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Taurus dates several. Taurus and Taurus: Marriage Compatibility

The Taurus woman stands firmly on her feet, largely thanks to her element of the sign - Earth. Practical, prudent, patient - she achieves everything with her intelligence and endurance. The Taurus woman has a very rich inner world, but she does not show it to everyone.

One person who definitely doesn’t have to complain about the lack of attention from the opposite sex is the charming Taurus woman.

If she weren't so picky, men would line up in long lines to conquer this lady. She can safely be called a “real woman.”

She will be meek and obedient, not claiming a leading role in an alliance with a man.

The calm and soft look that the Zodiac endowed her with can captivate any gentleman. And she rarely denies herself the opportunity to diversify her personal life.

Such polygamy is possible only until the moment when Taurus decides to get married, since the compatibility of diversity in bed and a strong family union, in her opinion, is impossible.

The grace and attractiveness that the Taurus woman received from nature makes her noticeable among many others. This pleasant companion and charming companion is also distinguished by her smooth movements and soft voice. She is able to create an atmosphere of peace and tranquility, which is so much lacking in modern men.

She is always friendly towards others, and her pleasant manner of communication makes her a desirable interlocutor who is able to calmly listen to everything and will never allow herself to be harsh or rude. What also makes communicating with her interesting is her lively mind.

This is the kind of woman every man dreams of. Good compatibility with her is possible because of her ability to understand her role. That is, she knows well what a man is needed for and what exactly a woman should do. She will not want to take on a male role, but she will perform her female role with an “excellent” rating.

It is very difficult to piss off this confident person. But there are things that the Taurus sign will not tolerate. For example, objections. Such opposition may cause a negative reaction on her part, especially if it is amplified by the presence of an audience. Well, this woman will not tolerate public insult and humiliation and will not show the best side of her nature.

If there are any complaints, then they need to be expressed in private and with compelling reasoning. She will take unfounded suspicions and teasing as insults and turn into a vindictive person.

In communication, the Taurus woman may seem close-minded. But you will make a grave mistake by underestimating her intelligence.

Yes, she often relies on her feelings and emotions, but this does not prevent her from seeing the truth. In addition, representatives of this sign are very practical; there is no idealist in them at all. They prefer to “have a bird in their hands,” which is especially applicable to the choice of a man.

The zodiac has endowed her with good taste, which she follows when choosing clothes. However, it is not necessary to go beyond your budget. She has a good sense of smell, which allows her to easily select perfumes.

Also, this sign is characterized by compatibility of good taste and luxury goods, to which such a lady is partial. Expensive furs and beautiful jewelry are always present in her image.

Particular emphasis is placed on the décolleté and neck area, because nature rarely fails to endow them with a chic bust.

Among the many fans surrounding her, the Taurus woman will choose her partner herself. She really doesn’t like being forced on her and is unlikely to be favorable to someone who puts pressure on her. You need to interest her so that she herself will come and choose you.

If you decide to conquer this impregnable fortress, then first evaluate your capabilities. If you don’t have beauty, splendor, impeccability and impressive financial security, then you don’t have to approach a lady born under the sign of Taurus, which is part of the Zodiac. She will most likely eliminate you as unworthy of her attention.

You can win her heart with beautiful and expensive gifts that she will appreciate. At the same time, there should be no tackiness and “gypsyism” in such gifts. Only exquisite taste can conquer her. Moreover, aristocracy should be present in everything: from the choice of wines to sex. She loves and enjoys making love. Therefore, poor compatibility in bed will not give such a would-be gentleman a single chance.

When you start a relationship, be prepared for the fact that the Taurus woman is a big owner. If she had been allowed, she would have covered her chosen one with property deeds and written a warning in large letters:

“Don’t interfere, otherwise I’ll kill you!”

Of course, you shouldn’t expect smooth and cloudless relationships with representatives of this sign. And if you give her a reason to be jealous, then get ready. You will not see such revealing scenes in any of the Hollywood films. The same applies to the situation when a Taurus girl feels forgotten or abandoned. A home set can easily end up on the floor, smashed to pieces.

A man whose wife is a Taurus woman can be called lucky. She will allow her husband to feel what it is like to be the “head of the family” without interfering with his ability to make important decisions. She will position herself as a support for her husband, who brilliantly copes with the house and children.

Taurus ladies are distinguished by their thriftiness. Her home will always be in perfect order, and a cozy atmosphere will be created by selecting interior items according to style.

Good taste and sophistication are the features that characterize her home. In addition, you will always be greeted by well-groomed flowers and a pleasant smell.

Thrift and economy characterize her farming style. Friends and acquaintances love to visit here, because the pleasant atmosphere at home and the wife, who is a role model, will always happily welcome guests.

Compatibility is really possible in such a spouse:

  • a good housewife;
  • loving mother;
  • sensual lover.

She simply adores children and tries to devote all her free time to them. They always feel her support and support and know who to go to with their troubles and joys.

The Taurus woman loves to be around a lot of children and nature. Therefore, a country house with a small garden and farm will become a place of happiness and self-realization for her. She is not afraid of hard work and is always willing to do it when necessary.

The down-to-earth Taurus woman does not understand what platonic love is. How can you deny yourself such a pleasant pastime as sex? Her polygamy often manifests itself in the presence of several partners at the same time. And she sees nothing wrong with this.

Such a partner is ready to start a relationship with gradual rapprochement. The tenderness and patience of a man will then be royally rewarded. Foreplay and leisurely movement may create the impression that this woman is overly conservative and does not like experiments in bed. But this opinion is wrong. After a period of “getting used to”, you will be able to fully appreciate the temperament and passion that this Zodiac sign has endowed.

Any action that a man performs in bed will also have an impact on the sensual response of his partner. And then she will require more active actions, for which, in fact, she was preparing.

Good compatibility in bed will be with a man who understands that a romantic atmosphere and surroundings are important to her. Dinner by the fireplace, and then sex on a lying skin - this is a great evening option for a Taurus lover. Sex for her is a stage on which she will happily play several roles. The transformation from a passionate seductress into a cold Snow Queen will be easy for her.

A Pisces man is convenient for a long-term relationship with a Taurus woman. Peace and quiet will be present in their home, and she can show character, for example, by dislocating his jaw. But he will idolize her anyway.

The Cancer man is capricious and subject to mood swings, but the stability that the Zodiac has bestowed on Taurus will be an excellent counterbalance to such behavior. The difficulties overcome at the beginning of acquaintance promise a long and lasting union.

A Capricorn man will be an excellent spouse for a pragmatic lady, which is a Taurus woman. Of course, we are unlikely to talk about deep feelings here, but a marriage of convenience will turn out to be reliable and long-lasting.

Virgo man and Taurus woman have good compatibility. She will fill the emotional emptiness in him, and he will smooth out possible conflicts and misunderstandings. And if necessary, he can cheer her up.

For two Taurus, the union will be built on a strong sexual attraction, although they will constantly “butt horns”.

The complete opposite is the Libra man and the Taurus woman. This union is doomed to collapse.

A night of sex with a Gemini man will be amazing and unforgettable, because his compatibility with a Taurus woman in this regard is very good. But the strong pragmatism of the partner will be boring for the frivolous Gemini.

Creating an alliance with Sagittarius will also be difficult. As soon as he begins to insist that his Taurus lady change her lifestyle, she will immediately prefer to leave him and look for a more flexible man.

The strong jealousy that the Zodiac endows Taurus and Scorpio will turn out to be an explosive mixture in their union. Such a couple is doomed.

The lack of commonality between the beautiful ladies of Taurus and Aries and Aquarius makes their union almost impossible.

But the brutality of the Leo man will become a “stop” sign for the gentle Taurus woman for further relationships.

Zodiac sign Taurus - general characteristics of the sign

The relationship between a Taurus woman and a Taurus man will not be very stormy. At first - exactly. The fact is that both of them are so inert that it is difficult to imagine how they would dare to approach each other and start a conversation. However, everything could be much simpler: higher powers themselves arranged their meeting, they had to collide and begin communication. They will like each other, but not right away. Both will note how similar they are: stubborn, slow, wise. Although, about wisdom, wait - sometimes it takes them so much time to see themselves in each other that it begins to seem that there is no smell of wisdom and insight there. But when they do realize that they have found their complete mirror, they will love each other, because it is impossible not to love someone who is your complete reflection. The downside is that none of them will be the first to reconcile in the event of a quarrel, so conflicts, if they arise, can become protracted.

Everything about their sex is wonderful: both belong to the element of Earth, for which the main thing is physical pleasure. The sign of Taurus is generally one of the sexiest, so harmony in intimate life for a Taurus woman and a Taurus man is one of the first places. What they will miss is inspiration. The same inspiration in sex, thanks to which the desire intensifies a hundredfold, new sexual adventures are invented and amazing places are looked for for love pleasures. They both lack imagination, but the sexual technique will be perfected not one hundred, but two hundred percent. The solution is either to look for inspiration in films, books and music, or to involve third parties, excuse me. But they are both so jealous that this is not an option.

Family and marriage

They will get married and live happily ever after. It will be difficult to find more down-to-earth and family-oriented people: both the Taurus woman and the Taurus man will be so lazy to change anything in their lives that they will prefer to save what they have. Their love will grow stronger, their material well-being will grow, their plans will be fulfilled. The only thing is that they can be terribly bored with each other. They are not very imaginative and not so easy-going, so the problem of boredom can become quite acute. Children, friends, and entertainment can come to the rescue. In general, there will be plenty of ways to rekindle the fire of love and drive away boredom in this married couple.

They will be able to maintain an even and good friendship for many years. They do not chase external manifestations of friendly relations: what is important for them is how much they understand each other internally. A Taurus man and a Taurus woman may not communicate for a long time, and then, having met, chat for a long time and be surprised at how well they understand each other. It should be added that they will always support each other financially: Taurus always has money. They both understand the essence and value of friendship, so they will be able to carry it through the years.

Work and business

If a Taurus woman and man work together, they will succeed. They are both quite material, they know how to work out details and make realistic plans. There are two disadvantages to their business union: firstly, both can be lazy - there is little that can motivate a Taurus who does not want to work. And secondly, they sometimes lack fresh ideas: they themselves are not very good at producing them. However, they can always turn to more ideological employees for help and everything will work out.


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More detailed compatibility
sign Taurus with his partner,
including horoscope analysis,
chakras and square of Pythagoras

Typical Taurus in love and relationships

A representative of the Earth element, Taurus, strong in character and soft in soul, seeks stability in life. Patronizing Venus endows him with creativity, a special store of energy, less characteristic of other earthly signs - the sensual and aesthetic spheres are not alien to Taurus. But luck is less favorable for Taurus. Taurus achieves success, including in relationships, only through his own work and cultivating fortitude.

Precisely because Taurus does not rely on luck and intuition, he is always to some extent a pessimist, skeptic and critic. Always makes plans in detail that have negative scenarios, and does not accept unexpected turns of events. His decisions are always justified. However, when it is necessary to act quickly and boldly to achieve success or solve a problem, he often gives up, because needs time to think things through. And if he acts at random, it is often clumsy and ineffective - after all, luck is much more favorable to others.

Relationships for Taurus are a continuation of his life: in his youth, not yet getting on his feet and gaining confidence, he is rarely successful with the opposite sex. And later he prefers not to take quick first steps towards the person who interests him. First, he will weigh and carry out all the tests for his future partner in his head and only then, having thoroughly prepared, will he arrange the moment for communication and rapprochement.

Despite great internal excitement, outwardly Taurus knows how to remain calm. And in his interactions with people, he is charming and friendly, endearing himself to those around him. Therefore, if he wishes, he can get to know a potential partner calmly. But it’s unlikely that he will be lucky with favorable compatibility the first time. Because Instead of quickly chatting with a person and understanding whether he is right for him, Taurus makes plans for him based on his assumptions. Even despite the failure in dating, despite the problems in communication and understanding with a potential partner, Taurus, with his characteristic tenacity, will continue to take things by storm.

Taurus strives for a stable and cloudless relationship, where both partners will feel comfortable, confident and prosperous. Like other earthly signs, Taurus prefers to immediately indicate their position when meeting people. And sometimes this plays into his hands, and sometimes it immediately scares away his partner, who is not ready for such rapid development. Over time, Taurus realizes that this is a pretty good filter for weeding out unsuitable people. He knows how to combine romance and practicality in an original way.

Usually, towards maturity, Taurus gains experience and wisdom in relationships, becoming committed to one type of partner. And already at this time his chances of creating a strong family, which he dreamed of, become much higher. And the partner who entered into a relationship with Taurus and found compatibility with him will be very lucky - Taurus will selflessly do everything to make both of the couple feel good.

Checklist of Taurus shortcomings

  • First, answer, are you ready to wait for Taurus to decide and take the first step?
  • Do you have enough patience to listen to Taurus' reasoning at the moment when you need to act?
  • It will not be so easy for you to defend yourself from Taurus imposing his opinion. And it will be even more difficult to convince him.
  • Don't be surprised when the idea you propose is first rejected by Taurus, and after some time presented to him as his own.
  • Don’t expect kind compliments and praise from Taurus every time: gratitude for your efforts will be his silent devotion to you, willingness to provide support and valuable gifts.
  • Are you ready to believe that behind the stone mask of courage and composure of Taurus, often positive and cheerful, hides a vulnerable and raging nature inside, taking many things to heart and looking for ideal harmony instead of eternal struggle?
  • At the same time, your experiences and problems can be wittily ridiculed by Taurus. After all, in terms of his experiences, he is quite selfish and therefore deaf to those around him.

Natural compatibility of Taurus within its element of Earth: with Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn

Practical partners of Earth signs are able to build stable and long-term relationships. Between them, as a rule, there is no burning fire of passion, but their own atmosphere of kindness, mutual understanding, subtle emotionality and, of course, common sense binds them very firmly. For Taurus, another earth sign is not only a lover, but also someone you can call 24 hours a day, someone you can call your best friend, someone who will support you in business or stop you from making mistakes.

Some may think that such pragmatic relationships are boring and devoid of romance. But earth signs really feel good, warm and fun with each other. If in addition to this there are successes in the material sphere, then they don’t need anything else at all.

The most successful pairs of the Earth elements:

  • Taurus woman – Capricorn man
  • Taurus man – Virgo woman

Favorable compatibility of Taurus with the signs of the element of Water: Scorpio, Pisces and Cancer

It happens that Taurus himself gets tired of the stable and predictable way of life with an even emotional background. And during such periods he may be attracted to a Water sign partner. In which moods will change like waves, who will be very anxious and need the support of Taurus, with whom you can talk until the morning every day and always discover something new. And which finally inspires and turns on Taurus like no other before.

Not all water signs will be happy right away. Taurus will have to grow both personally and spiritually to accept this relationship. In addition, he should take into account that material support and management of the general household will also fall on his powerful shoulders.

The most successful pairings of Taurus with Water signs:

  • Taurus woman – Pisces man
  • Taurus man – Cancer woman
  • In a Taurus-Scorpio couple, gender does not play a role.

Unfavorable compatibility of Taurus with representatives of the signs of the air and fire elements: Aries, Gemini, Leo, Libra, Sagittarius and Aquarius

Unions of Taurus with representatives of the elements of Air and Fire turn out to be contradictory and complex. And the relationships themselves are full of both minor trials and real conflicts. It is extremely difficult for practical Taurus to understand a frivolous partner who is prone to making rash decisions. It is difficult for him to decide on a relationship, and even more so on entering into marriage with such individuals, except on their initiative. But, having tied the knot, Taurus expects reciprocity and utmost honesty in everything from their partner. Which, in his understanding, is exactly what he doesn’t receive.

Each union has its own difficulties: Fire signs are too impulsive, superficial and try to dominate the headstrong Taurus. Air signs are cold in emotions, do not know how to sympathize, chatter uselessly, are not constructive, although they are very creatively gifted.

Compatibility of Taurus with 12 Zodiac signs

The initiator of communication will most likely be the sociable Aries, who sees similar ambitions and business acumen in Taurus. Aries will benefit from the life experience and sanity of Taurus, through which he passes all his decisions. Aries will attract Taurus with charisma, determination, and surprising spontaneity of actions. Taurus, who is slow to rise and make decisions, will be glad to have such a strong “friend,” the ringleader, next to whom he feels very confident and safe in any situation.

Usually, two Taurus people have mutual satisfaction with the physical side of the relationship. But not as long as we would like. Both are quite conservative and monotonous in their habits, so they literally read each other in advance after the first meetings. But in terms of fidelity, both are reliable and mutual. And they are unlikely to consider one of their fleeting hobbies as an incentive to destroy the stability so dear to them.

If we consider this couple as friends, then everything is quite good for both. There is no conflict between the elements of the signs, there are topics for discussion, and mutual assistance is present. Perhaps this friendship will not be so close. But you shouldn't go too far here. Signs have different dominant spheres, and the elements leave their imprints on life philosophies and types of thinking.

Despite their different worldviews, types of thinking and levels of sensuality, Taurus and Cancer find high mutual understanding literally from the first minutes of close acquaintance. Although at first glance they may not like each other at all. Taurus is especially guilty of superficial, dismissive assessments, while Cancer is much more sensitive in this. As the “elder,” Taurus, at the beginning of this relationship, takes on a large share of responsibility for them and for Cancer.

A few representatives of the signs of Taurus and Leo decide to move further in their relationships than in business terms. Despite the fact that in business their compatibility is close to ideal and the couple shows efficiency unattainable for many, if Leo is in the usual role of a leader, and Taurus is his faithful right hand, not afraid of difficult tasks.

The compatibility between them is really close to ideal. The fact is that they will not be able to start communicating with anyone else as easily, immediately find common topics and understand that both are speaking the same language and about the same thing. Often Taurus and Virgo become friends first. Then best friends. Well, then close friendship itself logically flows into a relationship. This option is the closest for Earth signs.

From rapid love to hatred there is only one step. The strong and dominant “boa constrictor” in the pair is Taurus. And Libra is considered a “rabbit” dependent on him. Of course, the pair of “Boa constrictor and rabbit” does not belong to the harmonious types of compatibility - it is a bright flash of love and passion with a rather rapid fading. Moreover, in the finale, the partners strive to inflict as much damage as possible on each other.

Located opposite each other on the Zodiac circle, Taurus and Scorpio are usually either rejected at first sight, or, conversely, experience a powerful attraction. There is no neutral relationship in this pair. Unfortunately, most often in this pair one of the signs cannot stand it and gives up. Everything here is turbulent and complex at the same time.

For Taurus, a love relationship with Sagittarius will bring little positive. This type of compatibility is called “Rabbit and boa constrictor”, where Taurus becomes a helpless “rabbit” in the hands of the “boa constrictor” Sagittarius, beckoning him with its powerful energy. Moreover, a specific friendship of this kind can last literally forever. But the outcome in love is predetermined.

The similarity of temperaments and worldviews determines the favorable compatibility of two representatives of the elements of the Earth - Taurus and Capricorn. They easily find a common language both on the basis of emotional coincidence and coincidences in thinking, plans or material goals. Capricorn can act as a kind of investor in Taurus’ projects, just as an experienced father helps his matured son with finances and management in starting his own business.

As long as Taurus sees benefit in Aquarius and his bright head, he is happy to provide his support, receive from him a fresh look and solutions to his problems, and take something new from him to implement. In turn, as long as Aquarius has something to take in return from Taurus, Aquarius will be by his side. This makes the relationship as constructive and honest as possible. As soon as the partners decide that there is a semblance of love between them, everything will immediately become complicated.

Taurus and Pisces have excellent potential for creating a strong and lasting union. As the relationship develops, Taurus and Pisces begin to understand each other almost at the level of telepathy, often dealing only with glances and emotions. Such mutual understanding at the level of subtle emotionality and intuition, inherent in the water element, makes this relationship special in the eyes of earthly Taurus. And therefore very valuable.

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Reviews and stories about Taurus couples |

Please explain: I can’t understand my husband and I’s relationship between Elder Brother and Younger Brother. But one thing is clear - he doesn’t show much concern for me. I - 02.22.1983, he - 05.13.1979.

Ira, your sign of Pisces is the “Big Brother” in relation to the sign of Taurus. Accordingly, here we should be talking more about your concern, if it is appropriate to talk about this in the context of this couple. Caring fits rather into the parent-child relationship. Your case is, first of all, a kindred spiritual relationship between the complementary elements of Water and Earth, but with a share of mentoring from a more experienced and wise partner of the Pisces sign.

In general, Irina, I couldn’t miss your couple, because... For the first block of chakras/biorhythms, your overall compatibility is 27% and this is the absolute minimum that I have personally observed throughout the entire research period. It seems that you have more than one problem of care, and it is not worth putting it in the first place.

Amazing calculation of compatibility according to biorhythms! I have always been interested in astrology, not just ordinary general horoscopes, but individual ones. I do yoga. I'm interested in a person's aura. I read about chakras and kundalini, etc. The same interpretation is striking. Thank you. Incredibly interesting and exciting. May God grant you prosperity, site creators and specialists. When you read about compatibility with a person with whom you have lived for 15 years, you are convinced that such knowledge is not an empty phrase.

Now I (my date is September 20, 1977) have had a crisis in my relationship with my husband for the second year. Born on October 6, 1974. He is a foreigner. And reading the result, I realized even more than with my experience and reflection and analysis that what is still important is nationality and mentality and religion (the inclinations of each person individually and aspirations), which are also given and brought up by parents, society, as well as the STARS in moment of birth.

What LOVE we have had all these years. What intensity, mutual interest in each other and desire to be together. But heteropolarity still played a role. My husband’s ability to let things take their course had a negative impact. I, with my pedantry, love for clarity and organization, stressed him out. Only feeling and love helped to overcome all stumbling blocks.

It seems that all the family crises have passed for 1,3,5,7,9,11 years... but suddenly, for 15 years, circumstances arose that unlearned us. The housing issue and my reluctance to live in the house of my husband’s parents and his lack of understanding why this is unacceptable to me. This is how we live apart for now. We come only because of the children. My husband and son live with his parents, my daughter and I are in another city thousands of kilometers away - where my mother lives, she has her own apartment.

But what I want to say is that no matter how much I wanted to fix everything and regular attempts to find a compromise, to come up with something, life apart has borne fruit. Somehow everything internally calmed down, became reconciled... and now I don’t know: do I want them to be together?! I want one thing for sure, that the children are together and both parents are within reach, that there is a family.

So... so far so far. Something bad happened to me and through it I met a man (he helped resolve everything with the authorities), the matter ended - everything was resolved well. The man is very noble. I even invested my own money at the beginning to make the process faster. And so far I’m finding the amount. In general, good friendships emerged. We collide from time to time. We don't find ourselves alone. Both are reserved. I’m still, at least formally, married. He's decent.

In general, I don’t really understand his attitude towards me - he is very reserved. But if I disappear (his words), he finds a reason to call or dock. Like he doesn’t lose sight of it. Taking into account the specifics of his work, I sometimes need to call and consult. In general, the relationship is not completely interrupted, but nothing more is looming. It’s just that the relationship is becoming more and more warm, as if it were relatives)) Asking him: are you busy? Maybe he can report to me. It's interesting to spend time over a cup of coffee or a business lunch. One of these days we should meet to discuss some formalities in the documents.

And today I came across your site. I looked at compatibility... not even as a partner, but as a friend - with friends, too, because compatibility doesn’t matter how interested they are in each other.
It turns out that this person and I have almost absolute intellectual compatibility))) It says it’s not so important for men and women, they say a man can find it with friends, but on the other hand, it’s good. In men, when there is an intellectual match with a woman. That's a special interest)

Its date is 05/08/1980. Yes, a little younger. This confuses me a little. But according to everyone, I look like I’m 30)) And the most interesting thing is that his day and month coincide with my mother’s birthday - 08/05

Thank you again for such interesting information.

Neta, thanks for your story. The fact that your friend has a birthday on the same calendar day as your mother is really nothing more than a coincidence. But, oddly enough, there are parallels between you and your friend and you and your husband:

Date of Birth 20.09.1977 06.10.1974 08.05.1980
Biorhythms/Chakras 38% 37%
Physical 18% 14%
Emotional 99% 61%
Intellectual 13% 95%
Cordial 1% 29%
Creative 34% 8%
Intuitive 59% 43%
Higher 45% 12%
Zodiac signs Virgo - Earth Libra - Air Taurus - Earth
Pythagorean square
Character 2 4 3
Family 3 2 4
Temperament 5 2 3

As already mentioned, the probability of finding a partner with high overall compatibility in terms of biorhythms/chakras, say 70-80%, is equal to the probability of meeting a partner with whom you will have only 30-40%. You were lucky in this twice in a row. But this is not luck at all, but your subconscious, tuned over many years to a certain “wave” of the partner next to you. The specifics of the relationship, when there are 1-2 strong maxima against the background of non-overlapping levels, have also already been discussed. And, in principle, this option has the right to life. Sometimes even a good and interesting one, when there is still something “above” and the foundation of compatibility of the signs.

With your husband, apart from, I believe, there was love in the female sense at times. Almost 100% in emotions - it is very strongly felt. But crises as scheduled every two years are too much. This is already from the category of tales of family psychologists, setting up a problem couple, that you will be patient this year, and the next year everything will work out. So it was possible to stop even after the first couple of crises.

Who is the new man for you: a friend or someone more is still an open question. And the answer to it rather depends on you. From his side, everything is clear: (again) a man with a stronger character met a woman of his own element, whose sign for him is “Child” or “Student”. They have the same ground under their feet, the same topics and excellent mutual understanding. And the most important thing is that this man deeply sympathizes with you because of his intellectual maximum. Remember your emotional upsurge at the early stage of your relationship with your husband and you will understand the man next to you. A kind of male love with the mind. By the way, you and him also have some overlap in emotions. Therefore, in absolute terms, the new friend beats the husband in terms of the number of points of contact. Probably, if everything suits you, then it’s worth trying to move forward. Your age plays absolutely no role in this case.

Thanks to the creators for the site,

Zodiac signs: Taurus-Scorpio, opposites attract. Completely suitable. As a woman here already gave feedback about the highest charm, I had such a moment too. Somehow I looked into his eyes and understood why we hadn’t met before, why now, and before we wouldn’t have recognized each other in the crowd.

Pythagorean square: characters in example 111 and 11111. Of course, I had partners before and after. My question is, why is compatibility not divided between men and women? After all, it is much easier for a man with a stronger character to lead a woman with a softer one than vice versa. Based on your site, I concluded for myself (I checked my exes by date of birth), I have a “golden mean” character. It's better to run from 1 and 11. Family: I have 6 (a lot). But the man must also be at least 4, otherwise he should also run away. Anything smaller didn't work out with them. Temperament: the highest number in my experience is 4 (I have 1). But that doesn't matter to me. As the author described well, a man can restrain himself, but a woman can always hold back “a little more.”

Olga, thank you for your story. It may not be easy. I'm sorry about your departed partner... But fate is such a thing. With your permission, I will leave a few comments.

The first thing of interest in your couple is the overall compatibility of 43% and two strong levels of compatibility greater than 80%, almost maximums. The first is physical and the second is intellectual. There is a more “masculine” tendency in this regard. And perhaps your personal warehouse, Olga, is aimed more at the male level. This is completely normal, just like many men who are sensitive on an emotional, heartfelt and intuitive level. They may not be the majority, but there are quite a lot of them.

What is the peculiarity of this type of compatibility, when in general the percentage does not seem to be high, but there is one or two maximums: the partners strongly feel it, live it and, like no other couple, usually value what connects them. Many people ask: what is the best way to feel or develop compatibility at one level or another? The best answer will be given to you by the couple that is supported by the party you are interested in.

As for the highest levels of compatibility, then, Olga, sorry - 2.5 months of a relationship is not quite the time to talk about them. People have been following this path for years. And most often they don’t come. According to your calculations, you have a “half” intersection at the highest chakra. It is unlikely that this could be the main motive for your relationship.

However, not only intelligence, but also emotions in your couple were far from a secondary side. After all, the very meeting of signs opposite each other in the zodiac circle is very exciting for both partners. So different and both of them missed each other so much before this meeting. Sometimes they themselves are surprised at how they ended up together. Interesting couple. By the way, they say that two opposite signs seem to have some kind of supernatural sense of each other at a distance. Perhaps this is what you meant when talking about sensory. But, you know, the danger of this peculiar gift is that it is it that often becomes the cause of a breakup in such a couple. After all, each partner quickly guesses about betrayals and other bad plans that visit his companion.

Regarding the fact that it is much easier for a man with a stronger character to lead a woman with a softer character, I think you are right. Only in relation to the majority. But, again, one cannot fail to take into account those women whose developed will and character helped them become bosses, directors, business owners and leaders in other areas. Paradoxically, they form the most harmonious families with husbands who are weaker in character and do not strive to lead such a woman.


Very good site! I would like to know why when choosing a partner there is no search among all the signs? I myself am a Taurus and, in my opinion, Aquarius is best suited for me, but in the selection this sign is excluded... I understand that air and earth do not combine. But there are exceptions... an example is that Taurus and Aquarius are one of the most stable alliances in Russia and Europe.

Julia, I would not take the liberty of recommending the so-called “Patron and Advisor” union (the signs are located in 4 or 10 positions) as the most stable. Here, rather, depending on your luck. But, it should be noted that luck is extremely rare. According to the statistics of reviews on In-contri over the past year and a half, there have not been many pairs of characters of this type who would be satisfied with family relationships. Although friendships and affairs are usually productive.

Nevertheless, the system recommends that you do not start only from your experience, but try to find interaction with a partner of a favorably compatible element: if you are Taurus, then for you these would be the water signs - Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces, and if you are Aquarius, then you would be inspired by the fire signs - Aries, Leo and Sagittarius.


Thank you for such a prompt review to the site and Anastasia. But boa constrictors live with rabbits for 20 years!!! Maybe somehow the boa constrictor can adapt and learn to appreciate his rabbit? Yes! And for some reason everything turns out the other way around - I’m looking at him like he’s looking at a boa constrictor - fascinated and bewitched! This discrepancy surprised me! What if we are an exception?)))


Hello!!! I would like to know how the character 11111 of my young man can manifest itself, it is written that (tyranny should be stopped before marriage), I am only 11, lately I have begun to notice and feel his aggressiveness, seemingly in small things, but somehow I don’t I feel comfortable. Maybe I'm exaggerating, of course, but I'd like to figure it out. Although according to the type of relationship (I am a boa constrictor, he is a rabbit), but in reality it turns out almost the opposite (((HOW TO EXPLAIN THIS????

I read on many sites that a Taurus woman and a Libra man are very good compatibility, everything is somehow tense and complicated.

Physical 71% - compatible
Emotional 58% - overlap
Intellectual 64% - overlap
Cardiac 82% - almost the same
Creative 5%
Intuitive 85% - almost the same
Highest 41%

Olga and Diana, allow me to answer you “wholesale”, because... your questions on similar topics.

First, about “Boa Constrictor and Rabbit” in general. Here, dear friends, the point is not so much how long they live, but what the nature of these relationships is and, importantly, what their outcome is. In general, you know, it seems a little strange that people evaluate other people's attitudes, first of all, by their time. Somehow, at the dawn of the creation of this site, I already gave the following analogy on this matter: if my retired neighbor drives the same Niva for more than a quarter of a century, this does not mean that the Niva is the best and most reliable car :)) Moreover Moreover, there is a lot of experience of car owners and statistics on car breakdowns, which are not at all in favor of domestic brands and Niva as well.

So it is with a horoscope - it is centuries-old experience, statistics and, most importantly, a system of knowledge. And this system contains one of the fragments concerning the relations of signs, when the second is located in 6 positions from the first, and the first, respectively, in 8 positions from the second - this is if for both the counting is carried out from left to right. And with the interpretation of these relations, you, like any person, have every right to agree or disagree, because Each person is given his own will. This interpretation, of course, is also superimposed on the characteristics of specific signs, but this does not change the main line. In no case do I want to dissuade either you, Olga, or you, Diana, from your current relationship. But agree that “forewarned is forearmed.”

Therefore, Olga, you can safely try to break the record of “as much as 20 years” of living together for a similar couple. We will be happy to create on the site a top of the longest relationships “Boa Constrictor and Rabbit”, where we will give you first place :) If there is one, of course. Well, for now, adapt if you are ready for it. I just ask you to read the following comment for Diana, where there will be some explanations about your type.

Diana, your situation is more complicated. More precisely, it’s not even more difficult, but rather like everyone else’s. Those. The relationship has its strengths, and there are also its weaknesses. However, there is no clear advantage. Quite good compatibility of biorhythms and chakras, although without strong compatibility in basic emotions and intellect, but still. And the main antagonism lies in the clash between the aggressive leader in the role of the “Rabbit” and you, the “Boa Constrictor”, who has a soft and even disposition. And believe me, if it weren’t “Boa Constrictor” in your place, the degree of your partner’s aggression would be much less. And all because he experiences the unusual discomfort of psychological pressure from your sign. Because of this constant confrontation, the degree of defensive aggression (in fact, it is protection) will only increase over time.

There is no interest or desire to argue with other sites that give interpretations about the relationship of signs and Taurus with Libra in particular. Moreover, I know from my own experience: most sites try to give a positive forecast for absolutely any pair. Well, or with minor inserts of negativity. In some ways they can be understood and, perhaps, this is even good for young people who are just starting a relationship and want to get a positive outlook. But, I repeat once again that a horoscope is a system. And most people, when working with a horoscope, do not see the system, but only fragments. Because of this fragmentary view, misunderstanding arises. Let's use your sign as an example to analyze the system, rather than individual fragments.

In the form of such a table, the compatibility of signs should not raise any questions at all. Absolutely clear logic: in the compatibility of even and odd signs with each other, in the distribution by elements and their compatibility, in the sequence of elements and signs.

And what is the place of Libra for Taurus here, when before Libra comes Virgo, of the same element as Taurus, and after Libra comes Scorpio, the representative of Water, which is so favorable for the element of Earth? It is obvious that Libra does not have a better place for Taurus in this row of love compatibility. But relationships between people can be not only love, but also, for example, friendly, business and hostile. So, by the way, Taurus and Libra can be pretty good friends. And in a job where Taurus-“Boa Constrictor” will be the boss, and Libra-“Rabbit” will be his first deputy, ready to carry out any instructions and always serve - and a completely excellent couple with high efficiency.

So you, Diana, are now also armed with a warning from the horoscope and Pythagoras. It's your choice to continue this relationship or not. But in your letter it feels like you are already casting doubt on them. These doubts, as mentioned above, are not unfounded. And there is a high probability that the foundations will only become stronger over time.

Great site!

I calculated compatibility with my ex-husband and many problematic things became clear. I wish I could have done this sooner, right? Then I looked at my parents to understand if suddenly the legs of the problem person were growing from there - it coincided and it became clearer. And now I (12/12/1975) fell in love with him (04/26/1983). And damn, do you want to start solving problems? How????? Help!!!

Olga, our reader Anastasia, who sent her review almost simultaneously with yours, has an answer for you based on her own experience regarding the relationship of the signs that form the pair “Boa Constrictor and Rabbit”. Only for you it is Sagittarius (you) and Taurus (the chosen one). And for her it is Aries and Virgo.

By the way, one more thing regarding your particular pair of 12/12/1975 and 04/26/1983. Here is simply a classic meeting of the “Boa Constrictor and the Rabbit”: you, the Sagittarius woman and the “Boa Constrictor”, are older and stronger in character than your beloved Taurus “Rabbit”. And he is stronger than you in temperament by 1.

And here is the answer to your question in the story from Anastasia in the second paragraph:


I came across your site in search of a question about what was going on with me and my relationship with my husband. We have known each other for more than five years, almost two of which we have been married, but from time to time I had the feeling that I was in a cage and without him it would be easier for me, he increasingly “appears” to me as an egoist.

The compatibility calculation answered my question, what’s the matter, I 08/26/1988, he 04/11/1988, the “boa constrictor and rabbit” type of relationship put everything in its place in the best possible way. Just for fun, I counted a couple of my acquaintances, their relationship had some strange at first glance similarity to mine, and it became clear, the same “boa constrictor with a rabbit”, they lived together for more than 20 years, they have two children, a “rabbit” (woman) I tried to do everything for my family, but the “boa constrictor” just didn’t care, they broke up, so the “rabbit” now says that it was like a stone had been lifted from his soul.

I’ve been familiar with calculations using the Pythagorean square since childhood. Mom is interested in all sorts of similar studies, it’s very interesting to know your comments on these relationships and on my square. According to him, my intellectual side is not strong, if I understand correctly, it’s funny that I unlearned the mat. class, then went to university. on the mat. fak. and now I work as a programmer, quite successfully)), but my soul requires something for itself, maybe you can tell me. P.S. I play the piano, but that’s for myself).

Olga, I hope you understand that the novel “The Boa Constrictor and the Rabbit” is fiery in nature at the beginning, but tragic at the end. And this is confirmed by all the reviews that came from our readers over the year of the project’s life. Therefore, if I were you, I would not hope for the duration of this relationship. But make them another bright page in your life - why not? With your permission, we will now answer Anastasia, now that we have dealt with the “Boa Constrictor and the Rabbit”.

So, Anastasia, your qualities according to the Pythagorean square: 111 22 3 4 66 8888 9. Hmm, you are not confident in the strength of your intellectual side and you think it’s funny that you graduated from the physics and mathematics class and now successfully work as a programmer.

I propose to compare together the squares of the most famous programmers, whose developments have made the most significant contribution to IT and our lives in general:

● Bill Gates, creator of Windows (10/28/1958): 11 2 333 4 5 7 88 9

● John Carmack, game developer (08/20/1970): 1,222 5,77 8,99

● Sergey Brin, creator of Google (08/21/1973): 111 22 33 4 77 8 99

● Larry Page, creator of Google (03/26/1970): 11 22 333 4 6 77 99

● Mark Zuckerberg, creator of Facebook (05/14/1984): 11 2 333 44 55 77 8 9

● Pavel Durov, creator of Vkontakte (10/10/1984): 111 222 444 6 8 9

● Nikolai Durov, Pavel’s brother and the technical “brain” of the VK team (11/21/1980): 111111 22 3 5 8 99

In this series, by the way, a very interesting pair of two best friends - Brin and Page - with heart highs and highest compatibility, who created the most complex, powerful and expensive system in the world - Google. They have quite similar squares, their signs of Leo and Aries belong to the elements of Fire, between them they have five 3s, four 9s and four 7s in luck. Amazing friendship and working union.

As for you, Anastasia, it is important to understand: the qualities that you see in the Pythagorean square are given to you from birth and undergo development throughout your life. Of course, it is easier to develop and get the effect from those things that are already given in surplus. So, for example, in the matter of inventing the first operating system, the first social network, a super-search engine, it was easier for those people who had powerful inclinations of invention coupled with intelligence and logic. We also see that the combination of 9 (intelligence) and 3 (cognition), 9 and 5 (logic) or 9-3-5 in one person turns out to be quite successful. It turns out that you belong to the combination of 9 and 3 in one square. But in your case, since you have studied technical disciplines for so many years and are now successfully working as a programmer, then thanks to the notorious “10,000 hours”, you have probably developed 99 in yourself. And two people helped you on a difficult and atypical technical path for a girl six of perseverance and hard work.

Trying to find something for your soul, you, Anastasia, perhaps should turn to your strongest quality 8888 and not forget about the successes achieved in programming. Your hobby is piano. Why not create a resource that will be interesting to all pianists? Or maybe some other resource or service useful to the general public? It seems to me that Pythagoras is hinting at this with his 8888 in your square. In the previous review there was already a comment about many eights. Perhaps he will give ideas for you too.

Hello! I became interested in the compatibility of zodiac signs after breaking up with a man with whom it was interesting and exciting at first, and then simply unbearably difficult. Having read about how a Taurus woman and a Sagittarius man get along, I was surprised how accurately astrologers reflect all the subtleties of such relationships, as if they were writing from us))). And of course, off we go... I started looking at compatibility by year of birth, then date of birth (interesting!!!), and having plunged into the study of compatibility with other signs, I then thought: I wish I could meet Cancer. The relationship with Sagittarius was long and painful (and there were no others), that I just wanted to believe the stars. Six months later I met my Cancer, understanding at a glance, ease of communication, common interests, etc. Of course, I checked the compatibility on different sites: the relationship is harmonious, long-term, but as they write on one of the sites, it leaves a mark of unhappiness on me, and I couldn’t find exactly how this manifests itself. Maybe you can tell me? I am 05/12/1983, he is 07/05/1963.

Opinion of In-contri and classical astrology:

Full calculation (by chakras/biorhythms, the total is 69% - above average):

Date of Birth 05.07.1963 12.05.1983
Physical 80%
Emotional 84%
Intellectual 28%
Cordial 38%
Creative 89%
Intuitive 90%
Higher 73%
Zodiac signs Cancer - Water Taurus - Earth
Pythagorean square
Character 3 4
Family 2 5
Temperament 3 5

Another pleasant thing, as we have already seen, is the pair “Elder brother - younger brother”, where Taurus, that is, you, Alena, is for the elder. And, as happens in most couples with roles assigned by the Zodiac, the same thing is confirmed in Pythagoras - 4 in your character versus 3 in Cancer. Although, with a high degree of confidence, it can be assumed that at the initial stage, a more mature Cancer man with a “golden”, but nevertheless impulsive character, will try to show himself as a leader. But over time, you will come to natural roles where you are given the place of the first number.

It is also extremely important (this is the second main point after the favorable compatibility of signs) - high compatibility in all three higher chakras. For partners your age, and especially your date, this is key compatibility. Therefore, now we need to start working on revealing it, planning our lives together, sharing our experiences and our philosophy of life with each other - in general, building relationships, also as a deep spiritual union.

I think, Alena, that you have already read enough promising forecasts about your couple and, including on this site, you have found additional confirmation. This is all good. Only now, I’m afraid that the main problems will await you outside. What can I say: a 30-year-old girl and a 50-year-old man. Surely, in the eyes of the majority, this will look at least like an unequal marriage of convenience. From your environment: “the old man decided to shake off the old days”, “why do you need such a thing, I should have found a young one.” From his environment: “she needs money/property from you, and then she will divorce you,” “she was deprived of her father’s attention as a child, so now she is with you, but this will pass.” And everything like that. There’s no need to even guess here—these are stereotypes of society. And this is precisely why you need to focus on the strongest and deepest aspects of compatibility in your couple in order to counter this public opinion. So that no one even has doubts about the strength of your union.

Yes, your couple probably doesn’t look traditional. Whereas in reality it is very harmonious. And hardly many people know that a Cancer man, even at an advanced age, remains at heart a sophisticated romantic and a dreamer. And next to a much younger girl, such a man himself gains a second youth. So enjoy your meeting, develop a foundation of common interests, but do not rush things regarding marriage just yet. Still, your chosen one has family type 2 and this, as a rule, needs some time. Although the initiative will most likely come more from you, Alena. And there is nothing wrong with this, but, I repeat, everything has its time.

Z.Y.: about the “seal of misfortune.” Naturally, I understood what kind of site it was. I saw him too. But, alas, he is one of those who circulate several standard answers for all couples in circles and, believe me, the “seal of misfortune” is given out right and left to every third couple. This can already be called a feature of such a site. And, by the way, there are also quite a few funny sites, by the way, much more popular than ours, where all couples are perfectly compatible with each other. Therefore, everyone chooses what they like. And if we talk about chips, then on In-contri, as you, I hope, noticed, there are no two pairs with identical calculations. Everyone is individual. As, indeed, are the people themselves.

While we're on the subject, that site uses synastry calculations, which is practically very difficult to implement as a script on the site. It can be truly reliable if two conditions are met:
- calculated manually by an experienced astrologer (I know one of these and have seen this happen)
- you know exactly down to the minute your and your partner’s time of birth

And just with the second point, everything is not as simple as it seems. We really only know from rumors and memories from our parents, at best, what time we were born. Therefore, when the error in our time of birth is added to the error in the time of birth of our partner, then such “seals” are then obtained in practice. And in synastry it may be that a person born at 9 o’clock in the morning and, let’s say, at 10 am already have a completely different set of qualities. In my opinion, such an approach has a right to life, but its emphasis is often placed completely incorrectly. If a person is a Taurus, like you, for example, then he is first and foremost a Taurus and secondly and thirdly has the qualities of other signs. And not the dominant qualities. And in similar calculations, everything can be turned around so that you have nothing left of Taurus. Let me remind you that a difference in just one hour of birth can lead to this. Whereas in the In-contri calculation we see that a difference of a day or two in the date of birth will not lead to dramatic changes. Unless these days or two fall on border markers.

Here, Alena. It's my opinion. You can argue or agree. I wish you good luck in love, development, mutual spiritual growth and, of course, I would like to write in a year how things are going with you. Good luck to you!

Hello! An interesting analysis of psychological and emotional compatibility on this site prompted me to contact me. Realizing all the positive and negative aspects of living together with a spouse for more than 12 years, one single question haunts me: why build relationships and develop them if it is known in advance that there is complete incompatibility in views, interests, and temperament. I am 05/01/72, my wife is 03/21/75


Alexander, it seems to me that your calculation with your wife does not at all give serious reasons for the statement about “complete incompatibility.” This is far from true:

Date of Birth 01.05.1972 21.03.1975
Physical 1%
Emotional 84%
Intellectual 56%
Cordial 62%
Creative 44%
Intuitive 51%
Higher 55%
Zodiac signs Taurus - Earth Aries - Fire
Pythagorean square
Character 2 3
Family 6 5
Temperament 6 3

As we see, apart from the physical chakra, there are no more significant dissonances. There is good compatibility on 2 “female” levels, which are key in relationships - in emotions and in the heart. And all other levels are neutral. Quite a normal situation. But intelligence, Alexander, is what you need more in your work. In family relationships, this is no longer the most important point. If we talk about your temperament, which is more “overheated” 6, and at the same time take into account the “male” physical dissonance, then the problem is more on your side. For a woman, the question of temperament is, first of all, emotional compatibility.

There is also a problem in the inconsistency of the signs “Best Friend and Best Enemy” (Aries comes before Taurus, which means he is the “Best Enemy”), but this is not the worst option for a couple according to the Zodiac. Moreover, this is also statistically the most popular option. Even if the relationships between successive signs do not build smoothly, something always attracts them and this connection has such a peculiar “neighborly” character. There is a place for friendship here, based on the fact that the signs “live” nearby, like neighbors. However, there is a place for rivalry, envy, and gloating, such as “a neighbor bought a car” - grief, and “a neighbor’s cow died” - joy. This is, of course, an exaggerated example.

In general, if you look at the couple, it seems that the woman was the initiator of this relationship, and is still the leader. It is clear that she has chosen the compatibility of all “feminine” levels, that she has a character of 3, and a maximum of 5 points for family. By the way, the difference in character between 3 and 2 is greater than, for example, between 2 and 1. Thus, 3 is already a strong character. Therefore, Alexander, if your spouse, as the leading link, is happy with everything and if you don’t have any particular problems maintaining these family relationships, and you have learned to resolve conflicts, then by and large there is nothing to worry about in your couple. Moreover, the connection between two strong family men is usually long-lasting. And if we take some average ratios for comparison, then we can say that yours is even higher than the average based on the totality of all calculation indicators.

Thanks for such an informative answer! :) Honestly, I studied compatibility inside and out, but your comments are still more valuable :)
About Taurus. The age difference is in no way confusing, quite the opposite. But now there is one problem, we are far from each other, Taurus is creative, plays music, and somewhere you are right, despite the fact that he is strong, on the one hand, self-confident, caring, knows what he wants from life and knows how to achieve goal, at the same time soft, sensitive and sometimes too much on his own. And he also likes to be a pessimist. But if you fall into his hands, then that’s it, a death grip :)

With Sagittarius, everything looks more real because we are close :)
The person is very sociable, active, it would seem that such a person would not be romantic or too sensitive, but that was not the case. What kind of romantic can you look for, and you can’t take away the sensuality and tenderness. Frankly speaking, I was amazed by this discovery.
Yes, you are right about the change in mood. This trend has been noticed. But just as easily one falls into melancholy, one can just as easily pull one back into a good mood.
And I have never had such a coincidence in spiritual views and worldview with anyone yet.

Anna, you need to make a decision somehow :) But for some reason it seems that in your heart you are still with Sagittarius.

Hello and thank you for creating such a wonderful site :)
I’ll be banal, but I need outside assessment and commentary :)
My date of birth is 02/25/1994/, the date of birth of the partner with whom we have mutual sympathy is 01/12/1992/, but there are a few “buts”. I’m a typical Pisces, and actually I’m confused by the confrontation between our elements, I must admit I can feel it, although it’s not critical. What are the chances of a relationship? And maybe some details about the partner’s personal qualities.
And I’m also interested in a man with a date of birth of 05/16/1986/. I have never met a more caring person. Actually the questions are the same :)
Thanks again for your site:3


Anna, have you tried to compare head-to-head compatibility with these partners?

Date of Birth 25.02.1994 01.12.1992 16.05.1986
Physical 92% 95%
Emotional 73% 96%
Intellectual 20% 39%
Cordial 80% 97%
Creative 15% 30%
Intuitive 4% 97%
Higher 31% 7%
Zodiac signs Pisces - Water Sagittarius - Fire Taurus - Earth
Pythagorean square
Character 2 3 2
Family 6 6 2
Temperament 3 4 4

Sorry, this compatibility table did not fit on the phone screen, so we left it for the desktop version

So different, but at the same time so similar in terms of compatibility with you, men: both have the maximum with you physically, have one more temperament, and two female levels are compatible - emotions and heart. Looks like a pattern. Or you just know how to feel “your” people well.

Let's start with Taurus. If we ignore the age difference, then he is almost ideal for you. The combination of Earth and Water is very productive, and at the same time you still have all the “feminine” highs. Here is love, albeit without boiling passions, and care with spiritual comfort, inherent in Taurus men in relation to their partners. Taurus also always tries to do as much as possible for his love object. But a kind of payment for this is that he strives to completely control it. At first it really looks like support or care, but over time he is ready to tie his partner hand and foot. And this may not always please you, as an independent Pisces woman. But, perhaps, this is the only specific nuance of relations with Taurus, which, I think, should not be considered as an obstacle. In general, I repeat, according to your horoscope you have an excellent, loving, interesting couple. There is, however, one point specifically for you that does not fit: this is that in a pair according to the horoscope, your sign of Pisces is the “Big Brother” in relation to the sign of Taurus, while in your scenario it turns out that Taurus is older in age, and equal to you in character. Therefore, the question of unambiguous leadership in a couple cannot be decided immediately. Somewhere, perhaps, you will expect more initiative and activity from Taurus, as a man and from an elder, but they will not come. And somewhere, in his desire to once again subjugate or control you, he will receive an equivalent rebuff. So in this regard, a political struggle for leadership cannot be avoided. On the other hand, it all depends on what you, Anna, expect from this relationship. If you already feel all this in a relationship and are ready to accept it, then nothing can spoil your excellent prognosis. Taurus is strong, responsible, constant, although a little boring, ready to do great things for you - isn’t this what you are looking for?

Relations with Sagittarius will obviously be hotter. If not to say that they are diametrically opposed to the Pisces-Taurus relationship. It is not for nothing that according to the horoscope, Taurus and Sagittarius are each other’s main enemies - “The Rabbit and the Boa Constrictor.” So living with a Sagittarius is just like being on a powder keg. He is active, always ready to go somewhere, easily changes goals and mood... but also expects the same from his partner. Ideally, he needs either an equally fiery girl next to him, or a girl of the Air element, so as not to let his Fire die out. Well, Water, like no other, perfectly extinguishes any fire. Therefore, conflicts are inevitable. Although there are special couples of people from representatives of Water and Fire, who over time have learned to live in conflict and even enjoy those puffs of steam that occur as a result of the meeting of their elements. The plus for Sagittarius in your calculation is that he also has an impulsive character 111 to match his sign. And this is stronger than your 2 and means that leadership is in his hands.

If they held a vote on who you should choose as your long-term partner, Anna, then Taurus would certainly win by a good margin. But now, at 20 years old, are you interested in everything long-term? :) And what is “long term” for you? Surely, you would like, first of all, vivid relationships, impressions, emotions, albeit often contradictory, so that, as they say, there will be something to remember later. Therefore, for such an experience, Sagittarius is a great option. But Taurus is still in a different age category, so most likely he is now looking not for impressions, but for a family. So, Anna, see for yourself what you are looking for in a man at the current moment.

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The site contains information intended for persons over 18 years of age.

Astrologers say that Taurus, who created a family with Taurus of the opposite sex, chose an ideal fate. Such a person lives in harmony with himself and with the world around him, he is healthy spiritually and physically. The stars rate the marital compatibility of “Taurus Woman - Taurus Man” at 100%. Their union will be reliable, stable and financially successful. In such a marriage, happy and prosperous children are born and grow up.

Taurus is the spring sign of the Zodiac. Traditionally, Taurus birth dates fall on April 21 - May 21. As for the new Zodiac circle, where the thirteenth sign Ophiuchus appeared, here Taurus is allocated the period from May 13 to June 21.

The element of the Taurus sign is earth, and the symbols are a bull's head and horns. It is ruled by Venus, the planet of love, pleasures and talents. It is Venus that gives Taurus charm and sex appeal.

Taurus has a bull-like character. He is characterized by endurance, will and stubbornness. Taurus is usually not aggressive. But if you throw a “red canvas” in his face, then the offender will be in trouble. Taurus, who managed to provoke a conflict, will not calm down soon. In love and in marriage, jealousy becomes such an irritant.

5 features of the Taurus character

Taurus is a sign of stability. He prefers a measured, comfortable life without surprises. He is a gourmet, a connoisseur of beauty. Taurus is not prone to risk and spontaneity. He “bears” every decision for a long time.

Taurus will not chase opportunities. Why waste your nerves and health? His style: calmly wait for the right moment. Interestingly, Taurus’s waiting tactics work, and his life is generous with happy occasions.

But there are moments when Taurus will not “sway” for long. This, for example, concerns romantic feelings for the namesake of the zodiac sign. The relationship between a Taurus man and a Taurus woman develops rapidly. This couple can move in together within a week after meeting. And such a decision is not made at all on emotions. It is comfortable and even beneficial for two Taurus to be together.

Five qualities that distinguish Taurus.

  1. Patience. Perhaps no one else has such an ability to wait. People of the Taurus sign have as much patience as they need. Taurus is one of those who values ​​results, not speed. For example, he will not buy an apartment in a bad area, for which he already has enough money. Taurus will continue to collect to purchase real estate closer to the center or to work. And let it take more years.
  2. Hard work. Taurus needs a comfortable life, loves to eat deliciously, wants to attend social events and dress well. To have this, Taurus is willing to work hard and diligently. This is one of the most hardworking signs of the Zodiac. However, he must like what he does. Taurus will not do anything under pressure.
  3. Aestheticism. Taurus admires beautiful people, objects and nature. He himself strives for external perfection. Taurus will not communicate with those who are tastelessly dressed or smell bad. And if such an embarrassment happened with one of his friends, he will certainly make a remark.
  4. Practicality. Taurus does not chase illusory prospects. He lives in reality, and it is in it that he finds more advantageous positions for himself. Taurus always thinks first and then acts. He knows how to handle money and use connections correctly.
  5. Conservatism. Taurus puts a lot of effort into creating a clear and convenient life schedule. Surrounds himself with trusted people, eats in tried and tested places. And it is important for him to achieve consistency. Therefore, any changes are scary for Taurus.

If Taurus does not want to discuss an issue or participate in a project, it is impossible to convince him. At such moments, Taurus simply ignores those around him, remains silent, and avoids conversation. And this is incredibly annoying. In love and family life, this character trait leads to conflicts. Especially if the partner is a representative of a more temperamental sign.

Bull, owl, elephant and other talismans

Taurus strives to live richly and occupy a high position in society. However, it may lack the flexibility to achieve these goals. Therefore, it is important to learn to listen not only to yourself, but also to others. And also - to be “faster”, to leave the comfort zone.

Astrologers say that, if desired, Taurus can attract the forces of nature to their aid. People of this zodiac sign have a “sixth sense” and are capable of magical practices. Talismans will help to reveal the hidden potential of Taurus and strengthen its energy.

As a talisman, Taurus chooses objects with an image or in the shape of a bull. This animal is a symbol of perseverance, power, fertility and sexuality. The owl represents wisdom, knowledge, insight.

For the same reasons, a winged cow and a ringed dragon are suitable for Taurus. And the elephant brings longevity, authority to the Taurus sign and helps in achieving goals. In addition, the elephant will help Taurus become more decisive and act faster.

Other love, spiritual and money amulets for Taurus.

  • Stones. Emerald adds wisdom and insight to Taurus and strengthens self-confidence. Sapphire cleanses the energy of Taurus, attracts happy occasions and mutual love. Chrysoprase gives Taurus decisiveness and encourages experimentation, promoting the accumulation of resources. This stone also stimulates brain activity and relieves stress. And chalcedony instills optimism in Taurus and controls energy tone.
  • Metal. Copper is considered the metal of Venus. It adds decisiveness, stamina, and balance to Taurus.
  • Plants . Kalanchoe helps Taurus control emotions and prevents quarrels in the house. Lilac attracts love to Taurus and helps to let go of the sad experiences of the past. And lily of the valley relieves sadness and relieves nervous tension. Walnut is a tree of winners and also attracts true friends to Taurus. Chestnut dispels fears and promotes mental harmonization. Apricot feeds Taurus with positive energy.
  • Colors . Blue calms and clears Taurus' thoughts. Yellow strengthens the intellect, and green helps Taurus keep emotions under control.
  • Numbers. Four, six, 15, 24, 33, 42 and 51.
  • Days Monday Friday.

Charms for people of the Taurus sign are also chosen based on the patron planet. Considering that Venus gravitates towards beauty, objects of art and handicrafts are suitable. These can be boxes, paintings, jewelry, coins, antiques.

Psychological portrait of partners

The relationship between a Taurus man and a Taurus woman may seem boring and monotonous. After all, they don’t make scenes in public, they don’t commit romantic madness.

But for the lovers themselves, such peace is all-consuming happiness. Taurus falls in love at first sight, and no longer wastes time. They have high sexual compatibility. More specifically, as a percentage, astrologers bet everything on the love of two representatives of the Taurus sign. So, lovers do not wait “until the wedding.” But besides bed, they are tightly connected by the similarity of characters and life goals.


The Taurus man tries to look courageous, even heroic. But thanks to the ruling planet Venus, feminine notes can be seen in the appearance of Taurus. This is especially noticeable in childhood. True, time disguises pretty features with stubble and a stern look.

The Taurus man does not have a stately figure, since he loves delicious food more than physical activities. But the Taurus man knows how to compensate for external shortcomings with expensive clothes and accessories.

What is important for a Taurus man? Job. But not just any one. And the one where he will get good money. The Taurus man is enterprising and capable of running a business. In any transactions related to money and numbers, the Taurus man is excellent.

A Taurus man is not afraid of routine tasks. But at the same time he is able to express himself in creativity. Can become a writer, artist. A Taurus man will make an excellent cook. He can do physical work, do repairs, or become a farmer.

Special qualities of a Taurus man.

  • Silence. In a company of unfamiliar people, a Taurus man is unlikely to be the center of attention. At such a party he will be silent and look around. But among his family, the Taurus man looks different. In such an atmosphere, he opens up and becomes the soul of the company. The fact is that a close circle is the main value of a Taurus man, the source of his inspiration.
  • Slowness. From the outside it may seem that Taurus is lazy or shirking from some business. But that's not true. It’s just that the Taurus man first needs to get together, think, analyze. As soon as it matures, it will solve the problem in one fell swoop. It is prohibited to customize it. Under pressure, Taurus becomes furious.
  • Enterprise. For all his slowness, the Taurus man is distinguished by his business acumen. He will never abandon a project halfway. He will collect information bit by bit, but he will achieve his goal. Moreover, the solutions proposed by the Taurus man turn out to be ingeniously simple and effective.
  • Sensitivity. In work and everyday matters, the Taurus man is an absolute cynic. But when it comes to love, everything is different. A Taurus man in love is caring, attentive, gentle. He is even ready for emotional, romantic actions.
  • Devotion . The Taurus man becomes a reliable and faithful husband. He is determined to keep his family together under any circumstances. He is strongly attached to home. Especially if the spouse can provide comfort there. Such a husband should always have a delicious dinner and a hospitable attitude from his household.
  • Homeliness. The Taurus man carefully arranges his home. Everything here is comfortable and modern. And usually the Taurus man has enough funds to create conditions that meet his needs.

Outstanding Taurus men: founder of the USSR Vladimir Lenin, People's Artist of the USSR Georgy Vitsin, People's Artist of Russia Philip Kirkorov, Russian politician Vladimir Zhirinovsky, Russian singer Stas Mikhailov, Russian rock musician Yuri Shevchuk, German dictator Adolf Hitler, English poet William Shakespeare, Austrian psychiatrist Sigmund Freud, Persian philosopher Omar Khayyam.


The Taurus woman is the owner of curvy figures. But the features of the figure do not negate its attractiveness. She's charming. He has an unshakable calmness and a subtle sense of tact. The Taurus woman is not one to make a scene. She is an excellent communicator and listener.

The Taurus woman is not a supporter of an active lifestyle. Her main interests concern family. The house of a Taurus woman is always delicious and cozy; she grows flowers. And such a craving for home is another powerful link between the Taurus man and woman.

Despite all the “domestication”, the Taurus woman works a lot and diligently. The material side of life is important to her. And she does not expect to live off her husband. In this regard, the Taurus woman is completely independent and knows how to “make” money. Astrologers note the high financial compatibility of a Taurus man and a Taurus woman: their family will stand firmly on its feet.

The Taurus woman is able to engage in entrepreneurship, document management, design, fashion, music, psychology, and animal husbandry. She is suitable for professions that do not require good physical preparation and haste.

Special qualities of a Taurus woman.

  • Self-control. The Taurus woman controls herself. To finish it, you need to try. But if someone succeeds, it’s better to run. Faced with unfounded criticism, the Taurus woman turns into a fury.
  • Selectivity. In things, people, work. It is impossible to force a Taurus woman to do something she doesn’t like. And she won’t wear a dress that she doesn’t like, even if it’s the last thing on the planet.
  • Lovingness. This quality is “inherited” from Venus. The Taurus woman usually has several romances in parallel. And each of the gentlemen is dear to her. However, after marriage, the Taurus woman closes this topic for herself, and even considers flirting unacceptable.
  • Passion. The modest and conservative Taurus woman will surprise her partner in bed. She loves sex and is ready to experiment. It’s interesting that not every man can withstand the pressure of this young lady. If we analyze the sexual compatibility of the signs of the Zodiac, then in addition to the Taurus man, the Taurus woman may be well suited to Virgo, Pisces, Cancer and Capricorn.
  • Willingness to submit. A Taurus woman may cede the right of leadership in the family to her husband. She appreciates strength, greatness in a man and tries in every possible way to cultivate his leadership qualities.
  • Thrift. The Taurus woman will not deny herself food or clothing. She has a wise approach to saving. She chooses quality items that last longer. She prepares the food herself, neglecting restaurant deliveries. And she will never spend more than she earned. Such a housewife always has reserves in her bins.

Famous Taurus women: Russian Empress Catherine II, Honored Artists of the RSFSR Natalya Andreichenko and Svetlana Svetlichnaya, Russian gymnast Alina Kabaeva, Russian singer Eva Polna, Russian TV presenter Lera Kudryavtseva, Spanish actress Penelope Cruz, American actress Uma Thurman.

3 risks in Taurus relationships

Describing tandem compatibility “Taurus-man - Taurus-woman,” astrologers say that this is a strong couple. They will be able to improve their common life, ensure the financial stability of the family and give birth to healthy offspring.

Taurus are so good together that they can even minimize communication with friends. Moreover, both Taurus are close to nature and gravitate towards rural life. It is possible that they will risk investing their savings in a village house and leave.

Despite the ideal compatibility of a Taurus guy and a Taurus girl, the stars advise them to pay attention to three risky points. They need to be brought under control so as not to disturb family harmony.

  1. Protracted quarrels. They are provoked by stubbornness and unwillingness to give in. There will be no conflicts over trifles in a couple. But the first serious issue, like choosing a name for a child, will lead to a cold war. Here, both one and the other Taurus should not remain silent. It is important to speak out and not accumulate grievances. High psychological compatibility will always allow this couple to find an alternative, third, solution to the problem. The main thing is to show desire and pacify pride.
  2. Power struggle. In this pair, the process of dividing spheres of influence is inevitable. If this is ignored, a struggle for leadership will begin in the house. We need to agree on the shore. Yes, the Taurus man is the head, the breadwinner, the male. And his wife does not encroach on his power. But it should also have its own territory of freedom. Let your spouse not interfere in matters of housekeeping, choosing clothes, continuing breastfeeding, or the need for early development of the child.
  3. Refusal of experiments. Taurus are able to close themselves off from the whole world and literally breathe with each other. But even such conservatives can get tired of such an idyll. To avoid this turn, spouses at least occasionally need to add variety to their relationship. It's worth experimenting. Let it be a short trip, a joint trip for a massage, kayaking... A common emotional experience will only increase the attraction of partners.