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Fortune telling on cards Indian solitaire. Fortune telling on Indian cards for the future, for love, the meaning of the symbols of Indian solitaire

Fortune telling with cards is one of the easiest and fastest ways to find out the future. Modern girls often resort to this version of fortune telling, but ancient fortune telling, for example, Indian solitaire, is still the most popular.

What is Indian Solitaire?

To play Indian solitaire you will need a special deck of 25 picture cards. First, the cards are shuffled, while the fortuneteller mentally asks the question that interests him. The prepared cards are laid out in 5 rows of 5 cards each, starting from the top row from left to right.

For interpretation, pictures that coincide vertically and horizontally are taken into account. To obtain solid symbols, cards can be rotated around their axis. Advice: it is important to carefully study the matches and combinations of different symbols, since it is the combinations of symbols that provide the most complete answer.

Fortune telling using Indian solitaire will give you true interpretations only when you fully concentrate on it and disconnect from pressing problems. This is a truly magical matter, so it does not tolerate fuss and distraction.

Indian solitaire deck

In order to play Indian solitaire you will need a special deck of cards. It consists of 25 picture symbols, divided into 4 parts. Each card contains 4 halves of different symbols, which can be connected to each other during the layout, due to which the interpretation occurs.

It is quite difficult to purchase such a deck in a regular store; the easiest way is to order it in a specialized magic salon. It can also be made according to the layout presented on the Internet; such cards will not only give you real currents, but will also be charged with your energy, which ensures full interaction of the deck with your inner world.

Designations of symbols that matched during fortune telling

As a result of fortune telling, one or more whole symbols will appear, and the result of the solitaire layout will be the designations of the resulting pictures. If you end up with one picture, interpreting the solitaire game will be quite simple; if several symbols appear at the same time, you need to compare all the symbols together, taking into account the latest changes taking place in your life.

Indian solitaire card symbols:
  • A wreath means honor and quick glory; the appearance of such a symbol warns of the need to restrain oneself from vanity and pride, as this will lead to damage to relationships with family and friends.
  • A camel is a sign of travel or gaining wealth.
  • Libra is a sign of the need to carefully weigh and consider all your steps and actions in any situation.
  • A balloon is a sign of incorrect fortune telling; the cards contain an erroneous prediction.
  • A question mark means that you are struggling with solving a problem and cannot find a better solution. Advice: look at the following symbols, they will help you find the right way out of the situation.
  • Dove – loyalty and mutual understanding with family and friends.
  • Burning candles are a sign of a quick exit from a crisis situation, the emergence of an optimal solution for long-standing problems.
  • The coffin is the rarest symbol, it means illness, death and all kinds of troubles, and nearby symbols indicate the cause of bad events.
  • Two hearts - harmony of real relationships. If this symbol is torn, then the signs located between it indicate the cause of the disagreement.
  • Home is a family hearth, a promise of peace and tranquility in family affairs.
  • The road is the personification of change and possible travel. If the road is broken, this may mean the cancellation of your plans.
  • A castle is a hopeless situation, perhaps obstacles on the way, the inability to complete the work started.
  • The snake is a sign of deceit and betrayal, gossip and envy. A symbol warning of possible troubles and the need to be careful.
  • Stones are a symbol of upcoming obstacles on the way to your cherished goal.
  • The key is that you will find ways to solve all the problems that arise.
  • Bed is a symbol of intimate relationships; depending on the neighboring cards, it indicates the benefit or harm of upcoming love.
  • The bell is a sign to hold your tongue, and not to ring the news to anyone who doesn’t need it.
  • The envelope is an indication of receiving new news and information in the near future.
  • Crown - success in any endeavor, good luck in business and the ability to solve all problems without effort or financial costs.
  • A fire is passion and ardor of feelings that can bring both joy and misfortune. Advice: restrain your emotions to avoid unpleasant consequences. An envelope in a circle is a sign of receiving news late, which cannot affect the change in the state of affairs.
  • Moon with stars - melancholy, sadness, impermanence in life.
  • Lightning – instant change in events, making quick and accurate decisions.
  • Scissors - an indication that the time has come to take decisive action: i.e. It's time to change your life, make responsible decisions, change your job, your companion, your worldview.
  • A wedding ring is a symbol of a vicious circle. If this concerns relationships, then a closed ring is a sign of the need to preserve one’s personal within the family, and a broken ring is a sign of growing civil strife and claims. For fortune telling about the future, a wedding ring can be a sign of unchangeable affairs in the near future.
  • Eagle is an influential friend, a useful acquaintance.
  • Glasses - you don’t see the real state of things, take a closer look at the situation.
  • A parachute is a sign of an exciting event, a new experience in life, perhaps you will do something unusual for yourself or make an old dream come true.
  • The sail is advice not to swim against the current, but to trust the will of chance.
  • The Queen of Spades is a rival or an insidious woman.
  • Penguin - indicates the presence in your life of a timid, insecure person who always misses out on convenient opportunities. Try not to miss your profit, as this symbol also indicates the risk of losing an important offer.
  • Crying eye - tears and frustration.
  • Horseshoe - fulfillment of desires.
  • Rainbow is a promise of a rainbow life, fun and success. However, this is often an indication that all the benefits of your existence are just a myth you have invented, and in reality everything is not so good.
  • A broken necklace is an indication of the loss of something important; it may be a sign of missing an opportunity.
  • A glass is a symbol of carefree fun and relaxation
  • Heart with a dagger - a sudden blow from a loved one, an unpleasant love turn.
  • The sun is a symbol of purity, health, happiness and prosperity.
  • The chest is a symbol of financial well-being, profit and wealth.
  • A clock is a sign of the need for rest, a break, time for reflection and making important decisions.
  • The King of Hearts and the Queen are people who are close and favorably disposed towards you.
  • The skull is always an unpleasant sign; it can symbolize unpleasant events or news, quarrels, conflicts and health problems.
  • Anchor – stability and peace.

Indian solitaire is considered one of the most ancient and reliable ways to find out your future, however, to correctly interpret the symbols, it is important to take into account their combinations and the order of appearance.

  • If a balloon falls out during fortune telling, this is a sure sign that the alignment is useless at the moment. You can try to play solitaire again, however, the repeated appearance of such a symbol indicates an obstacle on the part of higher powers to predict your fate. It’s better to put off fortune telling for a while.
  • In addition to having fun, a glass can mean a certain person’s predisposition to alcohol, possibly causing trouble due to alcohol.
  • The sun and moon, in addition to their main meaning, can have other interpretations. The moon for a woman is a symbol of imminent motherhood, the sun for a man is a sign of approaching fatherhood.
  • A snake next to a card symbolizing a person means: with a lady - deceit and infidelity from a friend, and with a jack or king - sexual attraction.

Long-term fortune telling - Indian solitaire. People come to him when they need to tell fortunes for a period of one to two months. You have the opportunity online tell fortunes for the future. There are 25 cards in Indian Solitaire. It unfolds 5 pieces in 5 rows. Each row has its own interpretation: for example, the pictures in the first two rows will show events that will come true in the next 2 weeks, and in the 3rd and 4th rows - for the future. You can also simply think of the required deadline. So, focus on the question, discard unnecessary thoughts, and begin divination. Interpretation Indian solitaire at the bottom of the page.

Get started online fortune telling Indian solitaire.

Focus on the question and start fortune telling

Interpretation of Indian Solitaire symbols

hospital bed

Illness, poor health.

A devoted friend is next to you. If the drawing is “broken” on one line, your relationship has deteriorated. Cards located between the halves of the Jack can determine the cause of tension in the relationship. In this case, the halves of the pictures that surround the matching card matter. For example, halves of a Question Mark, Crown, Queen of Spades mean that he will not be able to achieve his goal with you. His mother is interfering, she doesn’t like you.

It means success in business, achievement of a goal. Glory and honor await you.

Wealth, income, profit, money.

An important decision has to be made. There is no need to rush, you need to think everything over carefully. Let’s say Libra is “torn” or next to this picture there is half of a Camel, a Crying Eye, which means that it was necessary to make a decision after thinking carefully about the move. But you didn't. Hence the loss of money and stress.


The cards are deceiving you, shuffle them again and lay them out. Sometimes the cards don't want to predict. So they should rest today!

Question mark

You are tormented by some question, problem, relationship. The solution to this question will be suggested to you by the adjacent matching pictures.

A faithful and devoted friend is next to you. Sometimes it can mean that your husband is faithful to you. And one more meaning of this card is that tranquility, peace in your home and love await you.

Burning candles

Faith in the future. Heralds the end of the crisis, failures. You can have a successful trip and make acquaintances.

Two hearts

You love and are loved. If there is a Road between the two halves of this card, your relationship may worsen after some trip.

Serious changes in your personal life, including moving or changing your place of residence. It may mean the husband (or wife) leaving home. If favorable cards are located nearby, good changes in life await you.

A pleasant journey, a wish fulfilled on a business trip. If the Road is “cut” by one card, then you are thinking about a trip, but so far it doesn’t work out, perhaps the time has not come. If there are unfavorable cards nearby, you should not embark on this journey, even if you really want to.

Gossip, slander, slander, and slander are directed at you. If “Points” came up in the same scenario, then this indicates duplicity: someone says one thing to your face, but says something else behind your back.

Problem solving.

There is an obstacle on your way, an obstacle in your plans and deeds. Look at the surrounding maps and you can find out what kind of obstacle it is.

Indicates that a solution to problems will be found soon. And they will be resolved soon.


Important expected news that may even change your plans. This is more of a business card than a personal one.

A bright personality in your destiny (if this card is not surrounded by unfavorable cards). The King card can be deciphered as follows: an official whom you know or may soon know will help you in resolving an important issue.

Success in business, business. Making a dream come true.

The flame of love burns you. New love or infatuation is possible. If there are cards nearby that indicate sadness and failure (for example, Crying Eye. Lightning) - don’t stop! fall in love.

Bed with a heart

Intimate relationships are wonderful. An unforgettable night of love is ahead. See what's nearby. For example, Bonfire means new love, intimacy. And if the two halves of the Bed with the Heart card do not coincide, intimate relationships do not bring joy, they bring pain. If the Ring is also “broken” by other cards, the marriage has lost its former value.


Career promotion, success in a planned business. When you tell fortunes to a person who is not working, this card may mean that your plan will come true.

Moon and Stars

This card accurately predicts changes in life. It is very important in which row it lies. The stars mean major changes in life in 28 days. Each row corresponds to a week. Let's say the Moon and stars coincide in the third row. Take as a basis the number when you are guessing, and add to it, respectively, three weeks and another 28 days. Using a similar arithmetic operation, you can determine when changes will begin. If no other cards match next to the Moon and stars, it means that you have unexpected and good changes ahead.

Unexpected unpleasant event, news. Look where the wind is blowing. Perhaps betrayal by an official (Eagle) or a loved one.

The situation in which a person finds himself only seems insoluble, but in fact everything can be resolved. If there is a Castle, Clock or Skull nearby, then the problem is very serious, it is important to think everything through, otherwise the state will be close to stressful. And don't forget that Indian maps don't always have all the answers.

Wedding ring

Within a year (annual card) they will propose to you and you can get married. But we need to see what lies next. For example, the Clock will give you time to think carefully. If the Ring is “broken” by another card, the marriage has lost its former value. If the halves of the Ring are located in the same row, but very far from each other, the marriage may fall apart. If the Ring falls to a married woman, it means that the marriage is strong, despite the deteriorating relationship.

Necklace fastened

Stab in the back. An unexpected unpleasant event. Other cards will “tell” who exactly will deliver this blow and what the consequences will be. For example, an unsolvable problem will arise (Castle), failures and stress await you (Crying Eye), and loss of optimism.

A patron who is always ready to help you and support you in difficult times - Perhaps even a new acquaintance with a wealthy person. If the Eagle is “cut” by one card, then you can quarrel with this wealthy person and lose his favor, especially if unfavorable cards come next. Sometimes Eagle means a new acquaintance that is very important for you in the future.

Next to you is a two-faced and hypocritical person. Sometimes you can even see who this person is. Adjacent matching pictures (for example, Queen of Spades or Queen of Hearts) will help you recognize this person.

A decisive step with a happy ending. But if the Parachute is “broken,” you will be afraid to do something. But in vain!..

Here is an indecisive man with his nose to the wind. If the Penguin is also nearby, then this person will never dare to take desperate steps, perhaps that is why he is haunted by failures. Hence - mistrust, indecision and obstacles in solving problems.

Queen of Spades

Someone hates you, despises you, envies you, is jealous.

It characterizes quite well the person you are guessing about. Here is a timid, doubtful, insecure person. He often rushes around and may miss the right moment. And if the cards of Libra and Parachute lie nearby, but not matching, but “cut” by other cards, then you can draw the following conclusion: this indecisive person did not take an important step that could bring good luck. This could be anything from personal relationships to business issues.

Letter in the ring

The long-awaited news, which, unfortunately, will not change anything.

crying eye

Failures, worries, troubles, a state close to stress. Look at what cards are nearby - perhaps you will find the reason for the failure.

Good luck in life, success at work, fulfillment of some desire.

There is a great mood ahead, cheerful, carefree days.

Torn Necklace

The map talks about past events. Something was missed - time, moment, chance, opportunity.


Argument, quarrel, unpleasant conversation, accusatory speech. It is better to avoid such a turn of events, especially if there are such unfavorable cards nearby that indicate stress, illness (for example, Heart pierced by a dagger or Hospital bed).

An invitation to visit is possible. And if Jack is nearby, it means that the person who loves you is partial to alcohol (this person can become a drunkard).

Heart with a dagger

A mental blow that leads to stress. My heart aches from failed love. There may be cards nearby that once again confirm this: for example, Broken Necklace, Hospital Bed mean unresolved problems. You need to think about whether all this should be preserved?..

Heart pierced by an arrow

Unrequited love.

Good mood, increased vitality. Neighboring cards will tell you where to expect a surge of energy.

Money, profit, a successful operation. Making profit and spending money.

Warning. Take your time when making an important decision. If unfavorable cards come next, it means you were in a hurry. But in vain! A broken necklace. A missed moment, a missed chance.

Queen of Hearts

A friend, a woman next to you with friendly intentions. If the Queen of Hearts is “torn” and, for example, there is a Golden Fish nearby, you will quarrel with your faithful friend, and if Glasses are nearby, your friend is a two-faced person and you should not trust her.

A sign of your fatigue, physical and mental, the danger of a nervous breakdown. Pay attention to the surrounding cards. For example, a Lock means the impossibility of finding the key to solving a problem, loss of money... This is the reason for the breakdown!

Business stop. If there are favorable cards nearby, then the Anchor card can be regarded as a desire and need to simply relax. If there are continuous failures, then a person simply gives up.

Here is one of the most interesting fortune-telling games on the site - “old solitaire.” Now it is difficult to determine when this solitaire fortune-telling game first appeared; time hides its creators from us. Rather, this fortune-telling is a reflection of folk wisdom, because its symbols are close and understandable to every person and come from life situations, and not from the magic of magic or the interpretation of some other fortune-telling.

So, about a happy person they always said and say that the sun shines brightly above him, the symbol of lovers has always been a flower, the shine of swords is associated with war and quarrel. “A penny saves a ruble,” a popular proverb teaches us, and about a windbag they say, “Shallow, shallow, mill,” etc.

It is this worldly wisdom that forms the basis of the fortune telling offered to you, to which popular rumor ascribes the property of reflecting the present and predicting the future. Whether this is true or not - judge for yourself. However, we can say with confidence: playing solitaire is indeed a very exciting activity. It calms and brightens up your leisure time, and unexpected coincidences with certain personal plans and situations will make an inquisitive mind think. Like any other fortune telling, solitaire requires communication with your magical subconscious. To do this, you must empty your mind of all thoughts except the desire to know a specific present or future.

So, the rules for playing solitaire. Choose its design and how the cards will be laid out. Cards can be laid out either from a deck laid out on the screen, or by pressing a button. Clearly formulate the question that worries you most at this time and click the “start layout” button. After this, you will be taken to the solitaire page, where the process of laying out the cards begins. The layout ends after all 20 pieces are dropped. Cards fall out from left to right, 4 in each row. As you noticed, each solitaire card shows half of the four pictures. If adjacent cards contain halves of the same picture, then such cards need to be combined.

A little more detail. If to the left or above the last card drawn there is a card with the second half of the picture located on the last card, then such cards need to be combined. To do this, click on the word that appears, indicating the matching picture. If both to the left and above the last card drawn there are cards with the second halves of the picture on the last card, then you will need to choose only one picture that you would like to combine. To do this, click on one of the two words that appear, indicating the matching pictures. You cannot rotate previously aligned cards along their axis.

This solitaire game is almost completely automated, so don't be put off by some of the confusing rules. We wish you good luck!

Try to relax and fully concentrate on your question, do not be distracted by extraneous noise. After this, say your question in your mind as specifically as possible.

There are 50 picture symbols hidden in 25 Indian cards. In this article we will look at the meaning of each picture.
We will start with the meaning of the cards, which indicate the main qualities of the one to whom we are telling fortunes.

1 PENGUIN- means that the one to whom we are telling fortunes is a timid, insecure person. Study the maps nearby. They can point out an area where he cannot choose the right solution and tell him what to pay attention to. But this is not always the case. Sometimes cards indicate that in the current situation you need to act more decisively and assertively.

2 SAIL- means that the person to whom the fortune is told is indecisive, unsure. Or the fact that the person being told fortunes does not know how to behave and will not take decisive action. Be more confident! Show character!

3 CROWN- one of the best and strongest of the Indian cards. You have success in business, affairs, dreams come true, goals achieved. If it is torn, then it is clear that it is interfering with the implementation of the assigned tasks.

4 SUN- just a good mood, an increase in vitality. Doesn't come out often. A good event just happened (the sun came out, the child smiled, they gave you a compliment), and this made your soul happier. If bad cards fall nearby, it does not mean that the SUN will greatly soften them.

5 MOON AND STARS- rarely occurs. Predicts global changes in life. When they happen depends on the row in which the card fell. This Indian card in the layout is one of the few that predicts when changes will occur and names specific dates. Each row is 7-10 days. Plus add 28 days to these days.

6 RAINBOW– wonderful carefree days, cheerful and good mood. It's a pity that it rarely comes out!

7 PIGEON- a devoted and faithful friend in your environment. In a relationship scenario, it means that your loved one is faithful to you. Sometimes it can symbolize peace and tranquility at home.

8 KEY- solving a problem, resolving a situation. If torn by other cards, then you cannot cope with the problem. Look at the cards nearby. Depending on which row the KEY card fell out in, you can determine the time frame for resolving the problem.

9 HOSPITAL BED - illness, malaise

10 PILE OF STONES- an unexpected obstacle, obstacle. Be sure to look at the adjacent maps. They will tell you whether you will be able to cope with the problem or not. Sometimes you can see where help in solving will come from.

11 SCISSORS– it seems to you that you are at a dead end. But the situation will be resolved in the most unexpected way.

12 BED WITH HEART – wonderful intimate relationship, date.

13 LOCK– the problem has no solution yet.

14 GLASS– party, drinking, invitation to visit. Just spending time with nice people.

15 SCALES– the need to make a decision. The main thing is to carefully weigh everything and make the right choice. Indian charts give you a hint that such a situation will arise. Don't miss it. This could be a very important choice for you!

16 WREATH– honor, respect, success in business, achievement of a goal. One of the best cards.

17 WEDDING RING - This is one of the annual cards. Means strong love relationships, marriage proposals for unmarried people. If you are married, your marriage is strong and happy, and your relationship with your husband is wonderful. If the ring is broken, then your marriage has lost value and is in danger of breaking.

18 TWO HEARTS- mutual and happy love. What else can be added here? If the card is torn, I advise you to take a closer look. As your relationship becomes worse, more indifferent, passion leaves.

19 SCULL– nervous breakdown, physical and mental fatigue. It seems like the whole world is against you. Indian cards advise you to be careful.

20 ENVELOPE- very important news that can change the situation. More relevant to the business, work sphere than to love.

21 COFFIN- another annual card. Unexpected news of death. If one card is torn, it means that you or someone in your family is sick with an incurable disease.

22 BURNING CANDLES- optimism, a good start to something new. The adjacent maps show where the changes will come from. Don't miss the chance. A very good and serious card.

23 BONFIRE- true love, perhaps a new love that literally flares up.

24 WATCH– a warning, you need to think carefully and weigh everything.

25 JACK- a young man who loves you. If the card is torn by others, then the relationship between you is deteriorating. From the maps nearby you can understand what happened and why the cooling occurred.

26 CRYING EYE– a state of stress, failure, a streak of trouble in your life. Very similar in meaning to the SKULL card. You can say that your soul hurts and cries.

27 BOX- receiving money, profit.

28 HEART PICKED BY A DAGGER - my heart hurts and cries. Mental stress. A very unpleasant card. Drops out when relationships go wrong.

29 TORN NECKLACE - a map of past events. An irretrievably lost chance.

30 CLOSED NECKLACE - betrayal, trouble, some events happening behind your back. Look carefully at the cards that lie nearby!

31 PARACHUTE- decisive actions, successful developments of events that end well in your favor.

32 Queen of Spades- an elderly woman with a negative attitude towards you. Basically this is a relative: mother-in-law, mother-in-law. It could also be a neighbor or work colleague. Sometimes you can tell that she simply cannot stand you and secretly hates you. Beware of her, because she can do a lot of harm.

33 LIGHTNING- unexpected troubles, problems.

34 . SNAKE(little dragon) - gossip, gossip, slander towards you.

35 ANCHOR- temporary stop in business. Its value depends on the cards lying nearby. With good cards it means a desire to relax, have fun, vacation. With bad ones - a state when you don’t want to do anything and can’t do anything, stress. Hands down. That's exactly what you can say.

36 . CAMEL– a large one-time large income. Sometimes you can say that this is a gift of fate. If the card is torn, it may mean major expenses.

37 BELL- good news that it’s better not to tell anyone yet.

38 GOLDFISH- dispute, quarrel, accusations without evidence. A very multifaceted map. As they say silence is golden, so it is here. Sometimes it's better to try to avoid the conversation.

39 HOUSE- serious changes in life, which can be both good and bad. As a rule, these are changes in personal and family life. Sometimes it can mean moving.

40 LETTER IN A RING– good news received too late. Unfortunately, the news received will no longer have any meaning.

41 ROAD- travel, successful trip. If torn by one card, it means a trip that will not take place yet. And again, to understand what kind of trip lies ahead, you need to look at the surrounding maps.

42 KING- an influential person, an official.

43 LADDER- promotion, career growth. You can also say that this is the growth of some pleasant things. Also, the LADDER card means the fulfillment of plans.

44 Queen of Hearts- woman, friendly, friend.

45 QUESTION MARK - a problem that worries. More details can be seen from the adjacent maps.

46 GLASSES- there is a deceitful, two-faced person in your environment.

47 HORSESHOE- wish fulfillment, good luck

48 HEART pierced by an ARROW - non-reciprocal love.

49 EAGLE- an influential person who will support you at the right time and provide assistance in an important matter.

50 BALLOON- the cards are deceiving you, they don’t want to talk. Try repeating the layout.

Unusual Indian cards are symbolic pictures, each of which carries its own meaning. With the help of these cards you can play omguru solitaire, which will reveal the secrets of the future and reveal the hidden present.

People strive to look behind the veil of what is to come, but, alas, they don’t even know everything about themselves and their surroundings. Maps will help you reveal your own essence, resolve important issues, and prepare for future events about which nothing is known yet. An important rule: fortune telling is allowed only once a day, otherwise the cards will be offended and will not show the truth throughout the day, which can give rise to false thoughts.

Omguru Solitaire: Fortune telling with Indian Cards

Omguru is an Indian solitaire game, a very interesting way to predict the future. One fortune-telling predicts events no further than one year, but the player guesses the timing himself. So, when starting a solitaire game, while shuffling the cards, you should think about the time that interests you: for example, what will happen tomorrow, within a week, a month, six months, and so on.

Indian cards are a deck of 25 cards with different symbols - each card has four halves of pictures, each of which has its own symbolism that speaks of future events.

How to play solitaire

It is very easy to tell fortunes on Indian maps. To do this you need:

  1. Shuffle the cards thoroughly.
  2. Arrange them five in a row, picture side up.
  3. Check whether adjacent cards have the same pictures.

To do this, you need to rotate the cards around their axis. For example, on one of the cards there is half a penguin and on the next one, but the image itself is not nearby. You need to turn the cards to show solitaire: penguin. This is how all the dropped pictures are found. When all the pictures are found, the fortune-telling process is completed and you can proceed to deciphering.

Interpretation of cards

Often appears in map designations remark "torn"- this means that between the two halves of one picture there is a map. You should also pay attention to the halves of the pictures located next to the ones that fell out. Most often they are important in fortune telling. Of course, one cannot discount the ratio of full-fledged paintings to one another. Separately from each other, they have one specific meaning, but together a full-fledged idea of ​​the future appears.