fusarium, gray rot, brown (olive) spotting. Of insects, they are affected by aphids and spider mites. You can see these cucumber pests in the photo.

Powdery mildew on cucumbers - symptoms and control

If there is a white coating with fungus spores on the leaves and on other parts of the plant, then most likely these are signs of this disease. In the affected plant, fruiting stops, and the leaves dry up. The fruit may be misshapen and vulnerable to sunlight. They also contain less sugar. Powdery mildew on cucumbers appears regardless of whether the plant is grown indoors or outdoors. Mealy on cucumbers often forms in warm and dry climates. If there are sharp fluctuations in humidity and temperature, then this contributes to the development of the disease.

To avoid infection, it is necessary to remove all plant sediments from the beds in a timely manner. In autumn, greenhouses and greenhouses should be disinfected. Their internal surfaces are treated with formalin.

As soon as the first signs of powdery mildew are noticed, it will be necessary to immediately apply fungicides - topsin or bayleton. Spraying is repeated if there are repeated signs of infection.

Downy mildew: symptoms and how to deal with it

Downy mildew is a very common and dangerous disease. It is capable of infecting cucumbers at any stage of their development. But most often it manifests itself in early August, when the fruiting period begins. It is characterized on the leaves of the vegetable by multifaceted oily spots of green color. After eight to ten days they become larger, later the leaves turn brown, as if burnt. They dry up in two or three days.

The cause of the disease are fungal pathogens. They develop intensively when plants are watered with cold water. And in the case when the greenhouse has high humidity. Water condensation could also be the cause.

With signs of the disease, it is necessary to stop watering and do not feed for a week. Plants should be treated with a solution of copper oxychloride or polycarbacin. The temperature of the solution should be twenty-four - twenty-five degrees. It is also useful to spray cucumbers with a whey solution. After processing is completed, the greenhouse is ventilated. Then, for a week, temperatures should not be allowed to drop below twenty to twenty-five degrees during the day, and eighteen to twenty-two at night. To do this, you can install an additional film cover in the greenhouse at night. Or cover the plants with burlap or film.

After the crop is harvested, the soil will need to be treated with a solution of copper sulfate. After a day, remove all plants and roots from the beds and burn.

Do not grow these vegetables in beds that have recently grown pumpkin crops.

Aphids on cucumbers - how to deal with aphids on cucumbers

Aphids appear on cucumbers in July-August. These are insects one and a half - two millimeters, dark green or black. Aphids feed on plant sap. Through her fault, the leaves of the plant curl, and the flowers and ovaries fall off. Colonies are placed on the plant in tens, so hundreds and even thousands. Sometimes all leaves can be littered with these cucumber pests. If there are a lot of insects, then the affected plant is exhausted and dies.

It is useful for gardeners to know how to deal with aphids on cucumbers. Help reduce the number of aphids ladybugs. One has only to bring them in the spring from field grasses. They are attracted to leafy mustard and dill.

You can treat the plants with tobacco infusion or wood ash infusion with the addition of laundry soap.

Infusions of onion and garlic also help against this insect. Seventy - ninety grams of onion or forty - sixty grams of garlic should be finely crushed and pour ten liters of warm water. A day later, cucumbers can be processed with this infusion.

Spider mite on cucumbers

Cucumber mites are a common problem around the world. Vegetables are especially affected by it in greenhouses or under polyethylene. The tick sticks to the bottom of the leaf and drinks the juice of the plant. In addition, the sheet is covered with cobwebs. As a result, the once healthy and green leaf loses its color and dies.

Fight it with spraying. The necessary solution can be bought at the store. If this is not possible, then you can treat the leaves with soapy water. You can populate a cucumber plantation with a natural enemy of an insect - phytoseiulus. It sucks the eggs that are laid by the females. But it is necessary to carry out the settlement every two to three weeks.

As a preventive measure, you should dig the site well. Insects die when digging, as they hibernate shallow in the ground. Each female is capable of laying up to a hundred eggs a week. After twenty to thirty days, the eggs grow and infect vegetable beds.

In addition, infusions of yarrow, celandine, dandelion and horse sorrel do well with insects.

Gall nematode - a worm-like pest of cucumber

This is a very common pest that affects vegetables growing in greenhouses and greenhouses. Its length is one and a half millimeters. It penetrates the roots and settles in their tissues. The toxic substances that it secretes form swellings and growths. They develop larvae. Plants lag behind in growth, productivity decreases.

The layer of affected soil (fifty centimeters) is changed to healthy. In greenhouses and greenhouses, the soil is treated with steam. In winter, you can freeze the ground. Clean tools and healthy planting material should be used.

Photo gallery of diseased cucumbers (click to enlarge):

Diseases of cucumbers or how to grow a healthy crop

Causes of diseases on cucumbers

  • plant remains from the previous year. It is necessary to observe crop rotation or steam the soil of the greenhouse;
  • wild weeds that are carriers. They must be destroyed;
  • infection inside and on the surface of seeds. It is necessary to warm the seeds and treat with fungicides before sowing;
  • rains containing spores of a pathogenic disease, therefore it is better to grow in a film or glass greenhouse;
  • nearby infected seedlings. They must be removed immediately and the soil disinfected.

Having studied the causes of diseases, let's move on to their description and control measures.

Virus diseases of cucumbers

A feature of these diseases is the presence of a living host-carrier. Viruses do not live very long outdoors, but they are easily transferred during harvest or juicing. It differs from other diseases in that the color of the leaves of individual sections changes in the form of a mosaic. At the same time, the leaf is deformed, wrinkled, and the manifestation is asymmetrical, which distinguishes them from signs of an overabundance of the use of growth stimulants, which appear almost the same, but symmetrically. Consider the manifestation of the most common viral diseases.

Viral diseases are often seed-borne. The virus can be neutralized by heating dry seeds before sowing at a temperature of + 50 degrees for three days, and then a day at +70 degrees. If a plant with a virus is noticed, then it is immediately uprooted, and the soil is watered with boiling water. To exclude infection from weeds, they are destroyed around the cucumber planting at a distance of at least 10 m.

Bacterial diseases of cucumbers

Angular leaf spot. It is caused by bacteria that penetrate through the stomata of the leaves or damage to the integumentary tissues. Other plants of the pumpkin family are also affected, which can be reserves of infection. The main source of infection are seeds, in which bacteria can survive for about 2 years, and they quickly die in the soil. The incubation period is up to 10 days. Bacteria are carried by air masses and hands, when caring for the beds. The manifestation of the disease begins with the lower leaves, angular brown spots are formed on the leaves of cucumbers from the upper part and an oily yellowish coating from the lower part of the leaf. Affected fruits have small round sores. The leaves gradually dry out, the planting completely dies.

To combat a bacterial disease, the use of antibiotics is necessary, but there are no drugs developed specifically for this. Perhaps a single use of penicillin at a concentration of 1 million units. per 10 liters of water when the first signs of the disease appear.

Gray rot. Caused by bacteria, under cool conditions. All aerial parts are affected, brown areas and a thick gray coating appear on cucumbers. The disease will spread quite quickly. The period from infection to the onset of symptoms is 3-5 days.

To cope with the disease, stop watering, ventilate the greenhouse well, lubricate the affected parts with a pasty mass prepared from Rovral or Euparen multi.

Fungal diseases of cucumbers and their treatment

The most common and harmful diseases are caused by spore-bearing imperfect fungi. Cucumber has very delicate integumentary tissues, therefore it is easily affected by various types of this infection. To prevent infection from plant residues, cucumber should not be grown two years in a row in the same place.

root rot. Cause fungi that are everywhere in the soil, feeding on inanimate plant debris, healthy seedlings are not affected. They arise only at the moment of weakening of plants, mainly due to low soil temperatures below +16 degrees. The root loses living root hairs, becomes covered with a brown coating, leaves and stem wither.

When buying seeds, you can see that some of them have already been processed and painted in a bright signal color. This is done to kill some of the infection on the surface of the seeds, and give a noticeable color, which makes it easier to sow, as they become more visible. Usually coated with the fungicide thiram, which inhibits fungi that cause root rot.

If the disease began to manifest itself, then it is necessary to raise the temperature of the soil by pouring warm water with the addition of potassium permanganate to a slightly pink color. The stems, lowering from the support, are laid on the ground and sprinkled with soil to form additional roots.

White rot or sclerotinia. A highly infectious dangerous disease that manifests itself in the form of white flakes with black dots on all parts of the plant. Mucous soft spots appear on them. Above-ground parts wither and die within 3-5 days. Effective drugs currently do not exist. When this disease of cucumbers appears in the greenhouse, it is closed for quarantine with the destruction of all plant residues and the treatment of the soil with steam or its replacement.

Anthracnose. Ascochitosis. Cladosporiosis. These fungal diseases have similar symptoms, mainly brown spots appear on cucumbers. The affected leaf tissue crumbles and holes appear. The affected areas of brown color appear on the fruits. The plant eventually loses leaves and dies. The spores of these fungi overwinter on plant debris and are carried from infected plants to healthy ones by the wind. These diseases have an incubation period and begin to appear on the 3-7th day from the moment of infection.

To combat diseases, it is necessary to carry out preventive treatments with one of the copper preparations: 1% Bordeaux mixture, abiga-peak, copper oxychloride. Stop using these fungicides 30 days before harvest.

True powdery mildew. A fungal disease that manifests itself at high humidity, often after prolonged precipitation. The disease manifests itself 3-5 days after infection with spores. A white coating appears on cucumbers only on the upper part of the leaves. They gradually shrivel and then dry out, the seedlings stop growing and die.

To combat this disease, drugs containing sulfur are used, for example, Quadris or Colloidal sulfur. Processing is carried out prophylactically every 2 weeks and stopped 14 days before harvest.

Peronosporosis or downy mildew of cucumbers. The most harmful disease, since the defeat is lightning fast and there are no sufficiently effective means of control. The spores of this fungus have flagella that pierce even thin aluminum foil. For infection, drip-liquid moisture is needed. Optimal infection conditions +18 degrees and 100% relative humidity. Cucumber downy mildew appears as a whitish bloom with a purple tint on both sides of the leaf, which is a hallmark of powdery mildew. The fruits become incompletely colored and tasteless. Leaves turn brown quickly, crops die completely.

Until recently, it was only possible to grow early-ripening cucumbers. Currently, the cultivation of resistant or tolerant varieties allows you to get a crop even in open ground. In greenhouses, cucumbers are less susceptible to disease during preventive treatment with copper preparations and alternation of preparations of various chemical groups, for example, Strobi, Ridomil gold, Bravo. Processing stops 30 days before harvest.

We hope that the information presented in the article will help to avoid many diseases of cucumbers and get a high yield.

"Ambulance" for cucumbers: prevention and treatment of diseases

Do you want to extend the fruiting period of cucumbers? Then you should be able to recognize cucumber diseases at a very early stage of their development and know how to deal with them.

With the advent of August, the nights are getting longer and, sadly, colder. That is why it is necessary to increase vigilance and at least every other day very carefully inspect cucumber lashes. After all, the sooner you find the first signs of the disease and can identify it, the sooner it will be eliminated. We will discuss the signs of the most common diseases, ways to prevent them and "first aid" to plants.

powdery mildew


On the leaves or stems of cucumbers, a white (less often slightly reddish) powdery coating appeared in the form of small spots? Over time, the plaque does not disappear, but spreads to the entire leaf, after which it begins to turn yellow and gradually dry? This is powdery mildew - a fungal disease of cucumbers. The consequence of it is premature drying of the leaves and the cessation of fruiting.

The causative agents of the disease, wintering on organic residues, spread especially quickly in cloudy and cool weather. If the average daily temperature rises above + 18 ... + 20 ° С, powdery mildew stops its development. The disease most often affects plants "overfed" with nitrogen fertilizers, as well as those plants that are watered irregularly and insufficiently.

How to warn

To prevent the occurrence of powdery mildew, you must:

  • observe crop rotation - do not plant cucumbers in one place for several years in a row. Remember: cucumber can be returned to its original place no earlier than after 4 years;
  • timely remove from the beds not only cucumbers, but also all plant debris;
  • disinfect greenhouses and greenhouses immediately after the harvest. To do this, you can use, for example, formalin solution;
  • raise the temperature to + 23 ... + 25 ° С, simply closing the greenhouse for the night or covering the plants with a film;
  • water the plants only with warm water;
  • grow powdery mildew resistant hybrids.


As soon as you notice the first signs of powdery mildew, spray the plants immediately. fungicides, for example, topsin. Or treat them with a solution of the drug "TOPAZ", for the preparation of which mix 2 ml. preparation with 10 liters of warm water. Spraying is carried out in calm, dry weather both for the prevention of the disease and at the first signs of its appearance. Good results in the fight against powdery mildew are obtained by treating plants with the preparation "HOM" (solution of copper oxychloride). To prepare the solution, take 40 g of powder and dilute it in 10 liters of water. Spray the plants, spending a liter of the resulting solution per 10 square meters. Plants can be treated colloidal sulfur, using a 20% solution in open ground (20 g of colloidal sulfur per 10 liters of water), and a 40% solution in protected ground (40 g of colloidal sulfur per 10 liters of water). With the resulting solution, treat the leaves of the plant in cloudy weather on both sides. If you consider the use of chemicals in your summer cottage unacceptable, try to cope with the disease using folk methods of dealing with powdery mildew.

  • Spray the plants with mullein infusion: mix 1 kg of raw materials with 3 liters of water; insist 3 days; strain the infusion, mix it with 3 liters of clean water and spray the plants.
  • Mix 1 liter of sour milk with 1 liter of warm water. Strain the solution and spray the plants with it once a week.
  • Dissolve 50 grams of baking soda and 50 grams of laundry soap in 10 liters of warm water. Spray cucumbers with this solution every 5-7 days.

Downy mildew - downy mildew


Small but numerous light yellow spots appeared on the leaves of cucumbers? A week has passed - the spots have increased in size, and the leaves themselves have turned brown and began to dry out? This means that cucumbers are infected with downy mildew - a very dangerous and common disease that can affect plants at any stage of their development.

Possible causes

The cause of the disease is a fungus that develops rapidly in high humidity. Watering the plant with cold water can also provoke its growth.

How to warn

Follow the agricultural practices of growing cucumbers: do not thicken the crops, maintain crop rotation, collect fruits in a timely manner and do not water the plants with cold water.


Having found the first signs of the disease, stop watering and fertilizing. To stop the spread of downy mildew, treat the plants with a warm (about + 25 ° C) solution of polycarbacin, copper oxychloride or Bordeaux liquid (mix 100 g of copper sulfate and freshly slaked lime with 10 liters of warm (about + 25 ° C) water). Also, Ordan and Ridomil preparations are used to combat downy mildew. After processing the plants, try to ensure that the temperature inside the greenhouse or greenhouse does not fall below + 25 ° C. If you are growing cucumbers outdoors, just cover them overnight with plastic wrap. To prevent the occurrence of downy mildew, it is useful to periodically treat the plants with a whey solution.

Cladosporiosis - brown olive spot


The fruits and stems of the plant are covered with small rounded ulcers of green-brown or olive color, which literally darken on the 3rd day and increase significantly in size? Do rounded or angular spots appear on the leaves of cucumbers, which are destroyed when dried? This is cladosporiosis, or, as this fungal disease is also called, brown olive spot. Cladosporiosis develops rapidly in cool rainy weather and with sudden changes in temperature. In hot summers, brown olive blotch appears already at the end of the growing season - when the nights become cool, a large amount of dew falls. The infection spreads with rain, wind, with water during irrigation and remains for a long time not only on plant debris, but also in the soil.

Possible causes

The source of infection of plants with cladosporiosis are plant residues - or rather, spores of the fungus wintering on them - the causative agent of the disease.

How to warn

To avoid infection of plants with cladosporiosis, it is necessary:

  • ventilate the greenhouse in a timely manner;
  • remove all plant residues from the beds in time;
  • do not water cucumbers with cold water by sprinkling.


As soon as you notice the first signs of cladosporiosis:

  • stop watering the plants for 4-5 days;
  • if the average daily temperature drops below + 18 ° C, try to raise the temperature to at least + 20 ° C - for example, by closing the greenhouses at night and covering the plants in the ground with a film;
  • treat the plants with a 1% solution of Bordeaux mixture, a 0.4% solution of copper oxychloride, foundationazole or a solution based on the Oxyx preparation, for the preparation of which mix 20 g of the preparation with 10 liters of warm water.

Sclerotinia - white rot


Initially, multiple white bodies appear on all affected areas of the plant, which eventually change their color to a darker one, up to black? Then the leaves, stems and even the fruits of the plant are covered with a continuous white bloom, mucus, soften and rot? This is sclerotinia, which is often called white rot.

Possible causes

The source of the disease is sclerotia - fungi that overwinter in the soil and spread rapidly when the soil is waterlogged and the air is too humid.

How to warn

To prevent the occurrence of sclerotinia:

  • do not thicken the crops of cucumbers;
  • observe crop rotation - do not sow cucumbers in the same place earlier than after 4 years; be sure to alternate between different cultures;
  • remove plant residues from the beds in a timely manner.


First of all, cut out parts of plants affected by sclerotinia to healthy tissue, and treat the sections themselves with lime or crushed charcoal. If the disease has spread severely, remove all infected plant parts or the entire plant. Feed cucumbers with a nutrient solution consisting of 10 liters of warm water, 10 g of urea and 1 g of zinc sulfate and copper sulfate.

Gray rot


Are the leaves, stems or even flowers of cucumbers covered with brown, vague, watery, quickly merging spots with a smoky gray bloom? This is manifested by gray rot - a bacterial disease that affects all parts of the plant.

Possible causes

The main reasons for the development of gray rot are waterlogging and low temperatures.

How to warn

For the prevention of gray rot:

  • do not thicken the crops of cucumbers and observe crop rotation;
  • timely remove plant debris from the beds, on which the infection persists;
  • take protective measures in a timely manner.


If the disease has just begun to spread, treat the affected areas with a fungicide, for example, Rovral paste, which includes contact preparations against gray rot, or Bayleton. Affected fruits, leaves and stems of the plant should be removed immediately.

root rot


Leaves of cucumbers began to wither, withering more and more every day, and gradually dry up? The roots of a pulled plant look rotten and red? This means that plants are infected with root rot - one of the most common and dangerous diseases.

Possible causes

The reason for the development of root rot is unfavorable conditions during the growth and fruiting of plants. In particular, we are talking about excessively hot temperatures and insufficient or excessive watering, especially watering with cold water.

How to warn

You can prevent the appearance of cucumber root rot if:

  • observe crop rotation and do not thicken crops;
  • remove plant residues from the beds;
  • do not water the plants with cold water and, for prevention, treat them with Previcur's solution every 2 weeks.


Once you find that your plants are affected by root rot, the first thing to do is encourage new roots to form. To do this, add a 5-centimeter layer of fertile soil around the plants. This will give them the opportunity to put down new roots. Or cut the leaves from the bottom of the stem and lay it in a layer of fertile soil. Literally in 7-10 days, additional roots will grow on the buried shoot. All this time, water the plants only with warm water and not under the root. If you could detect the disease only when the plant had already dried up, you won’t be able to save it anymore - just dig it out along with the soil, filling the newly formed hole with new fertile soil. After harvesting diseased plants and soil, it is necessary to wash all the tools in a strong soapy solution.

Anthracnose (verdigris)


Numerous brown spots appeared on the leaves, stems and even fruits of cucumbers? The affected leaves began to gradually dry out, and the fruits became covered with wet ulcers? Recognizing the disease is not so difficult - the plants are infected with anthracnose, or, as it is often called, copperhead.

Possible causes

The cause of copperhead is most often infected seeds that were collected from diseased plants, or a fungus that persists in the upper soil layer and plant debris. In addition, the rapid spread of the disease is facilitated by watering plants with cold water and sudden changes in temperature.

How to warn

To prevent the occurrence of anthracnose, you must:

  • observe crop rotation and do not return cucumbers to their original place earlier than after 4 years;
  • timely remove plant residues from the beds and cultivate the soil in a quality manner.


To defeat anthracnose, you must:

  • once a week before harvesting, spray crops with 1% Bordeaux mixture;
  • carefully treat all affected areas with a solution of copper sulfate (0.5%), then sprinkle with lime or coal.

Why do cucumber leaves turn yellow?

Most likely, the reason is the temperature difference between day and night and / or lack of potassium. And if in order to raise the night temperature, it is enough just to cover the cucumbers for the night with any covering material: film, spunbond, etc., then to cope with the second problem, you need to make a little more effort. Spray the plants infusion of ash. To prepare such an infusion, dissolve 3 tablespoons of ash in 1 liter of warm water and let it brew for 2 days. It will be useful to feed cucumbers onion infusion. To prepare it, take a metal bucket, pour 10 liters of warm water into it and, adding 50 g (about 2 tablespoons) of onion peel, boil the contents. Let him insist. When the onion infusion becomes barely warm, water the plants with it, spending 1 liter of infusion per 1 bush. Also, when growing cucumbers, you may encounter another problem: the stem of cucumbers is cracking. Why this happens and how to deal with the problem, you will learn by reading the discussion of the post Why does the stem of cucumbers and zucchini crack? How do you deal with the most common cucumber diseases? Tell us what secrets and tricks you know, and how do you achieve success in this difficult task?

How to process cucumbers so that the leaves do not turn yellow?


If the leaves of cucumbers turn yellow, then this is most likely bacteriosis, aphids or late blight.

Everything from the fact that the high humidity of the soil on which the cucumbers are planted, or the high humidity of the air.

If the cucumbers are already bearing fruit, then you should not process them with chemicals, it is better to resort to folk methods:

  1. Add 30 drops of iodine, 20 grams of laundry soap, 1 liter of milk to a bucket of water, and spray cucumbers with this composition once every 10 days.
  2. In the evening, soak a loaf of bread in a bucket of cold water, knead this bread in the morning and add a vial of iodine and sprinkle cucumbers.
  3. Pour onion husks into a bucket of cold water, you can put a handful of husks, put on fire and bring to a boil, leave for 12-14 hours, strain, squeeze, and spray all cucumber leaves, both lower and upper, and also spill the soil and a bed of cucumbers.

At first I did not believe in these methods, but when I tried them, they really help.


When cucumber leaves turn yellow with speckles, this is a fungal disease called powdery mildew, and scientifically Cladosporiosis. All leaves affected, albeit a little, by powdery mildew, must be removed and thrown away from your plants. And sprinkle the rest of the leaves and all the plants with a weak solution of colloidal sulfur (40 g per 10 liters of water), or you can sprinkle it with wood ash in the morning, when the dew has not yet come down and the ash will stick perfectly.

If this does not help, then the last resort remains - spray the diseased plant with a chemical remedy for diseases, for example, "Khom" or "Ordan".

After you apply such products, cucumbers should be washed especially carefully before use.


The leaf in the photo is too late to spray. It and others, with signs of damage, must be removed, it is better to completely the whole plant. And the remaining healthy plants can be processed to stop the further development of the disease. What to process? Depends on the disease and pathogen. There are not so many of them, in some cases they are sprayed with a solution of infused mullein with the addition of nitrogen fertilizers, in other cases they are treated with biological preparations. Most diseases are fungal and it is necessary to create conditions that are impossible for the development of fungi. This is a decrease in humidity. Stop watering for a week and shelter from dew at night. The optimum temperature for mushroom growth is somewhere around 12-15 degrees. Therefore, cucumbers should be planted in sunny places so that it is always warm and the sun also kills many pathogens. That is why thickening should not be allowed, no matter how sorry it is to thin out them, but it is necessary! Three plants per square meter. And it is necessary to sow resistant varieties in areas of the spread of diseases. Previously, the Far East were famous for their stability. Now the leader in survivability is the Phoenix cucumber.

persona grata

Your cucumbers are infected with the tobacco mosaic virus (TMV). This disease is currently impossible to cure by any means. Moreover, such plants are a source of infection for healthy plants, because the virus can be transmitted by insects (when plants are damaged by them), as well as by mechanical damage to plants (if the juice of a diseased plant gets on a healthy one, which may have microdamages).

To prevent infection of healthy plants, diseased plants must be removed along with the root, and you need to dig up the plant and also remove some of the soil. Disinfect all tools, wash hands with soap and water. Removed plants should be burned.

For the future, buy varieties that are resistant to TMV.

Mila Juju

Cucumbers are very capricious, very demanding on weather conditions. Today's summer with temperature changes is unfavorable for them. Cucumbers love warm, even weather. They like watering, but not rain at night temperatures of 12 degrees and below. If the weather is 12 degrees for 3 or more days, they freeze. And, if it’s even lower, then they start to hurt, turn yellow, become covered with spots, and no matter what you do, you won’t help them. These are fungal diseases. It is better to pull out such whips immediately so that others do not become infected. Better yet, make another landing. If you are lucky and the weather is even, with cool nights, you will still have time to see some of your cucumbers.


So that the leaves of the cucumbers do not turn yellow - do not pour water on the leaves when watering, if the water is cold, the cucumbers will start to get sick with powdery mildew and late blight.

When diluting fertilizer, then also try not to splash on the leaves, but pour under the bushes.

Our cucumber leaves do not turn yellow (only the lower ones when we are already picking cucumbers, but this is how it should be).


Here are the possible options:

  • Perhaps you do not water cucumbers so often. And that is why the leaves turned yellow. Try watering the cucumbers a little more often. And maybe the problem with yellow leaves will be solved
  • If, nevertheless, the leaves continue to turn yellow, then you can make a decoction of onion peel, which you spray cucumbers
  • They say that potassium permanganate helps. The option is risky, but if there are no other options, then it's still worth a try.

In general, it is better to consult with knowledgeable people of course. They probably faced this problem and will advise what to do in such a situation.


Look at you, everyone has their own names for the disease from which the leaves turn yellow. Some are not treated, while others are recovering. For example, they do not turn yellow in me, if only from old age. Do not water the leaves, the sun burns them. Droplets of water for the sun are like a magnifying glass, here are your cucumber leaves and stained. Well, okay, I’ll start from the author of the question, with the statement that this is powdery mildew. Spray with a solution of baking soda (a teaspoon per liter of water). So there will be no powdery mildew, and it is suitable for any plants.


We have a small garden under the window, where every year I plant a bed of cucumbers. It often happens that the leaves on my cucumbers begin to turn yellow. I try to use less chemicals. I resort to simple folk methods of first aid for my cucumbers.

In water at room temperature, I dilute a little potassium permanganate so that the water is pale pink. With this weak solution I water the ground where cucumbers and leaves are planted. It helps me a lot, after a day the leaves stop turning yellow.


In order for the cucumbers to give a good harvest when the leaves turn yellow, so that the cucumbers continue to develop normally, fertilize with Fertilizer, Ideal, you can fertilize with sodium humate.

If the leaves turn yellow from below, feed with mineral or organic fertilizers, it is even better to take azofoska. And wood ash helps very well at the rate of 200-300 grams per 1 square meter.


It is necessary to know not only the features of the agricultural technology of this plant, but also diseases that can cause irreparable harm to the plant and destroy the entire crop.

Varieties of cucumber disease

Diseases that affect cucumber liana at different stages of its vegetation can be divided into three groups.

  1. Fungal diseases.
  2. Bacterial diseases.
  3. Viral diseases.

Fungal diseases of cucumbers

The most common fungal disease of cucumbers is powdery mildew. The reason for its appearance on the leaves is sudden changes in temperature, an excess of nitrogen in the soil or. Sick plants are covered with white powder, lag behind in growth and gradually dry out.

Downy mildew or peronosporiosis occurs as a result of high humidity, when watering with cold water, and a sharp temperature drop. First, brown spots appear on the leaves, which dry out after a few days. Fungal spores remain on the underside of the leaves. They are carried by wind and pests to neighboring areas. The disease occurs from plant residues or seeds infected with the mycelium of the fungus. The disease is provoked by high humidity and watering with cold water, as well as sharp changes in day and night temperatures. It appears during the fruiting period.

Dangerous fungal diseases of cucumbers should also include white rot, olive blotch, root rot.

Bacterial diseases of cucumbers

The main signs of bacterial wilt (causative agent - Erwinia tracheiphila) are:

  • sudden wilting of the plant;
  • the appearance of a white sticky mass (similar to saliva) that is released from the stem;
  • leaf spotting and wilting.

The virus remains on the remains of the stem until the next year. If signs of bacterial wilt are noticed, then all dry stems must be burned. Planting gourds in this area is contraindicated for 5-6 years. Seeds collected from such plants are also carriers of the disease.

Soft rot is caused by the bacterium Pseudomonas burgeri Pot. The source of infection is untreated infected seeds. Often the disease proceeds slowly and begins to progress only with a decrease in air temperature. The owners complain about a bad variety or freshly harvested seeds, because the crop shortage for this disease can be 40%.

The first signs of wet rot:

  • slow growth of shoots;
  • wilting and drying of the lower leaves;
  • a large amount of empty flowers;
  • ugly fruit shape;
  • watery shell of the fruit and oil spots on the leaves;
  • rapid loss of turgor at lunchtime;
  • softening of the stems and browning of the vessels;
  • brown mass inside cucumber pulp.

Cucumber diseases spread very quickly in high humidity. Greenhouse plants are most affected by this virus.

Angular leaf spot causes the death of cucumbers in a short time and is considered the most dangerous disease, as it is quickly transmitted from one plant to another. The infection is spread by wind, water droplets, pests and infected seeds. The disease is characterized by the appearance of brown spots on the leaves and fruits, which dry the tissue for several days. The bacterium multiplies most rapidly in warm, humid weather.

With the defeat of vascular bacteriosis, the fruits lose their taste and commercial qualities. They are unsuitable for food, as they become wooden. The infection spreads with the help of infected seeds and plant debris.

Virus diseases of cucumbers

For viral diseases of cucumbers, a change in leaf color is characteristic. Spots appear on it that resemble a mosaic, and the leaf blade itself curls and wrinkles. All viral diseases are seed-borne or carried by pests. Before planting, the seed is recommended to warm up at a temperature of +70 degrees for three days.

Cucumber mosaic appears 25-30 days after planting on young leaves. There is spotty yellowing on the sheet, it is deformed. If you do not start the fight against the disease, then in a few days the fruits will also become infected. The peddler of cucumber mosaic is aphid.

White mosaic on cucumbers appears as white and yellow star spots. Often the entire leaf turns white, and the fruits are painted in a white stripe. The only way to infect a plant with the white mosaic virus is by contact and seeds.

The green mosaic can be confused with an ordinary type of fungal virus, but it only affects young leaves. Bubble-like growths, mosaic yellowing, wrinkling appear on them. Plants grow poorly, the ovary dries and crumbles.

How to deal with fungal diseases of cucumbers?

The most successful fight against disease is the absence of disease. Preventive measures will help to achieve this result. What do we have to do?

  • Observe .
  • Adhere to regular watering with warm water.
  • Loosen the soil.

In the fight against fungal diseases, spraying cucumbers with an infusion of mullein and marigolds has proven itself well.
When infected with powdery mildew, drugs such as Topaz, Kvdris are excellent. "Oxyhom".

If the first signs of downy mildew disease are noticed, then it is necessary to stop and spray the plants with a solution of potassium permanganate, whey tincture. In the acute phase, such drugs as "HOM", "Kuprosat", "Ridomil Gold", "Polycarbacin" help. These drugs have an excellent effect in the fight against root and white rot, olive blotch.

Ways to combat bacterioses in the disease of cucumbers

Bacterial diseases are the most common and every gardener needs to know the main rules for protecting plants from viruses of this group. Preventive work allows you to save young plants at the initial stage of their growing season.

  • Advance tillage from disease bacteria.
  • Disinfection of seeds before planting (soak for 12 hours in a dark solution of potassium permanganate).
  • Regular weeding and removal of their residues from the garden.
  • Pest control, which are carriers of infection.
  • warm, settled water: you need to pour water into the furrows, and not under the root of the plant.
  • Spraying cucumbers from pests.
  • Compliance with crop rotation: return cucumbers to their place only four years after melons.
  • In the greenhouse, the appearance of bacterial diseases is directly related to the formation of condensate. To avoid a large amount of drip moisture, during the period of temperature fluctuations, it is necessary to use space heating at night.

And if it was not possible to protect the plants from infection? How to treat cucumbers from diseases in order to preserve the harvest? Copper-containing preparations will help: Kuproksat, Bordeaux mixture. Processing must be carried out twice, with an interval of 10-12 days.

Fight against viral mosaic species

The best way to deal with viral mosaic is prevention.

  • Soak the seeds before planting in disinfectants or warm up at a temperature of +70 degrees.
  • Destroy all plant debris in the garden after harvest.
  • Control aphids and other insect pests.
  • Disinfect consumables.
  • Water the furrows with warm water.
  • Tie the plants to the support.
  • Monitor soil quality.
  • Throw out diseased plants.

These rules will help to avoid infection with a viral mosaic, but if the plant is sick, then you should not immediately resort to chemicals. Tinctures from onion scales, dandelion, tobacco, garlic will help to cope with the problem.

To know exactly what kind of virus you are dealing with, you need the help of an agronomist. You can use the Internet or books on vegetable growing, which show the diseases of cucumbers in pictures and describe the characteristic signs of each type of infection and how to deal with them.

Video about cucumber diseases

Spring has come, it's time to plant gardens in order to enjoy fresh herbs and vegetables in summer and autumn. Some have even begun to grow the most unpretentious plants in greenhouses or at home on a window or balcony.

Today we will talk about cucumbers and how to protect them from all sorts of pests and phyto-diseases. We are for a healthy lifestyle and wholesome food, so we will not offer chemical compounds for processing cucumbers. Even if they are effective, and you can make good money on their advertising, but health is more expensive.

Cucumber treatment

With such simple and effective recipes from natural ingredients, the question is, how to process cucumbers, will disappear immediately.

When you have cucumbers, you also want tomatoes. Let's talk about how to process them.

For the prevention and treatment of late blight, spray tomatoes with a simple solution of 100 grams of fresh yeast diluted in 10 liters of water.

To combat pests of tomatoes, there is a recipe for a wonderful top dressing. Mix half a kilogram of chicken manure, half a kilogram of wood ash and 5 tablespoons of sugar. Dilute this mixture in water with yeast. Spray the plants with the solution once a week.

Useful tips? Save them to your wall in the social network, so as not to lose.

When growing a particular crop, the gardener tries to get a high and high-quality crop. But when growing cucumbers, one can observe such an unpleasant picture as yellowing of the foliage, covering them with spots and drying around the edges. To eliminate such a problem, it is necessary, first of all, to understand the cause, and only then take some action.

How to process seeds

When planting cucumbers, it is very important to prepare planting material with high quality. To do this, the seeds are placed in a special solution, but in which one, we will consider further.

In order for the seedlings to be healthy and strong, it is worth performing pre-sowing soaking. This method is considered the most effective, because it stimulates the growth of seedlings. To answer the question, you need to keep in mind that several options can be used to prepare the solution, including:

  • 300 ml of methylene blue and 1 liter of water;
  • 1 liter of water, 20 ml of boric acid;
  • 1 liter of water and 2 g of zinc sulfate;
  • 1 liter of water and 5 g of soda.

On the video - how to treat cucumber seeds from diseases:

In addition to soaking, you can pickle grains. This is done in order to protect planting material from pests and diseases. For such a procedure, all varieties are suitable, such as others, for this they use Fentiuram - 3 g of the product is spent per 1 kg of grains.

Garden preparation

The most common problems in growing cucumbers arise precisely because they were not established and the soil was poorly processed. There are several options for this, each of which is effective in its own way:

And here is how the garter of cucumbers and tomatoes in the greenhouse takes place, described with a photo.

What to do if the leaves turn yellow

Often, when growing cucumbers, you may encounter such a problem as yellowing foliage. Often such a nuisance happens with seedlings grown in a greenhouse. At first glance, it may seem that the problem is not so big, you can simply remove the affected leaf and forget about everything. But the problem can be solved only if the exact cause is determined, otherwise the plant may die.

On the video - how to process cucumbers if the leaves turn yellow:

To prevent the leaves from turning yellow, you can process them with such means:

  1. Take 10 liters of water, add 10 ml of brilliant green, 2 liters of whey and 50 g of urea. Treat the seedlings at the flowering stage with the resulting solution. Conduct such events with an interval of 14 days. Milk can be used instead of whey.
  2. Take 9 liters of water, 1 liter of skimmed milk and 10 drops of iodine. Spray the seedlings with the resulting solution.
  3. Take 1 liter of serum, 10 liters of water, 40 drops of iodine and 20 ml of perhydrol (hydrogen peroxide). The resulting agent should be used to treat plants affected by late blight. It is necessary to perform such activities 2-3 times in the evening with an interval of 10-12 days.

But how to use celandine from aphids on cucumbers, and how effective this tool is, is described in great detail in this

Treatment of cucumbers from diseases

Sometimes, even with proper care and, they can be affected by various ailments, including:

On the video - processing cucumbers from diseases:

To combat pathogenic bacteria, it is necessary to use biological agents that do not pose a threat to the human body. They contain beneficial bacteria that will suppress the pathogenic flora.

Preparations are used for the treatment of seed material and as the vegetable crop develops. The following can be considered effective:

  • Trichodermin;
  • Planriz;
  • Pentaphage C;
  • Fitosporin M;
  • Gamair;
  • Alirin B.


spider mite

  • Aphid. These are small, soft-bodied insects that have a yellow-green color. To combat aphids, ash treatment can be used. For 10 liters of water, there are 200 g of ash, 50 g of grated laundry soap. The drug Inta-Virom is also considered effective.

    Spider mite on cucumbers

  • Ants. These insects are carriers of aphids, getting rid of which, you need to take care of the destruction of all nearby anthills. To get rid of ants, you must use a tool such as Anteater. It must be diluted in water, according to the instructions. Remove the top layer of soil from the anthill until white larvae appear. Pour the anthill with the prepared solution. To repel insects, you can use a composition prepared by yourself. You need to take 10 g of boric acid, 100 g of sugar, 100 ml of water. Mix everything and spread the sticky mixture on cardboard strips. Spread them around the anthill.
  • On the video - processing cucumbers from pests:

    What to process after germination

    When 3-4 leaves were formed at the seedlings, it is possible to process cucumbers with the following compositions:

    1. Take 10 liters of water, 30 drops of iodine, 20 g of laundry soap and 1 liter of milk. Spray with a solution at intervals of 10 days.
    2. In the evening, soak the bread in water, and in the morning knead it, place a vial of iodine. Dilute the resulting mixture in 1 liter of water and spray. The prepared liquid can be kept in the refrigerator. Processing plants to produce every 2 weeks.
    3. Take 10 liters of water, add 2 liters of whey and 150 g of sugar. Spray the resulting product and water the cucumbers. This treatment promotes the formation of an ovary. Take 700 g of onion peel, place in 10 liters of water. Bring to a boil, cover the container with a lid and wait 12-14 hours. Filter and dilute 1 liter of infusion with 4 liters of water. Use a solution for processing cucumber tops.
    4. For spraying and watering, as well as other varieties, whey can be used. For 5 liters of water, there is 1 liter of whey.

    On the video - how to process cucumbers after germination:

    What to do after rain

    If your summer turned out to be rainy, then you need to take care of the condition of the cucumber seedlings, since increased moisture leads to the development of various diseases. It is effective to use a composition after rain, which requires the following components:

    • 50 g of soda;
    • 50 g of grated soap;
    • 10 liters of water.

    Process the plant in the evening. This will be an excellent prevention against powdery mildew and other rot. If cucumbers have a bad ovary, then after rain it is worth taking 40 g of soda and 10 liters of water. Treat the bushes with a solution, given that 1 liter of the product will go to 1 bush.

    Caring for cucumbers is a very responsible process. It is extremely important to process them in time with special compounds that will not allow diseases and pests to develop. To do this, you can use both ready-made products bought in the store, and prepared with your own hands.